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使用气溶胶激光飞行时间质谱(AL-TOF MS)和基于同步辐射光源的热解吸/可调谐真空紫外飞行时间光电离气溶胶质谱(TD-VUV-TOF-PIA MS)对7种咪唑类物质(咪唑、咪唑-2-甲醛、2-甲基咪唑、4-甲基咪唑、1-乙基咪唑、2-乙基咪唑、1-正丁基咪唑)进行分析,获得了每种样品在2种不同电离方式下的指纹图谱。前者主要获得这些样品物质的碎片峰信息,后者则主要获得含有完整母体峰的质谱信息。用上述标准样品的指纹图谱对乙二醛-硫酸铵溶液喷雾产生二次有机气溶胶(SOA)的质谱进行识别。通过咪唑样品的AL-TOF MS特征峰组合,可以解析出乙二醛与硫酸铵经水相反应生成咪唑类物质。由TD-VUV-TOF-PIA MS获得的咪唑样品在不同光子能量下的质谱特征,可以确认上述水相反应生成的咪唑类物质中含有咪唑与咪唑-2-甲醛。这两种方法互为补充,可为准确评估SOA水相形成贡献,以及完善气溶胶模式模拟提供数据支持。  相似文献   

实时在线单颗粒气溶胶飞行时间质谱仪的研制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对大气气溶胶单颗粒粒径及成分同时检测的要求,自行研制了一台实时在线单颗粒气溶胶飞行时间质谱仪,并对仪器各部分的原理和结构进行了描述。用实验室产生的标准气溶胶粒子对仪器进行粒径和质量数校正,同时考察激光能量对邻苯二甲酸二辛脂(DOP)气溶胶颗粒的打击效率及其谱图的影响。室内气溶胶颗粒采样证明了该仪器具有较高的同位素测量精度及质量分辨率。  相似文献   

近年来,国内的大气污染问题越来越严重,挥发性有机物(VOCs)的排放是其中一个重要原因。VOCs是臭氧和气溶胶的前驱物之一,在大气化学反应过程中扮演着极其重要的角色。本实验自行研制了一台基于真空紫外(VUV)灯的高分辨光电离飞行时间质谱仪(TOF MS),建立了一种新的VOCs稀释采样方法,并将其应用于石化行业污水处理系统VOCs的采样与分析。结果表明:隔油系统的3个池子基本没有测到高浓度的挥发性有机物,其中溶气气浮甲苯物质的质量浓度最高,为50.41 mg/L,其余组分的质量浓度大多数在0.1~1.0 mg/L之间;1#加氢和2#加氢隔油池有着类似的组分浓度,以1#加氢隔油池为例,二甲苯物质的质量浓度为10.60 mg/L,乙苯为52.33 mg/L,苯为59.80 mg/L;由于罐区隔油池没有加盖,处于露天状态,挥发性有机物气体容易向大气中扩散,并没有检测出较高浓度组分。可以看出,新式采样方法可有效地稀释定量样品,操作简便,减少了样品因闪蒸过程造成的VOCs损失,检出物质更丰富;同时,使用自行研制的TOF MS仪器能够快速检测不同装置污水处理系统的VOCs种类,将该仪器用于实际样品检测,发现化工企业大多数密闭的池子都含有苯系物、醚类等,但不同工艺的污水处理系统VOCs存在明显差异。该质谱仪适用于石化企业污水系统VOCs监测。  相似文献   

采用毛细管大气压进样接口,结合激光多光子解吸、电离等技术,自行研制了毛细管进样-激光解吸电离气溶胶飞行时间质谱仪,用于在线测量超细纳米颗粒物的化学成分。应用商品化的气溶胶发生器和自制的离子诱导成核反应器,在实验室内分别产生了KCl、NaCl、NaI/NaBr混合物和Air/H2O/SO2混合气体成核反应的粒径小于100 nm的超细纳米颗粒物,并通过质谱仪获得了它们的化学成分信息。结果表明,相对于具有较大粒径的颗粒物,超细纳米颗粒物在激光多光子电离过程中更容易完全原子化电离,但通过改善激光的聚焦条件可以获得超细纳米颗粒物成分的分子信息。实验测量了毛细管大气压进样接口传输超细纳米颗粒物的效率,为0.33%,与国际同行采用类似大气压进样接口传输气体分子的效率一致。  相似文献   

研制了一种高灵敏度在线膜进样真空紫外电离源飞行时间质谱仪(MI-SPI-TOF MS)用于检测低浓度挥发性有机物(VOCs)。仪器包括真空系统、膜进样接口、真空紫外单光子电离源、垂直加速反射式飞行时间质量分析器和数据采集系统等。该仪器使用聚二甲基硅氧烷(PDMS)膜作为大气压下直接进样的接口,膜的选择透过性能直接、快速地富集大气中VOCs,可实现快速在线进样检测。真空紫外单光子灯作为电离源,能将电离能低于10.6 eV的VOCs电离,形成分子离子峰。结果表明,该仪器的分辨率优于750 FWHM,对苯、甲苯、二甲苯和氯苯的检测限达10-12 mol/mol级别,检测速度达秒级,可用于低浓度VOCs的实时在线检测。  相似文献   

侯宏录  崔凯  陈海滨  刘凯 《光学仪器》2015,37(6):484-490,497
提出了一种基于激光差分探测技术的悬浮物质量浓度测量方法,用于测量烟雾、粉尘等空气悬浮颗粒的含量。利用悬浮颗粒对光的散射,可以在不影响悬浮物颗粒特性的前提下,对其实现实时在线监测。另外,借助于参考光与测试光的直接差分放大,可以消除激光能量起伏以及其他扰动对测量的干扰。通过对激光在悬浮物颗粒中传播时衰减原理的研究,获取悬浮物颗粒质量浓度与光强衰减的关系,搭建了一套激光差分探测悬浮物质量浓度的实验系统,进行烟雾质量浓度的实际测量,验证了该测量方法的可行性。  相似文献   

汽车排放的颗粒气溶胶和有害气体严重影响着大气环境和人们的健康。我们研制了一台能够在线监测气溶胶粒径分布和气体组成成分的气溶胶在线质谱仪。此仪器具有响应时间快,性能稳定,自动化程度高和移动性好等特点。仪器采用了软电离方式,避免了碎片离子峰的形成,便于对污染环境中挥发性有机物的解析。实验结果表明仪器对挥发性有机物的检测下限为25ppb量级,并能实时测量尾气中气溶胶的浓度,在工厂废气以及污染场所气溶胶的测定方面有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

王新宁  陈宏  杨帆  杨新 《质谱学报》2010,31(3):179-186
在单颗粒气溶胶质谱分析中,不同颗粒质谱图之间发生质谱偏移,谱峰质量数难以准确测定的现象已经被多次观察到。这种现象的存在使得应用单一的校准参数校准质谱图时,产生质谱峰辨认的不确定性。不同颗粒质谱图之间最大的偏移取决于电离激光光斑的大小。当校准参数不准确时,某质谱峰偏离正确m/z值的大小与该质谱峰的质量数呈线性相关。从理论上证明了这种偏移产生于颗粒物在激光光斑内电离位置的不同。为解决单一校准参数带来的不可避免的误差,提出了一种可编程的算法来自动找出每个颗粒物质谱的最优校准参数,以实现单颗粒质谱图的准确的质量校准。  相似文献   

A study highlighting the aspect of the generation of aerosol wear particles during abrasion is presented. The substrate chosen is a masonry brick which is reinforced with TiO2 nanoparticles. This is done using a pin on plate arrangement. The material removal mechanism via fracturing is first understood. The parameter chosen for the study is the normal load. The formed aerosols are then characterized by their number concentration, particle size distribution, individual particle shape, size and chemical composition. Having irregular shapes, the aerosol wear particles have unimodal size distributions with 5–7 % (in mass) of Ti content. The size mode increases with the increase in normal load. However, at higher normal loads, while there is an unexpected increase in the wear mass, the maximum concentration of the aerosol particles saturates. During the whole study, no free nanoparticles of TiO2 were found.  相似文献   

在线测量气溶胶大小和化学组分的质谱技术与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了在线连续监测大气单粒子气溶胶的粒径和化学组分的飞行时间质谱仪。本装置采用喷嘴加两个skimmer构成的差分真空进样,双光束空气动力学测量技术,激光解吸附电离和双极飞行时间质谱技术。利用这套装置对室内外的空气进行了实际的测量,该技术可以在线测量气溶胶的粒径分布,并同时对气溶胶的化学组分进行实时监测。  相似文献   

Most commercially available aerosol generators widely used in medical applications produce aerosols characterized by a large mass median diameter in the 4-8 micron range and the particle size in the 0.1-10.0 microns range. The desirable size of therapeutic and diagnostic aerosols, however, is about 2-4 microns mass median diameter, and less than 2.0 geometric standard deviation; this size increases the reproducibility of inhalation tests and enhances drug efficacy. We combined the commercially available DeVilbiss Model 65 nebulizer with a dilution/mixing chamber developed in our laboratory. The characteristics of this aerosol generator system were examined over a range of operating conditions and concentrations of solutions of three bronchoconstrictive agents--histamine, carbachol, and methacholine. The aerosol generator system produced a polydispersed aerosol with a mass median diameter range of 1.7-2.4 microns and geometric standard deviation of 1.5. The reliable and reproducible operation of the aerosol generator system greatly increases the power of bronchial challenge tests with bronchoconstrictive drugs.  相似文献   

Real-time single particle mass spectrometry, or continuous aerosol mass spectrometry, was originally developed in the 1970s for the purpose of identifying the chemical composition of airborne particulate matter in real-time. Although this technique has continued to evolve throughout the following decades, the fundamental characteristic of this method remains the same, involving the continuous introduction of solid particle or liquid droplets directly into the ion source region of a mass spectrometer. Continuous sample introduction allows for the chemical analysis of single airborne particles in real-time. A number of mass analyzers have been employed in real-time single particle mass spectrometry. The original real-time single particle mass spectrometer used a magnetic sector mass analyzer. Quadrupole, double-focusing, and ion trap mass spectrometers have also been utilized. The majority of the current real-time single particle mass spectrometry techniques use time-of-flight mass spectrometry. In the literature, a variety of general names have been applied to real-time single particle mass spectrometry methods. These names include direct-inlet mass spectrometry, on-line laser microprobe mass spectrometry, particle analysis by mass spectrometry, particle beam mass spectrometry, and rapid-single particle mass spectrometry. This review covers real-time single particle mass spectrometry techniques that were developed from 1973 through 1998, specifically for analyzing airborne particulate matter, including environmental aerosols, biological aerosols, and clean-room aerosols. Because the majority of the historical and current real-time single particle mass spectrometers have been employed for atmospheric aerosols, this topic is the primary focus of this review. This review does not include on-line mass spectrometry methods that are employed as a detector for other instrumental methods, such as liquid chromatography.  相似文献   

单颗粒气溶胶质谱仪通常采用空气动力学透镜进样,通过测量透镜出口每一个颗粒物的速度来推算颗粒物的空气动力学直径。然而,颗粒物速度受透镜前端压力的影响较大,该压力发生微小变化就会导致颗粒物粒径检测发生偏差。本研究提出一种适用于单颗粒气溶胶质谱仪的自动粒径校正方法,预先记录几组一定透镜前端压力范围内的粒径校准参数,然后根据进样压力的变化,使软件自动通过插值算法拟合相应的粒径校正方程对颗粒物粒径测量值进行校正,从而保证在指定的压力波动范围内粒径测量结果的准确性。实验结果表明,当透镜前端压力在164.92~352.45 Pa范围变化时,该方法对于152~3100 nm颗粒物的测径偏差大部分都在10 nm以内。模拟结果表明,该方法能够保证仪器在海拔8 km范围内粒径测量的准确性,可以应用到所有采用空气动力学进样及激光颗粒物粒径测量的仪器中,能够极大地增加仪器对外界环境的适应性并提高数据结果的可靠性。  相似文献   

在北京市环境保护监测中心空气质量综合观测实验室,使用气溶胶单颗粒飞行时间质谱(SPAMS)对2013年1~12月空气颗粒物开展综合观测。实验结果表明,SPAMS打击率与测径颗粒数(siz)、大气相对湿度、颗粒物组分以及粒径有关。仪器状态正常时,打击率在siz数量小、大气相对湿度低时较高,与含K+、HSO4-、OCEC、NO3-的颗粒物以及粒径为0.2~0.3 μm、0.3~0.4 μm、0.4~0.5 μm的颗粒物数量呈正相关,与0.1~0.2 μm、0.5~0.6 μm、0.6~0.7 μm的颗粒物数量呈负相关,含NH4+、SiO3-颗粒物数量的关系与污染特征及其他环境有关。本研究通过分析打击率数值及打击率与各影响因素的关系判断仪器状态是否正常,这为提前发现常规方法难以发现的仪器故障提供了一种思路。  相似文献   

采用自制的X射线离子诱导成核纳米颗粒物生成装置,通过纳米扫描迁移率颗粒物粒径谱仪(Nano-SMPS)测量纳米颗粒物通过毛细管之前、之后的粒谱分布,获得了纳米颗粒物穿透率随毛细管的内径、长度及进样流量的变化曲线,并对纳米颗粒物在毛细管中的传输损耗进行实验探究。同时,结合气溶胶颗粒物传输沉积模型,对纳米颗粒物的穿透率进行理论计算,并与实验测量值进行比较和讨论。结果表明,对于粒径小于10 nm的纳米颗粒物,受布朗运动等因素的影响,其穿透率与毛细管的尺寸及进样流量有较强的相关性。此外,采用毛细管进样接口结合激光电离气溶胶飞行时间质谱仪对部分纳米颗粒物的化学成分进行检测,获得了初步的实验结果。  相似文献   

An in-house built aerosol generator setup for in situ gas phase studies of aerosol and nanoparticles is described. The aerosol generator with an ultrasonic ceramic disk mist maker provides high enough particle concentrations for structural gas phase analysis by synchrotron small angle x-ray scattering (for water approximately 4 x 10(8) droplets/s with a droplet size of approximately 2.5 microm). The working principle was proved by scattering of gold nanoparticles. For evaporation induced self-assembly studies of nanostructured particles, an additional thermal treatment chamber was included in the setup. The first on-line gas phase data with our setup for mesostructured silica particles are presented for different thermal treatments. Scanning electron microscope imaging revealed the average particle size to be approximately 1 microm. Furthermore, to quantify their internal nanostructure, diffraction experiments of deposited silica aerosols were carried out and the corresponding electron density map indicates a silica wall thickness of about 1 nm.  相似文献   

Low-vacuum mass spectrometry (MS) is desirable because it reduces the size, weight, cost, and power of the instruments. A method was developed that uses Langevin collision theory to simulate the trajectory of ions in a low-vacuum environment. A low-vacuum simulation platform of cylindrical ion trap MS was then built in COMSOL Multiphysics based on this method. In comparison with the traditional damping force model, this approach described the motion of ions more accurately. The sensitivity and resolution of the instrument were simulated under different operating modes. The adoption of a small mass background gas, a higher frequency for the radio frequency voltage, a smaller ion trap size and a higher temperature allowed mass analysis to be conducted under low vacuum. In addition, the results were applied to experiment measurements, and excellent mass spectra of organic compounds were obtained up to a maximum pressure of 2?Pa, showing the effectiveness of the results obtained from the simulation.  相似文献   

Many of the significant advances in our understanding of atmospheric particles can be attributed to the application of mass spectrometry. Mass spectrometry provides high sensitivity with fast response time to probe chemically complex particles. This review focuses on recent developments and applications in the field of mass spectrometry of atmospheric aerosols. In Part II of this two-part review, we concentrate on real-time mass spectrometry techniques, which provide high time resolution for insight into brief events and diurnal changes while eliminating the potential artifacts acquired during long-term filter sampling. In particular, real-time mass spectrometry has been shown recently to provide the ability to probe the chemical composition of ambient individual particles <30 nm in diameter to further our understanding of how particles are formed through nucleation in the atmosphere. Further, transportable real-time mass spectrometry techniques are now used frequently on ground-, ship-, and aircraft-based studies around the globe to further our understanding of the spatial distribution of atmospheric aerosols. In addition, coupling aerosol mass spectrometry techniques with other measurements in series has allowed the in situ determination of chemically resolved particle effective density, refractive index, volatility, and cloud activation properties.  相似文献   

近年来,激光剥蚀技术与单接收或多接收电感耦合等离子体质谱法联用(LA-(MC)-ICP-MS)得到了广泛应用,实现了由激光剥蚀系统对固体岩矿样品微区采样后产生的气溶胶输送至电感耦合等离子体质谱的同位素分析,具有原位、实时、快速的分析优势及高空间分辨率、高灵敏度、多元素及其同位素比值同时测定的优点。本文介绍了本实验室近年来开展和建立的基于LA-(MC)-ICP-MS的一系列矿物微区原位同位素分析方法,主要有含硼矿物(如电气石、白云母)的硼同位素组成、碳酸盐矿物的碳同位素组成、硫化物和硫酸盐矿物的硫同位素组成、含锶矿物(如磷灰石)的锶同位素组成、锆石的铪同位素组成,以及锡石、黑钨矿、独居石、榍石和石榴子石等矿物的U-Pb定年分析方法。  相似文献   

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