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Uniform designs are widely used in various scientific investigations and industrial applications. By considering all possible level permutation of the factors, a connection between average centered L2-discrepancy and generalized wordlength pattern for asymmetrical fractional factorial designs is derived. Moreover, we present new lower bounds to the average centered L2-discrepancy for symmetrical and asymmetrical U-type designs. For illustration of the theoretical results, the lower bounds for symmetrical and asymmetrical U-type designs are tabulated, and numerical results indicate that our lower bounds behave well and can be recommended for use in practice.  相似文献   
骑兵,一般在古代战争中作为步兵的辅助力量存在,而在帕提亚帝国骑兵却是军队的主要力量。由于帕提亚帝国发源于游牧民族传统,帝国幅员辽阔,内部多元和分散,东联中亚草原,西接两河流域,上承古波斯帝国军事优势,造就他们的骑兵称霸西亚。其骑兵的冲击力和机动性构成伊朗古代史和世界古代史上战斗力最强的一支军队。帕提亚的骑兵分为重装骑兵和轻装弓骑兵,他们装备当时世界上最先进的铠甲和武器,并配备了当时后勤保障最有力的骆驼队,双方根据自身的特点在战争中扮演不同的角色,发挥不同的作用。双方的相互配合加上灵活机动的战略战术往往能产生震撼的效果。  相似文献   
薛富兴 《社会科学》2015,(2):116-126
"阳明格竹"是中国古代认识论史上一个典型案例,王阳明未能找到其格竹失败的真正原因,由此得出错误结论,从逻辑上终结了朱熹所提倡的客观外求式"格物致知"活动的必要性与可能性。沈括提供了"格物致知"活动的成功经典案例。沈括的案例表明:要想获得关于外在对象客观而又深刻的认识,人们必须以积极、动态的操作性实验活动为基础,完善的"格物致知"活动是一个由感性的观察实验与理性的推理分析双向互动的过程。阳明格竹失败的根本原因在于其只有感性、消极的对象静观,没有积极的操作性实验,以及理性推理分析支撑,故而其格竹活动只能无果而终。  相似文献   
作为一门独立的学科,妇女学(Woman’s Study)最早诞生于20世纪60年代的美国高校。加州圣地亚哥大学于1970年建立了全美第一个妇女学系,这在世界范围内也是第一个妇女学系。社会性别作为一种分析范畴,与妇女学的诞生、发展是一致的。二者都是在20世纪60年代的女权主义运动中诞生的。学者们将社会性别作为一种分析工具引入社会学、人类学、历史学、文学等各个学术领域,并由此对整个人文社会科学领域  相似文献   
华文夏令营通过提供文化知识和中国阅历来影响和增强华裔新生代的中华文化认识、认知、认同,从而增强其与中国的向心力和凝聚力,并能够在世界舆论场中对所在国受众更好地讲述中国故事。华文夏令营在实际运作中的确起到了增强华裔新生代中华文化认同的作用。因此,应该正视夏令营举办中的不足,总结经验,改进创办模式,通过运用新媒体和新技术手段保持与华裔新生代的长期联系,巩固华裔新生代对中华文化的认同。  相似文献   

There are substantial gaps in research on Health Related Quality of Life (HRQoL) in students aged 18 and above in West Virginia. The purpose of this study is to explore the associations between mindful self-care, perceived stress, and the HRQoL in this population. We conducted a cross-sectional study between March and April 2017. We included participants who were students, aged 18 years and above, living in West Virginia and were able to answer online questions in English. Data was obtained from an online survey using a structured questionnaire, including the SF12v2®, mindful self-care scale- SHORT, and Perceived Stress Scale (PSS)-10. We applied linear regressions to determine the predictors of HRQoL (physical health and mental health) using SF12v2®. 194 participants met the inclusion criteria of the study. Mindful self-care was negatively associated with perceived stress. Better mindful self-care mediated the relationship between perceived stress and psychological well-being, controlling for gender, age, race, marital status, education level, annual household income, and chronic disease status. Perceived stress and mindful self-care were not related to the physical well-being. Better mindful self-care may safeguard against perceived stress among students aged 18 years and above. Our findings in this study recommend more mindfulness-based interventions targeted to this subpopulation to improve psychological well-being.  相似文献   
意识形态功能是意识形态基础研究的核心问题,从意识形态功能提升视角切入是推进我国社会主义意识形态建设的新视阈。在意识形态功能的研究中,抛开时代背景和具体实践谈功能,极易出现意识形态功能研究的“虚化”,形成对意识形态功能的空洞认识。在新时代的历史方位下,结合习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想论证社会主义意识形态在政治、经济、文化、社会和外交领域的相关功能,以期在市场化、“微时代”、全球化的大环境下通过引领社会主义市场经济改革方向、净化网络空间以及争夺国际话语权等途径,真正实现社会主义意识形态功能的全面提升。  相似文献   
凉山彝族毕摩宗教仪式除了独特的宗教和文化特性外,还具有其他传统教育类型无可替代的教育内涵和功 能。凉山彝族人正是通过这种集体性的参与,深受演绎场域的熏陶,保存和丰富着村落的集体记忆,增强了社会成员之间的凝 聚力,同时也承继了彝族的传统文化。  相似文献   
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