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唐军 《物理测试》2008,26(5):61-0
 介绍两例Gleeble 3500热模拟实验机机械系统故障分析和处理方法,针对机械系统故障现象,根据其控制系统的工作原理进行针对性分析和故障处理。  相似文献   
提到刀疤帅哥,首先想到的当然是拥有枣红色头发,手执东洋刀的“飞天御剑流”传人——绯村剑心,尤其是那左脸上“十”字形的刀疤,隐隐透出的杀气。要不得得真是没法形容。毫无争议位列榜首。  相似文献   
利用福建山樱花野生单瓣种、浙闽樱和食用樱桃栽培品种小桃红为砧木,八重绯寒樱为接穗,通过对不同嫁接季节、不同嫁接方法、不同种砧木亲和力和不同类型砧木的嫁接对比试验,研究总结出有利于八重绯寒樱嫁接成活和生长的最佳嫁接季节、嫁接方法、砧木种及砧木类型。  相似文献   
刘阳  王振清 《物理测试》2007,25(2):35-0
 文章介绍了3种不同的传感器在材料动态力学测试中的应用,详细论述了其各自不同的测试原理与配套设备。  相似文献   
杜盛梅 《野生动物》2003,24(2):35-36
一群绯胸鹦鹉多年来与一个布朗族村子的村民们和谐相处,美丽的鹦鹉在布朗族同胞心目近近乎神鸟,他们感谢它们,因为它们从不吃他们的庄稼,它们充当着他们的时钟,它们甚至在地震来临时给他们发出警告。忙坝村人与鸟的故事引起了世界野生动物基金会(WWF)工作人员的强烈关注,他们争取了一个中国珍稀物种保护小型基金资助,  相似文献   
正鲁迅的《藤野先生》有这样一句话:"上野的樱花烂漫的时节,望去确也像绯红的轻云。"这里的"绯红"应该怎样理解呢?对于"绯"字,《现代汉语词典》解释为:深红色。《辞海》解释为:鲜红。《说文解字》则注为:"绯,帛赤色也。"也就是说,"绯"字指红色,最早是指深红色的帛。在我国古代,人们最早用的红色是用茜草染的,所以茜草又称"染绯草"。《诗经》有"缟衣茹藘,聊可与娱""东门之墠,茹藘在阪"等句,唐代陆德  相似文献   
��[Purpose/significance] This paper defines the hierarchical types and baselines of organizational climate of university libraries in China, provides a value judgment and reference basis for self-assessment of university library organizational climate.[Method/process] A nationwide survey of the library organizational climate was conducted, and 11 libraries were selected to take assessment. According to the current situation, the characteristics and development level of the participating libraries, the clustering analysis method was used to classify and define the baseline.[Result/conclusion] The organizational climate of university libraries in China can be divided into three types:neutral, stimulating and efficient.  相似文献   
��[Purpose/significance] In line with the national intellectual property strategic development, some university libraries have tried to develop intellectual property information services in recent years. Since the intellectual property information service breaks through the original information service, it is urgent to train a batch of librarians with corresponding service capabilities. In addition, as an important source of intellectual property, university library directors, researchers and students' intellectual property information literacy needs to be improved. Therefore, it is necessary to establish a complete and standardized training system for intellectual property information services in universities.[Method/process] This paper used literature research, expert interviews, questionnaires and other methods to conduct extensive research on four groups of universities, and built a multi-agent intellectual property information service training system. The training content has five modules:intellectual property awareness strength, intellectual property basic knowledge, intellectual property information retrieval, intellectual property information analysis and application, as well as intellectual property application process explanation and patent document writing. Among which basic knowledge, information retrieval, information analysis and application were key modules, which were divided into primary, medium and high levels. The modular course can be assembled to implement the training.[Result/conclusion] The training system has the advantages of completeness, operability and adaptability. It can meet the needs of multi-level and diversified intellectual property training in universities. Its effective implementation will improve the intellectual property information service capabilities and intellectual property information literacy.  相似文献   
大绯胸鹦鹉砂巢繁殖观察   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张萍  王威 《野生动物》1991,(4):23-23
大绯胸鹦鹉(Psittacula derbiana)在动物园中俗称“四川鹦鹉”,野生时通常在树洞里筑巢、产卵和孵化。动物园饲养时一般设置树洞、木箱、缸管等作为繁殖巢,而我园饲养的大绯胸鹦鹉则以隐蔽处的砂堆为巢产卵及孵化,其中1989年有一对大绯胸鹦鹉繁殖两只幼鸟全部成活。现将繁殖情况总结如下: 一、生活环境自1988年以来,我园饲养的8只大绯胸鹦鹉(7雌1雄)与1只挂线鹦鹉(Psittacula krameri)、7只亚利山大鹦鹉生活在同一笼舍中,笼舍的地面面积为13.05平方米,舍高2.4米。 1989年4月在笼舍西北墙角设置粗树干两根,上面有若干个洞,墙角处地面有一堆细砂面积约0.25平方米,厚度4—5厘米。此处干燥,通风良好,比较隐蔽。  相似文献   
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