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目的:分析胎盘早剥的发病诱因、临床表现、辅助检查及母儿结局,以提高早期确诊率,降低母儿并发症。方法:回顾性分析2009年1月至2011年12月我院确诊并治疗的61例胎盘早剥患者的临床资料,分析其发病诱因、临床症状、辅助检查及母儿结局。结果:我院胎盘早剥发生率0.67%,其中轻型37例,重型24例;有明确发病诱因者38例,其中合并妊娠高血压疾病者居多。临床表现多为腹痛、阴道流血、阴道流液。B超诊断率50.82%。剖宫产52例,经阴分娩9例,产后出血13例,子宫胎盘卒中10例,DIC7例,行子宫B-lynch缝合术9例,轻型与重型胎盘早剥剖宫产率无统计学差异(P>0.05),但产后出血、子宫胎盘卒中、DIC、行子宫B-lynch缝合术有统计学差异(P<0.05)。围产儿死亡10例,新生儿窒息8例,转新生儿科23例,轻型与重型围产儿死亡率有显著统计学差异(P<0.01),新生儿转科率及新生儿窒息发生率则无统计学差异(P>0.05)。结论:胎盘早剥临床表现复杂,早期识别诊断,及时处理,可改变围生期母婴结局。对B超检查提示胎儿脐动脉血流S/D高的患者需重视。  相似文献   

全国妇产科急症学术研讨会总结   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
全国妇产科急症学术研讨会于1988年12月7日至13日在广西桂林市召开,来自28个省市自治区代表400余人参加了会议。大会共收到论文600余篇,其中会议交流116篇,会上代表们对妇产科急症的诊断和治疗进行了充分讨论,现将会议总结分产科急症和妇科急症两部分小结如下。产科部分一、产科急症出血以胎盘因素最为常见,如胎盘早剥、前置胎盘、胎盘粘连和植入等。大家一致认为,对上述疾病早期诊断、合理处理是减少孕产妇和围产儿死亡的关键。1.胎盘早剥:北京、武汉地区共报道了224例,发生率为0.2~0.67%。轻度胎盘早剥围产儿死亡率为11.1%,重度胎盘早剥围产儿死亡率可高达61.5%,为轻度胎盘早剥的6倍。胎盘早剥的诱因以妊高征为主,占55.5%。如此症发现不及时或处理不当可造成子宫卒中,甚至发展为DIC,使孕产妇生命受到威胁,因此应尽早诊断。对有妊高征、双胎、羊水过多等诱因者,临床发现子宫敏感、宫缩松弛不完全或有胎儿  相似文献   

胎盘早剥155例临床分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
胎盘早剥是危及母儿生命的产科急危重症之一,围产儿死亡率高,剖宫产率高。其并发症如:子宫胎盘卒中、失血性休克、DIC、肾功能衰竭等威胁母亲的生命安全。我院自1989年8月至1997年8月,8年中共发生155例胎盘早剥,我们对本组资料进行回顾性分析,旨在探讨其防治措施,降低母儿病死率,提高母儿的生存质量。一、资料与方法1-资料来源:(1)8年中在我院共分娩12246例,发生胎盘早剥155例,发病率为1-27%。围产儿死亡45例,死亡率为290.32‰。45例围产儿死亡中,其中30例入院时已有胎死宫内…  相似文献   

胎盘早剥是严重影响母儿安全的妊娠晚期并发症,具有发病急、发展快等特点,如处理不及时,会发生严重的并发症如DIC、产后出血、急性肾衰等.胎盘早剥的预后与诊断处理是否及时、有无子宫胎盘卒中等密切相关.本研究回顾分析了2002年1月至2009年4月在我院治疗的胎盘早剥患者的临床资料,分析胎盘早剥的诱因、临床特点及母婴结局,进而研究了子宫胎盘卒中的诊治,分析其发病的危险因素,以提高子宫胎盘卒中的诊治水平.  相似文献   

67例早发型重度子痫前期患者围产儿预后分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的目的探讨67例早发型重度子痫前期患者围产儿预后及相关影响因素。方法回顾性分析2003年12月-2010年3月在北京友谊医院妇产科妊娠28~33+6周分娩的67例早发型重度子痫前期患者的临床资料,探讨围产儿预后及相关影响因素。结果 71例(双胎4例)围产儿中胎死宫内13例,治疗性引产过程中死产5例,新生儿重度窒息死亡8例,1例出生后4d因ARDS死亡,围产儿总死亡率380‰(27/71);新生儿出生缺陷发生率70%(5/71)。45例存活的新生儿中失访11例,34例新生儿随访1个月~6年,1例产后10d死亡,1例产后1+个月发现脑瘫,31例新生儿后期发育未见明显异常。影响围产儿死亡的相关因素:新生儿出生体重(P=0.000)、分娩孕周(P=0.001)、规律产检(P=0.03)、期待治疗的天数(P=0.04);与胎死宫内明显相关的因素为胎盘早剥(P=0.037)、严重FGR(P=0.001)。与围产儿死亡不相关的因素:孕妇年龄、产次、体重指数、平均动脉压、24h尿蛋白。结论早发型重度子痫前期孕妇围产儿死亡率较高,母体严重并发症和孕周是影响围产儿死亡的主要因素,加强围产期保健、积极防治并发症、适时终止妊娠可改善围产儿预后。  相似文献   

目的探讨产科弥散性血管内凝血(disseminated intravascular coagulation,DIC)的早期诊断及有效治疗方法。方法对16例产科DIC患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析。结果 16例中胎盘因素9例;瘢痕子宫3例;双胎妊娠、巨大儿各2例;3例重度子痫前期;软产道裂伤2例,先兆子宫破裂1例;6例合并有两种并发症。子宫动脉栓塞治疗6例,均成功;子宫切除术4例;3例行双侧髂内动脉结扎术,2例未成功,改行子宫切除术。5例经输血和凝血因子,止血成功。1例孕产妇死亡。足月活产11例,早产2例,孕中期因胎盘因素终止妊娠1例,围产儿死亡2例。结论重视对DIC主要诱因的防治,及早识别临床表现,纠正休克、补充凝血因子是提高DIC治愈率的重要手段。子宫切除和子宫栓塞术二者均为治疗产后出血的有效手段。  相似文献   

胎盘早剥并发子宫胎盘卒中的危险因素分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的 探讨胎盘早剥并发子宫胎盘卒中的发病危险因素、临床特征及母儿结局.方法 收集2002年1月至2006年12月上海交通大学医学院附属国际和平妇幼保健院住院分娩的52例胎盘早剥产妇的临床资料,按是否并发子宫胎盘卒中分为两组:胎盘早剥并发子宫胎盘卒中17例为观察组,未并发子宫胎盘卒中的35例为对照组.采用回顾性研究方法对观察组子宫胎盘卒中的发病危险因素、临床特征及母儿结局进行分析,并与对照组进行比较.结果 (1)发生率:2002年1月至2006年12月共分娩35 049人次,胎盘早剥发生率为0.15%(52/35 049),胎盘早剥并发子宫胎盘卒中的发生率为0.05%(17/35 049),其中胎盘早剥产妇中子宫胎盘卒中的发生率为33%(17/52).(2)一般情况及分娩方式、分娩孕周:两组产妇的平均年龄、体重指数比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).观察组产妇均以剖宫产结束分娩,而对照组产妇经阴道及剖宫产分娩为14及21例,比较两组分娩方式及分娩孕周,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01).观察组产妇早产发生率为88%(15/17),而对照组为49%(17/35),两组比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01).(3)发病危险因素:观察组产妇子痫前期发生率及发病持续时间分别为71%(12/17)及6.4 h,对照组分别为20%(7/35)及4.2 h,两组比较,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.01);两组产妇胎膜早破、羊水过多及其他因素比较,差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05).(4)临床特征:观察组产妇血性羊水、胎儿窘迫、宫腔积血及产后出血的发生率分别为82%(14/17)、65%(11/17)、35%(6/17)及59%(10/17),对照组分别为26%(9/35)、29%(10/35)、6%(2/35)及11%(4/35),两组比较,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.01).而两组产妇在主诉腹痛、阴道流血及腹肌张力高的发生率比较,差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05).(5)胎盘附着部位、剥离面积比较:观察组胎盘附着部位在子宫的前、后壁5例(5/17),宫底宫角12例(12/17);对照组胎盘附着部位在子宫的前、后壁24例(24/35),宫底宫角11例(11/35),两组胎盘附着宫底宫角部位发生例数比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01).观察组胎盘剥离面积均超过1/3,其中有9例患者剥离面积≥2/3;而对照组胎盘剥离面积≤1/3者27例,剥离面积在1/3~2/3者8例,两组比较,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.01).(6)母儿并发症及预后比较:观察组产妇发生失血性休克3例、DIC3例、子宫切除1例、死胎3例、新生儿窒息8例及新生儿死亡1例,而对照组除新生儿窒息5例及死胎2例外,其余指标均为0,两组比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01).结论 胎盘早剥并发子宫胎盘卒中发病的危险因素主要是子痫前期、发病持续时间长和胎盘附着宫角宫底部.胎盘早剥并发子宫胎盘卒中患者的母儿结局不良.  相似文献   

目的:分析胎盘早剥漏诊、误诊原因,提高早期确诊率,降低母儿并发症。方法:回顾性分析我院10余年胎盘早剥患者的临床资料。结果:我院胎盘早剥发生率0.52%。急诊入院患者占46.2%,有明确发病诱因51例(42.9%),以妊娠期高血压疾病、胎膜早破、外伤性因素为主。临床表现主要为腰腹胀或腹痛、阴道流血、血性羊水。B超检出率66.4%。轻型胎盘早剥52例(43.7%),重型胎盘早剥67例(56.3%),出现症状到就诊及处理时间重型早剥组均长于轻型早剥组(P<0.01)。子宫胎盘卒中6例,弥散性血管内凝血(DIC)1例。剖宫产85例(71.4%),阴道分娩33例(27.7%),子宫次全切除1例。死胎19例,转新生儿重症监护室29例。结论:临床发病到临床处理时间是影响胎盘早剥轻重程度的重要因素;胎盘早剥临床表现易与先兆临产、临产或胎儿窘迫等混淆;后壁胎盘、发育异常的胎盘等发生胎盘早剥时,超声容易漏诊。  相似文献   

胎盘早剥是妊娠中晚期的严重并发症,合并弥漫性血管内凝血(DIC)时,可导致孕产妇和围产儿的发病率及死亡率明显增加,早期诊断和急诊处理是改善围产结局的关键。急诊处理胎盘早剥合并DIC的主要措施在于维持血容量,补充凝血因子,并及时终止妊娠。胎儿存活者应剖宫产终止妊娠,胎儿已死亡者可考虑经阴道分娩。  相似文献   

目的:探讨前置血管的孕期处理及围产儿结局。方法:收集2011年1月至2017年8月在北京大学第三医院分娩的25例前置血管患者的临床资料,回顾性分析其临床特点、孕期处理和围产儿结局。结果:(1)临床特征:25例前置血管患者占同期分娩产妇总数的0.8‰。患者年龄24~44岁,平均32.9±4.9岁。自然受孕20例(80.0%),体外受精-胚胎移植后受孕5例(20.0%);单胎22例(88.0%),双胎3例(12.0%)。孕期超声诊断15例(60.0%)并经分娩后胎盘检查证实,孕期超声检查未提示但分娩时诊断10例(40.0%)。帆状胎盘21例(84.0%),副胎盘4例(16.0%)。(2)孕期监测及处理:孕期超声诊断前置血管的15例患者中,14例于孕28~34周入院给予地塞米松促胎肺成熟,15例中13例因前置血管计划剖宫产分娩,2例因子痫前期、胎膜早破分别于孕34.8周和孕30.4周急诊剖宫产分娩。产时诊断前置血管的10例患者,5例择期剖宫产分娩,分娩孕周38.3~40.0周;4例因瘢痕子宫、先兆临产或胎膜早破、胎盘早剥急诊剖宫产分娩,分娩孕周36.0~39.3周;1例孕36.9周自然分娩。(3)围产儿结局:25例患者分娩活产儿28个,平均出生体质量2737.9±632.2 g。24例剖宫产分娩者均无新生儿窒息。仅1例患者孕36.9周阴道分娩,新生儿重度窒息。结论:孕期进行超声筛查大部分能产前明确前置血管诊断,孕28~32周收住院给予糖皮质激素促胎肺成熟,孕34~37周剖宫产终止妊娠,可获得良好的围产儿结局。  相似文献   

子痫前期患者胎盘早剥发病危险因素分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
目的 探讨子痫前期患者胎盘早剥发病的危险因素.方法 对1994年1月至2008年12月的15年间,在北京大学第三医院住院并分娩的219例患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析,根据病情分为3组:子痫前期早剥组,52例,为重度子痫前期发生胎盘早剥的患者;子痫前期组,130例,为重度子痫前期未发生胎盘早剥的患者;原因不明早剥组,37例,为非子痫前期发生胎盘早剥的患者.选择同期无并发症的正常分娩产妇178例为对照组(按1∶2病例对照研究方法选择).采用单因素及多因素回归分析方法,分析子痫前期患者胎盘早剥的发病危险因素.结果 (1)与对照组比较,单因素分析结果显示,孕次、产次、子痫前期病史、中晚期妊娠丢失史、自身免疫性疾病史、慢性高血压病史、此次孕期无规律产前检查、胎儿生长受限(FGR)及脐动脉收缩期最大血流速度(S)与舒张末期血流速度(D)的比值(S/D)异常是子痫前期患者胎盘早剥发病的危险因素;多因素回归分析显示,孕期无规律产前检查(OR=45.348,95%CI为17.096~120.288,P=0.000)、FGR(OR=27.087,95%CI为5.585~131.363,P=0.000)及中晚期妊娠丢失史(OR=16.068,95% CI为1.698~152.029,P=0.015)是子痫前期患者胎盘早剥发病的独立危险因素.(2)与子痫前期组比较,子痫前期病史(OR=3.715,95% CI为1.096~12.596,P=0.035)及孕期无规律产前检查(OR=2.509,95%CI为1.173~5.370,P=0.018)是子痫前期患者胎盘早剥发病的独立危险因素.结论 孕期无规律产前检查、子痫前期病史、中晚期妊娠丢失史及FGR是影响子痫前期患者胎盘早剥发病的危险因素.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: To define the prepregnancy risk factors for placental abruption. METHODS: One hundred and ninety-eight women with placental abruption and 396 control women without placental abruption were retrospectively identified among 46,742 women who delivered at a tertiary referral university hospital between 1997 and 2001. Relevant historical and clinical variables were compared between the groups. Multivariate logistic regression analysis was applied to identify independent risk factors. RESULTS: The overall incidence of placental abruption was 0.42%. Placental abruption recurred in 8.8% of the cases. The independent risk factors were smoking (OR 1.7; 95% CI 1.1, 2.7), uterine malformation (OR 8.1; 1.7, 40), previous cesarean section (OR 1.7; 1.1, 2.8), and history of placental abruption (OR 4.5; 1.1, 18). CONCLUSIONS: Although univariate analysis identified many risk factors, only smoking, uterine malformation, previous cesarean section, and history of placental abruption remained significant after multivariate analysis, increasing the risk of placental abruption in subsequent pregnancy. It may be possible to approximate the risk for placental abruption based on these simple prepregnancy risk factors.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Several variables related to increased risk of placental abruption are also risk factors for venous thromboembolism. Prior second trimester-, third trimester, and repeated fetal loss are reported to be associated to thrombophilias. However, it is yet not known if they are also related to placental abruption. STUDY DESIGN: A retrospective case-control study of 161 women with placental abruption and 2371 unselected gravidae without placental abruption. The medical files were scrutinized and the selected variables were investigated in relation to the development of placental abruption. RESULTS: As compared to controls, previous second trimester-, third trimester-, repeated fetal loss, and prior placental abruption were related to a 3-, 13-, 3-, and a 25-fold increased risk of placental abruption, respectively. Several other factors were associated with a roughly three-fold increased risk such as: preeclampsia, IUGR, high maternal age (>35), family history of venous thromboembolism, smoking, and multiple birth. A risk score was created and as compared with those with no risk factors present, the risk of placental abruption was increasing from 2.5-fold for those with risk score=1, to almost 100-fold for risk score 4 or above. CONCLUSION: Easily obtainable information might be used to classify the risk of placental abruption.  相似文献   

Objective  The aim of this study was to assess the recurrence of placental abruption by severity, comparing the risk in a woman with that of recurrence in her sister and in the partner of her brother.
Design  Prospective observational study.
Setting  General population.
Population  Population-based study based on records of pregnancies from the Medical Birth Registry of Norway; 377 902 sisters with 767 395 pregnancies, 168 142 families incorporating 2–10 sisters, and 346 385 brothers with 717 604 pregnancies in their partners were identified.
Methods  Placental abruption with preterm birth, birthweight below 2500 g or perinatal death was defined as severe, other cases as mild. Because of the nested family data structure, multilevel multivariate regression was used.
Main outcome measures  Placental abruption (severe and mild).
Results  Adjusted odds ratios of recurrence of mild and severe abruption were 6.5 (1.7%) and 11.5 (3.8%), respectively, compared with risks of 0.2 and 0.3% in the total population. After a severe abruption, odds ratios in her sisters were 1.7–2.1, whereas mild abruption produced no increased recurrence in sisters. The estimated heritability between sisters of severe abruption was 16%. No excess rate of abruption was observed between sisters and brothers' partners, between brothers' partners, or from brothers' partners to sisters. The odds ratios for a third abruption after a second abruption and a second severe abruption were 38.7 (19%) and 50.1 (24%), respectively.
Conclusions  The recurrence risk of placental abruption in the same woman was higher after severe than mild abruption. Severe abruption was associated with a two-fold risk in sisters. Pregnancies following a second abruption should be considered very high risk.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This study was undertaken in order to determine the risk factors for pregnancies complicated by placental abruption in a socio-economically disadvantaged region in metropolitan Adelaide. METHODS: This was a retrospective case-control study including all singleton pregnancies resulting in placental abruption between 2001 and 2005. RESULTS: The overall incidence of placental abruption was 1.0%; the overall perinatal mortality among the births with abruption was 13%. Univariate analyses showed the following significant risk factors for placental abruption: preterm pre-labor rupture of the membranes (PRE-PROM; odds ratio (OR) 4.79, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.52-15.08), non-compliance with antenatal care (OR 2.93, 95% CI 1.06-8.90), severe intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR), and elevated homocysteine levels (OR 45.55, 95% CI 7.05-458.93). Severe IUGR was significantly more common in the abruption group compared with the control group (p = 0.032). In the multivariate analysis, PRE-PROM remained a significant independent risk factor for placental abruption. Marijuana use, domestic violence, and mental health problems were more common (borderline significance) in the abruption group. Smoking and preeclampsia were not found to be associated with placental abruption in this study. CONCLUSIONS: In this high-risk population, PRE-PROM and elevated homocysteine levels appear to represent the major risk factors for placental abruption.  相似文献   

胎盘早剥的早期临床诊断   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
目的探讨胎盘早剥临床漏诊的原因,提高胎盘早剥的早期诊断。方法对近5年在我院产科发生的40例胎盘早剥的临床资料进行回顾性分析。结果胎盘早剥的发生率为0.60%。19例合并妊娠高血压疾病(47.5%),16例孕妇没有任何胎盘早剥的高危因素(40%)。大部分孕妇临床表现不典型。前壁胎盘B超诊断率高于后壁胎盘(P〈0.05),重度胎盘早剥B超诊断率高于轻度胎盘早剥(P〈0.05)。结论识别胎盘早剥的高危因素,根据病史、临床症状和体征,结合B超以及电子胎心监护,进行综合分析判断是提高胎盘早剥诊断的有效手段。  相似文献   

Objective. This study was undertaken in order to determine the risk factors for pregnancies complicated by placental abruption in a socio-economically disadvantaged region in metropolitan Adelaide.

Methods. This was a retrospective case–control study including all singleton pregnancies resulting in placental abruption between 2001 and 2005.

Results. The overall incidence of placental abruption was 1.0%; the overall perinatal mortality among the births with abruption was 13%. Univariate analyses showed the following significant risk factors for placental abruption: preterm pre-labor rupture of the membranes (PRE-PROM; odds ratio (OR) 4.79, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.52–15.08), non-compliance with antenatal care (OR 2.93, 95% CI 1.06–8.90), severe intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR), and elevated homocysteine levels (OR 45.55, 95% CI 7.05–458.93). Severe IUGR was significantly more common in the abruption group compared with the control group (p = 0.032). In the multivariate analysis, PRE-PROM remained a significant independent risk factor for placental abruption. Marijuana use, domestic violence, and mental health problems were more common (borderline significance) in the abruption group. Smoking and preeclampsia were not found to be associated with placental abruption in this study.

Conclusions. In this high-risk population, PRE-PROM and elevated homocysteine levels appear to represent the major risk factors for placental abruption.  相似文献   

Objective: To determine obstetric risk factors for the occurrence of preterm placental abruption and to investigate its subsequent perinatal outcome. Study design: A retrospective comparison of all singleton preterm deliveries complicated with placental abruption, between the years 1990-1998, to all singleton preterm deliveries without placental abruption, in the Soroka University Medical Center. Results: Placental abruption complicated 300 (5.1%) of all preterm deliveries (n = 5934). A back-step multivariable analysis found the following factors to be independently correlated with the occurrence of preterm placental abruption: grandmultiparity (more than five deliveries), early gestational age, severe pregnancy-induced hypertension, previous second-trimester bleeding and non-vertex presentation. These pregnancies had a significantly lower rate of preterm premature rupture of membranes than preterm pregnancies without placental abruption. Pregnancies complicated with preterm placental abruption had significantly higher rates of cord prolapse, non-reassuring fetal heart rate patterns, congenital malformations, Cesarean deliveries, perinatal mortality, Apgar scores lower than 7 at 5 min, postpartum anemia and delayed discharge from the hospital than did preterm deliveries without placental abruption. In order to assess whether the increased risk for perinatal mortality was due to the placental abruption, or due to its significant association with other risk factors, a multivariable analysis was constructed with perinatal mortality as the outcome variable. Placental abruption (OR 3.0, 95% CI 2.1-4.1) as well as cord prolapse, previous perinatal death, low birth weight and congenital malformations were found to be independent risk factors for perinatal mortality. Conclusion: Preterm placental abruption is an unpredictable severe complication associated with significant perinatal morbidity and mortality. Factors found to be independently associated with placental abruption were grandmultiparity, severe pregnancy-induced hypertension, malpresentation, earlier gestational age and a history of second-trimester vaginal bleeding.  相似文献   

重型胎盘早剥的诊断和处理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胎盘早剥病因未明,是妊娠晚期严重并发症,起病急,发展快,甚至危及母儿生命。尽早发现胎盘早剥能够避免母儿不良结局,如果发生重型胎盘早剥,及时的诊断及处理能够改善母儿预后。  相似文献   

All cases (884) of placental abruption reported on Washington State birth or fetal death certificates in 1980 and 1981 were compared with 789 randomly selected births from the same time period. The incidence of reported cases of placental abruption was 6.5 per 1000 total births. The combined stillbirth and first month death rate of all abruption cases was 21%. Increased risks of placental abruption were associated with pre-eclampsia, diabetes, and unmarried status. Neither parity nor maternal age was associated with an increased risk. Infants born after abruption were significantly smaller-for-gestation than control infants, more likely to be male, and had malformations more frequently than control infants. Apgar scores of liveborn abruption infants were significantly lower than those of controls after adjustment for infant weight, gestational age, and sex.  相似文献   

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