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渤海湾盆地古近纪海侵问题研究进展及展望   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
有关渤海湾盆地古近纪是否发生过海侵的问题争论了二十多年,至今尚无定论。尽管“海侵”论者提供了矿物学、岩石学、古生态学以及地球化学等多种标志,但是因为这些标志与标准海相标志比较,都有一定差别,而且至今没有发现确实可靠的海侵通道和明显的海相性递增现象,所以又出现了“海泛”论、“海啸”论和“陆相”论。几种观点长期并存,笔者认为要解决这一问题,可以从四方面入手①深入研究渤海湾盆地的构造背景,推断海侵通道存在的可能性;②进一步厘定已有的海相标志的准确性;③寻求新的、唯一的能区分海陆相成因的证据;④搜集国外在相关层位有类似沉积的地区,进行对比研究,并探索其成因。  相似文献   
A fossil cave and associated sediments and fossil fauna located on the Greek island of Rhodes in the eastern Aegean Sea is reported here, and the depositional history discussed. The sediments were deposited during the late Pliocene, in the interstitial space between basement boulders of up to 1500 tons. The depositional history of the cave comprises eight stages. From initial flooding, the basin experienced a continuous transgression with sea‐level rise in excess of 500 m, followed by a rapid, forced regression of similar magnitude. The recognition of a succession of fossil communities illustrates this transgression, with a seemingly abrupt shift from endolithic to epilithic biota dominance late in the transgressive cycle. The communities recording the increasing water depth from 0 to >150 m are: The Gatrochaenolithes torpedo (bivalve boring) and Entobia gonioides (sponge boring) ichnocoenosis, with peak distribution between 0 and 1 m water depth; the E. gonioidesE. magna ichnocoenosis, with 1–5 m depth peak distribution; the exclusive E. magna ichnocoenosis, with 5–40 m depth peak distribution; and the E. gigantea ichnocoenosis, with a peak distribution approaching 150–200 m. Below this depth, an epilithic community without boring organisms takes over, characterized by the calcareous sponge Merlia cf. normani, and the inarticulate brachiopod Novocrania turbinata. Simultaneously with the succession of the endo‐ and epilithic cave wall fossil communities, skeletal calcarenite accumulated on the cave floor; the erosional remnants of this sediment are insufficient to further expand the overall transgression–regression model.  相似文献   
Spatial designers, who engage children in their design process, most often frame children in this context as experts in their own lives. Findings from a study based at the University of Sheffield, point to new understandings of this participatory role, in which children move towards the role of designer. Drawing on interviews including visual methods with 16 spatial designers and guided by phenemonography, the paper seeks to represent the designers’ perspectives on the under-explored area of child–designer interactions. Findings suggest that the designers understand these interactions to comprise a reciprocal and co-created space – a sphere of behaviours, actions and ways of being which together becomes an enabler of change. It is proposed that what Bhabha (The Location of Culture, 1994) refers to as a ‘Third Space’ in which the ‘dominant culture might be temporarily subverted and its structural systems of power and control renegotiated’ can be re-imagined in this co-design context. The paper weaves together theoretical discourse and empirical illustrations of perceived creativity, play and transgression, which – at their intersection – support a potential transformation of understandings of children as co-designers and of the design process itself.  相似文献   
The Gulf of Tonkin coastline migrated at an average rate of ca 60 m year?1 landward during Holocene sea‐level rise (20 to 8 ka). Due to a combination of rapid coastline migration and undersupply of sand, neither coastal barriers nor tidal sand bars developed at the mouth of the Red River incised valley. Only a 30 to 80 cm thick sandy interval formed at the base of full‐marine deposits. Thus, the river mouth represented a mud‐dominated open funnel‐shaped estuary during transgression. At the base of the valley fill, a thin fluvial lag deposit marks a period of lowered sea‐level when the river did not reach geomorphic equilibrium and was thus prone to erosion. The onset of base‐level rise is documented by non‐bioturbated to sparsely bioturbated mud that occasionally contains pyrite indicating short‐term seawater incursions. Siderite in overlying deposits points to low‐salinity estuarine conditions. The open funnel‐shaped river mouth favoured upstream incursion of seawater that varied inversely to the seasonal strongly fluctuating discharge: several centimetres to a few tens of centimetres thick intervals showing marine or freshwater dominance alternate, as indicated by bioturbational and physical sedimentary structures, and by the presence of Fe sulphides or siderite, respectively. Recurrent short‐term seawater incursions stressed the burrowing fauna. The degree of bioturbation increases upward corresponding to increasing marine influence. The uppermost estuarine sediments are completely bioturbated. The estuarine deposits aggraded on average rapidly, up to several metres kyr?1. Siphonichnidal burrows produced by bivalves, however, document recurrent episodes of enhanced deposition (>0·5 m) and pronounced erosion (<1 m) that are otherwise not recorded. The slope of the incised valley affected the sedimentary facies. In steep valley segments, the marine transgressive surface (equivalent to the onset of full‐marine conditions) is accentuated by the Glossifungites ichnofacies, whereas in gently sloped valley segments the marine transgressive surface is gradational and bioturbated. Marine deposits are completely bioturbated.  相似文献   
末次冰期后,在全新世大暖期及区域沉降的影响下,渤海湾沿岸普遍发育海侵现象,位于莱州湾南岸的潍北平原区在经历全新世最大海泛面后,海水退却过程中留下了数条古海岸线,形成了多处贝壳堤、牡蛎礁等海岸带遗迹。研究区内新发现常家村、后柳家2处牡蛎礁,其14C年龄分别为(5130±30)a B.P.和(6030±30) a B.P.;通过对区内全新世海陆交互相沉积关系及海相地层分布规律的研究,结合已有测年数据与近现代遥感影像数据,对潍北平原区全新世以来的海陆变迁进行了总结,恢复了自6000 a B.P.至公元1989年间的6条海岸线。  相似文献   
曹洁  张永生  宋天锐 《地球学报》2013,34(1):103-110
黑龙江东部盆地群是我国东部重要的中生代陆相含油气区,属东北含油气亚区的一部分。早白垩世以陆相湖泊沉积为主,但有多次规模不等的海侵事件发生,本次研究进一步对鸡西盆地鸡D7井下白垩统城子河组和穆棱组砂岩的结构构造、矿物排列、碎屑岩组分、胶结物、综合结构系数、重矿物等特征进行了综合分析研究:在早白垩世地层发现了具典型滨海潮下带特征的双粘土层构造;该层位砂岩多为少石英或者石英含量在25%左右的长石岩屑砂岩和岩屑长石砂岩;胶结物以碳酸盐为主;受海侵作用影响,城子河组砂岩综合结构系数平均值为20.16,穆棱组平均值为46.65,表明穆棱期比城子河期受海侵影响更为明显;并且在砂岩中发现重矿物20余种,呈条带状富集,尤其是特征矿物海绿石、自生独居石、莓状黄铁矿及自然金等具明显海侵相特征。本次研究为黑龙江东部盆地群海侵的存在提供了一系列沉积学证据。  相似文献   

The tension in rock climbing between technical aspects of performance that do not involve risk, and preparedness to put oneself in considerable and even life‐threatening danger, is explored through an analysis of extreme gritstone climbing in the late 1990s recorded in a successful ‘cult’ film Hard Grit. The film dramatises self‐imposed danger, and connects it to the history and myths of gritstone climbing, an emphasis best seen as a specific moment in the oscillation in climbing between the technical dimension (or bodily techne) and ‘bottle’ (spiritedness or thumos), but it has wider implications. The theoretical background is the Weberian theme of rationalisation qualified, however, by the social and cultural significance of imprudence, irresponsibility and deliberate transgression throughout the modern period. As late modernity reveals new consequences for societies and cultures beyond the reach of either comprehensive reason in a classical sense or a self‐imposed rational order along Enlightenment lines, the play of techne and thumos becomes potentially unlimited and thus monstrous. How, then, should climbers and their very loosely organised, minority pursuit, govern themselves? How can climbing remain authentic, true to itself? After an exploration of some theoretical aspects, the essay concludes more practically by proposing that two features of everyday rock climbing operate as ethical sources: confidence in sound judgment by the imagined future community of climbers; and a ‘phenomenological’ turn to the natural and sensory preconditions of climbing. These sources cannot, however, fully govern climbing culture but operate only in tension with fundamentally unruly impulses and drives.  相似文献   
The first sandstone unit of the Esdolomada Member of the Roda Formation (hereafter referred to as ‘Esdolomada 1’) was formed by a laterally‐migrating, shelf tidal bar. This interpretation is based on detailed mapping of the bedding surfaces on the digital terrain model of the outcrop built from light detection and ranging data and outcrop photomosaics combined with vertical measured sections. The Esdolomada 1 sandbody migrated laterally (i.e. transverse to the tidal currents) towards the south‐west along slightly inclined (1.6° to 4.6°) master bedding surfaces. The locally dominant tidal current flowed to the north‐west. This current direction is indicated by the presence of stacked sets of high‐angle (average 21°) cross‐stratification formed by dunes that migrated in this direction, apparently in an approximately coast‐parallel direction. The tidal bar contains sets and cosets of medium‐grained cross‐stratified sandstone that stack to reach a thickness of about 5·5 m. Individual cross‐bed sets average about 50 cm thick (with a range of 10 to 70 cm) and have lengths of ca 130 to 250 m in a direction perpendicular to the palaeocurrent. Set thickness decreases in the direction of migration, towards the south‐west, and the degree of bioturbation increases, so that the cross‐bedded sandstones gradually change into highly bioturbated finer‐grained and thinner‐bedded sandstones lacking any cross‐stratification. The rate of thinning of individual dune sets as they are traced down any obliquely‐accreting master surface is some 40 cm per 100 m (0·004) for the older, thicker sandstones, whereas the younger, thinner beds thin at a rate of 15 cm over 100 m (0·0015). The tidal bar has a sharp base and top and is encased in finer‐grained bioturbated, marine sandstones. The Esdolomada bar crest was oriented north‐west to south‐east, parallel to the tidal palaeocurrents and to the nearby palaeoshoreline, but built by lateral accretion towards the south‐west. Lateral outbuilding generated a flat‐topped bar with a measured width of about 1700 m, and a preserved height of 5·5 m. The bar, disconnected from a genetically related south‐westward prograding delta some 2 km to the north‐east, developed during the transgressive phase of a sedimentary cycle. The tidal bar was most probably initiated as a delta‐attached bar at the toesets of the delta front and during transgression evolved into a detached tidal bar.  相似文献   
河南大冶铝土矿区晚石炭世早期处于古岛高地之间的滨岸潟湖沉积环境。中奥陶统以后,经历了160Ma风化剥蚀,在碳酸盐岩的侵蚀面上发育了钙红土铁、铝、硅风化壳。晚石炭世本溪期,海侵作用使矿区所在区域变为滨岸潟湖沉积环境,沉积相出现滨湖相、浅滩相、浅湖相、浅海相、滨岸沼泽相等5种;晚石炭世晚期形成海陆交互相的复理石沉积建造,将早期形成的铝土矿完整保存下来。今后铝土矿的找矿工作应重点放在浅滩-浅湖岩相带、含铝岩系相序发育相对完全的地段、含铝岩系厚度大且稳定的区段,并注意含铝岩系的表生富集作用。  相似文献   
我国传统刑法理论关于犯罪概念和特征的论述已经蕴涵犯罪本质多元论的思想。在刑事立法领域,犯罪的本质是严重社会危害性和应受刑罚处罚性,前者是犯罪的社会属性,后者是犯罪的制裁属性。在刑事司法实践中,犯罪的本质是刑事违法性和严重的社会危害性,应受刑罚处罚性不是犯罪的本质。  相似文献   
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