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Positive values for fairness in competition are supposed to undergird the behavior of athletes engaged in sport. Whether athletes' values actually develop over 4 years in a college that emphasizes character development is the focus of this study. Athletes' (N = 631) use of deontological ethics (Hahm, Beller &; Stoll, 1989) in 21 sports value dilemmas were evaluated. At entrance, as well as near graduation, intercollegiate athletes' value scores were lower than intramural athletes' scores. Both groups' scores declined while they were in college. Individual-sport athletes had higher scores than team-sport athletes but manifested a greater decline over 4 years. The findings are consistent with other studies that show decreases in “sportsmanship orientation” and an increase in “professional” attitudes associated with participation in sport.  相似文献   

“运动员的构成”含有丰富内容,如运动员来源构成、年龄构成、文化知识构成、运动年限构成、运动成绩构成等。但从研究我国高水平篮球队伍管理主体发展走向的角度进行分析,与之联系最为紧密,同时也最直接反映我国竞技篮球系统中基础体制改革与变化趋势的,则是运动员来源构成及其变化特点。  相似文献   

Although perfectionist orientations have been linked to a variety of cognitive, affective, and behavioral correlates in youth sport, little is known about antecedent factors that may influence adolescent athletes' perfectionist orientations. The purpose of this study was to determine whether perceptions of parenting styles differ as a function of adolescent athletes' perfectionist orientations. A total of 194 male youth soccer players (M age = 13.64 years; SD = 1.51; range, 10.67-16.25 years) completed measures of their perfectionist orientations in sport and of their perceptions of maternal and paternal parenting styles. Scores from the parenting style measure were calculated such that higher scores were reflective of higher parental authoritativeness (as perceived by the athletes). Cluster analyses conducted on perfectionism responses produced independent clusters of unhealthy perfectionists, healthy perfectionists, and nonperfectionists. MANOVA results revealed that both healthy- and nonperfectionists had significantly higher perceptions of maternal and paternal authoritativeness than unhealthy perfectionists (ps < .005). Results indicate that exposure to heightened authoritative parenting may play a role in developing healthy perfectionist orientations (or decrease the likelihood of developing unhealthy perfectionist orientations) in youth sport.  相似文献   

Building on previous research in which we provided an opportunity for female college athletes to construct their own photographic portrayals, this study explored young female athletes' perceptions of the college athlete photographs. Fifty-two girls participated in focus group interviews where they viewed and discussed the images. The young athletes particularly liked images they perceived to show authentic athletes (e.g, in athletic settings, with appropriate sport attire), images they could relate to due to personal experiences, and images that reflected competent and passionate sportswomen. Images perceived as revealing a lack of motivation, poor sporting attitudes, and nonathletic poses generally were disliked. Images depicting multiple social identities (e.g., an athlete in a dress) were controversial and generated much discussion.  相似文献   

采用文献资料、专家访谈、心理测验等方法,对我国皮划艇选手运动自信心特征状况及不同的性别、年龄、训练年限、等级、团队凝聚力、教导方式对我国皮划艇选手运动自信心特征的影响进行了调查分析。结果:我国皮划艇选手运动自信心特征的总体状况良好;我国皮划艇选手运动自信心特征之间存在着显著性差异;其运动自信心某些特征能够说明其运动表现的好与否。根据结果得出结论和建议,以期为我国皮划艇选手的心理训练与选材提供有益的参考。  相似文献   

体育项目中的训练与过度训练特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的:多种症状都支持对过度训练(OT)的探查。测量血清尿素(SU)和血清肌氨酸激酶(CK)值,除了对优秀运动员进行诊断和分析之外,也用于对运动员日常训练状态进行监控。因此,我们将根据不同运动员,同一运动员的不同状态,对这些指标的意义进行检验。方法:测试时象为具有国际水平的赛艇运动员,所有数据均来自于对这些运动员训练过程的测试。结果:6981例血清尿素测试样本(男运动员717人,女运动员285人)表明, 数据呈现出一种轻微不对称的正态分布态势(男运动员80%,5~7mmol·L-1;女运动员75%, 4~6mmol·L-1)。女运动员的数值比男运动员约低1.5mmol·L-1,个体差异较大,因此以 8.3mmol·L-1(男运动员)和7.0mmol·L-1(女运动员)作为判断运动员过度训练的固定阈值是不可靠的。在运动训练中,肌氨酸激酶(CK)也已被作为判定肌肉紧张的重要参数进行检测和评价。2790例肌氨酸激酶测试样本(男运动员497人,女运动员350人)显示,数据的频率分布为不对称的正态分布,在100—250U·L-1的区域内具有明显偏向高值区域的趋势,在250~ 350U·L-1和1000~2000U·L-1范围内分布频数明显升高。男运动员的最高值为3000U·L- 1,女运动员最高值为1150U·L-1,个体差异显著。血清肌氨酸激酶水平长期较低的运动员显示出小的数值变化;血清肌氨酸激酶水平长期较高的运动员在数值上显示出显著的变化波动。结论:这两个参数也许都有助于从大量样本中测定个人数值基准线。对这两个参数的测量至少应该在标准条件下每3天进行一次。如果在一段时间的训练(2—4天)后同时观察到参数数值显著升高和训练耐受力降低,则表明机体的分解/合成代谢活动或训练耐受力不足的可能性升高。  相似文献   

优秀运动员运动训练科学监控与竞技状态调整   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
目的:对优秀运动员的训练过程实施长期、系统的科学监测,以便在重大比赛前科学地调控运动员的竞技状态是体育科学领域亟待解决的问题。运用运动生理、运动生物化学、运动生物力学和运动心理学等研究方法,研究优秀运动员运动训练科学监控与竞技状态特点和规律。研究认为,1)运动训练的科学监测包括身体机能诊断与监测、运动技战术诊断与监测、心理状态诊断与监测等多方面。优秀运动员身体机能诊断主要采用生理机能指标、血液指标、激素类指标、免疫学指标,结合训练过程分析训练前、后的身体机能变化特征,准确地评定运动负荷和训练方法的科学性、有效性。优秀运动员运动技术诊断主要采用影像测量与分析、力学理论分析、力的测量与分析等方法,对运动员的专项运动技术进行定性和定量诊断。在此基础上进行个体技术优化,解决运动员的技术训练问题,不断提高运动训练科学化水平。在优秀运动员心理状态评价上,根据运动专项的不同,心理状态诊断和评价指标主要包括:心理与神经疲劳状态、注意力水平、专项认知水平、心理技能水平、比赛心理兴奋点的状况、团队凝聚力等;2)运动员的竞技状态主要是指:根据训练目标和相应的训练计划,运动员经过科学、系统的训练,其竞技能力在比赛期间所出现的相对最高和相对稳定的状态。目前竞技状态的调整研究主要集中在训练经验和实验测试两个方面。研究重点介绍建立个体最佳竞技状态模型、赛前运动负荷调整、合理膳食调配与营养补充、竞技心理状态调控等方法;3)中国运动训练科学监控与竞技状态调整研究特点表现在3个方面:注重优秀运动员个性特征研究,形成科研团队进行综合性研究和研究成果直接应用于运动实践。  相似文献   

目的:通过对我国优秀散打运动员多年来重大比赛和2008年北京奥运备战工作的总结,对散打运动员机能状态监控与评定方法进行梳理,以期更好地从科研角度为教练员的科学训练提供参考与保障。方法:以国家队、上海散打运动员为研究对象,从2004年-2008年主要训练阶段对运动员机能状态进行生理生化监控。结果:1、生理测试可以从不同角度反映运动员机能状态。2、不同生化指标在反映运动员机体物质代谢情况时存在敏感性以及个体差异性。结论:1、实验室测试应结合运动员专项进行,选择合适的指标与测试方法,才能更好地反映运动员的机能状态与专项能力。2、根据测试目的选用合适的指标,结合运动员实验室测试、主观感觉、客观检查及表现等,并对运动员进行纵向比较与综合评定,才能得出可靠的结论。  相似文献   

运动员体育技术档案管理的有效途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运动员技术档案管理有助于建立科学的训练管理体系,为早出人才、多出人才、出好人才创造有利条件。从体技档案的重要作用、制定统一的体技档案规档范围、实行集中统一管理、提高档案利用价值、完善体技档案管理制度、提高档案人员素质等6个方面,对加强运动员体育技术档案管理问题进行探讨。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was twofold: (a) to examine the stressors experienced by injured athletes during three phases of their recovery from sport injury, and (b) to explore the differences in the stressors experienced by team as compared to individual-sport athletes. Participants comprised previously injured high-level rugby union players (n = 5) and golfers (n = 5). Semi-structured interviews were used to explore the stressors participants experienced during three phases of injury (onset, rehabilitation and return to competitive sport). Within- and cross-case analyses showed that athletes experienced sport, medical/physical, social and financial stressors. There were a number of differences in the stressors experienced across the three phases and between team and individual-sport athletes. Findings have important implications for the design and implementation of interventions aimed at managing the potentially stressful sport injury experience and facilitating injured athletes' return to competitive sport.  相似文献   

400m跑运动员的专项训练关键是发展运动员的专项速度耐力,并尽力能在比赛中保持较长时间的最高速度。从运动生理学、运动营养学、运动补剂等角度出发,论述了利用专项训练之外的一些强力手段,以提高400m跑运动员的速度耐力。  相似文献   

起跑反应时和运动成绩是短跑项目中的重要研究主题。研究以2012—2018年4届世界室内田径锦标赛60m与60m栏项目比赛数据为研究对象,检验了运动员起跑反应时和运动成绩变化的时序特征以及起跑反应时和运动成绩的关系。结果表明,60m与60m栏优秀运动员在比赛的不同阶段在起跑反应时和运动成绩上均表现出了显著差异,半决赛和决赛阶段的起跑反应时和运动成绩显著优于预赛阶段,并且保持时间序列的稳定性。  相似文献   

采用开放式访谈法对损伤运动员康复过程中的三个阶段进行了访谈研究.运动员将在损伤后的第一周,损伤后的15~20天及损伤后的30天接受访谈.这三次开放性的访谈是让运动员在没有任何前提约束的情况下自由地谈论他们的经历.被试是美国东南部大学的NCAA一级运动员(5名).对访谈结果的分析揭示了四个主题:视点情绪反应,损伤应对及人际关系和几个次级主题.结论:第一,运动损伤在很大程度上影响了运动员的生活;第二,运动损伤对于本研究中的每名运动员都是一次独特的经历;最后,通过多重现象访谈法给运动员提供了公开谈论他们损伤康复经验的机会.  相似文献   

王静  黄勇  王国谱 《体育科研》2009,30(3):79-82
以参加全国运动会武术比赛的195名优秀运动员为调查对象,采用SCL-90问卷调查,发现优秀武术运动员各项因子分值大于3的仅占2%~9%;9个因子得分优秀男运动员低于优秀女运动员(P〈0.05);C组(普通高校武术特长生)和B组(体工队退役队员)运动员对文化知识的迫切度高于A组(体工队现役队员)武术运动员。优秀武术运动员心理健康状况良好;运动员的心理健康状况与性别、文化层次有关,建议在训练中根据运动员性别进行心理调整,并不断提高运动员的文化水平,以创造优异的运动成绩。  相似文献   


Research has shown that talented athletes outscore their mainstream peers on the basis of self-regulation. Although valuable, this does not tell us more about the distinction between good athletes and the best, which is a prerequisite in talent development. Therefore, we examined the self-regulatory skills of 222 male and female talented athletes aged 12–16 years as a function of competitive sport level (junior international or junior national athletes) and type of sport (individual or team sports). Multivariate analyses of covariance in combination with a discriminant function analysis revealed that “reflection” distinguishes between athletes at the highest levels of excellence. Furthermore, athletes playing individual sports had higher scores on “planning” and “effort” than team sport athletes, highlighting the importance of differences between types of sport. In conclusion, we emphasize the importance of reflection as a self-regulatory skill. Reflection facilitates the development of sport-specific characteristics, which may vary by type of sport. This means that an advanced sense of reflection may help talented athletes to acquire desirable characteristics during their “talent” years to ultimately reach adult elite levels of competition.  相似文献   

以运动训练的需要和运动员的个体特点为切入点,运用心理测量、录像视频分析、行为观测、主观体验及实验等方法,对羽毛球运动员不同状态得失分的时间特征、行为表现及心理状态变化特征进行探讨。结果表明,比赛得失分是羽毛球运动员不同状态行为表现及时间特征形成的关键因素之一。其主动进攻失分时间间隔最长,对方失误得分时间间隔最短;在得分和失分时,发球时间间隔较长;运动员处于流畅状态得分后持续时间长,行为表现突出,情绪表现强烈;皮温、指端血容波幅和心率可作为监控运动员不同状态心理变化的客观指标。观看不同状态比赛视频能有效促进运动员心理控制水平的提高;结合不同状态的比赛视频进行心理监控训练,可以有效促进运动员比赛自信心的提高。这些研究成果能够在一定程度上为教练员提供决策参数,为运动员提供各种比赛的行为信息储备,从而提高运动员对比赛时各种信息的加工速度、准确性和应对困境的能力,增加运动员比赛战术运用的成功率。  相似文献   

高校女篮运动员经期运动能力的变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对高校女篮运动员在月经周期不同时相中专项身体素质,基本技术指标及生理、生化指标进行测试,了解其运动能力与月经周期的关系及运动能力在月经周期各时相中的变化规律及特征。结果显示:运动员速度、专项速度耐力、力量、协调性及最大吸氧量在其月经周期黄体期显强于其它时相,弹跳力则在各时相内无明显变化。  相似文献   

以112名大学体操运动员(男68,女44)为调查对象,采用问卷调查法与数理统计法检验运动领域完美主义与饮食障碍、运动动机及赛前情绪的关系.结果表明,体操运动员饮食障碍、运动动机及赛前情绪与运动员运动领域完美主义有密切关系.研究认为,运动领域完美主义作为运动员的一种人格特征,在运动员的运动选材和运动训练中应该引起教练员的重视.  相似文献   


Injuries are common among athletes, and are sometimes so severe that they affect an athlete's career in sport. As studies on sport career termination are few, we conducted a study to investigate the role of injuries as a reason for ending a sport career. The study group consisted of 574 male and female top-level cross-country skiers, swimmers, long-distance runners and soccer players who responded to a retrospective postal questionnaire in 2006. Twenty-seven athletes (4.9%, 27/548) reported ending their sport career because of injury. A follow-up interview was conducted by telephone in 2007 (n=20 volunteered to be interviewed) to confirm sport career termination and the reasons for this. Fifteen of the interviewed athletes terminated and five continued their sport on the same level as earlier. Female athletes (12/15) terminated their sport career more frequently than male athletes (3/15). Athletes who reported terminating their sport career because of injury were on average two and a half years older (24.1 years vs. 21.6 years, P=0.006) than athletes who continued the sport. All the swimmers (n=5) who were interviewed terminated their career because of a shoulder injury. All the soccer players who ended their career (n=4) were female and had a severe knee injury, such as anterior cruciate ligament injury. Most of the athletes who terminated their sport career (70.4%, 19/27) reported that the injury caused them mild or moderate permanent disability. We found that sports injuries play a significant role in terminating a career in sport, and in some sports events injuries may commonly be the main reason for sport career termination. Injury prevention and adequate treatment and rehabilitation of injuries are thus essential to avoid the long-term consequences of severe sport injuries.  相似文献   

竞技体育的最终目的就是最大限度地发挥运动员的最佳竞技状态,并尽可能长时间地保持良好的竞技状态,创造更多的优异成绩,从而达到竞技体育训练的经济性和时效性。文章运用文献资料、专家访问等研究方法对我国优秀散打男子运动员进行研究与分析,指出影响男子散打运动员运动寿命的训练因素和非训练因素及其相关对策。  相似文献   

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