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严重气道狭窄患者气管内治疗的麻醉管理   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
目的:探讨严重气道狭窄患者气管内治疗的麻醉管理方法。方法:10例不同原因气道狭窄患者分别进行狭窄气道内支架置入术、支架或异物取出术或气管造口处“T”管置入术,分别于全身麻醉下采用气管插管、喉罩及高频喷射等不同的保障气道及通气的方法。结果:经气管导管或喉罩支气管镜下定位气道内支架成功放置7例;感染气管支架或异物取出失败各1例,但均清除部分坏死组织,解除部分气道梗阻;经气管导管手控呼吸及高频喷射通气下“T”型硅胶管成功放置1例。结论:严重气道狭窄患者气管内治疗的麻醉管理关键在于保障气道内操作时的气道通畅。气管插管、喉罩及高频喷射等可灵活应用于不同的病例,其选择主要取决于气道梗阻的部位、严重程度及治疗方法,医护人员的通力协作也是成功的保障之一,经喉罩通气下行气管内操作为可行的方法之一。  相似文献   

硬质气管镜下放置支架治疗大气道阻塞性疾病   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 为治疗大气道内阻塞性疾病,探讨现代硬质气管镜下气管支架技术的价值. 方法 2002年9月至2008年5月,对7例大气道阻塞性疾病患者在硬质气管镜下放置气管支架,其中良性病变1例,为右主支气管外伤后瘢痕狭窄;恶性病变6例,包括食管癌术后气道狭窄4例,原发性气管肿瘤1例,气管肿瘤术后气道狭窄1例.静脉全身麻醉,不插管,仰卧位,经口置入硬质气管镜,喷射通气.首先对气道进行全面的检查和评估,将气道内病变清除或直接扩张气道,直视下利用施放器放置支架;术后不需要辅以机械通气. 结果 共放置支架7枚,每例患者1枚,包括气管支架3枚,左主支气管3枚,右主支气管1枚.手术顺利,无严重并发症及围手术期死亡.失访1例,随访6例,随访41.4±20.5个月;5例恶性疾病患者中有1例于术后1个月因心脏病猝死,4例术后平均生存14.7个月;1例良性疾病患者术后1个月因刺激性咳嗽将支架取出,随访27个月未再出现气道狭窄. 结论 硬质气管镜下放置支架治疗大气道内阻塞性疾病安全、可靠,操作简单,值得临床推广.  相似文献   

记忆镍钛合金支架是一种具有独特形状记忆和超弹性的支架 ,可在低温 (温度 0~ 4℃ )缩小 ,随温度升高自动恢复原状。因此易于置入 ,置入后固定良好不易滑脱 ,且具有耐磨、耐腐蚀、对粘膜刺激性小、生物相容性好等特点 ,是目前治疗气管狭窄较理想的生物材料。我科 1 996年 1 1月至 1 997年 9月对 42例气管狭窄病人行记忆镍钛合金支架气管置入术 ,取得良好疗效。1 临床资料1 .1 一般资料42例中 ,男 2 9例、女 1 3例 ,年龄 34~ 71岁 ,平均 5 5 .2岁。其中良性狭窄 4例 (外伤致气管塌陷 1例、气管切开致气管增生性瘢痕 1例、气管软化 1例、…  相似文献   

气管支架置入术治疗气管恶性狭窄的并发症分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的探讨应用气管支架治疗气管恶性狭窄的并发症。方法回顾性分析1999年11月—2011年6月在局麻和数字减影血管造影机下应用气管支架治疗气管恶性狭窄的25例患者资料,其中6例置入Z型不锈钢支架,19例置入镍钛记忆合金支架,观察支架相关并发症。结果置入Z型不锈钢支架的6例患者中,所有支架置入后即刻完全扩张,2例出现支架移位,随访期中支架再狭窄3例,其中肿瘤增生性狭窄1例,黏稠痰液阻塞性狭窄1例,支架断裂伴肉芽增生性狭窄1例;置入镍钛记忆合金支架的19例患者中,术中无支架移位,2例即刻完全扩张,17例术后3天~3个月扩张完全,随访期内支架再狭窄2例,其中肿瘤增生性狭窄1例,肉芽增生性狭窄1例。所有患者术后呼吸困难即刻明显改善。结论应用气管支架治疗气管恶性狭窄有一定并发症,但仍是一种作用迅速、效果显著的治疗措施。  相似文献   

特型支架治疗食管入口狭窄   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1999年8月至2001年1月,我院对6例食管入口狭窄患者进行特型支架置入术,通过临床观察,发现特型支架对治疗食管入口狭窄有较好的疗效。对象与方法食管入口狭窄6例,男性5例、女性1例,年龄48~62岁,均为高位食管癌,无法手术切除。经放疗后出现食管入口狭窄,狭窄直径0.2~0.4cm,狭窄上缘距门齿约15~17cm(胃镜测量),狭窄长度3~4cm,狭窄并食管气管瘘1例,术前4例完全不能进食,2例可进流质饮食。支架为镍钛记忆合金高弹膜密纹网状支架,呈不规则的类双喇叭形,是我们根据人体食管入口第一狭窄部的…  相似文献   

目的探讨气管良性狭窄的临床特点和外科手术治疗策略。方法回顾性分析2011年1月至2013年12月同济医院胸外科收治的15例气管良性狭窄患者的临床资料,男11例、女4例,年龄10~57(34.52±2.45)岁;均为气管内插管后发生狭窄,颈段气管良性狭窄13例,气管中段2例。6例患者行气管狭窄切除并端端吻合重建术,9例行气管狭窄切除端端吻合横行气管切开术。结果本组15例患者均安全度过麻醉期和手术期,全组无手术死亡。术后发生切口感染及气胸各1例,所有患者均顺利出院。随访3~36个月,所有患者日常活动正常,无呼吸困难症状,无再狭窄发生。结论气管良性狭窄的治疗首选气管袖式切除重建手术治疗,预防性气管切开利于术后呼吸道管理,减少并发症的发生。  相似文献   

朱江 《护理学杂志》2006,21(5):19-20
对20例气管狭窄患者行镍钛合金支架置入术治疗。做好术前心理护理,局部麻醉,术中密切监护并做好术后并发症的预防及护理。20例患者均顺利完成支架安放.术后呼吸困难改善。未发生大咯血及支架移位等严重并发症。  相似文献   

目的探讨可回收Sigma支架治疗气管食管瘘的可行性和优越性。方法用介入或内镜两种方法,为19例病人将支架置入食管或(和)气管内,封堵瘘口。结果17例食管癌、2例良性疾病病人,共放38个支架(气管19个,主支气管1个,食管18个)。2例仅放1个气管支架,15例放双支架(均为管形11例,气管用分叉形4例),2例放3个支架。1次放置成功35个,取出重放3个。放置后第2~4d正常经口进食。除1例仅放置气管支架者,术后有少量造影剂渗入气管,但没有症状,其余18例造影显示气管食管瘘完全封闭。随访3个月至3年,10例健在,最长已18个月。9例死亡,生存2周至12个月,中位生存5.8个月。死于肺部感染1例、大出血1例、肿瘤广泛转移7例。结论可回收Sigma支架通体覆膜,因管口与管身直径一致,克服了记忆合金支架的金属喇叭口明显刺激管壁肉芽增生狭窄,该支架易于回收,可保证放置准确。能有效治疗良、恶性疾病造成的气管食管狭窄和气管食管瘘。  相似文献   

支架置入术是解决严重气管狭窄造成的呼吸道梗阻的一种新的、行之有效的措施.现将我院6例气管支架置入术的麻醉体会介绍如下.  相似文献   

炭纤维复合材料人工气管的临床应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
知1990年3月开始,将自制的炭纤维复合材料人工气管应用于所管恶性肿瘤2例,外伤性狭窄1例,共3例,均取得了良好效果,首例随访4年5个月,情况良好。对人工所管应用的适应证,人工气管材料的选择和手术方法进行了讨论。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Self-expanding metal stents are used to palliate benign strictures. We examined the complications of this approach. METHODS: Between 1997 and 2002, we observed recurrent airway obstruction and extension of benign inflammatory strictures after the placement of tracheobronchial Microvasive Ultraflex stents and Wallstents (Boston Scientific Corp, Natick, Mass), in 10 patients with postintubation strictures and 5 with other indications; all but 1 patient were referred to us. Patients with tracheal (9), subglottic (1), combined tracheal and subglottic (3), and bronchial (2) strictures had been treated with covered and uncovered Wallstents (6) and Microvasive Ultraflex stents (9). RESULTS: After stent insertion, stricture and granulations within previously normal airway were seen in all patients. New subglottic strictures resulting from the stent caused hoarseness in 4 patients. A bronchoesophageal fistula was found in 1 patient at presentation and a tracheoesophageal fistula in another during extraction of a Wallstent. Primary surgical reconstruction, judged to have been feasible before wire stent insertion in 10 patients, was possible after stenting in only 7 and failed in 2. Palliative tubes were placed in 60% (9/15). Self-expanding metal stents may lengthen luminal damage, incite subglottic strictures, and cause esophagorespiratory fistula in inflammatory airway strictures. The injury is severe, occurs after a short duration of stenting, and precludes definitive surgical treatment or requires more extensive tracheal resection. CONCLUSION: The current generation of self-expanding metal stents should be avoided in benign strictures of trachea and bronchi.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Tracheobronchial obstruction is infrequent in the pediatric age group but it is associated with significant morbidity and mortality. The purpose of this study is to review the results of a single institution experience with endoscopic stent placement in children with benign tracheobronchial obstruction, and with special concern on safety and clinical effectiveness. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Twenty-one patients with severe airway stenosing disease in which stent placement was performed between 1993 and 2006. Inclusion criteria according to the clinical status were: failure to wean from ventilation, episode of apnea, frequent respiratory infections (>3 pneumonia/year), and severe respiratory distress. Additional criteria for stent placement were: failure of surgical treatment, bronchomalacia, and tracheomalacia refractory to previous tracheostomy. Selection of the type of stent depended on the site of the lesion, the patient's age, and the stent availability when time of presentation. The following variables were retrospectively evaluated: age, type of obstruction, associated malformations, stent properties, technical and clinical success, complications and related reinterventions, outcome and follow-up period. RESULTS: Thirty-three stents were placed in the trachea (n=18) and/or bronchi (n=15) of 21 patients with a median age of 6 months (range, 9 days-19 years). Etiology of the airway obstruction included severe tracheomalacia and/or bronchomalacia in 19 cases (90%), and postoperative tracheal stenosis in two. Twelve children had a total of 20 balloon-expandable metallic stents placed, and 10 had 13 silicone-type stents (one patient had both). In nine patients (42%) more than one device was placed. Stent positioning was technically successful in all but one patient. Clinical improvement was observed in 18 patients (85%) but complications occurred in five of them (27%). Eight patients died during follow-up but only in one case it was related to airway stenting. Thirteen patients (62%) are alive and in good condition with a mean follow-up of 39 months (1-13.8 years). CONCLUSIONS: Although the results were based on a small series, placement of stents in the pediatric airway to treat tracheobronchial obstruction seems to be safe and effective. Stenting is a satisfactory therapeutic option when other procedures have failed or are not indicated.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the outcomes of powered instrumentation tracheal surgery (PITS) in patients with tracheal granulation tissue following tracheostomy that caused or exacerbated airway obstruction and impeded decannulation. STUDY DESIGN: Retrospective case review. METHODS: Sixteen patients that accepted PITS for decannulation from tracheal granulation tissue were reviewed. The surgical procedure was performed with the assistance telescope connected to a television monitoring system. The success of PITS was defined as a decannulation for 3 months without a recurrence of airway obstruction. RESULTS: The average operation time was 34 minutes. No complication was met in the perioperative period. Fourteen cases (87.5%) were successfully decannulated within 3 days following PITS. The 2 cases that failed successful decannulation had undergone insertion of a tracheal stent for their hindered tracheal stenosis. CONCLUSIONS: The preliminary results reveal that the new operation modality, PITS, is a safe and simple method for the treatment of tracheal granulation tissue and could be a useful alternative for benign tracheal lesions.  相似文献   

全身麻醉下气管支架植入术治疗恶性气管狭窄   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的评价全身麻醉下气管支架植入术治疗恶性气管狭窄的疗效。方法选择因恶性肿瘤致气管狭窄、中、重度呼吸困难患者17例,行全身麻醉及气管插管,于DSA监视下经气管套管植入镍钛记忆合金支架。结果全部病例均成功植入支架,呼吸困难症状立即得到改善。随访3~24个月,支架无移位,气管通畅,患者无明显疼痛及异物感。结论全身麻醉下气管支架植入术治疗恶性气管狭窄安全、快捷、有效,患者痛苦小,可为后续治疗提供条件。  相似文献   

An intraluminal tracheal stent (ITS) was used experimentally in rabbits and piglets, as well as clinically in infants with tracheal stenosis, to facilitate airway reconstruction. The ITSs were constructed of stainless-steel springs covered with silicone rubber. They were implanted in seven piglets (6 to 8 kg), five rabbits (3 to 5 kg) and three infants. No animals developed severe respiratory distress and all appeared to tolerate the ITS. Postmortem examinations 1 to 8 weeks after surgery showed (1) loss of stent fixation (one pig), (2) increased tracheal secretions, (3) pneumonia (one pig, two rabbits), and (4) focal squamous metaplasia of tracheal mucosa. Stents used to treat three infants (2 to 5 months of age) with complex tracheobronchial stenosis were placed at the time of periosteal tracheoplasty in two. Recurrent stenosis necessitated a second tracheoplasty and stenting in one, and a long tracheostomy tube and balloon dilatations in the other. The third child had endoscopic stent insertion to alleviate severe airway collapse after esophageal tracheoplasty. The child died from progressive respiratory failure after stent dislodgment. Although the stents were well tolerated in animals and they enhanced critical ventilation of all pulmonary lobes in infants after tracheal reconstruction, certain modifications such as alternative methods of fixation, accommodation for tracheal growth, and reduction in tissue reactivity are necessary before further use of the ITS can be advocated.  相似文献   

Nitinol stent for the treatment of tracheobronchial stenosis   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the potential utility of implantation of a nickel-titanium alloy (nitinol) stent for the treatment of malignant or benign tracheobronchial stenosis. METHODS: We evaluated 18 patients (14 men and 4 women) who received 24 nitinol stents, between November 1997 and May 2000. All 18 patients had severe dyspnea caused by tracheobronchial stenosis. The underlying condition was malignant disease in 15 patients, and benign tracheal collapse in the other 3 patients. RESULTS: Implantation of the stent was successfully performed in all patients. Seventeen patients experienced immediate clinical improvement in respiratory symptoms. The remaining 1 patient with a bronchial fistule after lobectomy did not benefit, and died of pneumonia at 16 days after the implantation. In 15 patients, the procedure was performed using a flexible bronchoscope under local anesthesia alone, while the remaining 3 patients needed intravenous sedation. There was no complication resulting from the stent implantation. Among the 3 patients with benign tracheal collapse, 2 patients were alive at 746 and at 401 days after the stent implantation, at the time of this report. One patient with cicatricial stenosis after intubation died of heart failure due to previous myocardial infarction. Among the 15 patients with malignant disease, 4 patients have survived for 177 to 305 days to date, while the other 11 patients have died of primary malignancy with a mean survival duration of 60.2 days. CONCLUSION: The nitinol stent was effective in treating malignant or benign tracheobronchial stenosis, and had some remarkable advantages compared with other tracheobronchial stents. In stenting, most procedures can be performed using flexible bronchoscope under local anesthesia.  相似文献   

Complications of tracheobronchial airway stents.   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
OBJECTIVE: Our goal was to identify and analyze airway stent complications and to devise approaches to manage stent complications. STUDY DESIGN AND SETTING: We conducted a retrospective review of patients from a tertiary medical center. METHODS: Twenty-eight airway stents were placed in 23 patients for benign (n = 15) and malignant (n = 13) tracheobronchial diseases. All patients were followed clinically for signs of complications. RESULTS: Nine complications (8 in those with benign disease and 1 in a patient with malignant disease) were identified and included stent migration (n = 3), excessive granulation tissue (n = 2), stent fracture (n = 1), poor patient tolerance (n = 2), and inability to place (n = 1). Avoidance and management strategies for stent complications are introduced. CONCLUSION: Tracheobronchial stents provide minimally invasive therapy for significant airway obstruction. Stent complications are more frequently encountered in the long-term treatment of benign conditions. Stents can be successfully removed endoscopically if complications arise, but the longer a metallic stent is in place, the more difficult it is to remove. SIGNIFICANCE: As airway stent use increases, proper management will be required to avoid and manage complications. This is the first report to focus on stent complications and their management.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Airway stenting is an alternative approach for relieving airway stenosis when lesions are inappropriate for single-stage reconstruction. The aim of this study was to present our experience using airway stent in the management of patients with tracheal stenosis. METHODS: This study retrospectively reviewed 45 patients who underwent airway stenting during a 2-year period. Between June 2002 and August 2004, 45 patients underwent rigid bronchoscopy for tracheal stenosis using an Ultraflex stent (Microvasive; Boston Scientific, Boston, MA, USA), Hood stent (Hood Laboratories, Pembroke, MA, USA) and Montgomery T-tube (Boston Medical, Westborough, MA, USA). Clinical improvement, intraoperative, early and late postoperative complications were evaluated. RESULTS: Ultraflex stent was used in 14 patients, Hood stent in 9 and Montgomery T-tube in 22. The overall clinical improvement was 95.5%. Four per cent of the patients (2/45) had intraoperative complications, 8.8% (4/45) had early postoperative complications and 51% (23/45) had late postoperative complications. No significant difference was determined between stent type and complication rates. CONCLUSION: Rigid bronchoscopic insertion of airway stents for tracheal stenosis is a safe and effective procedure. No difference exists between stent type and clinical improvement, intraoperative and early and late postoperative complications.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Experience with Ultraflex expandable metallic stents (Micro-invasive, Boston Scientific, Watertown, MA) in the management of endobronchial pathologies leading to airway compromise is reported. METHODS: Between January 1999 and August 2000, twenty-eight expandable metallic stents were inserted into 25 patients (7 men and 18 women; median age, 65 years) who presented with respiratory distress. Each patient had comorbid medical conditions or end-stage malignancy that precluded formal surgical repair. Seventeen patients had intrinsic airway obstruction, 5 had extrinsic compression, 2 had a tracheal tear, and 1 had a tracheoesophageal fistula. Stents were inserted through a bronchoscope under direct vision. Eighteen patients received tracheal stents alone (1 of these patients received two tracheal stents), and 5 patients received bronchial stents only. Two patients received a tracheal and a bronchial stent. Twenty-one stents were covered and seven were uncovered. RESULTS: All patients had successful stents with restoration of airway patency and closure of tracheal defects. One patient developed a respiratory infection early after the operation. Follow-up bronchoscopy confirmed satisfactory stent position in each patient. Late complications included sputum retention, halitosis, and granulation tissue formation. CONCLUSIONS: Ultraflex expandable metallic stents should be considered in the management of airway compromise in selected patients for whom formal surgical repair is inappropriate or contraindicated.  相似文献   

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