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An integrated health and family planning program, operated by the University of Ife Teaching Hospital, was assessed to determine the impact of the integrated approach on family planning service utilization among the predominantly Yoruba residents of the city. In Nigeria, family planning services are generally delivered in clinics which have little or no connection with medical facilities, and service utilization is low. In 1979 the hospital decided to include family planning as part of the routine medical services provided at its 8 clinics located within a 25 kilometer radius of the hospital. Staff members at the clinics were trained in family planning. Trained female fieldworkers conducted motivational activities to encourage the women in the community to use the family planning services of the clinic. The program provided women with an opportunity to obtain contraceptives in a familiar setting and as part of their routine medical care. Neither parental nor spousal consent was required. Yoruba men tend to oppose family planning. Data for the study was obtained from the records of the program's 1495 new acceptors served by the program during its first 2 years of operation. 50.6% of the acceptors were 25-34 years of age, and another 31.7% were between 35-44 years of age. Very few teenagers utilized the services. 96% of the wome were married and they had an average of 4.4 living children. 56% were Catholic, 25% were Protestant, and 16% were Muslim. 37% were illiterate, and another 42.5% could barely read or write. Most were wives of government workers or service men. 88% had never used a modern contraceptive, and 94.5% were not using a method at the time of their first clinic visit. 68.4% of the acceptors were referred to the clinic by the fieldworkers or other health personnel. Only 11.2% sought the services on their own. 85% of the acceptors choose oral contraceptives (OCs), 13% had IUDs inserted, 0.3% were sterilized, and the remaining 2% chose other methods. The low sterilization rate probably reflected the fact that spousal consent was required for sterilization. Side effects reported by the OC users included asthma (9.6%), headaches (5.2%), phlebitis (3.5%), jaundice (1.7%), chest pain (1.5%), depression (1.5%), scanty menses (0.8%), and high blood pressure (0.4%). Among IUD users, 10.8% had intermenstrual bleeding, 18.4% reported pelvic pain, and another 6.8% reported a variety of other problems. 42.1% of the acceptors wanted no more children, and the remainder wanted to avoid the hardships associated with traditional methods of spacing. Correlation analysis revealed that the total number of living children was negatively related to maternal education and that women with sons wanted significantly fewer additional children than women with fewer or no sons. 51% of the acceptors were continuing contraceptive use at the time of the study. The study confirmed the feasibility of an integrated approach. The findings should be of use to government officials who want to improve service utilization in the national family planning program.  相似文献   

Background Appropriate planning and staffing for medical services at large-scale athletic events is essential to provide for a safe and successful competition. There are few well-documented accounts describing the demand for such services.The present study provided the data from the Beijing 2008 Olympics and Paralympics,with a view to provide the guidance for planning future events.Methods A total of 22 029 and 8046 patients,who received medical care from a physician at an Olympic or Paralympic medical station,were included. The patient proportion among different personnel,various disease proportions at different kinds of venues,and the disease spectrum at specified venues at the Olympics and Paralympics were analyzed.Results At both games,the patient proportion varied by accreditation status. The staff accounted for the largest number of visits at the Olympics (44.83%) and Paralympics (36.95%),with respiratory diseases the most common. Various disease spectrums were discovered at the different kinds of venues. Surgical diseases were the most frequently listed reason for visits,both at competition and non-competition venues,especially during the Paralympics. The sport-related injuries accounted for a majority of the surgical cases during both games. At training venues,ear nose and throat diseases accounted for the greatest number of visits during both games.Conclusions During both games,people contracted different diseases at different venues. Adequate surgeons should be designated to offer assistance mostly in trauma situations. Appropriate numbers of physicians in respiratory diseases and otorhinolaryngology is of great importance.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To describe the planning and implementation of health care provision at a mass gathering, and to describe the conditions treated at such an event. SETTING: When approximately 93,000 fans gathered outdoors in Sydney's Centennial Park, a natural reserve, for Australasia's largest ever outdoor rock concert, there was an obvious potential for medical disaster. PATIENTS: At most disasters or mass gatherings, accurate patient numbers and details are not available, but an organised patient data collection system allowed the case load at this event to be clearly defined. This showed that 450 patients were attended to by the first aid teams. Triage identified 36 of these as having conditions serious enough to require admission to the medical area. Seven of these patients were ultimately transferred to hospital. RESULTS: A brief practical outline is provided of the medical planning for the concert, detailing the staff and equipment, how to avoid potential problems, the use of voluntary organisations, and specific site organisation. Key points in the medical planning, organisation and practicalities, especially those which are vital to any disaster response, are highlighted. CONCLUSION: Solutions to recurrent problems experienced by medical personnel involved with mass gatherings or disasters are suggested. The lack of practice in implementing a multiple casualty or disaster plan may be remedied by organised responses to mass events.  相似文献   

Background  Appropriate planning and staffing for medical services at large-scale athletic events is essential to provide for a safe and successful competition. There are few well-documented accounts describing the demand for such services. The present study provided the data from the Beijing 2008 Olympics and Paralympics, with a view to provide the guidance for planning future events.
Methods  A total of 22 029 and 8046 patients, who received medical care from a physician at an Olympic or Paralympic medical station, were included. The patient proportion among different personnel, various disease proportions at different kinds of venues, and the disease spectrum at specified venues at the Olympics and Paralympics were analyzed.
Results  At both games, the patient proportion varied by accreditation status. The staff accounted for the largest number of visits at the Olympics (44.83%) and Paralympics (36.95%), with respiratory diseases the most common. Various disease spectrums were discovered at the different kinds of venues. Surgical diseases were the most frequently listed reason for visits, both at competition and non-competition venues, especially during the Paralympics. The sport-related injuries accounted for a majority of the surgical cases during both games. At training venues, ear nose and throat diseases accounted for the greatest number of visits during both games.
Conclusions  During both games, people contracted different diseases at different venues. Adequate surgeons should be designated to offer assistance mostly in trauma situations. Appropriate numbers of physicians in respiratory diseases and otorhinolaryngology is of great importance.

目的 分析“和谐使命”海外医疗服务及医用耗材领用特点,为今后“和谐使命”海外医疗服务医用耗材筹备提供合理、科学的建议,以科学、合理制订各科室医用耗材领取发放比例。方法 回顾性分析“和谐使命-2017”海外医疗服务8个国家及“和谐使命-2018”海外医疗服务10个国家共18个服务站点的医疗服务人次、医用耗材发放数量及发放各科室耗材数量比例特点。结果 2次任务共诊疗110983人次,手术治疗587例次,住院治疗454人。出航前的科室展开是医用耗材领用的高峰(43.80%,241543/551510)。基础医用耗材领用主要是在海外医疗服务期间(49.72%,274225/551510),专科医用耗材领用主要是在科室展开期间(11.43%,63046/551510)。科室医用耗材领用主要为门诊中的综合科室(42.39%,233811/551510)、手术室(22.99%,126784/551510)、病房(9.67%,53319/551510)及辅诊科室中的影像科(4.19%,23085/551510)。在科室展开与海外医疗服务期间,综合科室、口腔科、眼科、妇科、检验科、特检室、影像科、消毒供应科、手术室、病房、其他在基础医用耗材与专科医用耗材的领用方面差异均有统计学意义(P均<0.01);科室展开时,综合科室、妇科、检验科、特检室、手术室、病房、其他等主要领用基础医用耗材,口腔科、眼科、影像科、消毒供应科主要领用专科医用耗材;海外医疗服务期间,综合科室、口腔科、眼科、妇科、检验科、特检室、消毒供应科、手术室、病房、其他等主要领用基础医用耗材,影像科主要是领用专科医用耗材。结论 不同科室、不同任务阶段科室对医用耗材的领用不同,需加强耗材管理提高耗材领用发放的针对性,各科室医用耗材的领用量及发放比例可为以后任务筹备、领用发放提供参考。  相似文献   

卫生信息化是国家医改的重要支柱,目前各大型医疗机构信息化水平己达到院内信息共享与交互的程度,需要进一步采用信息技术手段,优化就医流程,缓解群众看病就医难题,利用社会资源参与医院服务,方便群众就医与健康咨询,改善就医体验,真正达到国务院关于惠民工程的目的.“外联平台”正是这种背景下诞生的产物,对外部接入业务进行统一的规划、接入、管理和监控.  相似文献   

中等城市社区护理服务内容及影响因素研究   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
目的了解社区护理服务内容,探讨影响社区护理服务内容的因素。方法采用问卷调查湖北省3个中等城市在职社区护士从事的社区护理服务内容,包括疾病护理、健康教育、预防、保健、家庭护理、康复、营养指导、计划生育、精神卫生、社区卫生诊断、临终关怀,并分析其相关因素。结果社区护士从事的社区护理服务内容前2位是疾病护理(94.1%)和健康教育(88.6%),后2位是社区卫生诊断(15.4%)和临终关怀(14.6%)。与年龄有关的社区护理内容是康复;与学历有关的是健康教育、预防、精神卫生、社区卫生诊断;与职称有关的是家庭护理、精神卫生、营养指导;与社区护理年限有关的是健康教育、预防、计划生育、家庭护理。结论社区护士目前从事较多的社区护理服务是疾病护理和健康教育,较少的是社区卫生诊断及临终关怀。应该合理配备社区护理人员,规范社区护理程序,提高社区护士的业务素质,创造条件大力开展社区护理服务内容。  相似文献   

背景 随着全球人口老龄化的加剧,失能、半失能老年人迅速增加,以全科医生团队为基础、面向家庭的上门医疗服务成为世界新趋势。目前我国的上门医疗服务还缺乏规范的管理制度和系统的运作机制。目的 基于失能老年人的视角,探讨北京市上门医疗服务利用现状和存在问题,为构建合理化社区上门服务体系提供建议。方法 采用质性研究和量性研究相结合的方法。2018年5-6月,采用目的抽样法选取8名失能老年人的主要照顾者进行个人深入访谈,内容包括对上门医疗服务的需求情况、了解程度、利用情况及其满意度和具体意见建议等。2018年7-9月,采用多阶段抽样方法对北京市6家社区卫生服务中心的370名失能老年人照顾者进行问卷调查,收集失能老年人的健康状况、照顾资源、对上门医疗服务项目内容的利用和满意度情况。结果 质性研究发现上门医疗服务能部分满足失能老年人的需求,但患者担心上门医疗费用较高且无法医保结算、上门医疗服务知晓率低、社区卫生机构的上门医疗服务能力有限,影响了上门医疗服务的有效利用。量性研究结果显示:370例失能老年人平均年龄(80.9±8.4)岁,202例(54.6%)中度、重度失能,256例(69.2%)患有3种及以上慢性病,168例(45.4%)需要聘请保姆照顾;314例(84.9%)愿意接受上门医疗服务,但仅76例(20.5%)实际利用过社区上门医疗服务,利用程度较高的前5项服务项目依次是测量血压血糖心电图〔49(13.2%)〕、康复型家庭病床〔26(7.0%)〕、治疗型家庭病床〔22(5.9%)〕、化验标本采集〔22(5.9%)〕、定期性家访〔21(5.7%)〕;56例(15.1%)不愿意接受上门医疗服务,不愿意接受上门服务的前5位原因依次是担心收费较高〔39(69.6%)〕、担心费用无法报销〔23(41.1%)〕、不了解服务项目内容〔21(37.5%)〕、认为服务内容少或能力有限〔14(25.0%)〕、担心泄漏个人隐私〔14(25.0%)〕。结论 北京市失能老年人家庭照顾负担沉重,对上门医疗服务需求迫切,社区上门医疗服务呈现“高意愿,低利用”的现状,建议推动医保支付和社会保险改革,提升社区卫生机构的上门医疗服务能力和服务水平,加强宣传和引导,促进上门医疗服务的有效利用。  相似文献   

The Ontario Child Health Study (OCHS) was based on interviews of 1869 Ontario families who were selected by means of a stratified, multistaged sampling method from the 1981 census of Canada. Its primary purpose was to determine the prevalence and distribution of mental health problems in Ontario children aged 4 to 16 years and their families, but it also allowed an estimate of other significant medical conditions and provided an overview of these children's use of health care, education and social services. Our results are based on questionnaire responses concerning 3294 children. Limitation of function without a chronic illness or medical condition was reported in 1.9%, the converse in 14.0%, and a chronic illness or medical condition with limitation of function in 3.7%. When the three groups are considered together, 19.6% of Ontario children had a chronic health problem. Children of lower socioeconomic status were much more likely to have chronic health problems. Overall, children with chronic health problems were more likely to use physician, special education, social and mental health services. These findings have implications for those who provide services for children, plan community programs or train professionals in caring for children.  相似文献   

分析医联体信息化建设存在的问题,阐述基于5G云计算桌面技术的医联体云诊疗服务应用情况,包括网络规划、应用场景、应用预期效果,为“互联网+医疗服务”信息化建设提供参考。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To identify the prevalence of mental health problems, rates of suicidal ideation and behaviour, and use of professional mental health services among children and adolescents residing in home-based foster care, and to compare these rates with those reported for children and adolescents in the general Australian community. DESIGN: Cross-sectional survey. PARTICIPANTS AND SETTING: 326 children and adolescents (aged 6-17 years) residing in home-based foster care in the Adelaide metropolitan region between August 2004 and January 2006. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Prevalence of emotional and behavioural problems, suicidal ideation and behaviour, and use of professional services to obtain help for emotional and behavioural problems. RESULTS: 61.0% of children and adolescents living in home-based foster care scored above the recommended cut-off for behaviour problems on the Child Behavior Checklist and 35.2% of adolescents scored above the cut-off on the Youth Self Report. 6.7% of 13-17- year olds in home-based foster care reported a suicide attempt that required medical treatment during the previous year. Caregivers reported that 53.4% of children needed professional help for their mental health problems but only 26.9% had obtained help during the previous 6 months. CONCLUSION: Children in home-based foster care experience high rates of mental health problems but only a minority receive professional help for their problems.  相似文献   

Effects of a medical team coordinator on length of hospital stay.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
OBJECTIVE: To determine the effect of a medical team coordinator (MTC) on the length of stay in a teaching hospital. DESIGN: Randomized controlled trial. SETTING: Two of four general medical clinical teaching units (CTUs). PATIENTS: Patients admitted to the CTUs between July and October 1990 except those who were admitted directly to an intensive care unit or whose death was expected within 48 hours. The 267 patients were randomly assigned to receive either standard medical care or standard medical care plus MTC services. INTERVENTION: The MTC was a baccalaureate nurse whose role was to facilitate administrative tasks such as discharge planning, to coordinate tests and procedures, and to collect and collate patient information. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Length of hospital stay. A subgroup of 40 patients was asked to complete a brief survey on medical care information and satisfaction. RESULTS: The MTC intervention reduced the mean length of stay by 1.97 days (p less than or equal to 0.04, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.02 to 2.92 days). Subanalysis by diagnostic group revealed that most of this effect was in an ill-defined group of disorders. In the survey more patients in the MTC group than in the other group reported being satisfied with their medical care (89% v. 62%; p less than or equal to 0.05, 95% CI 2% to 52%). CONCLUSIONS: The services of an MTC help to reduce the length of hospital stay for some groups of patients. Further research is necessary to examine which components of the MTC intervention are most effective and in what conditions.  相似文献   

As a first step in planning primary care services for a whole district, the Northumberland Local Medical Committee undertook a postal survey of all 51 practices in the county. Questionnaires were returned by 154 doctors (95%). Information was collected from every practice on doctors' qualifications and postgraduate training, aspects of professional commitments in addition to patient care, professional appointments outside the practice, and clinical services being offered by the practice. A wide range of clinical services was reported. In general, preventive services in singlehanded practices were provided within normal consulting sessions while the larger practices offered many special sessions and a multidisciplinary approach. In addition to establishing baseline information for planning primary care initiatives, this first exercise provided valuable experience in data collection and management. Having shown that such a role is feasible, the experience will be used to expand the information and planning activities of the committee.  相似文献   

银川市社区卫生服务现状及就诊居民满意度调查分析   总被引:2,自引:6,他引:2  
目的调查银川市对社区卫生服务的工作现状及就诊居民的满意度,了解银川市开展社区卫生服务过程中存在的问题和今后的发展前景。方法采用偶遇法对前来社区卫生服务站就诊的411名居民进行社区卫生服务机构各项工作满意度的调查,同时对银川市社区卫生服务机构的工作现状进行了抽样调查。结果除医生技能、医疗设备和医疗费用外,就诊居民对社区卫生服务的满意度均高于80.0%;就诊居民对社区卫生服务机构医疗设备的满意度最低,仅为38.4%。社区卫生服务机构均设立了家庭健康档案,健康教育主要是健康宣教,康复方式主要是口头指导,85.7%的社区卫生服务机构开展了计划免疫工作。结论应着力改善社区卫生服务机构的硬件设施,合理调整医疗费用模式,提高医务人员的技术水平,使社区卫生服务工作为更多的居民所接受。  相似文献   

Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) epidemic illustrated the crucial role of infection surveillance and control measures in the combat of any highly transmissible disease. We conducted an interview survey of 121 medical staff 145 doctors, 46 staff nurses and 30 medical assistants) in a state hospital in Malaysia three months after the end of SARS epidemic (from October to December 2003). Staff was grouped according to those directly involved in the care of suspected SARS patients [S+ group n=41] and those who were not [S- group; n=80]. On hand washing following sneezing, coughing and touching patients, the proportions of medical staff that reported an increase after the SARS crisis were 22.3%, 16.5% and 45.5% respectively. On wearing masks, gloves, and aprons when meeting potentially infectious patients, the proportions that reported an increase were 39.7%, 47.1% and 32.2% respectively. Significantly more staff in S+ than S- group reported these increases. Sixty percent of staff was aware of changes in hospital infection control policies after SARS; 93.4% was aware of notifying procedures, and 81.8% was aware of whom to notify in the hospital. Regarding infection isolation ward, Infectious Control Nurse and Infection Control Committee Chairman in the hospital, the proportions of staff that could correctly name them were 39.7%, 38.3% and 15.7% respectively. Significantly more in S+ than S- group could do so. However, more than half the staff claimed ignorance on the knowledge of infection isolation ward (56.2%), Infection Control Nurse (57.9%) and Chairman (65.3%). Our findings demonstrated that SARS crisis had some positive impact on the infection control practices and awareness of medical staff especially on those with direct SARS involvement. Implications for future control of infectious diseases are obvious.  相似文献   

目的调查医院门诊寻求计划生育妇女的宫颈糜烂患病状况,为制定有效的预防措施提供科学依据。方法对2010年2月~2011年2月笔者所在医院寻求计划生育服务的680例妇女的宫颈糜烂患病状况进行调查。结果680例妇女宫颈糜烂患病率为48.5%,病原微生物的感染以UU为主。宫颈糜烂的发生与年龄、医疗费用支付方式、妇科普查频率密切相关。结论宫颈糜烂受多种因素影响,应重视妇科疾病的普查普治,加大宣教力度,提高妇女生殖健康水平。  相似文献   

A follow-up study was conducted to identify long-term physical and emotional outcomes among Oklahoma City bombing survivors. Baseline data were gathered by the Oklahoma State Department of Health in 1995. Follow-up data were gathered by telephone interviews of survivors from 1-1/2 to 3 years after the bombing. The frequency of medical diagnoses, symptoms, medical cost, physical and social life changes, and services utilized since the bombing were assessed. A total of 494 persons were interviewed, 92 percent had been physically injured in the bombing. Seventy-nine percent of persons interviewed rated their general health status as "good," "very good," or "excellent." Overall, one-fourth to one-third of survivors reported being newly diagnosed with audiologic changes, anxiety, and depression since the bombing. One-third of persons reported preexisting medical conditions that had worsened since the bombing including depression (26%) and asthma/bronchitis (22%). The most frequently reported posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms were "being jumpy or easily startled" and "recurring distressful thoughts of the bombing." The most frequently utilized medical services were psychological counseling (63%) and audiology services (48%). Total costs were estimated of $ 5.7 million. Overall, persons who had been hospitalized with bombing injuries reported higher rates of diagnoses, symptoms, and services utilization. These findings suggest that a large proportion of survivors of a terrorist bombing, especially those seriously injured, will experience long-term physical and/or emotional outcomes and increased need for treatment for bombing-related medical conditions. All survivors should be carefully assessed over time for auditory damage, depression, anxiety, and posttraumatic stress disorder.  相似文献   

甘仁榕  朱焱 《中国全科医学》2019,22(31):3825-3829
背景 应诊能力是全科医生必备的基本能力之一,现阶段我国社区全科医生的应诊能力不容乐观。目的 了解贵阳市社区全科医生应诊能力现状,发现存在的问题,为进一步提高全科医生的应诊能力提供科学的参考依据。方法 于2018年4—7月,采用分层随机抽样的方法从贵阳市六城区64家社区卫生服务中心中抽取36家,将36家社区卫生服务中心的所有从事全科门诊的医生112名作为调查对象。运用观察法,依据自制评分表对全科医生接诊患者时的行为表现进行评分,评分表从确认和处理现患问题、连续性问题的管理、预防性照顾、改善就医遵医行为4个方面对全科医生的应诊能力进行评价,4个方面得分范围分别为0~67、0~23、0~28、0~9分,总分0~127分。结果 112名全科医生确认和处理现患问题、连续性问题的管理、预防性照顾、改善就医遵医行为平均得分分别为(23.69±3.22)、(7.64±2.39)、(3.49±3.21)、(1.86±1.41)分,平均总得分为(35.65±7.29)分;4个方面能力水平处于好的人数占比分别为15.2%(17/112)、16.1%(18/112)、18.8%(21/112)、11.6%(13/112),总体评价为好的人数占比为19.6%(22/112)。结论 当前贵阳市社区全科医生的应诊能力需要提升。应加强全科医生全科思维的培养,在实际工作中充分应用健康档案、《接诊记录表》及各种生活压力量表,将门诊医疗与公共卫生服务进行有机整合,以提高全科医生的应诊能力。  相似文献   

背景 全科医生是居民健康和控制医疗费用支出的“守门人”,在基本医疗卫生服务中发挥着重要作用,其服务能力、激励机制及队伍稳定性对于推进家庭医生签约服务、建立分级诊疗制度具有重要意义。目的 了解基层全科医生的工作胜任度及满意度。方法 于2016年7月,采用分层整群抽样法在上海市浦东新区抽取城区、城郊、郊区15家社区卫生服务中心的全科医生(包括中医全科医生)440例进行问卷调查,主要内容为家庭医生签约服务开展情况、工作胜任度及满意度。结果 440份问卷均有效回收,问卷有效回收率为100.0%。95.2%(419/440)全科医生表示完全/基本能够顺利进行社区首诊,81.0%(350/432)全科医生表示知识和能力完全/基本能够胜任工作,70.2%(302/430)全科医生表示工作压力很大/比较大。不同区域全科医生对工作压力、医疗联合体是否有利于家庭医生制度推行的评价比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);不同类型社区卫生服务中心全科医生对能否处理基本医疗中的技术难题、能否处理慢性病管理中的技术难题、工作压力、工作能力能否得到发挥的评价比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。全科医生对工作价值、工作收入的平均满意度评分<3.0分;对工作环境的平均满意度评分>3.0分;对工作支持系统中社区(居委)配合、团队支持的平均满意度评分>3.0分,对协同诊疗的平均满意度评分<3.0分。结论 浦东新区基层全科医生的工作胜任度较高,利于引导居民社区首诊、慢性病防治及健康管理,但仍需提高其对自身工作价值和工作收入的满意度,同时关注区域间差异,促进家庭医生制度持续发展。  相似文献   

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