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介绍1994年之后中国图书情报学领域出现的以数字化、网络化为特征的技术研究高潮的现实条件、基础理论、研究状况和技术研究进展,并在此基础上对技术研究未来的特征和趋势进行预测。  相似文献   
陈美霞 《艺苑》2012,(1):68-70
历史剧《风中绯樱》以著名的原住民抗日的雾社事件为主要情节,以影视史学与口述历史交替的方式还原历史真相。该剧以私史与大历史相互映衬的视角,借着雾社事件抗日反殖的悲怆史诗探寻原住民的存在问题。  相似文献   
为丰富和优化甘肃省天水市桃品种结构,天水市果树研究所于2018年春从郑州果树研究所引进了中桃绯玉等新优品种试种。经多年观察,该品种果个大、风味甜、香味浓,色泽鲜艳,早果丰产,适应性和抗逆性强,适宜在天水适度发展。  相似文献   
??The lateral femoral circumflex artery system perforator flaps include anterolateral thigh perforator flap supplied by the lateral descending branch and oblique branch of lateral femoral circumflex artery??anteromedial thigh perforator flap supplied by the medial descending branch of lateral femoral circumflex artery??and tensor fascia lata perforator flap by the ascending branch of lateral femoral circumflex artery. The advantages of these flaps include the low donor site morbidity?? the convenient donor site??the good vascular quality??the large soft tissue volume??the ability to be harvested as a chimeric flap with multiple various tissue components??and being far from the head and neck region which is fit for two-team approach. The lateral femoral circumflex artery system perforator flaps can be flexibly chosen according to the different defects??so as to obtain the best effect in oral and maxillofacial reconstruction.  相似文献   
??This paper first briefly introduces the basic information of aminoglycosides for pharmaceutical use such as origin, classification, chemical structures, diversity of composition and the research originators, etc. Then it reviews the development process of the technologies for the analysis of components of aminoglycosides, discusses the advantages and disadvantages of current methodologies and explains the advantage of liquid chromatography coupled with pulsed amperometric detection method for analysis of the components of aminoglycosides. At last, it introduces some new analysis technologies and ideas and forecasts the direction of future development.  相似文献   
魏明 《科学大观园》2012,(9):I0004-I0004
别名:四川鹦鹉、大鹦哥分布:西藏、四川、云南留鸟(国家二级保护动物)大型鹦鹉。为我国特产鸟类。全长约45厘米,上体绿色,前额、眼先黑色,头顶和耳羽蓝沾紫色,翅绿色,翅下覆羽葡萄红色。尾呈楔状,蓝绿色;尾下覆羽、腿羽黄绿色,下体除喉部有宽阔黑斑外,余部多为紫色,胸部紫红色。  相似文献   
<正>鸟是人类的朋友,野生的鸟类形成独特的生态环境,人工驯养的鸟类给人们带来了无比的欢悦,它们都带给人们精神上的愉快。北京有着野生鸟类赖以生存的、丰富的植物资源,鸟类的数量已经达到350多种;北京有着非常丰富的传统的养鸟历史底蕴,可人工饲养的鸟类已经达到100余种,如画眉、百灵、八哥、鹩哥、鹦鹉等。在当前高节奏的工作和  相似文献   
这款《绯苍幻想曲》是动作PRG系列-Frane系列的第三作,Frane的游戏背景一脉相传,这段人界与天界间的冒险故事,就这样一直在玩家的心头萦绕不去。  相似文献   
周林 《野生动物》2004,25(1):30-31
全世界鹦鹉约有330-340种。我国有7种。其中云南是我国“鹦鹉之乡”,能确定分布区的6种鹦鹉在云南均有分布,它们是短尾鹦鹉、红领绿鹦鹉、灰头鹦鹉、花头鹦鹉、大绯胸鹦鹉和绯胸鹦鹉,其中以大绯胸鹦鹉  相似文献   
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