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对我国东部地区早第三纪是否发生过海侵的争论已经持续20 余年。随着研究的深入,人们不断对海相指相化石( 有孔虫、沟鞭藻、钙质超微化石等) 、特殊的指相矿物( 海绿石、膏盐) 和地球化学特征( 微量元素、稳定同位素) 的海相指相意义提出怀疑。对我国西部地区晚新生代盐湖沉积的研究说明,上述指标只能反映水体盐度,东部早第三纪含油盆地没有经历海侵,其生油岩应为内陆咸化湖泊沉积。  相似文献   
于俊杰  胡飞  杨祝良  张宗言  蒋仁  柯学  劳金秀 《地质通报》2014,33(10):1609-1620
对江苏省南通市四甲镇CSJA6钻孔上部近43m的沉积物岩心进行了沉积学、年代学研究和有孔虫鉴定及组合划分,发现41属77种(含8个未定种)有孔虫。根据有孔虫动物群的垂直分布特征与AMS14C年龄,初步建立了时间被部分标定的全新世有孔虫化石组合,自上而下为Ammonia beccarii vars.-Cribrononion subincertum Asano组合、Ammonia beccarii vars.-Globigerinira glutinata组合和Ammonia beccarii vars.-Elphidium magellanicum组合。组合2、3带的时间界线约为8.1ka cal BP,组合3带的下界至少是10ka cal BP。这3个组合带的特征与以珠海、上海地区为代表的中国东部沿海平原全新世有孔虫组合相似。若将前人全新世海侵的14C年龄做进一步的校正,并结合本文钻孔研究成果可初步推测,在8.5~8ka cal BP时长江三角洲地区达到最大海侵,形成以镇江、扬州为顶点的长江巨大河口湾。  相似文献   
学界对四川盆地晚三叠世须家河期沉积相的认识一直存在较大分歧,观点颇多。为此,基于露头剖面观察、取心井精细描述、单井剖面分析、实验室薄片鉴定,结合大量测井资料的研究应用成果,综合研究后认为:四川盆地大川中地区须二段砂体为滨浅湖砂体,河流相砂体分布在龙岗-旺苍以北、广安以东的区域,川中西部-川西北部地区有海侵影响,形成质纯的石英砂岩;须四段、须六段沉积期,除营山-八角场、广安-河包场地区须四段及须六段下部发育三角洲分支河道外,其余大部分地区为河流入湖砂体在湖岸线不断进退、湖面总体扩张的背景下经湖流、波浪再改造、再分配形成的滨浅湖滩坝砂体。结论表明:①在川中南部地区由于受雷口坡期古凸起的影响,在该凸起区缺失须一-须二段下部地层;②受湖流运动方向影响,湖盆中的砂体在川中南部地区呈北东向展布,而在川中北部地区则呈近东西向展布;③滩坝砂体主体分布区是优质孔隙性储层的发育区。  相似文献   
The revolutionary aspect of performance is given ample room in this article. “Conflict” deserves a renewed importance, because it places the term “transgression” in relation to festivals as sites for the embodiment of social struggles. We will hone in on L’boulevard festival, which not only participates in a dialogue with social conflicts, but also epitomises them through an ambivalent theatricality that merges the real with the unreal. As festival agents identify their marginal place in relation to the body of the system – generally present in the festival through panoptical surveillance, badges, barriers and an entire discourse of social categorisation, and as they are cognisant of the festival as possibly an empowering threshold, a place for no system other than that chosen by the theatres of roleplaying, they activate their excrementality, a mentality which, in its ideological framing, creates and innovates, inspired by excrement, its functionality and symbolism. Excreta-mental types would perform the very khsoriya (vulgarity) expected of them, by performing their marginality (their becoming central), among other things, through art.  相似文献   
广东黄圃镇海蚀遗址的形成年代及古地理环境   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王为  曾昭璇  吴正  王小铭  黄山  叶春 《地理研究》2005,24(6):919-927
广东中山市黄圃镇海蚀遗址是广东沿海至今为止所发现最大规模的海蚀遗址之一,古海蚀地貌延伸范围超过200米,海蚀洞、海蚀崖、海蚀平台等海蚀地貌仍保持得较为完好。根据地形特征、地层(钻孔)资料、海侵范围、史料记载进行综合确定了古海蚀遗址的形成年代和古地理环境。古海蚀崖所在的尖峰山由白垩系陆相红色碎屑岩系构成。黄圃附近地区在晚更新世末期第一次海侵前已经是一隆起地块,在晚更新世和全新世两次海侵时都处在较高的位置,出露的白垩系地层(尖峰山)为蚀余的低矮山地。这些残余山地在全新世海侵大部分时段内为珠江口古海湾中的岛屿,黄圃镇作为大陆岸线的时间很短,海蚀地形主要形成于晚全新世前海侵时(距今约6100~1600年)的岛屿时期。  相似文献   
大学生违法犯罪的心理特征及预防措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大学生违法犯罪是一个社会问题,已引起社会的普遍关注.大学生违法犯罪与其特定阶段的心理素质有关.通过分析大学生违法犯罪的心理特征,提出预防措施,以预防和减少大学生违法犯罪行为.  相似文献   
轮回422与籼稻杂交F1抽穗期超亲遗传分析   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
 分析了偏粳型广亲和品种轮回422与籼稻品种南京11、I188025(具有簇生小穗标记基因Cl)杂交F1~F3及BC1在不同日长条件下的抽穗期表现。长日照试验表明,F1超亲迟熟(超亲优势率达49%)主要受两对互补基因控制。短日照试验结果证明,杂种超亲迟熟主要由其强感光性引起的,上述互补基因属于感光性基因.通过互补测验和连锁分析证明,两籼稻亲本所携互补基因为等位关系,此基因与6号染色体上的Cl基因连锁,重组率为27.78%±1.82%。根据试验结果可以认为,感光性基因的互补作用是造成籼粳杂种一代生育期超亲迟熟的主要遗传原因。  相似文献   
Running is a unique form of mobility because while it involves traveling over distance, it is not usually done as a means of transportation. Although running can and does take place almost anywhere, bringing together hundreds or thousands of runners at a time via an event known as a road race enables a different, transgressive occupation of space that no one runner could accomplish on his or her own. In this paper, based on participant observation, I argue that the transgressive but sanctioned nature of the mobilities that road races allow, by temporarily taking over a space devoted to motorized vehicles and turning it into a space for pedestrians, defines these events as unique moments that are only possible through the collective nature of this usually solitary form of mobility and that allow for the pleasure of being transgressive without the risks that transgression normally entails. The paper further argues for considering ‘event mobilities’ as more than traveling in order to participate in an event, because some kinds of mobility are only possible in the context of an event.  相似文献   
Sea levels are rising throughout the Atlantic Provinces at present and this is expected to continue throughout this century, forcing general coastline retreat and adjustment. In this study, a part of the coastline of eastern Prince Edward Island is examined for changes during historical time (1784–1994) using maps and aerial photography. MacVanes Pond is located between Basin Head Harbour and South Lake, all three of which were once lagoons connected to the same tidal circulation system. Sand barrier retreat has closed the connection to Basin Head Harbour and it is now a separate body of water. Meanwhile, the location of a tidal inlet at MacVanes Pond has been strongly influenced by longshore drift and the inlet has closed, re‐opened to the northeast, and subsequently shifted to the southwest. Human activities in the area have previously been, and will continue to be, affected by sea level rise and transgression. Actuellement, le niveau de la mer s'élève dans la région des provinces de l'Atlantique et l'on prévoit que cette tendance se maintiendra tout au long du présent siècle, ce qui aura pour effet général de faire reculer le littoral et de le modifier. La présente étude examine une partie du littoral est de l'Île‐du‐Prince‐Édouard pour y déceler des changements qui se sont produits dans le temps (1784–1994) à partir de cartes et de photographies aériennes. L'étang MacVanes est situé entre le bassin Head‐Harbour et le lac South, trois plans d'eau qui étaient autrefois des lagunes reliées au même système de marée. Or, une barre de sable a fermé le lion avec le bassin Head‐Harbour, qui est maintenant une masse d'eau distincte. Entre‐temps, l'emplacement d'un goulet de marée à l'étang MacVanes a été grandement influencé par la dérive littorale, au point de se fermer pour se frayer une nouvelle ouverture au nord‐est et par la suite au sud‐ouest. Les activités humaines de cette région ont été affectées, et continueront de l'être, par l'élévation du niveau de la mer et sa transgression.  相似文献   
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