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生物迁移思想的起源与发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
生物迁移命题是由达尔文(1859)提出来的。他在《物种起源)一书中认为,一个物种只能有一个起源中心;在条件允许的前提下,它会从这个中心迁移到力所能及的地区。然而,当布克曼(1922)的"迁移炮弹"理论问世之后,迁移研究几乎陷于停顿状态差不多50年。李四光是在"迁移炮弹"阴影下,依然坚持迁移观点的少数科学家之一。越来越多的事实证明了达尔文迁移思想的强大生命力。屡见不鲜的化石"穿时"现象和时代差异,大量的生物地理新资料,使人们从不可知论的桎梏中逐渐解脱出来。特别是80年代以来,由于地壳运动理论研究的新需求,以及大陆漂移和海水进退规程研究的新进展,掀起了重新认识迁移的高潮。作者依据自己的积累和前人的研究成果认为,迁移的研究方法可概括为:最低层位的地理追索方法、演化程序的地理追索方法和相应环境的追索方法。迁移如同演化,在达尔文力的全弥漫作用(All pervadins action)下时刻在进行着。迁移与其说是生物自身的一种能力,倒不如说是环境给予的一种机会。迁移造就并维系着丰富多彩的自然生态系统。迁移研究必将发展而形成一门新的学科--古生物迁移学(Palaeobiomigratology)。生物迁移思想是与地质力学的诞生和发展共存的。李四光(1927,1928)在研究海水进退规程时,曾列举了伴随海水南北方向的运动,生物作相应迁移的许多事实。生物迁移和海水运动,是性质完全不同的两种运动,其间必然存在着一个联系两者的中间环节;这个环节被李四光(1962)暗示为气候的变化,或两者共同导源于地球自转的不均衡。   相似文献   
就渤海南部末次冰期晚期以来的地层序列与地质环境演化特征,将研究区划分出4个沉积环境区,分别选择4个典型钻孔(ZK101,ZK228,C305,Y86)进行了对比研究。选用27个钻孔联成282km长的地层剖面,剖面明显反应出郯庐断裂带挽近的运动及现代黄河三角洲体的均衡作用。同时,分析了本区全新世气候及海侵边界层  相似文献   
大学生违法犯罪现象剖析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
大学生违法犯罪是一种特殊的社会现象,近年来已表现出犯罪人群低龄化、性质严重化、形式团伙化和手段现代化的严重趋势。本文结合典型案例和狱中访谈,探讨大学生违法犯罪的主要特点、心理规律以及形成原因,并对如何预防犯罪和切实维护高校稳定提出具体建议。  相似文献   
The lower Nanaimo Group was deposited in the (forearc) Georgia Basin, Canada and records the basin's initiation and early depositional evolution. Nanaimo Group strata are subdivided into 11 lithostratigraphic units, which are identified based on lithology, paleontology, texture and position relative to both the basal nonconformity and to each other. Significant topography on the basal nonconformity, however, has resulted in assignment of lithostratigraphic units that are not time correlative, and hence, cannot reliably be used to accurately reconstruct basin evolution. Herein, we present a sequence stratigraphic framework for lower Nanaimo Group strata in the Comox Sub-Basin (northern Georgia Basin) that integrates both facies analysis and maximum depositional ages (MDAs) derived from detrital zircon. This stratigraphic framework is used to define significant sub-basin-wide surfaces that bound depositional units and record the evolution of the basin during its early stages of development. Seven distinct depositional phases are identified in the lower 700 m of the lower Nanaimo Group. Depositional phases are separated by marine flooding surfaces, regressive surfaces, or disconformities. The overall stratigraphy reflects net transgression manifested as an upwards transition from braided fluvial conglomerates to marine mudstones. Transgression was interrupted by periods of shoreline progradation, and both facies analysis and MDAs reveal a disconformity in the lowermost part of the Nanaimo Group in the Comox Sub-Basin. Stratigraphic reconstruction of the Comox Sub-Basin reveals two dominant depocenters (along depositional strike) for coarse clastics (sandstones and conglomerates) during early development of the Georgia Basin. The development and position of these depocenters is attributed to subduction/tectonism driving both subsidence in the north-northwest and uplift in the central Comox Sub-Basin. Our work confirms that in its earliest stages of development, the Georgia Basin evolved from an underfilled, ridged forearc basin that experienced slow and stepwise drowning to a shoal-water ridged forearc basin that experienced rapid subsidence. We also propose that the Georgia Basin is a reasonable analogue for ridged forearc basins globally, as many ridged forearcs record similar depositional histories during their early evolution.  相似文献   
《Sport Management Review》2020,23(5):810-823
When athlete transgressions occur both on and off the field, there can be negative impacts on stakeholders. Therefore, it is essential to explore how consumers react to transgressions to gain a better understanding of how they can be successfully managed. The purpose of this study was to explore consumers’ Twitter reactions to an athlete’s transgression using a homophobic slur, drawing on critical discourse studies as a conceptual framework. Using Visual Twitter Analytics (Vista), tweets were collected over the 2017 Toronto Blue Jays’ season. For this study, the subset of tweets related to the incident were isolated. We found a duality in discourses, in that consumers shared perspectives for and against the use of homophobic language in sport. Practically, many consumers supported the idea of athletes being assigned a punishment for this type of language use. While consequences may satisfy some consumers, a cultural change within the organization and fan base is required to create an inclusive sport environment regarding language use.  相似文献   
Many people in the major Western economies (e.g., United States, UK, and Germany) subscribe to free market ideology (FMI), which claims that institutional oversight of the market is unnecessary for public reaction can force corporations to regulate their own behavior. The question then becomes how people's belief in FMI affects their reactions to corporate transgressions. Given its ingroup‐centered values, we hypothesized that FMI beliefs would bias reactions to corporate transgressions. We report results of a pilot study showing that FMI beliefs are predicted by selfishness, tradition, conformity, and lack of universalism. We then report three experiments, which showed that stronger FMI beliefs predict weaker demands to redress corporate injustices committed by ingroup (but not outgroup) corporations (Studies 1–3), especially when victims of corporate wrongdoings belong to an outgroup (rather than the ingroup; Study 3). The findings inform our conceptual understanding of FMI and give insights about its implications for market justice.  相似文献   
Immoral behaviors make individuals abominate and punish transgressors. Inspired by the associations between the Val66Met polymorphism of brain‐derived neurotropic factor (BDNF) gene and emotional responses following negative events, we investigated whether this polymorphism was also associated moral emotions such as punishment and forgiveness following interpersonal transgression. To do so, we categorized 340 individuals according to the BDNF Val66Met and assessed moral emotions by using 12 hypothetic scenarios in different conditions of intention and interpersonal consequence. The results indicated that this polymorphism was significantly associated with moral aversion and punishment towards transgressors. Victims with the Val/Val genotype expressed less aversion and punishment than the Met carriers, regardless of intention and interpersonal consequence. Moreover, this polymorphism was associated with forgiveness. Victims with the Val/Val genotype expressed more forgiveness than the Met carriers. Taken together, these findings highlight the importance of the BDNF Val66Met to moral emotions.  相似文献   
Through an exploratory study of romantic heterosexual couples in a public park situated in Hanoi’s outskirts, this article offers a conceptual rethinking of a western understanding of the park’s public/private dichotomy which can then be used to better appreciate how these categories are evolving in western urbanizing societies and their impacts on gender relations. By developing a relational, spatialized understanding of how young romantic couples justify their ‘transgressive’ displays of sexual intimacy in public spaces in contemporary urban Vietnam, this article focuses on how couples, especially women, manage their visibility. This analysis confronts the public civilizational discourse on Vietnamese sexual restraint by analyzing how young couples justify their romantic displays by creating an intimate space within a public environment. This space of visible intimacy is justified through their commitment to marriage. For the individuals involved in these romantic couples, visibility is justified, particularly for young women, through the enjoyment of a newly gained sexual autonomy as they migrate to the city.  相似文献   
In this paper, we offer a critique of neoliberal power from the perspective of the gendered, sexualised, raced and classed politics of motherhood in English universities. By using dialogical auto-ethnographic methods to examine our own past experiences as full-time employed mother–academics, we demonstrate how feminist academic praxis can not only help make the gendered workings of neoliberal power more visible, but also enable us to nurture and sustain alternative ways of being and working in, against and outside the university. Far from desiring greater inclusion into a system which enshrines repressive logics of productivity and reproduces gendered subjectivities, inequalities, silences and exclusions, we aim to refuse and transgress it by bringing feminist critiques of knowledge, labour and neoliberalism to bear on how we understand our own experiences of motherhood in the academic world.  相似文献   
华北盆地南部早二叠世早期聚煤作用的成因机制   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
胡益成  廖玉枝 《地学前缘》1999,6(Z1):111-115
华北盆地南部早二叠世早期形成的海陆交替相含煤地层,含有多达30余层煤。这些为数众多的煤层在其形成过程中,受到海水进退和风暴潮2种动力作用的控制。频繁的海水进退,虽然多次为本区的聚煤场所提供了广阔的空间,但未能给滨海沼泽内泥炭物质的持续堆积带来足够的时间。频繁的风暴潮作用对策煤场所既有破坏性又有建设性:风暴上升流可以强烈地侵蚀滨海沼泽的泥炭层,风暴下降流又可将大量的泥炭物质携带到浅海环境再沉积;风暴上升流可以在平缓开阔的潮汐地带上建造成平行海岸线的沙脊,使沙脊靠陆一侧成为新的聚煤场所,下一次较大的风暴上升流又可荡平这些新建立起来的聚煤场所。因此本区的聚煤作用既复杂又特殊。  相似文献   
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