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Residual soils (saprolites) developed on crystalline rocks appear to form by an essentially isovolumetric process (i.e. without dilation or compaction). Isovolumetric geochemical analysis of a suite of saprolite samples developed on a common parent rock can be used to estimate the relative rates of long-term losses of P and Si during weathering. Using the export of dissolved Si in rivers as a weathering index, one can then estimate the rate of P release due to chemical weathering by means of the P-Si loss ratio in saprolite. For three basins where data are available (Liberty Hill, SC; Amazon River, Brazil: Rio Negro, Brazil) estimated P weathering release rates are 163, 457, and 242 moles P km–2 yr–1 respectively. These compare to precipitation inputs of 684, 700 and 630 moles P km–2 yr–1 and total river exports of 256, 4490 and 820 moles P km–2 yr–1, respectively. The Rio Negro shows a near perfect balance between the input of P via precipitation and chemical weathering and the riverine output of dissolved and suspended P. This system, however, raised the unsolved problem of the source that supports the atmospheric P input.  相似文献   
Lateritic weathering profiles (LWPs) are widespread in the tropics and comprise an important component of the Critical Zone (CZ). The Hawaiian Islands make an excellent natural laboratory for examining the tropical CZ, where the bedrock composition (basalt) is nearly uniform and rainfall varies greatly. This natural laboratory is employed to assess the utility of the HVSR (horizontal/vertical spectral ratio) method to characterize the shear-wave velocity (Vs) structure of LWPs, particularly the depth to the contact between saprolite and basalt bedrock. LWP thicknesses determined from HVSR provide good agreement with multi-channel analysis of surface waves (MASW) profiles, well logs and outcrop. LWP thicknesses may be estimated from the fundamental mode equation or through forward models. Prior knowledge about the subsurface from well, outcrop, and MASW profiles may greatly aid modeling in some cases. For the 3.2 to 1.8 Ma Koolau Volcano on Oahu, the downward rate of advance of the weathering front varies from 0.004 to 0.041 m/ka. For the 0.44 to 0.10 Ma Kohala Volcano (Big Island of Hawaii) rates vary from 0.013 to 0.047 m/ka. Simple H/V spectra develop in areas where the combined effects of time and elevated rainfall produce thick LWPs with a flat base and a general absence of core stones with an ideal layered geometry. Abundant buried core stones violate the assumption of simple layered geometries and scatter acoustic energy, leading to uninterpretable results. This is common where low rainfall and a young basaltic substrate leave abundant core stones as well as an undulating contact between saprolite and bedrock. Velocity inversions (high Vs intervals within low Vs saprolite) may also be present and originate from relatively intact bedrock horizons or mineralogical changes within saprolite. At Kohala, a gibbsite-rich horizon produces such a velocity inversion due to enhanced weathering and subsequent collapse of saprolite in a discrete horizon. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
利用化学蚀变指数法恢复物源区的风化历史及沉积物通量是一种经济实用、行之有效的方法。前人对珠江口盆地荔湾凹陷对应物源区的研究相对薄弱。本文通过对区内岩心测试数据进行化学蚀变指数分析,恢复晚渐新世—早中新世物源区的风化历史,并进行沉积物通量的估算,在此基础上探讨物源特征对研究区内沉积充填的控制作用。研究表明,晚渐新世研究区对应物源区经历了强烈风化阶段,该阶段产生的丰富的沉积物供给是研究区西北部快速进积、规模壮观的陆架边缘三角洲及斜坡重力流沉积体系发育的重要控制因素之一;早中新世,西北物源区风化减弱,沉积供给减少,但研究区东部沉积物供应较西部要充分得多,表明早中新世,研究区南部除了来自西北部的主要物源外,局部物源对该时期的沉积具有重要影响;推测东部物源(东部古隆起、兴宁古隆起)的突然复活是促进研究区东部早中新世沟槽形成发育的重要原因之一。在超深水区进行沉积物源区的研究中,这种半定量的方法对盆内局部物源的确定具有重要的指示意义。  相似文献   
薄规格带钢生产中面临温降大、板形控制难、穿带速度快、轧制稳定性差等难题,通过对SPA-H带钢化学成分、连铸工艺、温度和板形控制的分析研究,确定了合理的工艺参数,开发出1.5 mm极限规格高强耐候SPA-H带钢。结合连铸拉速和结晶器液面控制,过程温度控制和设备精度控制,实现了1.5 mm热轧集装箱用SPA-H带钢的稳定轧制和批量供应,其板形和尺寸精度高,力学性能稳定,满足了用户的要求。  相似文献   
Karst areas and their catchments pose a great challenge for protection because fast conduit flow results in low natural attenuation of anthropogenic contaminants. Studies of the hydrochemistry of karst sources and river solutes are an important tool for securing and managing water resources. A study of the geochemical downriver evolution of the Wiesent River and its tributaries, located in a typical karst terrain, revealed unexpected downstream decreases of nitrate with maximum mean values of 30 mg/L at the source to minimum values of 18 mg/L near the river mouth. This trend persisted over the length of the river even though increased agricultural activities are evident in the downstream section of the catchment. This pattern is caused by fertilizer inputs via diffusive and fast conduits flow from karst lithology in the upstream area that may have reached the river's source even from beyond the hydrological catchment boundaries. Further downstream, these influences became diluted by tributary inputs that drain subcatchments dominated by claystone and sandstone lithologies that increased potassium and sulphate concentrations. Our findings indicate that bedrock geology remains the dominant control on the major ion chemistry of the Wiesent River and that agricultural influences are strongest near the headwaters despite increased land use further downstream, due to long‐term storage and accumulation in karst aquifers. This feature may not be unique to the Wiesent River system, as carbonates cover significant portions of the Earth's surface and subsequent work in other river systems could establish whether such patterns are ubiquitous worldwide.  相似文献   
The evolution of volcanic landscapes and their landslide potential are both dependent upon the weathering of layered volcanic rock sequences. We characterize critical zone structure using shallow seismic Vp and Vs profiles and vertical exposures of rock across a basaltic climosequence on Kohala peninsula, Hawai’i, and exploit the dramatic gradient in mean annual precipitation (MAP) across the peninsula as a proxy for weathering intensity. Seismic velocity increases rapidly with depth and the velocity–depth gradient is uniform across three sites with 500–600 mm/yr MAP, where the transition to unaltered bedrock occurs at a depth of 4 to 10 m. In contrast, velocity increases with depth less rapidly at wetter sites, but this gradient remains constant across increasing MAP from 1000 to 3000 mm/yr and the transition to unaltered bedrock is near the maximum depth of investigation (15–25 m). In detail, the profiles of seismic velocity and of weathering at wet sites are nowhere monotonic functions of depth. The uniform average velocity gradient and the greater depths of low velocities may be explained by the averaging of velocities over intercalated highly weathered sites with less weathered layers at sites where MAP > 1000 mm/yr. Hence, the main effect of climate is not the progressive deepening of a near‐surface altered layer, but rather the rapid weathering of high permeability zones within rock subjected to precipitation greater than ~1000 mm/yr. Although weathering suggests mechanical weakening, the nearly horizontal orientation of alternating weathered and unweathered horizons with respect to topography also plays a role in the slope stability of these heterogeneous rock masses. We speculate that where steep, rapidly evolving hillslopes exist, the sub‐horizontal orientation of weak/strong horizons allows such sites to remain nearly as strong as their less weathered counterparts at drier sites, as is exemplified by the 50°–60° slopes maintained in the amphitheater canyons on the northwest flank of the island. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The hydrology of near‐surface glacier ice remains a neglected aspect of glacier hydrology despite its role in modulating meltwater delivery to downstream environments. To elucidate the hydrological characteristics of this near‐surface glacial weathering crust, we describe the design and operation of a capacitance‐based piezometer that enables rapid, economical deployment across multiple sites and provides an accurate, high‐resolution record of near‐surface water‐level fluctuations. Piezometers were employed at 10 northern hemisphere glaciers, and through the application of standard bail–recharge techniques, we derive hydraulic conductivity (K) values from 0.003 to 3.519 m day?1, with a mean of 0.185 ± 0.019 m day?1. These results are comparable to those obtained in other discrete studies of glacier near‐surface ice, and for firn, and indicate that the weathering crust represents a hydrologically inefficient aquifer. Hydraulic conductivity correlated positively with water table height but negatively with altitude and cumulative short‐wave radiation since the last synoptic period of either negative air temperatures or turbulent energy flux dominance. The large range of K observed suggests complex interactions between meteorological influences and differences arising from variability in ice structure and crystallography. Our data demonstrate a greater complexity of near‐surface ice hydrology than hitherto appreciated and support the notion that the weathering crust can regulate the supraglacial discharge response to melt production. The conductivities reported here, coupled with typical supraglacial channel spacing, suggest that meltwater can be retained within the weathering crust for at least several days. Not only does this have implications for the accuracy of predictive meltwater run‐off models, but we also argue for biogeochemical processes and transfers that are strongly conditioned by water residence time and the efficacy of the cascade of sediments, impurities, microbes, and nutrients to downstream ecosystems. Because continued atmospheric warming will incur rising snowline elevations and glacier thinning, the supraglacial hydrological system may assume greater importance in many mountainous regions, and consequently, detailing weathering crust hydraulics represents a research priority because the flow path it represents remains poorly constrained.  相似文献   
The size distributions of sediment delivered from hillslopes to rivers profoundly influence river morphodynamics, including river incision into bedrock and the quality of aquatic habitat. Yet little is known about the factors that influence size distributions of sediment produced by weathering on hillslopes. We present results of a field study of hillslope sediment size distributions at Inyo Creek, a steep catchment in granitic bedrock of the Sierra Nevada, USA. Particles sampled near the base of hillslopes, adjacent to the trunk stream, show a pronounced decrease in sediment size with decreasing sample elevation across all but the coarsest size classes. Measured size distributions become increasingly bimodal with decreasing elevation, exhibiting a coarse, bouldery mode that does not change with elevation and a more abundant finer mode that shifts from cobbles at the highest elevations to gravel at mid elevations and finally to sand at low elevations. We interpret these altitudinal variations in hillslope sediment size to reflect changes in physical, chemical, and biological weathering that can be explained by the catchment's strong altitudinal gradients in topography, climate, and vegetation cover. Because elevation and travel distance to the outlet are closely coupled, the altitudinal trends in sediment size produce a systematic decrease in sediment size along hillslopes parallel to the trunk stream. We refer to this phenomenon as ‘downvalley fining.’ Forward modeling shows that downvalley fining of hillslope sediment is necessary for downstream fining of the long-term average flux of coarse sediment in mountain landscapes where hillslopes and channels are coupled and long-term net sediment deposition is negligible. The model also shows that abrasion plays a secondary role in downstream fining of coarse sediment flux but plays a dominant role in partitioning between the bedload and suspended load. Patterns observed at Inyo Creek may be widespread in mountain ranges around the world. © 2020 The Authors. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   
Rivers carry the dissolved and solid products of silicate mineral weathering, a process that removes CO2 from the atmosphere and provides a key negative climate feedback over geological timescales. Here we show that, in some river systems, a reactive exchange pool on river suspended particulate matter, bonded weakly to mineral surfaces, increases the mobile cation flux by 50%. The chemistry of both river waters and the exchange pool demonstrates exchange equilibrium, confirmed by Sr isotopes. Global silicate weathering fluxes are calculated based on riverine dissolved sodium (Na+) from silicate minerals. The large exchange pool supplies Na+ of nonsilicate origin to the dissolved load, especially in catchments with widespread marine sediments, or where rocks have equilibrated with saline basement fluids. We quantify this by comparing the riverine sediment exchange pool and river water chemistry. In some basins, cation exchange could account for the majority of sodium in the river water, significantly reducing estimates of silicate weathering. At a global scale, we demonstrate that silicate weathering fluxes are overestimated by 12 to 28%. This overestimation is greatest in regions of high erosion and high sediment loads where the negative climate feedback has a maximum sensitivity to chemical weathering reactions. In the context of other recent findings that reduce the net CO2 consumption through chemical weathering, the magnitude of the continental silicate weathering fluxes and its implications for solid Earth CO2 degassing fluxes need to be further investigated.

For decades, silicate weathering has been postulated to provide the negative climate feedback on Earth that prevents a runaway greenhouse climate like on Venus (1). Silicate mineral dissolution with carbonic acid converts atmospheric CO2 into carbonate, and releases essential nutrients to the terrestrial and marine biosphere (2). There have been many attempts to quantify the silicate weathering flux (3), mostly assuming that riverine dissolved sodium (Na+) is derived only from silicate minerals and rock salt. Here we show that there is a major addition of nonsilicate Na+ to the critical zone from ancient seawater, weakly bonded to sedimentary rocks and supplied to waters via the cation exchange process. The implication is not only that the silicate weathering flux is overestimated at a global scale, but that this nonsilicate Na+ is most important in regions previously thought to have the highest silicate weathering fluxes (so called weathering-limited regions) and greatest climate sensitivity.Cation exchange is a rapid chemical reaction between cations in the dissolved phase and mineral surfaces, particularly clays (4). Major and trace cations such as calcium (Ca2+), magnesium (Mg2+), sodium (Na+), potassium (K+), and strontium (Sr2+) form the cation exchange pool, which balances negative charges on river-borne clay particle surfaces. This exchange takes place on interlayer sites, between the tetrahedral and octahedral layers, or on exposed surfaces (4). The importance of the cation exchange pool is well recognized in soils and aquifers (4, 5), has significant implications for enhanced weathering (6), and has been proposed as an important mechanism for buffering the composition of river waters (79). However, data on the riverine exchange pool are only available for two large river systems [Amazon and Ganges-Brahmaputra (10, 11)], despite its significance in providing a source of elements that are immediately bioavailable (12), and their potential for biasing the quantification of silicate weathering (9).It is increasingly recognized that rapidly reactive phases have a strong influence on the chemistry of river waters (13, 14). Cation exchange is a rapid reaction occurring continuously in soils, as riverine freshwaters evolve downstream interacting with particulate matter, and when they mix with seawater (15, 16). Important examples of cation exchange are the “swapping” of divalent cations Ca2+ and Mg2+ with Na+, in particular when there is a major change in water composition such as when fluvial clays reach the ocean,Caclay2++2Nawater+2Naclay++Cawater2+.[1]As a result, marine sediments have an exchange pool that is dominated by Na+ (17). Subsequently, these marine sediments are uplifted and emplaced on the continents where Na+ in the exchange pool is released by cation exchange with Ca-rich fresh waters (9). This has major implications for estimates of silicate weathering fluxes and associated CO2 consumption, because they are calculated using the Na+ content of rivers (3). Cerling et al. (9) proposed that the Na+-rich exchange pool exerts an important control on natural waters, based on charge balance arguments from river water chemistry, but this hypothesis has never been rigorously tested (18) by determining the flux and composition of the exchange pool of rivers around the world.In this contribution, we present a large dataset of fluvial sediment cation exchange capacity (CEC) and composition in several of the world’s largest river basins. By comparing with the concomitant dissolved load chemistry, we demonstrate that 1) the exchange pool in river sediments is in equilibrium with the river water; 2) the fraction of mobile elements in the exchange pool relative to the dissolved pool can be significant, particularly in rapidly eroding, weathering-limited catchments; and 3) given reasonable inferences on the composition of old marine sedimentary rocks, modern-day silicate weathering has been overestimated and carbonate weathering has been underestimated. The results reduce the estimated magnitude of the silicate weathering flux, but increase the supply of base cations (e.g., Ca2+, which can be a limiting nutrient) to the biosphere, suggesting a greater role of organic carbon burial compared with silicate weathering for the long-term atmospheric CO2 sink.  相似文献   
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