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对337条款在GATT1994下合法性的正确评判,将会影响对337条款的态度及应对策略的制定。20世纪80年代,加拿大和欧共体曾经分别在关贸总协定体系内挑战过337条款的合法性。第一个案件专家组报告肯定了该案中337条款的合法性,第二个案件专家组报告对337条款的合法性总体上予以肯定,但也指出了337条款四个具体违法之处。1994年,美国制定了《乌拉圭回合协议法》,有针对性地对专家组报告指出的四点进行了修改。修改后,337条款已经符合GATT1994的要求。一般性地起诉337条款违反GATT1994非常困难,可以在个案中结合具体案情向WTO申诉。  相似文献   
现实中的国际贸易不是自由贸易,国际贸易体制中一直都是自由贸易和贸易保护同时并存,以1GATT/WTO也不是自由贸易组织。管理贸易是指介于纯粹自由贸易和完全贸易保护之间的各种情形,其特点是规则导向、有较大兼容性以及可塑性。管理贸易的发展可以有两个完全相反的方向,而GATT/WTO倡导的贸易自由化实质上是在自由贸易和贸易保护两种成分并存的国际贸易体制中抑制贸易保护、提高贸易自由的程度。  相似文献   
刘伟丽 《财经问题研究》2006,(8):93-96,F0003
从环境标准和劳工标准的视角,探究GATT/WTO在尊重国家主权和提高全球效率之间寻找平衡的制度安排.在引入关税和国内环境标准与劳工标准的模型中,产生单边的贸易政策引起的非效率均衡点.而在GATT/WTO构建的多边贸易协定平台上,能解决国内和国际环境与劳工标准的分歧,增加贸易的透明度,达到更有效率的互惠贸易均衡点.  相似文献   
The most prominent exception to the cardinal ‘most favoured nation’ principle of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) of 1947 is in its Article XXIV relating to Customs Unions (CUs) and Free Trade Areas (FTAs). This article required, first, the general incidence of the duties and regulations of commerce imposed by members of the CU with respect to trade with non-members shall not on the whole be higher or more restrictive than those that were applicable prior to the formation of CU or FTA, and, second, that substantially all the trade among members be free. Neither requirement was very operational, because the phrases ‘general incidence’ and ‘substantially all’ being difficult legal concepts to apply. The agreement of 1994 establishing the World Trade Organization (WTO) has made ‘general incidence’ precise by defining it import-weighted average of height of barriers but without offering any rationale for the definition. Now that preferential trading arrangements such as FTAs are proliferating, reform of Article XXIV is of importance. This paper describes alternative approaches to the central question of common external tariffs of a CU. Taking off from the work of Kemp and Wan who showed the existence of a common external tariff of CU that keeps the welfare of non-members unchanged while revising that of the CU as compared to the situation prior to the formation of CU, it characterizes such a tariff structure for two leading benchmark examples as consumption-weighted average of pre-union tariffs and subsidies in the member countries.  相似文献   
This paper examines the provisions of the recently completed Uruguay Round and evaluates the qualitative and quantitative effects of the Round on major countries and regions of the world. The implications of the Uruguay Round are measured using the G-cubed multicountry model. This model captures macroeconomic and sectoral linkages within the global economy. This study differs from other studies in that it considers the dynamic adjustment path, the impact of expectations formation, and the sectoral as well as macroeconomic consequences of the Round. The results are compared with other studies of the Uruguay Round. Ignoring major changes in productivity induced by the Round, it is found that the gains to the world economy are likely to be around $200 billion (1990) per year by the year 2000. The distribution of the gains across regions from the Round differ from other studies because of the adjustment of international capital flows. Private capital flows to regions that undertake the most extensive liberalization initially worsen their trade positions. In regions that liberalize less and experience a capital outflow, the production gains tends to be less than conventional studies find. The adjustment of private capital has important implications for exchange rates, and therefore for the adjustment of the international trading system over the decade of the implementation of the Round.  相似文献   
"中国原材料出口措施案"是继"中美轮胎特保案"败诉后的又一个中方败诉案。中国被指控对9种原材料实施出口限制措施违反《中国"入世"议定书》和GATT等相关义务,而中国则以实施出口限制措施是为了保护人类及动植物的生命或健康,保护环境和自然资源为由援引GATT第20(b)和(g)条作为抗辩依据。令人遗憾的是,专家组对本案相关条文均采用了刻板与严苛的解释,裁决结果对中国十分不利。然而,中国举证不足和中国"入世"法律文件及国内相关立法与政策存在的诸多问题,值得我们总结和反思,只有这样,才能有效应对未来的WTO诉讼。  相似文献   
在"原材料出口限制案"中,为了证明对矾土实施出口配额措施的合法性,中国曾援用GATT1994第11.2条(a)款进行抗辩,但是以失败告终,其原因有二:一是未能证明矾土在国内存在严重短缺;二是未能证明出口配额措施具有临时性。本文以该案为背景,整理了援用该条文存在的争议点,在总结专家组和上诉机构裁定的基础上,分析各争议点的举证论证策略,并初步构建了GATT第11.2条(a)款的援用方案。  相似文献   
国际机制不仅影响国家行为体,也影响国家层面之下的非国家行为体,并作用于两类行为体间的互动。作为最为成熟也是影响范围最为广泛的国际机制之一,国际贸易机制一方面通过机制功能作用于国内政治中的国家行为体与非国家行为体,另一方面施加影响于贸易议题从而刺激国内各行为体之间的互动。无论是机制还是贸易都与国际和平战争研究紧密相关,如"贸易和平论"与"国际制度和平论"。基于国际原因与国内产出之间的关系,国际贸易机制如何影响国内政治,特别是影响国内冲突的爆发风险?通过回归断点设计(RDD)与Logit回归分析,1946-2009年之间的国际贸易机制(关贸总协定/世界贸易组织)数据及国内武装冲突数据显示,关贸总协定/世界贸易组织成员资格的确能够在整体上显著降低国内武装冲突发生的可能性;但是,在分别控制经济因素、政治因素、社会因素、贸易因素和外部因素之后,实证结果显示国际贸易机制对各国国内冲突风险实际上是一种条件性的混合影响。  相似文献   
"中国原材料出口限制措施案"是涉及中国WTO争端解决的一个值得关注的新近案例。该案涉及《中国加入议定书》的法律适用、GATT第20条例外援引、司法经济原则、透明度等法律问题。本文在概述基本案情和主要裁定结论的基础上,就专家组对中国是否可就《中国加入议定书》条款援引GATT第20条例外,以及如何适用该例外进行分析。本文认为,尽管总体上援引GATT第20条例外的成功率非常低,但中国应该在上诉中争取澄清《中国加入议定书》第11.3条援引GATT第20条的法理依据。  相似文献   
Fieldwork shows that many Sierra Leonean producers do not receive the official producer price for their coffee and cocoa, due to the concentration of buying stations, credit relations, the small quantities offered for sale, and the lack of marketing knowledge of the numerous and unorganized farmers. To the traders underpayment may seem economically justifiable to a certain extent, but to the farmers it means poverty and debt. A new village marketing centre project aims at remedying this situation and has already led to higher prices. Although no longer allowed to take their "just" share from the producers, traders are still willing to deal with the new centres.  相似文献   
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