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贵阳国际会展会议中心安全疏散性能化设计   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
贵阳国际会展会议中心按传统方法设计疏散路线复杂,不利于疏散.采用性能化防火设计,前厅、公共走道、后勤走道作为次安全区域,定义为集散空间,人员到达集散空间后通过疏散出口疏散.采取措施保证集散空间人员疏散过程中的安全.经疏散模拟,各层可用疏散时间均大于必要疏散时间.  相似文献   

从地下超市的火灾危险着手,系统分析了影响地下超市可用安全疏散时间的判定依据,按照火灾发展和人员疏散的时间线,对火灾中影响人员安全疏散的各个特征时间进行了讨论,得出火灾中人员可用安全疏散时间和所需安全疏散时间的计算方法,结合工程实例运用烟火运动场模型FDS对地下超市火灾中人员可用安金疏散时间进行模拟,给出模拟结果,实现对其疏散设计的安全性和可靠性的评估。通过对模拟数据进行比较分析,寻找有利于提高地下超市可用安全疏散时间的具体消防措施。  相似文献   

选取某典型内廊式女生宿舍楼为研究实例,依据最不利原则设置4个典型火灾场景,利用PyroSim模拟火灾烟气运动过程,对烟气层高度、温度、能见度进行定量分析,得出各场景可用安全疏散时间;利用Pathfinder模拟火灾场景下人员疏散行动过程,得到必需安全疏散时间。结果表明,该宿舍楼各个楼梯承载人流量不均、个别楼梯拥堵瓶颈严重,人员疏散时间较长。调整一部楼梯位置优化人员疏散,着火层人员疏散时间缩短17.0 s,疏散安全性显著提高。  相似文献   

介绍兰州中川机场新航站楼应用性能化防火设计,解决防火分区面积过大、安全疏散过长等问题。设计10个火灾场景,用EVACNET4软件模拟航站楼各部分人员疏散时间;FDS模拟烟气运动,得到可用疏散时间。经模拟分析,得出各场景下人员均能安全疏散。另外设计2个火灾场景,模拟顶棚及幕墙钢结构的防火安全性。结果显示,在现有的防火安全条件下,火灾不会影响钢结构的安全。建议部分钢结构使用薄型防火涂料进行防火保护。  相似文献   

王君 《中外建筑》2013,(12):165-167
以长沙市某大剧院为研究对象,利用消防安全工程学的方法,设定不同的火灾场景及相应的人员疏散场景,通过数值分析计算方法确定人员可用安全疏散时间及人员必需安全疏散时间,评估不同火灾场景下人员疏散的安全性。结果表明:在消防设施有效的情况下,人员均能安全疏散,建议加强日常管理和维护。  相似文献   

针对有毒烟气对飞机客舱移动受限空间人员疏散安全的影响,基于FED模型改进,建立客舱CO体积分数计算公式,提出安全曲线的概念。利用FDS模拟飞机客舱及出口处CO体积分数变化规律。结果表明:通过与CO体积分数安全曲线对比,可得出不同出口处超过人体承受阈值的时间。该研究可以为飞机客舱人员疏散出口及路线选择、应急预案编制及演练提供依据。  相似文献   

选取某生产车间进行应急疏散研究,使用 PyroSim软件进行火灾模拟,得出各出口距离地面 2m 处温度、能见度及CO 体积分数各参数随时间变化规律,计算可用安全疏散时间。利用 Pathfinder 软件建立人员疏散模型,对车间人员疏散进行研究,得出必需安全疏散时间。判断认为该车间人员不能及时疏散。发现部分出口人员疏散利用率较低,建议在不改变车间结构的情况下,指导车间人员进行分区疏散,使该车间人员能够安全疏散,同时加强人员疏散培训,改善应急预案。  相似文献   

利用FDS和building EXODUS软件,对某大型商场进行了安全疏散性能化评估.首先对照有关消防技术规范和标准,对该大型商场进行常规的消防设计评估,找出其超出规范的部分.然后在综合考虑消防安全设计的相关原则和火灾发展过程后,选出两个火灾场景,确定了火灾规模、火灾增长系数、疏散行动人数和人员组成等参数,进而使用软件进行模拟论证.对照设定的人员安全疏散判据得出疏散所需时间,与可用疏散时间进行比较,求出各场景的安全余量,从而论证该商场的安全性.  相似文献   

高校学生宿舍消防安全疏散   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
以国内某高校新老两个校区的两座学生宿舍楼为实例,研究人员疏散的安全性以及不同火灾场景对安全疏散的影响。在每座学生宿舍楼各设置3个火灾场景,使用火灾模拟软件FDS模拟分析各个场景的可用安全疏散时间(ASET),并使用疏散模拟软件PathFinder分别计算必需安全疏散时间(RSET)。结果表明,新校区学生宿舍楼设计能够满足火灾条件下人员逃生的需要,而着火点位于老校区学生宿舍楼一楼大厅的火灾场景对人员的疏散影响最大。  相似文献   

城市水下公路隧道火灾时人员安全疏散   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以长沙市某水下公路隧道为研究对象,介绍隧道火灾时人员安全疏散准则及影响因素.设定火灾场景和疏散场景,分别利用FDS 5.3.0和EVACNET4模拟各火灾场景下的烟气蔓延及人员疏散,得到各种火灾场景下隧道内的可用安全疏散时间曲线和必需安全疏散时间曲线,分析不同火灾场景下人员疏散的安全性.在消防设施正常工作的情况下隧道内人员能够安全疏散,应加强消防设施的日常维护.  相似文献   

本文采用Pathfinder软件对地铁盖下运用库人员疏散进行了数值模拟,研究了安全区设置、金属网设置、火源位置对人员疏散的影响。结果表明:盖下运用库周围道路在满足设计要求前提下应尽量敞开设置,增设金属网不利于基地内人群疏散;车辆基地不同形式及盖下疏散距离的增加不会降低其消防疏散安全水平;盖下运用库应重点防范停车列检库安全出口附近火灾,以保证库区安全。  相似文献   

The escape potential of occupants in a building and the effectiveness of existing escape strategies can be described as a function of the time required for escape and the time available for escape.

The formalisation of these two concepts within the contextual framework of equivalency is addressed in this paper. Existing fire simulation and people evacuation models (ASET and EVACNET+, respectively) are used to assess equivalent fire safety provision in public assembly buildings.

In each of the examples chosen, a safety index is derived for deemed-to-satisfy designs and used as a benchmark against which other prototype designs may be compared for the purpose of establishing code equivalency.

A methodology that is capable of assisting in the determination of code equivalency with respect to escape route provision while accommodating trade-off is postulated.  相似文献   

研究地铁隧道人员安全疏散可靠度,为安全疏散设施设置提供决策依据。采用FDS 建立某隧道列车火灾模型,研究不同排烟模式下列车中部火灾人员可用安全疏散时间。采用Pathfinder 软件模拟不同疏散场景下的人员疏散过程,获得人员必需安全疏散时间。采用SPSS 软件进行正态分布分析,计算不同疏散场景下的人员安全疏散可靠度。结果表明:采用纵向通风排烟可有效提高人员安全疏散可靠度,在火源位于疏散口中间和疏散口处时,可分别提高82.48%和86.62%;相同疏散条件下,人员疏散可靠度随火源功率以及疏散口间距的增大而减小,而疏散门宽度对人员疏散可靠度几乎无影响。  相似文献   

It is an important issue that all occupants should be able to evacuate to safety from large public buildings under fire conditions. In this paper, a system simulation model is presented, in which a physical model and a mathematical model are included. Based on the agent technology, a computer program is developed to simulate and analyze the egress progress in large public buildings through combining rule reasoning with numerical calculation, and some crowd pedestrian flow phenomenon, such as aching, rerouting, etc, could be observed from visual illustration of the scenarios. By coupling with the fire scenario simulated by CFD technology, the computer simulation program may represent the overall and dynamic process of occupants' evacuation under fire expansion, and the mutual relationship between occupants' safety and fire hazard. An indoor stadium which was used as a competition venue for 2008 Beijing Olympic Games is studied as a case.  相似文献   

Modeling building evacuation during fire emergencies is an important issue. The social force model is a well-regarded evacuation modeling technique, and it has been integrated into the Fire Dynamics Simulator with Evacuation (FDS + Evac) of NIST to simulate building fire evacuation. However, these models still have limitations to be improved. First, occupants’ movement can be unrealistically prevented. For example, the corner of doors exerts unrealistic repulsive forces on occupants, so the simulated flow at narrow doors is much smaller than experimental data. Second, the degree of occupants’ competitiveness is not considered. Finally, current models are rarely validated by data form real-life emergencies, in which occupants may behave differently from normal situations. In this paper, new social forces are used to replace old ones to modify occupants’ collision avoidance: both time headway and time-to-collision are viewed as indicators of potential collisions, and social forces are active if time headway or time-to-collision reaches thresholds. A parameter is used to represent how the degree of occupants’ competitiveness affects their collision avoidance. The modified model is validated by both lab experiments and real emergency evacuation. First, the relation between simulated flow and door width in non-competitive situation is used for validation. In the simulation, 94 occupants, initially distributed in a 9 m - by - 4 m area, evacuate from a door. The simulated flow rates through doors of width ranging from 0.6 m to 1.2 m are consistent with the experimental data. Second, effects of competitiveness are studied. Simulation results show that whether competitiveness speeds up or slow down the evacuation through a door is affected by the initial number of occupants, door width, and other occupants outside the door. Finally, simulation results in competitive situation are consistent with data from a real-life emergency evacuation. The data used is extracted from a video recording occupants evacuating from an airport through a security gate in an earthquake. Simulation results are consistent with the real-life data in both the total evacuation time and the time when congestion occurred.  相似文献   

Building information modeling (BIM) is useful in three-dimensional (3D) visualization and data/information storage for planning and maintaining building projects. Recently, researchers globally have been exploring the applications of BIM. In this work, a BIM-based model is designed to support fire safety management of buildings. The model comprises four modules — evacuation assessment, escape route planning, safety education, and equipment maintenance. The evacuation assessment module integrates BIM with a Fire Dynamics Simulator to calculate the required safety egress time and the available safety egress time to evaluate the ability to evacuate in case of fire. The escape route planning module utilizes BIM to determine whether the distance of an escape route is acceptable. The safety education module presents hazardous areas, videos of escape routes and directional maps, all in three dimensions, to educate the occupants of the building about fire safety. The equipment maintenance module is implemented in a web-based prototype to support maintenance tasks in a remote management manner. The results of applying BIM have demonstrated that BIM can effectively provide 3D geometric data to support the assessment and planning of fire safety (using the first three modules), and it can store information in support of safety management and property management in a web-based environment (using the equipment maintenance module).  相似文献   

为了研究城市综合管廊火灾特性和人员疏散安全性,采用数值模拟的方法,分析了管廊电缆火灾规模、烟气流动特性,研究人员疏散的安全性。结果表明,火源位于电力舱中部时,火灾规模最大,约为 2.5 MW;人员可用安全疏散时间为 240 s,可以安全逃生。  相似文献   

宾馆火灾逃生调查   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:8  
通过对5起中小型宾馆火灾中的55名人员的逃生问卷调查,了解火灾现场及逃生人员的基本概况、火灾发生时人员所处的初始环境状态、火灾逃生行为反应及逃生途中的信息。研究表明,中小型宾馆类建筑在火灾时,服务人员和安全保卫人员能忠于职守,有效组织引导旅客疏散,是宾馆安全疏散的基本保障;疏散楼梯分隔使用,是造成火灾重大伤亡事故的主要原因;疏散标志失效,加重了火灾伤亡;疏散楼梯被封堵,加重了灾情。分析总结的火灾逃生经验,对于中小型宾馆类建筑逃生设计提供了可以借鉴的资料。  相似文献   

大型商业综合体室内步行街疏散设计与安全性评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大型商业综合体室内步行街无法按照现行规范设计楼梯间等疏散系统,以某大型商业综合体室内步行街为研究对象,采用剪刀梯对其疏散系统进行设计。应用FDS软件对设定火灾场景下火灾烟气蔓延进行模拟,得到人员可用疏散时间;应用PathFinder软件对设定场景下人员疏散进行模拟,得到人员必须疏散时间。通过对两者进行比较,结果表明该大型商业综合体在采用剪刀楼梯后,疏散系统能够达到消防安全目标,同时也能满足商业运营的需求。  相似文献   

结合地铁内行人紧急疏散的交通特性,针对地铁火灾的危险性及其特点,利用性能化评估方法对地铁消防安全进行分析,再利用Legion软件模拟火灾情况下人员疏散,用安全疏散容量和人员疏散时间两个指标对地铁消防安全进行性能化评估。以某双层地铁站为例,设定火灾发生在列车上的场景,计算可知闸机容量最小,为地铁站的安全疏散容量。闸机应为地铁站消防安全设计的重点部位。  相似文献   

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