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我的朋友某教授学贯中西,以治学严谨著称,做学问一丝不苟,连一个标点符号都要仔细斟酌半天,才能定谳。不久前请客,先到饭店去进行实地调查,协同夫人一道,一个菜一个菜吃过来,又和经理商量,沙盘推演了一番,终于定下宴请大计。由于宾客都上了年纪,安排的是精致清淡的美食。宴请前一天,打电话来,跟我研究喝酒配菜的认识论与方法学。他说,江南人讲究吃,一向都喝黄酒,可是他在巴黎一段时间,经高手指点,终于发现,喝白葡萄酒更适合配精致的中国菜。现在有些中国人赶时髦,讲究喝红酒配精致中国菜,要某某年某家酒窖的波尔多,其实不对的。好的红酒,发酵酿制后的葡萄酒味太浓,适合大块的牛羊肉,或是红烧肉,不适合细致  相似文献   

很少有明星,能将她的一生安心地放置在电影胶片上,热烈地绽放,热烈地衰老,热烈地死去。很少有明星,能三次踏入奥斯卡最佳女主角的城池。很少有人能够如此受到爱慕,同时又如此成为奚落的对象和影射与闲言碎语的标地。在她身后,无数人声名鹊起,又归于孤寂,而她的魅力却长久不衰。作为演员,她却又辉煌得让人嫉恨,17次奥斯卡提名,3樽小金人,嘎纳影后,柏林影后,26次金球提名,8次获奖,3次艾美提名,2次获奖……但作为明星,她单调得让人乏味,先是送走了病入膏肓的初恋情人,然后下嫁雕塑家,未成名先成家,30多年的平凡婚姻从没有传出过人们习以为常的绯闻;无数的奖项与赞誉,为后继者树起一座难以逾越的"梅丽尔·斯特里普屏障"。位置若到了某一个高度,就可以有恃无恐。因你有的,别人没有。别人若一起初就没有,那么他就始终不会有。这恐怕就是天分。梅丽尔·斯特里普并不以此为傲。她喜欢和家人在一起,与四个孩子读书,画画,拉小提琴。下午睡觉,她的两条狗欠伸身子睡在旁边。小的一条,黄毛散乱。另一条,圆鼓鼓的小胖,全身漆黑,皮毛光滑,像湿油布。他们一起穿过车水马龙的马路,踏上对面的步行街,从齐眼高的窗口望进去,看屋里人居家过日子。她就是梅丽尔·斯特里普。她的童年根正苗红,一直在表演的道路上成长。  相似文献   

酱腌菜的发酵机制及其营养价值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国的酱腌菜制造历史悠久,品种繁多,风味各异,驰名国内外,其中有独特风格的如四川榨菜,独山盐酸菜,杨州酱菜,湖南豆豉等,这些酱腌菜的制作,都是以保藏为目的而发展起来的。由于各地的风俗习惯不同,人民的口味各异,所以酱腌菜的品种很多。  相似文献   

6月的天气,餐厅也开始清爽起来,菜品入馔,餐桌如画,精心布置的餐厅和艺术设置的餐盘是这个季节的礼物,如何将食物吃出风景来,那就需要有风景的餐厅来映衬。本期我们选择的三家餐厅,风格各异,却都满是风景,清爽的夏日,让我们品一品这不一般的风景餐厅。  相似文献   

兰楚 《四川烹饪》2011,(2):52-53
关东人过年的前奏特别长,民间有"二十三,糖瓜粘,二十四,扫房子,二十五,做豆腐,二十六,要烀肉,二十七,宰年鸡,二十八,去打酒,二十九,蒸馒头,三十晚上闹一宿,大年初一扭一扭"的说法,这里面提到的吃喝风俗就有好几项,而关于老关东过年的食闻趣事,说来可就有点话长了。  相似文献   

江南,总在梦中,轻波流韵,烟雨濛濛。梦里江南,是清新的,到处夹着雾气,染着新绿,和着水珠,俏俏巧巧的在身边浅呤低唱轻歌慢舞。梦里江南,是千年古宅幽幽;泛着历代文人墨客的深情眷恋。梦里江南,是万年河道悠悠;积淀着天南地北寻梦人的泪珠儿点点。江南是古朴的,自然,清新,呵气成云。江南是恬淡的,山绿,水悠,草木含情。江南是雅致的,云轻,风淡,气定神闲。柔柔的江南,没有粗犷,没有狂躁,柔媚如小情人的目光,轻轻一瞥,便胜却人间无数。爱上江南,恋上江南,因缘巧合,黄酒牵线。今世某年某月的某一日,小桥流水江南,命定中的那场不期而遇,同黄酒结下了不解之缘,自此,酒香在心底生根,成了我对江南不绝如缕的牵念。当然,令我牵念至深的还有酿出如此醇香美酒的江南人。黄庭明就是一个。黄庭明以长江水的侠义与才情为酿,他让飘溢的陈年酒香穿越古城,成为国人为之倾倒的神采。  相似文献   

包头 《美食》2012,(3):59
瓦特看见水壶嘭嘭作响,发明了蒸汽机,这算是灵机一动;汉朝淮南王刘安在炼丹的过程中,以黄豆汁培育丹苗,豆汁偶与石膏相遇,成为了豆腐,这算是无心插柳;清朝进京赶考的秀才王致和,卖豆腐为生,卖不了的豆腐,已经发毛了,却成就了另一种美味:臭豆腐,这算是意外之食。据说,酒的发明,也是源于醋的变形;而前些年大红大紫的水煮鱼,也源自四川的某处农家的灶台。  相似文献   

<正>不经意间,心弦常被轻轻地拨动。一句话,一个关切的眼神,穿透心的荒漠,洒下温润的甘霖,汇成涓涓暖流,流过心田。每当此时,平静的外表下热流涌动,你总会检视自己过往的不是,暗下决心,今后一定做得更好。  相似文献   

仲夏之末,北京的天气逐渐闷热起来,踏入情田饰家时,也是这样一个炎炎的午后。沉静,幽然,这里散发着一丝神秘的味道,伴着古典钢琴曲的悠扬,缓解了我心头的燥。虽然是藏购欧洲古董家具的展示空间,这儿却更像是一位19世纪老绅士的家,安静得好似无人。好奇心驱使我从前面的沙龙厅走到餐厅,再到后室的钢琴旁,瑰宝溢目,让人禁不住赞叹。虽然空间里悄无声息,我却恍若听到了一场别开生面的对话,这些伫立着的古董家具,正诉说着各自的身  相似文献   

宁静的夏天,天空中繁星点点,盛夏的夜晚。在庭院中、露台上,或是在花园中,池水边,听着潺潺流水,和心爱的朋友一起分享着浪漫的夜空、浪漫的夜晚,这时,烛光也许是点缀气氛最好的选择,它能温暖彼此的心,让他们靠得更近,DIY烛灯,这个小小的装饰点缀,也许会给你的夜晚聚会增加更多精彩与甜蜜……  相似文献   

倪士敏 《纺织器材》2014,41(6):42-46
为了提高生条质量,减少盖板落棉,分析了锡林与回转盖板的梳理原理,对比了标准盖板与非标准盖板对条干、棉结杂质及锡林—盖板隔距与质量的关系,探讨了降低盖板总高误差及锡林—盖板隔距变化的方法。指出:锡林—盖板隔距增大使生条结杂增多、短绒率降低,当隔距增大0.025mm时生条质量恶化,增大0.051mm时生条严重恶化;锡林—盖板隔距和刺辊工艺优化组合,生条棉结降低25.6%,短绒率降低0.65%、棉结降低35.5%,条干CV值降低0.07个百分点;隔距的准确性、稳定性关系到质量与节棉的双重效益;减小盖板针布总高误差及隔距差异,有利于设备更好地发挥工艺特性,取得质量和节棉双赢。  相似文献   

Jin C.  Shen T.  Liang H. 《丝绸》2022,(8):140-145
Embroidered shoes have a long history. They were popular in the Ming and Qing Dynasties and are still popular in the Republic of China. They are traditional folk clothing accessories in Jiangnan area. The folk embroidered shoes in modern Jiangnan have great regional characteristics in shape technology and color and are rich in profound cultural connotation. They are handicrafts that perfectly combine traditional costumes and embroidery technology reflecting the unique charm of the costumes in the water town of Jiangnan. At present the researches on embroidered shoes in Jiangnan area are mainly analyzed from the perspective of manufacturing technology artistic characteristics and cultural connotation and rarely expounds its aesthetic characteristics and influencing factors from the perspective of color. Therefore the research on the color of modern Jiangnan folk embroidered shoes can restore the beauty of regional culture and help to carry forward and inherit Chinese traditional clothing culture. This paper made physical color measurement quantitative and qualitative statistics on the color of modern Jiangnan folk embroidered shoes which were collected in the Folk Costume Museum of Jiangnan University. It summarized the color characteristics of Jiangnan folk embroidered shoes analyzed the color aesthetics from three angles color layout color composition form and color implementation technology and explored the influence factors of the color formation of modern Jiangnan folk embroidered shoes from four aspects natural environment history and culture ideological belief and living customs. The research shows that the color of folk embroidered shoes in modern Jiangnan has obvious regional characteristics. Most of the main colors are simple and elegant mostly black navy blue and blue and decorated with red blue yellow and green with high saturation and high brightness. They form a color combination of "great unity and small contrast". The overall patterns of embroidered shoes are full of rhythm which can reflect the interest of the material and spiritual life of the Han nationality and contain profound cultural connotation. Its exquisite embroidery technology also enhanced the visual impact of embroidered shoes and the aesthetic value of patterns. Modern Jiangnan folk embroidered shoes have harmonious color proportion unique form and exquisite implementation technology. The local regional environment has a certain impact on the color composition of embroidered shoes. The humid and rainy climate the realistic and pragmatic Wu cultural concept the fresh and inaction color concept and the living customs of rice farming create the simple and elegant color image of Jiangnan folk costumes and highlight the gentle and beautiful image of Jiangnan women. This paper payed attention to the combination of empirical research and mathematical statistics excavated the influence of regional environment on the color of folk embroidered shoes in modern Jiangnan integrated art science and geography to explore the regional characteristics of costume color. In the future research we can further explore the age and occupation of the people wearing embroidered shoes in Jiangnan so as to make the research content more perfect. © 2022 China Silk Association. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

林伟锋  周艳  鲍志宁  夏枫耿 《食品科学》2018,39(16):140-146
通过测定发酵过程中发酵动力学参数变化,利用顶空-固相微萃取和气相色谱-质谱法测定发酵60?h体系中挥发性风味物质,并进行主成分分析和感官评定,研究单独添加及复配添加蛋白酶和脂肪酶对稀奶油-乳清体系发酵特性及风味的影响。结果表明:风味物质以挥发性羧酸类、酮类和酯类为主。蛋白酶促进pH值下降、乳酸菌增殖和产酸,明显促进酮类生成,可增强体系的风味,提高风味品质;脂肪酶可引起滴定酸度大幅度上升,抑制乳酸菌增殖和产酸,但明显促进羧酸类生成,并产生酯类,可明显改变风味,赋予体系丰富的风味;复配添加后,结合2?种酶的特点,酯类产量上升,增香效果更明显,可显著改变风味,具有缓和大量挥发性羧酸带来的刺激性酸味作用。  相似文献   

Quality of coffee is a complex trait and is influenced by physical and sensory parameters. A complex succession of transformations during the processing of seeds to roasted coffee will inevitably influence the in-cup attributes of coffee. Germination and fermentation of the beans are two bioprocesses that take place during post-harvest treatment, and may lead to significant modifications of coffee attributes. The aim of this review is to address the current knowledge of dynamics of these two processes and their significance for bean modifications and coffee quality. The first part of this review gives an overview of coffee germination and its influence on coffee chemistry and quality. The germination process initiates while these non-orthodox seeds are still inside the cherry. This process is asynchronous and the evolution of germination depends on how the beans are processed. A range of metabolic reactions takes place during germination and can influence the carbohydrate, protein, and lipid composition of the beans. The second part of this review focuses on the microbiota associated with the beans during post-harvesting, exploring its effects on coffee quality and safety. The microbiota associated with the coffee cherries and beans comprise several bacterial, yeast, and fungal species and affects the processing from cherries to coffee beans. Indigenous bacteria and yeasts play a role in the degradation of pulp/mucilage, and their metabolism can affect the sensory attributes of coffee. On the other hand, the fungal population occurring during post-harvest and storage negatively affects coffee quality, especially regarding spoilage, off-tastes, and mycotoxin production.  相似文献   

为研究赤霞珠葡萄果实发育过程中不同组织(果皮、果肉和种子)内源激素的含量变化及其与果实成熟的关系,用高效液相色谱-质谱联用技术测定果实发育过程中果皮、果肉以及种子中脱落酸(abscisic acid,ABA)、生长素(indole acetic acid,IAA)、赤霉素(gibberellin A_3,GA_3)、茉莉酸(jasmonic acid,JA)和水杨酸(salicylic acid,SA)的含量。结果发现,在葡萄果实生长发育过程中,葡萄果皮和果皮中ABA含量呈双S型变化,花后20 d左右,ABA含量较高,随着果实膨大开始下降,随后开始上升,至转色中期达到最大值,随着果实的成熟缓慢下降;果皮、果肉和种子中GA_3含量均是从果实膨大期开始上升,膨大后期下降,随后在转色初期又开始上升,随后下降;JA含量的变化与GA_3类似;果皮和果肉中IAA含量首先略微下降,在果实快速生长期迅速上升,并达到峰值,随着果实进入转色期,含量逐渐下降并保持稳定,果实膨大期之前,种子中IAA含量较高,随着果实膨大降低,并维持在较低水平,SA含量的变化与IAA类似。结论:ABA、GA_3、JA含量与赤霞珠果实成熟有关,IAA、GA_3、SA、JA含量与赤霞珠果实生长有关。  相似文献   

The aim of this paper was to establish the correspondence between the anthocyanic profiles of grapes and wines produced in Uruguay. For this purpose, Tannat, Cabernet-Sauvignon and Merlot vineyards in 2002 and 2003 were considered. Grapes samples were taken in the harvest and were peeled, and the skins were stored at −20 °C until analysis. After that, skins were macerated in a 12% ethanol and pH 3,2 solution for 24 hours. Vinifications were carried out with 50 kg of grapes and two replications per vineyard. The anthocyanic composition of the skins extracts and the wines were analysed by H.P.L.C. Delphinidin, petunidin and non-acylated glucosides proportions were significantly higher in Tannat skins and wines. Malvidin and acetates proportions were significantly higher in Cabernet-Sauvignon grapes and wines. Peonidin and coumarates proportions were higher in Merlot skins and wines. The relation between the acetyl and coumarylic forms allowed the differentiation of Cabernet-Sauvignon grapes and wines from Merlot and Tannat, but not these among themselves. The combined consideration of the anthocyanic forms proportions allowed the discrimination of the totality of the grapes and wines samples of each variety.  相似文献   

戴步忠  王胜 《纺织器材》2011,38(3):49-53
通过对关键梳理器材及专件结构与性能特点的分析,阐明了国内外精梳器材及专件的创新技术方向,并概括出精梳梳理器材及专件的优选配套总体原则;指出我国现代精梳梳理器材及专件的技术水平与国际先进水平的差距正在不断缩小,部分国产精梳器材、专件的性价比优于国外同类产品.  相似文献   

袁帅  庞广昌 《食品科学》2019,40(17):53-58
本研究以鲤鱼和鲇鱼为实验材料,利用弓鱼技术研究不同温度对鱼类中心代谢网络通量的影响以及弓鱼在最适温度下离水存活的时间,并探究低温诱导鲤鱼与鲇鱼进入休眠以及实现活鱼离水贮运的可行性。将弓鲤鱼和弓鲇鱼分别放置于0、4、6、10、15?℃不同温度下(每个温度采用梯度降温),测定不同温度下弓鲤鱼与弓鲇鱼血清中糖酵解途径、三羧酸循环和磷酸戊糖途径的代谢通量。结果显示,鲤鱼在6?℃、鲇鱼在4?℃时的中心代谢途径中代表合成代谢的戊糖途径通量最高;而代表分解代谢和呼吸强度的乳酸盐代谢通量最低,因此判定6?℃和4?℃分别为鲤鱼和鲇鱼的最优贮运温度,且可分别作为诱导鲤鱼与鲇鱼进入休眠的最适温度。进而在最适温度下进行存活实验,结果显示,在6?℃时鲤鱼离水存活时间平均可达48.93?h,最长存活时间为77?h;在4?℃时鲇鱼离水存活时间平均可达38.14?h,最长存活时间为70?h。以上结果表明,活鱼的离水贮藏运输是完全可行的,同时本实验为诱导鱼类进入冬眠或休眠提供新的方法和理论基础。  相似文献   

魏俊虎 《纺织器材》2012,39(2):27-28
为了稳定赛络集聚纺成纱质量,分析了专件器材对赛络集聚纺的影响和作用。分别对胶辊、胶圈、网格圈、钢领、钢丝圈、碳纤上销和压力棒隔距块及气动和板簧摇架等专件器材的选择和管理提出建议。通过对比,分析两种摇架的生产数据和普通上销及隔距块与碳纤上销及压力棒隔距块对赛络集聚纺的影响,最后强调加强赛络集聚纺专件器材的选用与管理,以进一步提高赛络集聚纺的成纱质量。  相似文献   

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