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【目的】对2个常染色体显性遗传先天性白内障中国家系进行基因突变热点筛查,以了解这两个家系的先天性白内障是否与文献报道的17个突变热点相关。【方法】对两个家系共20名成员(包括患者11人,非患者9人)抽取外周血提取基因组DNA,针对截至2003年1月为止国外文献报道的与常染色体显性遗传先天性白内障发病相关的10个基因上的17个突变热点,包括CRYAA(ARG116CYS),CRYAB(de1450A),CRYBA1(EX3-4 DEL),CRYBB2(GLN155TER),CRYGC(THR5PRO,5-BP DUP at NT226),CRYGD(ARG14CYS,PR023THR,ARG58HIS,ARG36SER),GJA3(ASN63SER,PR0187LEU),GJA8(GLU48LYS,PR088SER),BFSP2(ARG287TRP)及MIP(GLU134GLY,THR138ARG),设计引物使PCR扩增片段涵盖上述热点,对扩增产物进行序列分析,检测这11名患者在突变热点上是否有相应的序列改变。【结果】20名被检者的10个基因片段序列与GenBank发表序列相同,在17个突变热点均未发现相应基因突变。【结论】初步排除这个家系的先天性白内障与17个突变热点相关。  相似文献   

目的对1个先天性绕核粉尘状白内障家系的临床特点及基因突变进行研究,探索先天性白内障发病的遗传机制。方法收集确诊为常染色体显性遗传的一个绕核粉尘状白内障家系的外周静脉血,提取基因组DNA,针对现有国内外文献已报道的与该家系白内障表型相关的10个基因设计引物,对患者基因片段进行扩增和序列分析,比对已发现的10个基因序列,查找是否有序列改变。结果被检查者的10个发病相关基因片段的序列中,GJA3基因的外显子发现杂合性突变位点(912C>A,1372A>G),其余9个与GenBank发表的正常序列相同。结论 GJA3基因外显子上发现了新的杂合性突变位点,其对先天性白内障的作用需进一步的研究。  相似文献   

目的对一中国常染色体显性先天性白内障家系进行缝隙连接蛋白基因的突变筛查。方法通过聚合酶链反应对此先天性白内障家系中全部患者的GJA8基因、GJA3基因外显子以及邻近的内含子进行扩增,然后将扩增产物直接测序。结果在该粉尘状白内障家系GJA8基因和GJA3基因的外显子及其邻近的内含子中,均未发现任何突变。结论初步排除该先天性粉尘状白内障家系的致病基因与缝隙连接蛋白基因突变相关。  相似文献   

郑青青  李文伟  沈婷  洪朝阳 《浙江医学》2015,37(3):189-192,196
目的 对一个来自浙江省杭州地区的三代先天性白内障家系进行常染色体显性遗传基因的突变分析,以寻找其可能的致病基因及突变位点。方法 该家系共10例成员,其中包括4例患者。10 例家系成员在浙江省人民医院眼科中心接受眼科专科检查及全身检查,以排除存在白内障以外的眼部及全身疾患。10例家系成员各抽取外周血5ml,提取基因组DNA。针对国内外文献报道的与常染色体显性遗传先天性白内障相关的18 个基因(CRYAA、CRYAB、CRYBA1、CRYBA2、CRYBA4、CRYBB1、CRYBB2、CRYGC、CRYGD、CRYGS、GJA3、GJA8、MIP、BFSP、HSF4、PITX3、EPHA2、PAX6)设计引物,进行PCR 扩增,对扩产物进行测序和序列分析,了解这10例家系成员的以上基因是否存在相应的序列。结果 临床眼科检查显示该家系先天性白内障类型为粉尘状白内障。候选基因序列测定显示在CRYAA 第1 个外显子中第6 位碱基发生C→T 置换,氨基酸同为天门冬氨酸。该家系中所有患者均有此改变,而所有的正常家系成员均无此改变。结论 CRYAA 第1个外显子中第6位碱基发生C→T的同义突变可能是导致该家系先天性白内障发生的致病原因。  相似文献   

  目的  通过使用外显子测序定位分析一先天性白内障家系中GJA8基因致病错义突变。  方法  对2020年6月在昆明医科大学第二附属医院就诊的一个先天性白内障家系全体成员进行详细的临床眼科检查及全身查体。采集先证者及6个亲属外周血并提取基因组DNA,应用全外显子测序筛查可疑致病基因,使用生物信息工具对可疑基因突变进行致病性分析,并对家系全部成员进行Sanger测序验证候选致病突变。  结果  外显子测序及生物信息学分析显示GJA8基因存在一个错义突变c.593G > A,p.R198Q,导致其第198位氨基酸残基由谷氨酰胺取代了原有的脯氨酸。氨基酸保守性分析显示该突变影响的氨基酸在物种间高度保守。在家系全部受检者中进行的Sanger测序结果表明该突变与疾病表型共分离,可以认定该突变是该突变为该家系的致病性突变,系谱分析显示该突变所致先天性白内障呈现常染色体显性遗传。  结论  位于GJA8基因的错义突变c.593G > A,p.R198Q是导致该家系出现先天性白内障的遗传病因,遗传方式为常染色体显性遗传。  相似文献   

本文报告3个家系、17例患者34眼先天性核性白内障,家系1、2的遗传方式为常染色体显性遗传,家系3为常染色体隐性遗传。本病可以与其它遗传病同时发生(如高度近视、大脑发育不全等),也可以并发其它遗传病(如红绿色盲等)。目前认为本病的发生要经过晶体内脱水收缩、增加异常结构成份和减少游离的晶体蛋白质聚集物三个过程。  相似文献   

目的 对一常染色体显性遗传的先天性无虹膜( AN)家系进行PAX 6基因突变筛查,以确定其致病基因及致病突变.方法 收集一常染色体显性遗传的AN家系,采集该家系患者、家族健康成员外周静脉血,提取基因组DNA,应用聚合酶链式反应( PCR)方法扩增PAX 6 基因exon 4 ~exon 13共11个外显子以及外显子-内含子拼接部,将纯化后的PCR扩增产物直接测序,运用DNAStar软件(综合性序列分析软件)对测序结果进行序列分析,检测PAX 6基因的突变类型,并与80名随机抽取的与该家系无血缘关系的健康人PAX 6基因序列进行比对. 结果 该家系患者PAX 6 基因exon 11存在一个杂合突变c. 949 C>T(P. R 317 X),导致第317位精氨酸的密码子CGA被终止密码子UGA替代,造成编码PAX 6蛋白的过早终止,而该家系其他健康成员及80名与该家系无血缘关系的健康对照组成员均未检测到该突变. 结论 PAX 6基因c. 949 C>T( P. R 317 X)突变导致PAX 6蛋白提前编码终止是该常染色体显性遗传先天性无虹膜家系的致病原因.  相似文献   

目的对一先天性核性白内障家系进行候选致病基因的筛查,以明确其发病分子基础。方法以家系先证者基因组DNA为模板,聚合酶链反应(PCR)扩增10个白内障候选致病基因的突变热点区域,PCR产物纯化后进行直接DNA测序筛查突变位点。如发现疑似突变位点,则利用直接DNA测序法对该突变位点在家系其他成员的存在情况进行疾病表型与致病突变共分离分析,进一步确认其是否为致病性突变位点。结果该家系三代呈常染色体显性遗传,临床表型大致相同,可确诊为先天性核性白内障。候选致病基因筛查发现在患者的CRYGD基因外显子2发现一个杂合突变c.C70A,正常家系成员无此突变,临床表型与基因型共分离。该突变为错义突变,导致一个CRYGD蛋白第24位的脯氨酸被苏氨酸取代(p.P24T)。结论 CRYGD(p.P24T)突变是导致该先天性核性白内障家系的致病分子基础。  相似文献   

目的 初步定位常染色体显性遗传性先天性白内障(ADCC)一家系的致病基因。方法 收集ADCC一家系资料,在已知先天性白内障致病基因和位点附近,选择合适的短串联重复序列多态性标记(STRP),对ADCC一家系进行连锁分析,使用Mlink软件采用对数优势记分法(LOD)计算LOD值。结果 在STRP中,D17S805、D17S1294及D17S1293与致病基因位点连锁的最大IDD值分别为2.03、2.49及2.22(重组率θ=0)。结论 该ADCC家系的致病基因初步定位在第17对染色体上;CRYBA1基因为候选基因。  相似文献   

目的:定位一个常染色体显性遗传性先天性全白内障家系的致病基因。方法收集一个常染色体显性遗传性先天性全白内障家系的资料,在已知先天性白内障致病基因和位点附近,选择9个微卫星标记,对此家系进行连锁分析,使用Mlink软件采用对数优势记分法( LOD)计算LOD值。结果未发现所选微卫星位点与该家系疾病表型共分离,LOD值均为负值。致病基因与已知的先天性白内障7个候选基因不存在连锁关系。结论该家系的致病基因有待于进一步研究。  相似文献   

以改良的离心法采集足够量的血淋巴,用Hitachi835—50型氨基酸分析仪对代表黄淮平原地区的山东济宁株和代表江南水网地带的上海株中华按蚊的血淋巴游离氨基酸进行了分析。两者分别测出18种和17种氨基酸,均以苏氨酸、丝氨酸、谷氨酸,丙氨酸、组氨酸、脯氨酸和牛磺酸为主,即两者的氨基酸谱几乎相同。两者共有的17种氨基酸中10种存在着量上的显著差异。本文结合不同地理株中华按蚊传病能力存在的差异对结果进行了分析讨论。  相似文献   

为了解小儿腹泻时的蛋白质营养状况,用氨基酸自动分析仪测定了61例腹泻患儿的16种血清游离氨基酸浓度。结果显示,急性腹泻时除苯丙氨酸外均下降,但苏、丝、甘、半胱、脯氨酸差异无显著性;慢性腹泻时16种氨基酸均下降,除谷、蛋、丝、甘、半胱、脯氨酸外均有显著性;急、慢性腹泻时BCAA、TEAA、TAA、TNEAA均下降,而GLY/VAL比值上升(P<0.05)。慢性腹泻时7种必需氨基酸:苯丙、苏、缬、异亮、亮、赖、组氨酸,及TEAA/TNEAA和TEAA/TAA比值下降的程度比急性腹泻时严重(P<0.05)。提示小儿急、慢性腹泻时均存有蛋白质营养不良,慢性腹泻者程度更为严重。  相似文献   

本文报导142例属118个家系的视网膜色素变性患着。对其遗传方式、近亲婚配与合并病作了分析。发现常染色体隐性遗传最为常见,常染色体显性及性连锁隐性遗传次之。隐性型发病早,病情发展快、中年可失明;显性型发病晚,症状较轻,发展也慢,晚年仍可保持有用视力。  相似文献   

目的:报道1个涉及5代17例患者的常染色体显性先天性白内障(ADCC)大家系,并进行致病基因的定位. 方法:对家系中8例患者进行眼科检查后明确临床表型,并提取所有血样的基因组DNA.首先对已报道的中国ADCC家系致病位点(9个基因的16个突变位点)进行DNA测序,然后根据已报道的17个ADCC候选基因和13个染色体区域,选取27个微卫星分子标记,应用LINKAGE软件进行连锁分析. 结果:8例患者均为先天性核性白内障.直接DNA测序未发现有已报道的中国家系基因突变.所选取的27个微卫星分子标记与该家系致病基因均不连锁. 结论:该ADCC家系致病基因不在已报道的17个ADCC候选基因和13个染色体区域,该家系中可能存在一个新的ADCC致病基因.  相似文献   

Background Congenital cataract is a highly heterogeneous disorder at both the genetic and phenotypic levels. This study was conducted to identify disease locus for autosomal dominant congenital cataracts in a four generation Chinese family. Methods Family history and clinical data were recorded. All the members were genotyped with microsatellite markers which are close to the known genetic loci for autosomal congenital cataracts. Two-point Lod scores were obtained using the MLINK of the LINKAGE program package (vet 5.1). Candidate genes were amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and direct cycle sequencing. Results The maximum Lod score of Zmax=2.11 was obtained with three microsatellite markers D22S258, D22S315, and D22S1163 at recombination fraction θ= 0. Haplotype analysis showed that the disease gene was localized to a 18.5 Mbp region on chromosome 22 flanked by markers D22S1174 and D22S270, spanning the β-crystallin gene cluster. A c.752T→C mutation in exon 6 of CRYBB1 gene, which resulted in a heterozygous S228P mutation in predicted protein, was found to cosegregate with cataract in the family. Conclusions This study identified a novel mutation in CRYBB1 gene in a Chinese family with autosomal dominant congenital cataract. These results provide strong evidence that CRYBB1 is a pathogenic gene for congenital cataract.  相似文献   

Congenital cataract is a highly heterogeneous disorder at both the genetic and the clinical-phenotypic levels.A unique cataract was observed in a 4-generation Chinese family,which was characterized by autosomal dominant inheritance and late-onset.Mutations in the 13 known genes (CRYAA,CRYAB,CRYBB1,CRYBB2,CRYGC,CRYBA1/A3,CRYGD,Connexin50,Connexin46,intrinsic membrane protein LIM2,cytoskeletal protein BFSP2,the major intrinsic protein-MIP and the heat shock factor HSF4) have previously been demonstrated to be the frequent reason for isolated congenital cataracts,but the exact molecular basis and underlying mechanisms of congenital cataract still remain unclear.This study was designed to find whether these 13 genes developed any mutation in the family members and to identify the disease-causing gene.Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and direct DNA sequence analysis were carried out to detect the 13 genes.The results showed that no mutation causing amino acid alternations was found in these potential candidate genes among all patients in the family,and only several single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were identified.A transitional mutation in the fourth intron of CRYBB2 and some silent mutations in the first exon of BFSP2 and CRYGD were found in the cataract family,but further study showed that these mutations could also be found in normal controls.It was concluded that some unidentified genes may underlie the occurrence of late-onset cataract in this family.A genome-wide screening will be carried out in the next study.  相似文献   



Congenital cataract (CC) is the leading cause of visual impairment or blindness in children worldwide. Because of highly genetic and clinical heterogeneity, a molecular diagnosis of the lens disease remains a challenge.


In this study, we tested a three-generation Chinese family with autosomal dominant CCs by targeted sequencing of 45 CC genes on next generation sequencing and evaluated the pathogenicity of the detected mutation by protein structure, pedigree validation, and molecular dynamics (MD) simulation.


A novel 15 bp deletion on GJA8 (c.426_440delGCTGGAGGGGACCCT or p. 143_147delLEGTL) was detected in the family. The deletion, concerned with an in-frame deletion of 5 amino acid residues in a highly evolutionarily conserved region within the cytoplasmic loop domain of the gap junction channel protein connexin 50 (Cx50), was in full cosegregation with the cataract phenotypes in the family but not found in 1100 control exomes. MD simulation revealed that the introduction of the deletion destabilized the Cx50 gap junction channel, indicating the deletion as a dominant-negative mutation.


The above results support the pathogenic role of the 15 bp deletion on GJA8 in the Chinese family and demonstrate targeted genes sequencing as a resolution to molecular diagnosis of CCs.  相似文献   

Background Mutations in GJB2 gene are a major cause of autosomal recessive congenital hearing loss and the cause in some rare cases of the autosomal dominant form. The purpose of this study was to investigate the frequency and the features of GJB2 mutations in the Chinese patients with congenital sensorineural deafness.Methods Using PCR amplifying the entire coding region of GJB2 gene and direct DNA sequencing to analyze mutations in this gene among unrelated 69 cases with autosomal recessive congenital nonsyndromic deafness and 27 cases of dominant congenital deafness and 35 sporadic cases. We also detected mutations in GJB2 in 100 control subjects with normal hearing.Results 17. 4% (12/69) of the probands in the autosomal recessive, 7. 4% (2/27) of dominant families and 5.7% ( 2/35 ) of the sporadic congenital deafness patients had deafness-causing mutations in GJB2, respectively. Nine types of the mutations in GJB2 were detected in the recessive and sporadic group. They consisted of five types of polymorphism, and four types of deafness-causing mutation with homozygous 35delG in 1 sporadic (1/35), and 235delC frameshift mutation in 1 sporadic (homozygotes) and 10 recessive patients (2 heterozygotes and 8 homozygotes), and homozygous 442G→A missense mutation and homozygous 465T→A nonsense mutation in 1 different recessive proband, respectively. The 465T→A that related to recessive deafness was a novel mutation found by this study. The homozygous (10/69, 14. 5%) and the heterozygous (2/69,2.9%) GJB2 mutation in the recessive patients (12/69, 17.4%) and the homozygotes in the sporadic patient (2/35, 5. 7%) all had congenital severe to profound sensorineural hearing loss.511G→A missense mutation and 299 -300delAT frameshift mutation were found in two autosomal dominant congenital deafness families (2/27, 7.4%). The total mutation frequency of GJB2 was 12.2% (16/131) in the Chinese patients with congenital sensorineural deafness and 235delC was the most common deafness-causing mutation. Six types of mutation-5 types of polymorphism and 1 type of heterozygous deletion (235delC) mutation were found in the 100 control subjects. The carry rate of the most frequent type of mutation 235delC was 0. 5% in the controls(1/200 alleles). 109G→A was the most frequent (15/100, 15%) and 79G→A was the second common (8/100, 8%) polymorphism in this population.Conclusions The general mutation rate of GJB2 is 12.2% (16/131) and the 235delC is the most common type of deafness-causing mutation in Chinese patients with congenital hearing loss. 465T→A nonsense mutation that is associated to autosomal recessive deafness is a novel mutation found by this screening. 511G→A and 299-300delAT mutations contribute to autosomal dominant hearing loss. The study further supports the view that the common types of mutation in GJB2 according to different ethnic background and that the mutation prevalence in the East Asian deafness population is lower than that in the white population.  相似文献   

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