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"秋光及物眼犹迷,著叶婆娑似碧鸡。精采十分佯欲动,五更只欠一声啼。"这是清人刘瀞的一首咏鸡冠花诗。鸡冠花,峨峨直立,高冠突兀俨如一只羽翼丰满、体魄健壮、凌空而立、昂首欲啼的大公鸡。鸡冠花不但可以用来观赏,还可供药用。现代研究表明,鸡冠花营养十分丰富,含多种维生素和人体所需的21种氨基酸、12种微量元素和多种天  相似文献   

贝壳类食物包括蛤、蚌、螺、牡蛎等,这些食物味道鲜美,含有丰富的蛋白质、多种维生素以及铁、铜、锌等微量元素,是营养佳品,颇受人们喜爱,特别是沿海居民,更是习惯于食用。 但是,在食用时应注意“三防”。 第一,防过敏。贝壳类食物的蛋白质  相似文献   

目的 初步评价汉口江滩血吸虫病防治综合整治后的灭螺效果.方法 采用工程灭螺结合药物灭螺对江滩进行综合整治,比较整治前后的有螺面积、活螺平均密度等螺情监测指标的变化.结果 项目工程灭螺面积30.55万m2,药物灭螺累计面积132.43万m2.灭螺后滩面有螺面积、有螺框出现率、活螺平均密度较去年同期分别下降了98.40%、92.08%和94.43%,未发现感染性钉螺.结论 江滩综合整治后,钉螺滋生环境得到彻底改变,初步评价灭螺效果较好,但仍需对既往有螺环境持续监测以巩固灭螺效果.  相似文献   

采取人群化疗结合浸螺杀药物灭螺,对降低居民、儿童、耕牛的血吸虫感染率、活螺密度、感染性钉螺密度、钉螺感染率等部具有较好的效果。连续二年化疗结合药物灭螺,使居民感染率下降了48.9%,活螺平均密度、感染性钉螺平均密度、钉螺感染率分别下降了52.3%、67.2%和46.9%。浸螺杀具有高效、低毒等优点。特别适合于湖沼水网型疫区使用。  相似文献   

钉螺是血吸虫的中间宿主,它的生存对生态环境有依赖性。该文综述了近几年国内外研究灭螺植物的相关文献,阐述了植物影响钉螺生存环境、植物灭螺药物的毒理、机制,采用抑制钉螺的植物生态措施,有效减少灭螺化学药物的环境污染,降低灭螺费用,有利于阻断血吸虫病的传播。  相似文献   

目的探索江滩特殊环境下灭螺新方法。方法在江滩利用便携式喷火器开展喷火法灭螺,对灭螺后效果进行评价。结果在江滩开展喷火灭螺法后,螺情调查显示,灭螺后第1、3、7、15 d,钉螺死亡率分别为17.06%、23.02%、18.63%、12.30%,均较灭螺前3.56%有上升(χ^(2)=118.49、198.83、140.33、73.06,P值均<0.05);钉螺校正死亡率分别为13.99%、20.17%、15.62%、9.06%,以灭后第3 d最高,后逐渐下降;活螺密度分别为2.31、2.22、2.43、5.33只/0.1 m^(2),在灭后第1 d、第3 d有下降趋势,至第7 d又有所上升,至15 d活螺密度大幅上升,远超过灭螺前密度;活螺密度下降率分别为16.91%、20.14%、12.59%、-91.73%,灭后第3 d活螺密度下降最高。结论在江滩地带开展喷火灭螺有一定效果,但喷火灭螺法对江滩螺情控制效果不佳,不建议在江滩地带开展大规模喷火灭螺法灭螺。  相似文献   

一起麻痹性贝类毒素中毒的实验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文首次对一起食物中毒的可疑食品荔枝螺进行了检测。经小白鼠生物测定,发现该螺肉含有麻痹性贝类毒素,毒力在10~20万 Mu/100g(螺肉),毒素性质为水溶性、耐热,与文献报导的织纹螺毒力相似,证实该起食物中毒系因误食荔枝螺所致。1991年我市某村民一家因食用盐水煮熟的荔枝螺(当地俗称“腊乌螺”)中毒。该螺是当  相似文献   

谢亮  顾伟玲  富小飞 《实用预防医学》2019,26(11):1352-1355
目的 分析2016年嘉兴市钉螺调查结果,为血吸虫病防治提供依据。 方法 按照《全国钉螺调查方案》开展了钉螺全面调查,调查环境包括现有钉螺环境、历史有螺环境和可疑钉螺孳生环境,对调查结果进行分析。 结果 2016年嘉兴市共调查了27 826处环境,未发现血吸虫感染性钉螺。全市历史有螺环境24 402处,其中环境类型未改变占53.66%、部分改变占32.63%和彻底改变占13.71%。全市现有钉螺共12处,分布在3个县(市、区),有螺面积共7 930 m2,均为复现面积;全市活螺平均密度为0.0002只/0.1 m2,平均活螺框出现率为0.0020%。杂草为有螺环境中最主要的植被类型,在环境数(占66.67%)、有螺面积(占64.31%)占比均较高。按环境类型统计,塘堰型的有螺环境数(占33.33%)和有螺面积(占54.22%)占比较高。现有螺区域主要分布于与周边有螺地区毗邻的相通水系及嘉兴市运河农场区域。 结论 首次建立了嘉兴市钉螺分布数据库和电子地图,未被改造的历史有螺环境及与周边有螺地区毗邻的相通水系、湿地公园和农场等场所将是嘉兴市钉螺监测的重点区域。  相似文献   

目的为制定有针对性的防治措施,使滠口地区的血吸虫病疫情得到进一步的控制。方法根据武汉市血吸虫病防治规划,采用机械抽样和环境抽样相结合的方法进行螺情调查。采用氯硝柳胺常规药物喷洒进行易感地带灭螺,数据处理采用SPSS12.0软件进行。结果滠口垸外有螺面积下降了41.79%,有螺框出现率、活螺平均密度、钉螺阳性率分别下降了73.82%、67.74%和51.85%;易感地面积上升了51.59%。药物灭螺后校正钉螺死亡率4年分别为97.29%、95.83%、93.22%和85.01%。结论滠口地区4年来坚持易感地带药物灭螺,螺情得到了有效的控制,但易感地带的控制有待耕牛的圈养和有螺洲滩禁牧措施的落实。  相似文献   

目的通过监测白石港水利血防工程所在区域的螺情变化,分析白石港水利血防工程的钉螺控制效果,为山丘型血吸虫病流行区选择较好的消灭钉螺方法提供科学依据。方法对白石港水系水利血防工程区域,从2005-2009年连续5年按系统抽样方法进行钉螺调查,分析工程前后活螺框出现率、活螺平均密度、钉螺面积变化。结果水利血防工程前的2005-2006年,活螺框出现率差异无统计学意义(χ2=0.12,P0.05);2007年,完工标段与未施工标段活螺框出现率比较差异有统计学意义(χ2=6.01,P0.05);2008年工程全部完工后,与2006年比较,活螺框出现率下降了90.38%,差异有统计学意义(χ2=301.56,P0.05),活螺平均密度下降了92.22%,钉螺面积下降了87.27%;2009年与2006年比较,活螺框出现率下降了90.83%,差异有统计学意义(χ2=385.29,P0.05),活螺平均密度下降了92.05%,钉螺面积下降了87.27%。结论水利血防工程能大幅度降低活螺框出现率、活螺平均密度和钉螺面积,控制钉螺效果明显。  相似文献   

The prevalence of trace elements deficiencies, vitamin A deficiency, anemia, and their relationships were investigated in a cross sectional study involving 243 children aged from 12 to 72 months in rural Vietnam. Serum levels of copper, zinc, selenium and magnesium were determined by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer and that of retinol by high performance liquid chromatography. Hemoglobin concentration in whole blood was measured by the cyanmethemoglobin method. The prevalence of deficiencies in zinc, selenium, magnesium, and copper was 86.9%, 62.3%, 51.9%, and 1.7%, respectively. On the other hand, 55.6% were anemic and 11.3% had vitamin A deficiency. Deficiency in two or more micronutrient was found in 79.4% of the children. Parameters associated significantly with anemia were selenium deficiency (OR 2.80 95% CI 1.63-4.80, p=0.0002) and serum retinol<1.05 micromol/L (OR 1.83, 95% CI 1.10-3.05, p=0.021). Magnesium deficiency (OR 3.09 95% CI 1.36-7.03) was found to be a risk factor for zinc deficiency and vice versa. The results indicate that micronutrient deficiencies are prevalent among preschool children in Vietnam. In addition, the results also demonstrate a strong relationship between selenium deficiency and anemia. Clearly, sustainable strategies are urgently required to overcome the problems in the country.  相似文献   

ObjectiveWe investigated the prevalence of anemia and deficiency in trace elements in adolescent girls living in rural Vietnam.MethodsTwo hundred forty-five adolescent girls 11–17 y of age from three schools in rural province of Ha Nam, Vietnam, were assessed.ResultsThe prevalence of anemia was 20.4%. The incidences of low serum selenium (Se), zinc, and copper in subjects were 15.9%, 26.5%, and 4.1%, respectively. The parameter significantly associated with anemia was the low serum levels of Se and vice versa (odds ratio [OR] 5.36, 95% confidence interval [CI] 2.57–11.18, P < 0.0001). Other risk factors for anemia were a body mass index <17.00 kg/m2 (OR 2.72, 95% CI 1.37–5.37, P = 0.004) and years of age (OR 1.35, 95% CI 1.14–1.59, P < 0.001). A body mass index <17.00 kg/m2 (OR 2.65, 95% CI 1.25–5.61, P = 0.011) was also found to be a risk factor for low serum Se.ConclusionThe findings of the present study demonstrate that low serum Se is independently associated with anemia in adolescent girls living in rural Vietnam. Interventions are required to gain insight into the potential role of Se on prevention and control of anemia.  相似文献   

Group work is a critical intervention for vulnerable youth and is practiced in many social and cultural contexts. This article reports experiences delivering group work training in Vietnam. The article describes the training programme and, based on observations, assesses strengths and challenges for this intervention method in Vietnam. It also contributes to our understanding of the universality and culturally specific elements of group work.  相似文献   

必需微量元素的生理功能   总被引:47,自引:7,他引:40  
人体由多种化学元素组成 ,现已检出 81种元素 ,其中有 14种是人体必需微量元素。微量元素与人体健康密切相关 ,特别是必需微量元素在人体内有一定的生理功能 ,缺乏或过量都会导致疾病  相似文献   

目的 :了解山西省太原地区老年人人发中常量及微量元素在人体内的蓄积水平。方法 :采集健康老年人人发为样本 ,成年人人发为对照 ,用电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法 (ICP-AES)测定 2 4种常量及微量元素 ,应用美国 SPSS公司研制的科研通用电脑软件 ,进行卫生学统计。结果 :确认了 Ca、Mg、Sr、Zn等 2 4种元素的正常值 (x± s)、标准差 ,通过卫生学统计表明 ,山西省太原地区人发中 ,随着年龄的增长 ,老年人人发中微量元素含量比起成年人微量元素含量有降低的趋势。结论 :研究老年人人发中常量及微量元素蓄积水平对于了解人体微量元素组成分布、生理需要量、为制定人体生物材料中微量元素含量的参照值提供了依据。  相似文献   

湛江市不同茶场出品的红绿茶茶水中微量元素分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用原子吸收分光光度法分别测定了湛江两个茶场出品的红、绿茶茶水中的锌、铜、铁、钙、镁、锰、镉、镍、铅的含量 ,并与云南产的红、绿茶比较。结果显示 ,红、绿茶茶水中都含有较丰富的多种矿物元素和人体必需的微量元素 ,同一茶场出品的红、绿茶茶水中微量元素的含量有所不同 ,绿茶中的Mn、Ni明显比红茶的含量高 ,不同茶场出品的红、绿茶茶水中微量元素的含量也有所不同 ,浸泡次数不同微量元素的含量也不同 ,第1次浸泡的茶水中微量元素的含量明显大于第 2次浸泡的  相似文献   

周红梅 《中国校医》2012,26(6):420-421
目的了解徐州市云龙区学龄前儿童体内微量元素的含量,探讨其缺乏或过高的综合防治方法,为儿童保健提供科学依据。方法分析2010年徐州市云龙区托幼机构儿童体检微量元素检测资料。结果儿童微量元素失衡在各年龄段中较常见,特别是锌、铁、钙的缺乏,缺锌在2 264名儿童中居第1位(17.31%),缺铁居第2位(11.48%),缺钙的发生率相对较低(3.89%)。铅随着年龄的增长而升高。不同年龄微量元素的失衡有差异,郊区儿童微量元素的缺乏高于城市儿童,但城市儿童体内铅的含量高于郊区儿童。结论在儿童生长发育最快的时期,极易发生微量元素的失衡,特别是锌、铁、钙的缺乏和铅的增高。应该重视儿童的膳食营养,注意均衡饮食,科学合理地补充微量元素。  相似文献   

In the present study, we report the concentrations of 21 trace elements (V, Cr, Mn, Co, Cu, Zn, As, Se, Rb, Sr, Mo, Ag, Cd, Sn, Sb, Cs, Ba, Hg, Tl, Pb, and Bi), as well as the results of the analysis of stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes, of the various biota that make up the food web in the main stream of the Mekong Delta near Can Tho, South Vietnam. A significant trophic level-dependent increase was found in concentrations of Se, Rb, and Hg with increasing δ15N, indicating that an overall biomagnification of these elements occurred. However, the increase of Hg concentration per trophic level was lower than in previous studies. In contrast, the concentration of Mn showed an opposite trend in the food web of the Mekong Delta. In addition to these overall trends, the present study revealed that the biomagnification profiles of trace metals differ between crustaceans and fishes; concentrations of Mn, Cu, Zn, As, Sr, Mo, Ag, Cd, Sb, Cs, Ba, Tl, and Pb were significantly higher in crustaceans, whereas fishes showed higher concentrations of Cr, Rb, and Hg (trophic level determined by δ15N). The differences in the biomagnification profile between the major taxa might be attributed to differences in metal accumulation and in detoxification abilities such as possessing a metal-binding protein, e.g., metallothionein (MT).  相似文献   

Thirty-one male SD rats, six weeks old, were fed a trace element-deficient diet for two weeks and then divided into three groups and maintained for 1 week as follows: group A with total parenteral nutrition (TPN) without supplementation of trace elements, group B with TPN supplemented with the following 5 trace elements ... iron, zinc, copper, manganese and iodine, and group C with a diet free of the above five trace elements. Another group of eight rats was fed a diet supplemented with the above five trace elements for three weeks as a control (group D). Feeding or TPN without supplementation of trace elements evoked microcytic hypochromic anemia and significant decreases in iron concentrations in plasma and tissues (groups A and C). Supplementation of trace elements in the TPN solution showed a tendency to cure anemia and a significant increase in the iron concentration in tibia (group B). Decreases in the zinc or copper concentrations in plasma and tissues during TPN without trace elements were prevented by supplementation of trace elements in the TPN solution (group B). The plasma zinc and copper concentrations correlated well with their levels in liver, kidney and tibia. Manganese deficiency was not recognized in this investigation (groups A and C), though supplementation of trace elements in the TPN solution increased tissue manganese concentration (group B). Feeding or TPN without supplementation of trace elements induced decreases in plasma triiodothyronine and thyroxine (groups A and C). Supplementation of trace elements in the TPN solution showed a tendency to increase plasma thyroxine (group B).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

目的:综合评价青藏高原龙胆科植物花中6种微量元素.方法:采用因子分析方法对青藏高原龙胆科植物花中的微量元素含量数据进行分析,找出了龙胆科植物花中Ca、Mg、Cu、Fe、Mn、Zn 6种微量元素之间的关系,运用化学计量学方法,结合MATLAB2010软件,对青藏高原龙胆科植物花中微量元素和中药功效进行研究.结果:第1公共...  相似文献   

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