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Tuna farming off Port Lincoln, Australia, involves catching wild 2–4-year-old southern bluefin tuna in summer and then fattening for periods of 2–8 months. As fresh product is not available year-round, the feasibility of maintaining tuna for longer periods was trialled, including over a summer season, when temperatures may exceed 24 °C. As the rates of growth and reproduction in ectoparasites of fishes are usually most rapid during warm temperatures, parasite epizootics at this time may adversely affect the health of tuna. We collected epidemiological data on burdens of metazoans on the gills of tuna from the time of stocking in April 2005 through to final harvest in August 2006 (N = 220). We document an epizootic of the copepod Pseudocycnus appendiculatus, characterised by a significant increase in both prevalence and mean intensity in the first winter, followed by a decline in these parameters over the next 12 months. This epizootic pattern appears to be independent of seasonal changes in temperature. For two other species, a second copepod (Euryphorus brachypterus) and a polyopisthocotylean flatworm (Hexostoma thynni), there were no clearly discernible trends in infections. As the high water temperatures over the summer period did not lead to increased infections of any species of gill parasites, we conclude that they do not threaten the feasibility of farming of Thunnus maccoyii.  相似文献   
作为水产养殖业的大国,绝大部分还处于传统养殖的方式,而传统水产养殖业管理粗犷,造成环境污染,经济效益低下。与发达国家的水产养殖业相比,我国养殖技术还需要进一步提升。随着物联网的发展,同时物联网技术做为近几年重点发展的技术,它通过传感器技术、通信技术等多种技术结合将物与物、物与人相连接,实现远程监测和管控。基于上述情况,重点分析了物联网技术在我国水产养殖业中的应用和存在的问题,为水产养殖业的发展提出合理性建议。  相似文献   
[目的]研究浮床栽培海马齿(Sesuvium portulacastrum)及水雍菜(Ipomoea aquatica)在不同氮磷浓度养殖水体中的生长特征.[方法]分别在有或无人工添加营养盐的低盐度滨海养殖水体中浮床栽培海马齿及水雍菜并监测其生长指标与抗逆性指标.[结果]浮床栽培的水雍菜在前15 d生长迅速,但在15 d后其受到病虫害等的影响生长减慢并逐渐死亡;海马齿生长速度较慢,但生长周期长,在60d的试验期内持续稳定生长,高浓度营养盐明显促进海马齿的生长速度;浮床栽培导致水雍菜叶片内丙二醛和脯氨酸积累显著,而海马齿在试验期间叶片内无明显的丙二醛和脯氨酸积累.[结论]海马齿在养殖水体净化中具有很好的应用价值,水雍菜亦可用于养殖水体的短期净化.  相似文献   
淡水养殖池塘及其外河水中TOC·COD及PV的相关性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据《渔业水域生态环境监测规范》(SC/T9102.3-2007),于2014年6~8月对湖州市43家水产养殖场的池塘水及其周边水体中TOC、COD及PV的含量进行测定,并分析了外河水及池塘水中PV与TOC、COD与TOC的相关关系。结果表明,池塘水中TOC、COD和PV的含量均高于其外河水,说明水产养殖自身存在较高的有机物污染。相关性分析表明,外河水中PV与TOC、COD与TOC相关性较高,相关系数分别为0.896和0.848(P0.01);池塘水中PV与TOC、COD与TOC相关性良好,但较外河水有所下降,相关系数分别为0.635和0.775(P0.01)。水产养殖水体中较高浓度的悬浮物、亚硝酸盐和氯离子等共存离子对不同有机物指标间的相关性影响较大,仅用单一测定参数预测水体中有机物污染情况局限性较大。因此,在分析养殖水体中有机物污染状况时,应根据不同水体的实际情况,选择一种适用于该水体有机物测定的参数或者将多种参数结合起来分析。  相似文献   
爱德华民菌为重要的致病菌之一,能感染多种鱼类并造成大量死亡.该病原菌的暴发已经给美国、欧洲、亚洲(包括日本、中国等)国家带来了严重的社会和经济损失.长期以来,用于鱼类细菌性疾病防治的西药类药物,可导致病原菌产生耐药性,鱼体的药物残留会危害人类健康等,因而被限制使用.针对该菌的鱼类疫苗的研究又再度兴起,包括天然亚单位疫苗、活体重组疫苗、基因缺失苗和基因工程亚单位疫苗等.综述了爱德华氏菌的基本特征和各种疫苗的研究进展,以期为鱼类爱德华氏菌病的防治提供重要的参考资料.  相似文献   
李源  薛佳妮  李翠丽 《安徽农业科学》2014,(30):10794-10797
针对水产养殖过程的不合理用药、饲料添加等质量安全问题.应用基于XML/Web服务的数据传递技术构建多层可追溯质量管理系统,并利用NFC标签技术作为在整个水产品流通过程中的身份唯·标识.通过NFC标签,可为生产者、检验者、监督者和消费者提供信息交互平台,真正实现了水产品流通的全程可追溯性.  相似文献   
噬菌体抗体库技术是将目的基因克隆到噬菌体的外壳蛋白基因组中,转染宿主菌后,使目的基因编码蛋白和外壳蛋白以融合蛋白的形式表达,呈现在噬菌体表面,通过一系列的筛选获得特异性噬菌体抗体分子.介绍了噬菌体抗体库技术在水产养殖过程中的疾病防控、水环境监测、水产品安全控制以及与抗体芯片结合研究等方面的研究进展.  相似文献   
江新琴  俞存根 《安徽农业科学》2014,(34):12392-12393
从实验内容改革、实验课程设置安排、实验教学平台建设三个方面探讨地方性本科院校水产养殖专业研究生实验教学体系的构建.在创新研究生实验课程过程中,开设本硕贯通的实验选修课程、研究生的实验必修课程和专题实验课程,在实验教学内容和实验建设等方面进行了一系列新的探索,形成了一套具有特色的研究生实验教学体系和实验内容,增强了研究生的科研能力.  相似文献   
为比较3种不同滤料在封闭循环水养殖中水体净化效果,通过构建3套封闭循环水养殖试验系统,分析了在相同体积的滤器中毛刷滤料、移动床滤料和结构滤料3种不同生物滤料对生物过滤硝化作用效果的影响.结果表明,在一定体积的生物滤器中(HRT 10.5min,水温24 ~30℃下)3种滤料对总氨氮(TAN)去除率的影响差异不显著(P>0.05),但单位滤料体积的TAN去除速率(VTR)差异较大.毛刷滤料、移动床滤料、结构滤料等3种滤料的VTR平均值分别为:(18.66±9.30)、(62.19±30.49)和(16.34±7.87)g/(m3·d).不同运行方式对VTR有极显著影响,移动床的VTR明显高于毛刷滤料与结构滤料的固定床式生物滤器,差异极显著(P<0.01).  相似文献   
Changes in ionic composition as Na+,K+, Ca2+ and Mg2+, osmolality inseminal fluid, percentage of motile spermatozoaand velocity were investigated in response toCPP and different dosage of LHRHa. The lowestvelocity of sperm was observed after use CPPtreatment. The velocity of spermatozoa,significant main effect of the treatment(P < 0.0001) and the time of sperm collection(P < 0.0104) were evaluated. The osmolality ofseminal fluid was different betweenexperimental groups of LHRHa (48.0–62.7mOsmol.kg–1) and CPP (33.0–46.3mOsmol.kg–1) treatments. The osmolalitywas significantly higher on the first day andone-half, then declined on day three, rangingfrom 33.0 to 62.7 mOsmol.kg–1. Analysisof variance showed significant main effects ofthe treatment (P < 0.0001) and the time ofsperm collection (P < 0.0002) on the osmolalityof seminal fluid. The level of Na+ andK+ ion was different between experimentalgroups of LHRHa and CPP treatment. The highestconcentration of 11.11 mmol.l–1 wasobserved at Na+ ion. Then theconcentrations declined on the level 1.56, 0.52and 0.36 mmol.l–1 for K+, Ca2+and Mg2+ ions, respectively. There werehighly positive correlations between osmolalityof seminal fluid and dosage of LHRHa treatment(r = 0.84), velocity of spermatozoa andosmolality of seminal fluid (r = 0.57) andosmolality of seminal fluid and Na+concentration at seminal fluid (r = 0.70).Injection with LHRHa increased quality of spermas velocity of sperm, level of Na+,K+ and osmolality at seminal fluidcompared to CPP treatments.  相似文献   
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