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Right in Amsterdam’s picturesque Canal Zone, on and around Zeedijk, Chinese entrepreneurs have carved out a presence in what seems like the local Chinatown. The businessmen have been targeting Asian and non-Asian customers by offering products that – to an extent – can be associated with Asia, China in particular. Since the early 1990s, individual entrepreneurs and their business organisations have campaigned for official acknowledgement of Zeedijk as an ethnic-only district and for governmental support of the enhancement of Chineseness. Following Hackworth and Rekers. [(2005). “Ethnic Packaging and Gentrification. The Case of Four Neighborhoods in Toronto.” Urban Affairs Review 41 (2): 211–236], we argue that this case challenges traditional understandings of ethnic commercial landscapes. In sharp contrast to the current orthodoxy, which would conceive the proliferation of such an ‘ethnic enclave’ as part of a larger process of assimilation, we have approached Amsterdam’s Chinatown first and foremost as a themed economic space: Chinese and other entrepreneurs compete for a share of the market and in doing also for the right to claim the identity of the area. What is the historical development of the Zeedijk area, how did Chinese entrepreneurs and their associations try to boost Chinatown and negotiate public Chineseness, and how did governmental and non-governmental institutional actors respond to those attempts?  相似文献   
文章从情感、家庭、政治层面探寻汉武帝与两位皇后间的关系。情感上,两位皇后将全部的爱倾注于丈夫武帝,武帝未能做到;家庭中,帝、后虽为男主人和女主人,但皇室家庭中的特殊因素会影响到二人间的关系;政治层面上,帝后关系更是君臣关系。文章通过对汉武帝时期帝、后关系的探讨,不仅能窥探有汉一代的帝后关系,更可窥探到当时经济、政治、思想等相关的时代背景。  相似文献   
张岩  吴芳  吴晓晖 《管理科学》2018,21(11):76-91
本文探讨我国首发市场中针对募集资金的两种管制政策的交互效应对资源配置的影响.研究结果发现,募资用途和募资额度管制的交互作用会导致募资不足,从而加大公司上市后融资约束的程度,进而引起投资不足. 2009年放开募资额度管制后,公司的融资约束得到缓解,但持有过量的超募资金又会引发过度投资.进一步研究发现,企业持有的超募资金与其长期绩效呈倒U型关系.本文的研究结论对目前处于酝酿中的IPO注册制的相关政策制定和制度设计具有参考意义.  相似文献   
Motivated by a recent tuberculosis (TB) study, this paper is concerned with covariates missing not at random (MNAR) and models the potential intracluster correlation by a frailty. We consider the regression analysis of right‐censored event times from clustered subjects under a Cox proportional hazards frailty model and present the semiparametric maximum likelihood estimator (SPMLE) of the model parameters. An easy‐to‐implement pseudo‐SPMLE is then proposed to accommodate more realistic situations using readily available supplementary information on the missing covariates. Algorithms are provided to compute the estimators and their consistent variance estimators. We demonstrate that both the SPMLE and the pseudo‐SPMLE are consistent and asymptotically normal by the arguments based on the theory of modern empirical processes. The proposed approach is examined numerically via simulation and illustrated with an analysis of the motivating TB study data.  相似文献   
"邻里汇"作为一种社区公共服务供给新模式,在公共服务领域有其独特的优势."邻里汇"汇集了养老、康复、助餐、助浴和社区生活服务等功能,成为社区居民休闲的汇聚地.要尽力争取让各年龄、各阶层的居民都能走出家门,一起加入"邻里汇"的大家庭中.有了社区居民的积极参与,才能将"邻里汇"建设成为促进社区和谐、满足多元需求的社区服务载体,营造出睦邻互助的良好氛围.  相似文献   
本文以沪深两市上市公司为研究对象,基于2012-2016年的样本数据,运用STATA14探讨了上市公司发生股权质押后,相较不存在股权质押的公司是否会更有可能进行市值管理,以及股权质押、股权激励和市值管理三者之间的传导机制。基于相关数据的实证结果显示,控股股东在发生股权质押行为后,为了避免股价发生异常波动或者持续下跌从而引发公司治理层面的风险,相较不存在控股股东股权质押情形的公司的确更有可能进行市值管理;进一步分析发现,股权质押后,控股股东会通过股权激励这种手段来进行市值管理。  相似文献   
Endpoints in clinical trials are often highly correlated. However, the commonly used multiple testing procedures in clinical trials either do not take into consideration the correlations among test statistics or can only exploit known correlations. Westfall and Young constructed a resampling-based stepdown method that implicitly utilizes the correlation structure of test statistics in situations with unknown correlations. However, their method requires a “subset pivotality” assumption. Romano and Wolf proposed a more general stepdown method, which does not require such an assumption. There is at present little experience with the application of such methods in analyzing clinical trial data. We advocate the application of resampling-based multiple testing procedures to clinical trials data when appropriate. We have conjectured that the resampling-based stepdown methods can be extended to a stepup procedure under appropriate assumptions and examined the performance of both stepdown and stepup methods under a variety of correlation structures and distribution types. Results from our simulation studies support the use of the resampling-based methods under various scenarios, including binary data and small samples, with strong control of Family wise type I error rate (FWER). Under positive dependence and for binary data even under independence, the resampling-based methods are more powerful than the Holm and Hochberg methods. Last, we illustrate the advantage of the resampling-based stepwise methods with two clinical trial data examples: a cardiovascular outcome trial and an oncology trial.  相似文献   
特色小镇建设过程中出现的失地农民群体面临着权益保障困难、社会排斥及社会阶层分化等问题。通过凸显特色产业,区别对待不同类型特色小镇发展,注重旅游特色商品开发、发展休闲农业和完善社会保障等方式,可以提升失地农民的再就业,缓解失地带来的社会不稳定因素。  相似文献   
  流动性是市场的灵魂,金融创新的目的和结果是提高资产的流动性。2010年3月31日,证监会以促进市场流动性为目的,正式推出融资融券业务试点,并在2011年至2013年先后3次扩大中国A股市场融资融券标的股票的范围。因此,研究中国融资融券是否促进流动性并探究其内在机制具有非常重要的现实意义。         排除股指期货和股指期权等卖空机制的影响,运用面板回归方法和适合政策评估的双重差分法,分别检验2011年至2013年3次融资融券扩容对标的股票流动性的影响,并从融资和融券交易者的短期交易策略和标的股票股东结构变化两个方面探讨买空卖空机制与流动性因果关系的内在机制。         研究结果表明,融资和融券交易的双重引入降低了交易成本和价格影响,提高了标的股票的流动性。随着融资融券业务的深入开展和发展,融资融券标的股票扩容对价格影响方面的流动性的影响越来越强。融资交易者的短期动量交易策略降低了价格影响和交易成本,融券交易者的短期动量交易策略降低了价格影响,而对交易成本影响不显著。由于部分机构投资者退场,偏好短线投机炒作的中大型个体投资者入场,换手率高、流通市值低和特质波动率低等类型的标的股票组合的流动性提高更为明显。         融资融券交易提高标的股票流动性的研究结论补充了已有研究关于买空卖空机制对市场质量影响方面的实证证据,也为中国融资融券业务的发展和完善提供借鉴意义。  相似文献   
新建医院给新任护士长带来了晋升的机遇,但是医院的特殊环境也使得她们面临着诸如科研难、沟通协调难、带教难等挑战。新任护士长希望获得医院足够的支持,用来提升管理水平和管理绩效。采用质性研究的方法,通过半结构访谈的方式,对新建医院14位新任护士长进行管理体验的访谈,从而为医院培养一支高素质的护士长队伍提供实证依据。对获得的研究资料进行整理分析,提炼出机遇、挑战、愿景这三个主题。新建医院新任护士长承担管理工作时间短,管理经验相对不足,但是她们有饱满的工作热情,医院应该采用各种方式,满足新任护士长自我完善的需求。  相似文献   
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