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为了充分利用GPU的并行计算能力高效地绘制递归定义的细分曲面,提出一种基于GPU的面分裂细分曲面的实时绘制算法.该算法通过离线预计算生成可以复用的细分查找表,它由细分矩阵组成,其大小仅与奇异点度数和最大细分深度线性相关,与输入网格无关;对于细分曲面控制网格的每个曲面片,如果包含2个或2个以上奇异点,则进行一次局部预细分;之后对于不规则曲面片,利用细分查找表由初始控制网格直接计算得到各细分层次上的控制顶点,无需逐层计算,从而最大限度地发挥GPU的并行处理能力;最后对各层次上的规则曲面片使用硬件细分着色器绘制,大大提高绘制效率.实验结果表明,文中算法可以高效地绘制细分曲面的极限曲面.  相似文献   

基于球面的海浪建模与绘制技术研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
由于传统的海浪建模与绘制方法多是基于平面进行建模与绘制,较少细致考虑球面曲率对海浪建模和绘制的影响,因此无法在球形表面绘制出海浪在不同条件下形状、色泽等的变化。为了实现无界海洋的虚拟自由漫游,提出了一种考虑球面影响的、任意视点下的海浪建模与绘制方法,其核心是球面海洋模型和屏幕细分的自适应算法,同时基于海洋学知识以及解析几何和数字地球特点,首先解决和消除了模型生成中存在的计算量大和高纬度“压缩现象”等问题,并建立了球面海浪模型;然后,依靠可逐点计算的海浪生成模型,利用屏幕细分自适应算法将计算限制在与视点相关的可视球面海洋区域,并使几何分辨率依视点变化;接着采用“夹球”技术,解决了海面生成中存在的“边缘裂缝”现象;最后,采用GPU技术绘制出不同观察距离和方向下的真实感海浪场景,进而实现了用户在无界海洋上的自由漫游。  相似文献   

一种带噪声的密集三角网格细分曲面拟合算法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
实现了一个从带噪声的密集三角形拟合出带尖锐特征的细分曲面拟合系统.该系统包括了一种改进的基于图像双边滤波器的网格噪声去除方法,模型的尖锐特征提取以及保持尖锐特征的网格简化和拓扑优化.为了处理局部细节特征和模型数据量问题,提出了自适应细分方法,并将根据给定精度估计最少细分深度引入到细分曲面拟合系统中,使得拟合得到的细分曲面模型具有良好的细节特征和数据量小等特点.大量3D模型实验结果和实际工程应用结果表明了该细分曲面拟合系统的有效性.  相似文献   

基于GPU的大规模海浪实时绘制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海浪建模与绘制是近二十年来计算机图形学领域的一个经典问题,同时,随着硬件的发展,尤其是图形处理器(GPU)以大大超过摩尔定律的速度高速发展和其高速计算能力、并行性、其可编程功能,使得基于GPU的通用计算成为一个新研究热点.利用GPU的高速计算能力和可编程功能,解决海浪模拟中的复杂计算问题,提出一种基于图形硬件的大规模海浪实时绘制方法.首先,对图形处理器进行了概述.然后,基于Gerstner-Rankine模型生成海洋高度场,采用屏幕细分自适应算法对数字地球上的可视海洋表面进行采样,利用图形处理单元的可编程特性进行顶点和颜色计算,模拟实时球面海浪效果.实验结果表明,基于GPU的方法可以在普通PC图形硬件上实现大规模海浪的交互漫游.  相似文献   

基于GPU投影网格的曲面渲染技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究曲面渲染技术对船舶、汽车、飞机造型虚拟的设计飞行器飞行实时仿真系统设计尢为重要.为了克服传统的曲面渲染方法的不足和提高实时性,充分利用图形处理器(GPU)不断提高的渲染能力,包括GPU的可编程性和高度并行计算特性,在GPU上实现了投影网格(Projected Grid)的视点相关的曲面渲染技术.从视点发出的投射光线穿过投影网格后,将根据可视化细节的重要程度,自动生成具有不同细节层次(Levels of Detail)的曲面网格,并且实时地更新网格的细节层次需求.在整个渲染过程中保持稳定的帧率,生成与视点相关的曲面光滑流畅.试验证明满足了实时交互性的要求,在工程虚拟仿真领域有广泛的应用前景.  相似文献   

自适应细分已经被广泛应用于曲面细分领域以减少不需要的细分次数和细分面数。但是目前自适应细分都存在不同细分层次之间的裂缝拟合问题,造成了不同细分层次之间的曲面无法光滑连接,对此提出一种基于中分面的约束应细分方法。该方法的主要思想是通过对深度较高区域的1邻域三角形平分,根据产生裂缝的个数,将插入点与其1邻域的网格相连,从而降低高细分区域与低细分区域的深度差,达到不同细分程度光滑过度的细分效果。  相似文献   

在GPU上实现地形渲染的自适应算法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了满足飞行状态实时监控系统对地形渲染快速逼真的要求,提出一种基于GPU的交互式地形自适应渲染算法.该算法中每帧渲染包含2遍GPU处理过程:第1遍采用流计算的方式,利用固定网格映射方法生成粗糙地形采样网格,在此基础上,根据地形表面复杂度计算粗糙采样网格中每个三角形的细化深度;第2遍进行地形的渲染,根据第1遍计算出来的每个面片的细化等级,选择初始化阶段预存储在GPU缓存中的不同细化等级的网格模板,对粗糙采样网格进行自适应细分,为了消除T型连接的问题,在顶点着色器中包含了一个网格模板的匹配处理过程.最后采用高程数据配合卫星照片的方式,生成具有高度仿真的三维虚拟地貌.基于文中算法实现的实时监控系统在支线飞机的飞行试验中取得了较好的效果.  相似文献   

可调自适应三角网格的细分曲面造型方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了研究一种简单的有效的细分曲面方法使生成的曲面不仅光滑而且可调,提出了一种面向三角网格的可调自适应细分曲面造型法,该方法通过在传统的Loop细分模式中加入形状控制因子以使生成的曲面形状可调,同时引入二面角作为控制误差来判断相邻三角形夹角是否满足给定的阈值,以此实现自适应细分过程。模拟算例结果表明,该方法不仅能用较少网格获得性能良好的曲面,而且可以通过选取不同的值调整生成曲面形状,满足工程需要。  相似文献   

基于简化光线投射GPU大规模地形实时可视化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地形数据处理、三角形细分等级测度和T型连接消除是基于GPU大规模地形可视化的关键问题。利用GPU简化光线投射的固定网格投射方法生成地形粗糙网格;根据地形特征和视点因素确定三角形细分等级,并匹配与存储在GPU缓存中的三角形模板,实现地形网格的自适应细分;通过改变相邻三角形细分等级的方法消除T型连接,实现基于简化光线投射GPU大规模地形的无缝绘制。实验表明该方法可以取得较高的帧速率和较好的绘制效果,实现大规模地形的实时可视化。  相似文献   

针对基于空域上下采样的深度编码框架中,由边缘信息损失带来的视点绘制质量下降的问题,提出了一种面向视点绘制质量的深度图像分块自适应压缩采样方法。在基于分块压缩感知和光滑Landweber投影重构的BCS_SPL框架下,利用图像块的方差表征其边缘信息,并据此进行自适应采样,以提高深度图像重构和视点合成质量。结果表明,在相同的采样率下,相比上下采样和BCS_SPL方法,本文提出的分块自适应压缩感知方法在绘制视点的PSNR和主观质量上都有提高。  相似文献   

View-dependent multiresolution rendering places a heavy load on CPU. This paper presents a new method on view-dependent refinement of multiresolution meshes by using the computation power of modern programmable graphics hardware (GPU). Two rendering passes using this method are included. During the first pass, the level of detail selection is performed in the fragment shaders. The resultant buffer from the first pass is taken as the input texture to the second rendering pass by vertex texturing, and then the node culling and triangulation can be performed in the vertex shaders. Our approach can generate adaptive meshes in real-time, and can be fully implemented on GPU. The method improves the efficiency of mesh simplification, and significantly alleviates the computing load on CPU.  相似文献   

We present a novel approach for real-time rendering Loop subdivision surfaces on modern graphics hardware. Our algorithm evaluates both positions and normals accurately, thus providing the true Loop subdivision surface. The core idea is to recursively refine irregular patches using a GPU compute kernel. All generated regular patches are then directly evaluated and rendered using tile hardware tessellation unit. Our approach handles triangular control meshes of arbitrary topologies and incorporates common subdivision surface features such as semi-sharp creases and hierarchical edits. While surface rendering is accurate up to machine precision, we also enforce a consistent bitwise evaluation of positions and normals at patch boundaries. This is particularly useful in the context of displacement mapping which strictly requires inatching surface normals. Furthermore, we incorporate efficient level-of-detail rendering where subdivision depth and tessellation density can be adjusted on-the-fly. Overall, our algorithm provides high-quality results at real-time frame rates, thus being ideally suited to interactive rendering applications such as video games or authoring tools.  相似文献   

Feature modeling on subdivision surfaces remains a challenging task for interactive 3D design. This paper presents the idea of displacement modeling, which utilizes displacement mapping as an interactive modeling method to design fine level features by exploiting the computation power of modern programmable graphics hardware (GPU). We also propose a view-dependent adaptive subdivision method according to the error metric in view space. It can highly reduce the number of refined faces and points while maintaining the same visual quality as uniform subdivision. Furthermore, several feature adjustment tools are introduced for flexible design and manipulation of created features. Since the displacement modeling approach is fully implemented on graphics hardware, it can substantially alleviate the computing load on CPU and significantly reduce the data transmission on the graphics channel.  相似文献   

本文提出一种完全在GPU上实现的细分曲面绘制策略。该方法以扇区为基本单元,利用三种新的枚举坐标对网格顶点进行编码。初始控制网格按扇区分割后,其顶点被编码到一张纹理上,控制顶点不规则性分离到扇区的同时扇区之间又具有松耦合联系,使GPU像素管线的并行性从片段网格内扩展到整个网格。另外,通过三张查找表来降低实时计算量,并且避免了在CPU上预先细分一次。经过实验对比说明,本文方法具有更高的实时性能。  相似文献   

We explore different semantics for the solid defined by a self-crossing surface (immersed sub-manifold). Specifically, we introduce rules for the interior/exterior classification of the connected components of the complement of a self-crossing surface produced through a continuous deformation process of an initial embedded manifold. We propose efficient GPU algorithms for rendering the boundary of the regularized union of the interior components, which is a subset of the initial surface and is called the trimmed boundary or simply the trim. This classification and rendering process is accomplished in real time through a rasterization process without computing any self-intersection curve, and hence is suited to support animations of self-crossing surfaces. The solid bounded by the trim can be combined with other solids and with half-spaces using Boolean operations and hence may be capped (trimmed by a half-space) or used as a primitive in direct CSG rendering. Being able to render the trim in real time makes it possible to adapt the tessellation of the trim in real time by using view-dependent levels-of-detail or adaptive subdivision.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a new approach for interactive view-dependent rendering of large polygonal data sets which relies on advanced features of modern graphics hardware. Our preprocessing algorithm starts by generating a simplified representation of the input mesh. It then builds a multiresolution hierarchy for the simplified model. For each face in the hierarchy, it generates and assigns a displacement map that resembles the original surface represented by that face. At runtime, the multiresolution hierarchy is used to select a coarse view-dependent level-of-detail representation, which is sent to the graphics hardware. The GPU then refines the coarse representation by replacing each face with a planar tile, which is elevated according to the assigned displacement map. Our results show that our implementation achieves quality images at high frame rates.  相似文献   

Extensive research has been carried out in multiresolution models for many decades. The tendency in recent years has been to harness the potential of GPUs to perform the level-of-detail extraction on graphics hardware. The aim of this work is to present a new level-of-detail scheme based on triangles which is both simple and efficient. In this approach, the extraction process updates vertices instead of indices, thus providing a perfect framework for adapting the algorithms to work completely on GPU shaders. One of the key aspects of our proposal is the need for just a single rendering pass in order to obtain the desired geometry. Moreover, coherence among the different approximations is maximized by means of a symmetric extraction algorithm, which performs the same process when refining and coarsening the mesh. Lastly, we also introduce different uses of the scheme to offer continuous and view-dependent resolution.  相似文献   

In this paper, both general and exponential bounds of the distance between a uniform Catmull-Clark surface and its control polyhedron are derived. The exponential bound is independent of the process of subdivision and can be evaluated without recursive subdivision. Based on the exponential bound, we can predict the depth of subdivision within a user-specified error tolerance. This is quite useful and important for pre-computing the subdivision depth of subdivision surfaces in many engineering applications such as surface/surface intersection,mesh generation, numerical control machining and surface rendering.  相似文献   

针对顶点着色器细分地形网格需要额外生成模板、计算细分层次复杂的不足,提出了一种利用细分着色器进行地形网格细分的层次细节(LOD)地形渲染算法。利用分块四叉树组织建立地形粗糙网格的分层结构,以LOD判别函数对活动地形块进行筛选;提出了在细分控制着色器中基于视点三维连续距离的细分因子计算方法,并针对外部细分因子进行处理消除了裂缝;实现在细分计算着色器上的置换贴图,对精细网格的高度分量进行位移。而且将四叉树结构存储至顶点缓冲区,减少中央处理器(CPU)与图形处理器(GPU)的资源交换;引入细分队列加速细分过程。实验证明,该算法具有平滑的细节层次过渡和良好的细分效果,能够有效提高GPU利用率和地形渲染效率。  相似文献   

GPU在复杂场景的阴影绘制中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
通过有效利用图形硬件的图形处理单元(GPU)的运算能力和可编程性,将人量计算从CPU分离出来。在GPU上采用顶点和片元程序进行阴影计算,从而加速复杂场景阴影绘制。选择图像空间阴影算法进行GPU加速绘制。用Cg图形编程语言和OpenGL实现了算法的绘制过程,能够满足通用的复杂3D场景应用的需要,达到满意的实时绘制效果。  相似文献   

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