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试论托罗普斯运动   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在说明托罗普斯运动(trops)由来基础上,探讨了其特征:1)每个人都参与其中享受快乐;2)大家共同创作的运动;3)人人平等的新境界。简述该运动进行的基本原则:1)协同竞赛原则;2)现行规则的再创造原则;3)非克敌制胜原则;4)意志锻炼的原则。并就托罗普斯运动与竞技体育在体育观念上的区别及其重要变革作详细阐述。  相似文献   
三级跳远运动员跨步跳踏跳效果的生物力学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
该课题运用生物力学方法,对三级跳远运动员全程助跑三级跳远、跳深接跳远进行了测试,获得了有关运动学、动力学参数,通过分析与比较,试图了解运动员跨步跳踏跳时下肢肌的工作效果,为三级跳远的力量训练提供参考  相似文献   
垂直初速度对提高跳远成绩的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
依据中外优秀跳远选手的比赛数据统计和对比分析,运用运动生物力学原理和方法,论述了垂直初速度对跳远成绩的影响及其意义,揭示了一次成功跳远所应具备的主要技术指标。  相似文献   
“大器晚成”一语为老子《道德经》所援引的古“建言”者之言。从古文章法,从“晚”与“免”、“器”与“成”、“成”与“盛”诸字之间的关系等方面论证:“大器晚成”即“大器免盛”;“建言”者的取意、老子援引的取意都是“最能盛者不盛”;不是古往今来诸多注家及今人所理解的“贵重器物需要长时间才能完成”等意。  相似文献   
“实干兴邦”是科学发展观的“压船石”,是实现“中国梦”的根本途径。“实干兴邦”就是强调“把理论和行动统一起来,做到内化于心外化于行”;“有方向,不争论,埋头干”;“为官一任,造福一方”;“执政者要强化品德修养,堂堂正正做人,踏踏实实做事”。要把这些理念融入到高职院校的科学发展之中,用每个高职教育工作者的行动和一个个具体成果去圆国家和学院的发展“梦”。  相似文献   
运用信息技术为主要研究方法,对刘翔与罗伯斯在伯明翰的60m栏室内赛的时间特征进行了比较分析。研究显示:刘翔八步改七步上栏成效尽显,比赛虽"胶着"但仍以明显优势取胜并独占世界短跨项目的第一集团。同时还指出:短距离速度性项目反应时固然重要,但非决定性因素;刘翔如果反应时能提高到罗伯斯的水平,并且七步上栏技术更为成熟,那么刘翔2012伦敦奥运会夺冠的可能性将会很大甚至再次打破110m栏世界纪录。  相似文献   
长镜头理论兴起于西方,传入东方之后产生了巨大的影响。在当代中国,不管是电影艺术的创作还是电视纪录片的拍摄,关于长镜头理论和长镜头中所体现出来的纪实美学的探寻浪潮至今方兴未艾。本文就东西方长镜头的差异简要分析了在东方关学情景观照之下的东方式长镜头的内涵和外延。  相似文献   
Gymnastics vaulting relies on a specialized take‐off board for propulsion during the take‐off phase of the vault. There is little information on the vault board and its behaviour. The aim of this study was to characterize the behaviour of the vault board during handspring drill take‐offs of young male gymnasts (n = 36). The side of the top surface of the vault board and the wooden base were marked with three reflective markers, placed at the end of the vault board nearest the vault table and the centres of the two rearmost coil springs. The vault board surface was divided into two areas, rear and middle, based on marker location. The gymnasts’ groups were determined from the location of the gymnast's lateral malleolus at vault board contact. Landings with the malleolus directly above or behind the rearmost marker were considered rear landings; landings with the malleolus forward of the rearmost marker were considered middle landings. Marker movements were automatically digitized and the right malleolus was hand digitized at 120 Hz. The maximum vertical displacement, vertical deflection time, and vertical velocity at take‐off of the vault board markers did not differ statistically between board contact groups (all p > 0.05). The lateral malleolus velocity components also did not differ between board contact groups. Some low to moderately strong correlations were observed between the various marker displacements, durations and take‐off velocities. Modest correlations were obtained between board markers and right malleolus velocities. The results indicate that foot contact on the vault board, as defined here, did not result in differences in board marker behaviour or right lateral malleolus velocities. This information does not support the idea that vault board contacts at the rear of the vault board are worse than contacts near the middle of the vault board. More research is needed to ascertain the role of the vault board's vibration characteristics to whole body actions that are observed in the subsequent preflight phase.  相似文献   
体育院校图书馆网站能够全面折射出图书馆的业务、服务、管理水平,既是网上展示自身形象的窗口,又是实体图书馆向网络虚拟空间的全面拓宽和纵深发展。阐述了体育院校图书馆网站建设的意义、设计目标和设计理念,以河北体育学院图书馆网站改版为案例,从主页设计、栏目设置、信息管理、页面布局等方面介绍了其图书馆网站的设计思路与实践,指出体育院校图书馆网站要实现“以读者为核心”的设计理念,应该做到:网站主题设置条理清晰,减少读者获取信息的点击次数,提高访问速度,图书馆员及时提供帮助,应考虑大多数读者的访问习惯等。  相似文献   
本文通过对小提琴演奏中换弓、换把、换弦、换指的分别剖析阐述,找到演奏过程中经常出现的问题并加以克服,使我们的演奏更加流畅,更具艺术性。  相似文献   
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