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《阿Q正传》是鲁迅的代表作,它因成功地塑造了一个依靠精神胜利法而活着的悲剧性小人物阿Q的典型而受到国内外的广泛赞誉,因此关于这部小说的研究也很多。然而纵观国内外有关《阿Q正传》的文献,学界对《阿Q正传》内容的研究多于对其叙事形式的探讨。文章从叙事学的角度,对《阿Q正传》的叙事视角进行了研究,认为该书在总体的零聚焦全知型叙事视角的模式下,运用了视点转换、视角模式转移和视角越界等叙事策略,从而最大限度地达到了作者所预期的目的。  相似文献   
张浩 《戏剧艺术》2019,(2):84-96
在莎士比亚悲剧研究中,以A. C.布莱德雷为代表的莎评家受到亚里士多德"性格缺陷"理论的影响,多把悲剧的原因归于悲剧主人公的性格因素,从而遮蔽了"性别"因素在悲剧中的意义,因此有必要总结,系统研判,解析莎士比亚经典悲剧中主要女性人物违背文艺复兴时期主流性别特征期待的越界行为,剖析越界这一具有行为和性别特征双重属性的问题在剧中人物命运中的作用,并由此提炼出一组跨越传统性别疆域的幕后推手型权力女性形象、她们的分别是《科利奥兰纳斯》中作为越界母亲的伏伦妮娅、《麦克白》中作为越界妻子的麦克白夫人、《安东尼和克莉奥佩特拉》中作为越界女王的埃及艳后。由此可见,文艺复兴时期的女性主体是特定文化建构的产物,而悲剧发生的重要原因与菲勒斯中心主义支配下的女性性别特征相关,是社会文化赋予的性别特征的束缚与女性渴望权力、平等、自由和精神独立之间的矛盾造成的性别悲剧。  相似文献   
青少年违法犯罪是一个令人关注的世界性问题。进入新世纪以来,我国的青少年违法犯罪形势不容乐观。通过对2000-2005年浙江省的青少年违法犯罪情况进行了深入翔实的考察分析评估,浙江省青少年违法犯罪总体态势相对平稳,得益于党委政府高度重视、社区预防夯实基础、机制创新综合预防、法制教育常抓不懈和硬件设施形成规模等方面。  相似文献   
文章从后结构主义的两个重要概念“界限”和“越界”入手,借鉴德勒兹/瓜塔里的辖域化、解域化和再辖域化等概念,进而深入探讨了卡夫卡提出的、德勒兹/瓜塔里深化的小民族文学概念。作者试图说明,一切文化活动都离不开越界之于界限,变之于不变,小之于大的解域或生成运动。而在当下全球化和后殖民语境下的一切语言、文学和翻译活动都是小民族语言对大民族语言、小民族文学对大民族文学的解域化。  相似文献   
The Capitanian (Late Guadalupian) Maokou Formation at Chaotian in northern Sichuan, South China, is composed mainly of shallow marine shelf carbonates deposited on the Tethyan side of South China. By detailed field mapping and scientific drilling, we newly found out unique fossil assemblages and a sharp lithologic change in the upper part of the Maokou Formation. The main part of the Maokou Formation (over 130 m thick) is composed of algal packstone with Wordian-Capitanian large-tested fusulines, rugose corals and other sessile benthos, whereas the Uppermost Member (13 m thick) is composed of black limy mudstone/chert with Capitanian offshore biota (ammonoids, radiolarians, and conodonts). The topmost Capitanian conodont zones are missing; however, the Maokou Formation is disconformably overlain by 260+/-4 Ma volcanic ash (Wangpo bed) and the Early Lopingian Wujiaping Formation with plant-bearing coaly mudstone and shallow marine carbonates (packstone). The newly identified facies change indicates that northern Sichuan has experienced rapid sea-level changes in the late Guadalupian, i.e., first a transgression in the mid-Capitanian and then a regression across the Guadalupian-Lopingian boundary. As the end-Guadalupian is characterized by a global regression, such a volatile sea-level fluctuation, in particular the sea-level rise, is unique to the Tethyan side of South China. The newly recognized relatively deep-water late Guadalupian sequence adds new paleo-environmental information and further provides a paleotectonic interpretation of the low-latitude eastern Tethyan margin immediately before the end-Guadalupian mass extinction.  相似文献   
The present study examined children's perceptions of other children's ability to make moral judgements. Preschool, kindergarten, first- and second-grade children rated the permissibility of moral transgressions for a same-age peer, a younger child and an older child. Children also were asked why the transgressions were wrong. Preschool and kindergarten children rated transgressions equally wrong for a same-age peer, a younger and an older child, whereas first and second graders rated transgressions for a same-age peer and an older child as more wrong than for a younger child. Preschoolers stated they did not know why the transgressions were wrong for a younger child, while kindergarten children reasoned that a younger child did not know the rules. First and second graders reasoned that a same-age peer and an older child should know ‘better’, but a younger child would not know ‘better’. Results suggest that children's perceptions of others' moral knowledge is related to children's ability to coordinate domains of social knowledge when making judgements of others' moral transgressions.  相似文献   
楚雄盆地为中生代形成的典型前陆盆地。三叠纪是其形成的主体阶段和盆山转换的重要时期,也是由海相向陆相沉积环境的转折期,同时上三叠统是楚雄盆地最重要的油气资源层系。通过对楚雄盆地上三叠统进行系统的沉积学、层序地层学和波动地质学分析,在上三叠统识别出3个三级层序,建立了层序地层格架和高频波动曲线。对层序地层格架内的碳、氧同位素和微量元素的特征进行分析,发现楚雄盆地晚三叠世诺利晚期—瑞替期沉积具有海相沉积环境的地球化学特征,同时综合多学科的研究成果,指出楚雄盆地该时期为一与海域相接的近海湖盆,并受到间歇性海侵的影响。而海相烃源岩与陆相烃源岩在生烃能力、分布规律等方面均具有较大的差异。因此,这一认识对于重新评价楚雄盆地晚三叠世烃源岩具有重要意义。  相似文献   
A high-resolution, well-dated dinoflagellate cyst record from a lagoon of the southeastern Swedish Baltic Sea reveals climate and hydrological changes during the Holocene. Marine dinoflagellate cysts occurred initially at about 8600 cal yr BP, indicating the onset of the Littorina transgression in the southeastern Swedish lowland associated with global sea level rise, and thus the opening of the Danish straits. Both the species diversity and the total accumulation rates of dinoflagellate cysts continued to increase by 7000 cal yr BP and then decreased progressively. This pattern reveals the first-order change in local sea level as a function of ice-volume-equivalent sea level rise versus isostatic land uplift. Superimposed upon this local sea level trend, well-defined fluctuations of the total accumulation rates of dinoflagellate cysts occurred on quasi-1000- and 500-yr frequency bands particularly between 7500 and 4000 cal yr BP, when the connection between the Baltic basin and the North Atlantic was broader. A close correlation of the total accumulation rates of dinoflagellate cysts with GISP2 ice core sea-salt ions suggests that fluctuations of Baltic surface conditions during the middle Holocene might have been regulated by quasi-periodic variations of the prevailing southwesterly winds, most likely through a system similar to the dipole oscillation of the modern North Atlantic atmosphere.  相似文献   
40~30ka B.P.中国暖湿气候和海侵的特征与成因探讨   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30       下载免费PDF全文
40~30kaB.P.相当于末次冰期(75~10kaB.P.)中的大间冰阶或海洋氧同位素第3阶段的晚期(MIS3a),已有测年记录的冰芯、湖泊沉积、孢粉与古生物、黄土与沙漠地区古土壤、石灰岩洞穴中石笋、古河道沉积、滨海地区海相沉积等7种记录指示我国各区域的湿润程度即降水量高于现代,青藏高原和西北地区尤为显著.西部和华南地区的温度明显高于现代,但较多的孢粉研究者认为东北、华北和长江流域的温度略低于现代.降水量的增加对内陆水系的合并和外流的黄河和长江流域等产生重大影响.渤海西侧、长江三角洲南北与珠江三角洲南部出现重大海侵,当时海平面高度仅低于现代海平面8~10m.当时暖湿气候与海侵的主要动力是岁差周期导致的中、低纬度太阳高辐射所提供的热力促使冰盖消融萎缩,海洋扩涨,青藏高原热低压增强,吸引季风降水,中、低纬度区海洋加热蒸发,增强夏季风与西风环流的水汽含量导致我国全境暖湿.高分辨率的西昆仑山古里雅冰芯记录和南京汤山洞穴石笋记录表明气候有许多百年级高频振荡波动,不是稳定暖湿,要作更深入研究才能说明其表现和影响.  相似文献   
Application of dendrochronology and geomorphology to a recently emerged coastal area near Juneau, Alaska, has documented a Little Ice Age (LIA) sea-level transgression to 6.2 m above current sea level. The rise in relative sea level is attributed to regional subsidence and appears to have stabilized by the mid 16th century, based on a sea-cliff eroded into late-Pleistocene glaciomarine sediments. Land began emerging between A.D. 1770 and 1790, coincident with retreat of regional glaciers from their LIA maximums. This emergence has continued since then, paralleling regional glacier retreat. Total Juneau uplift since the late 18th century is estimated to be 3.2 m. The rate of downward colonization of newly emergent coastline by Sitka spruce during the 20th century closely parallels the rate of sea-level fall documented by analysis of local tide-gauge records (1.3 cm/yr). Regional and Glacier Bay LIA loading and unloading are inferred to be the primary mechanisms driving subsidence and uplift in the Juneau area. Climate change rather then regional tectonics has forced relative sea-level change over the last several hundred years.  相似文献   
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