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分析了地铁站乘客到达自动检票机处等待检票的排队过程,建立了地铁站自动检票机数量合理性的评价指标,并对实际案例进行了研究,记录地铁站高峰时段乘客的排队过程,统计乘客到达自动检票机处排队接受服务的时间间隔,验证地铁站乘客到达分布服从负指数分布,基于排队理论,求得乘客的平均排队长度和平均等待时间,从而对自动检票机的数量进行了评价与优化。该方法可以降低地铁站检票机的配置成本和乘客的等待时间,提高经济性与服务质量。  相似文献   

有限的资源和随机的需求是排队论存在的基础,而在如今的社会,这种现象越发广泛和复杂。我们将要求服务的顾客和提供服务的机构组合成一个系统,称之为排队系统。这种系统存在于各个方面,本文研究的是排队论运用在通信网络中的各端业务问题。排队论系统分为优先制排队系统和非优先制排队系统,本文描述了带有非强占权优先制的排队系统,其模型为两队中其中一对带有优先制度的M/M/1的模型。根据此模型可以定义变量,画出状态转移图并列出状态方程,最后求出稳态解。通过性能分析发现,带有优先权的M/M/1模型系统与一般模型相比性能将会有所提高,这也是优先制度的体现。  相似文献   

本文对时间连续型非对称周期查询式完全服务排队系统进行了分析,并与时间离散型周期查询式完全服务排队系统(赵东风,1994)进行了对比研究。在两种系统取相同的系统参数值的条件下,给出两类排队服务系统的分析结果。  相似文献   

该文针对多进程共享处理机资源的软交换实体,提出基于非强占、多优先级消息排队的M/G/1/n排队网络性能分析模型。该模型中消息的处理服从定长分布而不是泊松分布,并且存在呼叫损失,更加接近实际系统。给出了消息平均排队时间的解析表达式,理论分析与仿真结果表明相对于无优先级M/G/1/n排队模型,上述模型具有更大系统吞吐量,更高CPU有效负荷,但呼叫接续时间稍有增加。同时分析了消息缓冲区n对于系统性能的影响。  相似文献   

两类周期查询式完全服务排队系统研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文对时间连续型非对称周期查询式完全服务排队系统进行了分析,并与时间离散型周期查询式完全服务排队系统(赵东风,1994)进行了对比研究。在两种系统取相同的系统参数值的条件下,给出两类排队服务系统的分析结果。  相似文献   

维修员工数量配置的优化模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为解决由于维修员工的数量设置不当,造成人力资源利用率低、成本高的问题,基于排队论原理,采用数学建模方法对维修部门在单位时间内到达的顾客数和安排的维修员工数进行了分析.维修部门的工作情况为:多服务台对多个顾客进行服务,服务时间为随机型,输入过程为平稳型.通过分析,建立数学模型,排队模型采用M/M/c/∞/∞模型.首先对维修部门进行初步调查,了解顾客对排队的感想及维修员工设置的基本数据,然后利用模型分析计算出员工数量分配的最佳方案.通过数学建模,更好地利用了维修人力资源,也可应用于其他维修部门的员工数量配置.  相似文献   

为获得GSM900频段主用户频谱的占用情况,利用频谱分析仪对北京部分地区850~970 MHz频段频谱进行了定点测量。通过MATLAB软件对测量数据进行分析和建模,得出GSM900频段主用户的频谱占用情况及其到达模型。研究发现,此段频谱的平均占用度只有2.33%,主用户到达时间间隔服从负指数分布的修正形式,为认知无线电用户选择频谱提供了参考,并为链路级仿真中主用户占用模式的确立提供了理论支持。  相似文献   

串联排队RED、ERED网络分析模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于串联排队网络理论,建立了包括多个网络节点的串联排队RED和ERED分析模型。推导了具有指数分布分组丢失函数的RED算法(ERED)。在概率生成函数域,推导了节点的离去过程,并将其拟合为后续节点的到达过程,从而,刻画了多节点级联拥塞控制的通信场景。通过求解串联排队系统,得出串联排队RED、ERED以及DT 3种AQM机制的网络性能指标,分析了AQM参数设置对其性能的影响。针对不同突发度的业务源,给出每个节点和系统端到端性能指标。  相似文献   

超市收费排队系统的性能比较及其进一步优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
详细统计了超市顾客的到达速率和顾客能接受的最大排队队长及最长等待时间,并了解了超市针对市场竞争采取的排队规定和措施,利用排队论的有关知识分析超市收银系统的特点,建立超市收银系统的数学模型,通过求解数学模型,得到模型的最优解决方案,最后针对超市收银系统的不足,对超市收银系统进行了改进。  相似文献   

一种多光束发射和接收FSO系统的信道建模方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
徐建武  王红星  孙晓明  刘军 《中国激光》2012,39(3):305009-171
在单光束发射和接收无线光通信(FSO)系统中,目前人们普遍接受的是光强闪烁在强湍流下服从负指数分布,在弱湍流下服从对数正态分布,而在强弱湍流下都适用的Gamma-Gamma分布则是研究的热点。在这几种分布的基础上,将它们推广到多光束发射和接收FSO系统,分别推导出了基于对数正态分布、负指数分布以及Gamma-Gamma分布的多光束发射和接收FSO系统的光强闪烁概率密度分布函数,建立起多光束发射和接收系统光强闪烁信道模型,并对基于负指数分布的多光束信道模型与通信距离、激光波长、接收孔径以及收发天线数目等参数的相互关系进行了具体的仿真分析。这对多光束发射和接收FSO系统的理论分析和系统设计具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

In this paper, we analyze a two-class single-server preemptive priority queueing system with arrivals to each class are assumed to follow a Poisson process with exponentially distributed service times. Customers are served on a first-come, first-served basis within their own queue. Explicit expressions for the mean queue length and the steady-state joint distribution of the number of high and low priority customers in the system are derived. The analysis is based on the generating function technique. The obtained expressions are free from Bessel functions or any integral functions. Moreover, numerical values testing the quality of our analytical results are also presented.  相似文献   

为解决多业务环境下VSAT ATM中多址协议的信道分配效率及QoS问题,提出了基于复用的自适应随机预约多址协议(MRRAA)。在MRRAA中,由于rt-VBR业务所需带宽变化,其预约的时隙常有剩余,能被其他业务复用。复用rt-VBR业务剩余时隙时,按优先级顺序,首先是nrt-VBR,其次ABR,最后是UBR业务。用流体流方法表明,MR RAA在信源突发性比较高时,能大幅度提高信道的利用率,而又不违反业务的QoS要求。  相似文献   

In this paper, we study a tandem queue with retrials where the queue experiences disasters. The probability of system failure depends on the strength of equipment, which makes servers idle and causes the removal of all customers in queues and service areas at once. The customers in the queue are forced to orbit in a retrial queue during the system failure where they decide whether or not to come back to the system. Reducing the disaster arrival rate (the probability of system failure) by employing more servers and reducing the number of lost customers is very costly. Moreover, it is important to service the customers with no interruption and reduce the time in system. The developed scenarios are compared in five dimensions including time in system, cost of lost customer, operator cost, the number of uninterrupted service customers and cost of reducing disaster arrival rate (or empowering system cost). The scenarios are modeled by computer simulation. Then, the optimal scenario is chosen using data envelopment analysis. The optimal scenario maximizes system efficiency in terms of disaster arrival rate, cost of lost customers and the number of satisfied customers. In the main problem, the disasters arrive at the system according to Poisson process; the effect of changing the distribution function of disaster arrival has been investigated finally. We are among the first ones to study and optimize G/G/K tandem queuing systems with system failures and retrial phenomena in interactive voice response systems.  相似文献   

本文提出了一种基于闸门式多级门限服务的两级优先级轮询系统.论文先构建了系统的排队分析模型,然后把模型中各个站点内的等待顾客数合起来设定为系统状态变量,对系统状态变量的概率母函数求二阶偏导后组成迭代方程组,联立求解后得到了站点的平均排队队长、顾客平均等待时间以及服务器查询周期等关键指标的完整数学解析表达式.最后,对该模型进行了仿真实验分析,实验结果与理论结果相一致.系统性能分析表明该轮询系统满足了周期性系统服务资源分配过程中业务多样性和弹性服务的发展需求,使得轮询控制策略应用方面更为广泛.  相似文献   

In this paper, we analyze a discrete-time GI-G1, Geo2-1 preemptive resume priority queue. We consider two classes of packets which have to be served, where one class has preemptive resume priority over the other. The high-priority class contains packets with generally distributed service times while the low-priority packets are assumed to have geometrically distributed service times. We show that the use of generating functions is beneficial for analyzing the system contents and packet delay of both classes. Performance measures of system contents and packet delay are calculated. We apply these theoretical results on the special case of a packet switch.  相似文献   

Jobs associated with messages arriving to a communication processing system (CPS) can be described as ordered sets of prioritized tasks, where each task represents the execution of some part of the system's software. The service system of the CPS consists of a collection of queues, one for each distinct priority, serviced by a single server under a preemptive resume discipline. The routing of the job through this collection of queues is defined by a job's priority vector which specifies the priority at which each task in the job is to execute. For example, if a two-task job's priority vector is (3, 2), then the job first joins the priority 3 queue, obtains service for the first task, then joins the priority 2 queue. In a previous paper, the author and a colleague described a method through which average delays in such task-oriented processing systems could be computed for the special case in which all jobs have identical structure. This paper presents a substantially simplified version of the analysis methodology presented previously and extends that work to the case of a finite number of job classes, each job class having a finite number of tasks.  相似文献   

A method is presented to model server unreliability in closed queuing networks. Breakdowns and repairs of servers, assumed to be time-dependent, are modeled using virtual customers and virtual servers in the system. The problem is thus converted into a closed queue with all reliable servers and preemptive resume priority centers. Several recent preemptive priority approximations and an approximation of the one proposed are used in the analysis. This method has approximately the same computational requirements as that of mean-value analysis for a network of identical dimensions and is therefore very efficient  相似文献   

We propose and analyze two handoff schemes without and with preemptive priority procedures for integrated wireless mobile networks. We categorize the service calls into four different types, namely, originating voice calls, originating data calls, voice handoff request calls, and data handoff request calls and we assume two separate queues for two handoff services. A number of channels in each cell are reserved exclusively for handoff request calls. Out of these channels, few are reserved exclusively for voice handoff request calls. The remaining channels are shared by both originating and handoff request calls. In the preemptive priority scheme, higher priority is given to voice handoff request calls over data handoff request calls and can preempt data service to the queue if, upon arrival, a voice handoff request finds no free channels. We model the system by a three-dimensional Markov chain and compute the system performance in terms of blocking probability of originating calls, forced termination probability of voice handoff request calls, and average transmission delay of data calls. It is observed that forced termination probability of voice handoff request calls can be decreased by increasing the number of reserved channels. On the other hand, as a data handoff request can be transferred from a queue of one base station to another, there is no packet loss of data handoff except for a negligibly small blocking probability.  相似文献   

A single-server queue with a triple priority system is considered in this paper. The server can fail during its occupation time and is sent for repair immediately.The stationary probabilities of the different states of the system are studied, under the assumption that the arrival time and the service time for the three kinds of customers, and the repair time, all have Poisson distributions with different parameters. The results obtained before, in [Mokaddis et al., Eighth International Congress for Statistics, Computer Science, Social and Demographic Research, Vol. 4, pp. 31–58 (1983)] in the case of a double priority, are derived from the present results as special cases. Moreover the mathematical expectation of the number of customers and the average waiting time of both kinds of customers and more characteristics of the system, in the case of double priority, are obtained. Also, in this paper, we study the system without priority, in the cases of both a triple priority system and a double priority system.  相似文献   

The BMAP/G/1 queue is a field of intensive research since several years. We generalize the BMAP/G/1 queue by allowing the arrival process to depend on the state (level) of the queue, i.e., on the number of customers in the system. This will be called a BMAP/G/1 queueing system with level-dependent arrivals. A suitable arrival process is defined by nesting a countable number of BMAPs.We give conditions for the level-dependent BMAP/G/1 queue to be stable, i.e., in equilibrium. By analysing the fundamental periods, which now depend on their starting level, we determine the stationary queue length at service completion times and at an arbitrary time.  相似文献   

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