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该文基于Laplace逼近建立了非线性再生散度随机效应模型在Euclid空间中的几何结构, 并在此基础上研究了此模型参数和子集参数的置信域, 进一步推广和发展了 Hamilton, Watts 和 Bates[1]关于正态非线性回归模型, Wei[2,3]关于嵌入模型和指数族非线性模型, Zhu, Tang 和 Wei[4]关于半参数非线性模型,唐年胜、韦博成和王学仁[5]关于非线性再生散度模型, Tang 和 Wang[6]关于拟似然非线性模型等的结果.  相似文献   

由所有区间[a,b]上(r−1)阶导数绝对连续而其r阶导数几乎处处被常数K所界定的函数组成的类记为KWr[a, b]. 设函数fKWr[a, b]在一组节点x处的函数值及其直到(r−1)阶的导数值为已知, 称之为给定的Hermite信息. 本文报道函数类KWr[a, b]基于给定Hermite信息的最佳求积公式. 通过完全样条插值解决了该问题解的存在性和具体的构造, 结果表明该问题的解决依赖于插值样条的自由节点所满足的一个非线性代数方程组. 而根据作者的另一项新的研究成果, 该方程组可以封闭地转换为两个次数大约为r/2的代数方程. 顺便还得到了类KWr[a, b]的最佳插值.  相似文献   

设G=(V, E; w)为赋权图,定义G中点v的权度dGw(v)为G中与v相关联的所有边的权和.该文证明了下述定理: 假设G为满足下列条件的2 -连通赋权图: (i) 对G中任何导出路xyz都有w(xy)=w(yz); (ii)对G中每一个与K1,3或K1,3+e同构的导出子图T, T中所有边的权都相等并且min{max{dGw(x), dwG(y)}:d(x,y)=2,x,y∈ V(T)}≥ c/2. 那么, G中存在哈密尔顿圈或者存在权和至少为 c 的圈. 该结论分别推广了Fan[5], Bedrossian等人[2]和Zhang等人[7]的相关定理  相似文献   

在该文中, 令E表示一个迭代函数系统(X,T1,…, Tm). 的吸引子. 定义连续自映射 f : E→E为f(x)=T-1j(x), x∈ Tj(E), j=1, …, m . 给定Given ψ ∈CR(E), 令 Kψ(δ, n = sup{∣∑n-1k=0[ψ(f kx)-ψ(f ky)]|:y ∈ Bx (δ, n)}, 这里Bx(δ, n) 表示Bowen球. 取一个扩张常数 ε, 记Kψ=supn Kψ(ε, n) , 定义ν(E)={ψ : Kψ < ∞}. 对f : E → E, 作为Ruelle的一个定理[3, 定理2.1]的一个应用, 我们证明每个ψ ∈ν(E)具有惟一的平衡态. 此结果推广了文献[12]中的主要结果.  相似文献   

Kluppelberg[1], Asmussen 等[2] 研究了增量有有限负均值的随机游动上确界的密度的渐近性. 该文则在 Denisov 等[3], 程东亚和王岳宝[4]的基础上, 进一步研究了增量均值为负无穷的随机游动上确界的密度的渐近性. 最后, 为了说明常见重尾分布大多满足上述结果的条件, 该文给出了一些分布族的性质.  相似文献   

Summary We prove isomorphism and inclusion theorems for certain £(p,λ) spaces of strong type introduced by G. Stampacchia. These results are quite analogous to those of S. Campanato and G. N. Meyers[1], [4], F. John and L. Nirenberg[3] and L. C. Piccinini[9]. Entrata in Redazione il 14 luglio 1976.  相似文献   

该文讨论脉冲泛函微分方程$\left\{\begin{array}{ll}x,(t)=f(t,xt), t≥ t0,△x=I_k(t,x(t-)), t=tk,k∈ Z+,给出了方程零解渐近稳定性和一致渐近稳定性的充分条件,指出这些条件推广或改进了文献[7--9]的相应结论.  相似文献   

p是Rn上具C系数的线性偏微分算子,关于拟相似变换δτ(x)=(τ>0)是m次拟齐性的,m>0,如果a1,a2,…,an全为正有理数或mM={α·a,α∈In+},则方程p[u]=0的多项式解空间必为无穷维的.  相似文献   

误差为鞅差序列的部分线性模型中估计的强相合性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
考虑回归模型:yi=xi β +g(ti)+σiei ,i=1,2,...,n,其中 σi=f(ui), (xi,ti,ui)是固定非随机设计点列,f(.),\ g(.)$\ 是未知函数,β是待估参数,ei是随机误差且关于非降σ -代数列{Fi,i≥1} 为鞅差序列.对文献[1]给出的基于f(.)及g(.)的一类非参数估计的β的最小二乘估计βn和加权最小二乘估计βn,在适当条件下证明了它们的强相合性,推广了文献[6]在ei为iid情形下的结果.  相似文献   

Cq:=Cq[x±11, x±12] 为复数域上的量子环面, 其中q≠ 0是一个非单位根, D(Cq) 为Cq的导子李代数. 记Lq 为Cq ㈩ D(Cq)的导出子代数. 该文研究李代数Lq的自同构群, 泛中心扩张和导子李代数.  相似文献   

As a special case of a well-known conjecture of Artin, it isexpected that a system of R additive forms of degree k, say [formula] with integer coefficients aij, has a non-trivial solution inQp for all primes p whenever [formula] Here we adopt the convention that a solution of (1) is non-trivialif not all the xi are 0. To date, this has been verified onlywhen R=1, by Davenport and Lewis [4], and for odd k when R=2,by Davenport and Lewis [7]. For larger values of R, and in particularwhen k is even, more severe conditions on N are required toassure the existence of p-adic solutions of (1) for all primesp. In another important contribution, Davenport and Lewis [6]showed that the conditions [formula] are sufficient. There have been a number of refinements of theseresults. Schmidt [13] obtained N>>R2k3 log k, and Low,Pitman and Wolff [10] improved the work of Davenport and Lewisby showing the weaker constraints [formula] to be sufficient for p-adic solubility of (1). A noticeable feature of these results is that for even k, onealways encounters a factor k3 log k, in spite of the expectedk2 in (2). In this paper we show that one can reach the expectedorder of magnitude k2. 1991 Mathematics Subject Classification11D72, 11D79.  相似文献   

If u is a superharmonic function on R2, then [formula] for all (x, y) R2. This follows from the fact that a line segmentin R2 is non-thin at each of its constituent points. (See Doob[1, 1.XI] or Helms [7, Chapter 10] for an account of thin setsand the fine topology.) The situation is different in higherdimensions. For example, if u is the Newtonian potential onR3 defined by [formula] then [formula] Corollary 2 below will show that, nevertheless, for nearly everyvertical line L, the value of a superharmonic function at anypoint X of L is determined by its lower limit along L at X. Throughout this paper, we let n 3. A typical point of Rn willbe denoted by X or (X', x), where X'Rn–1 and xR. Givenany function f:Rn [–,+] and any point X, we define thevertical cluster set of f at X by [formula] and the fine cluster set of f at X by [formula] 1991 Mathematics Subject Classification 31B05.  相似文献   

该文研究了p-Laplacian 动力边值问题 (g(u(t)))+a(t)f(t, u(t))=0, t ∈ [0, T] T, u(0)=u(T)=w, u(0)=-u(T) 正解的存在性. 其中w是非负实数, g(ν)=|ν| p-2ν, p>1 . 根据对称技巧和五泛函不动点定理, 证明了边值问题至少有三个正的对称解, 同时, 给出了一个例子验证了我们的结果.  相似文献   

We show that lp, embeds into Lp, [0, 1] as a complemented sublattice.  相似文献   

** Email: anil{at}math.iitb.ac.in*** Email: mcj{at}math.iitb.ac.in**** Email: akp{at}math.iitb.ac.in In this paper, we consider the following control system governedby the non-linear parabolic differential equation of the form: [graphic: see PDF] where A is a linear operator with dense domain and f(t, y)is a non-linear function. We have proved that under Lipschitzcontinuity assumption on the non-linear function f(t, y), theset of admissible controls is non-empty. The optimal pair (u*,y*) is then obtained as the limit of the optimal pair sequence{(un*, yn*)}, where un* is a minimizer of the unconstrainedproblem involving a penalty function arising from the controllabilityconstraint and yn* is the solution of the parabolic non-linearsystem defined above. Subsequently, we give approximation theoremswhich guarantee the convergence of the numerical schemes tooptimal pair sequence. We also present numerical experimentwhich shows the applicability of our result.  相似文献   

Integer Solutions are found to the equations t2–3(a2,b2, (a + b)2, (ab)2) = p2, q2, r2, s2. These lead surprisinglyto solutions to the equations u2 + (c2, d2, (c + d)2, (cd)2) = p2, q2, v2, w2, with the same values of p and q.  相似文献   

Let f be analytic in the unit disc, and let it belong to theHardy space Hp, equipped with the usual norm ||f||p. It is knownfrom the work of Hardy and Littlewood that for q > p, theconstants [formula] with the usual extension to the case where q = , have C(p,q)< . The authors prove that [formula] and [formula] 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification 30D55, 30A10.  相似文献   

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