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牛奶中抗生素残留检测的研究进展及应用现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论述牛奶中残留抗生素的原因,列举商品化牛奶中抗生素残留的快速检测方法和试剂盒.主要的检测方法有微生物检测法、理化检测法、免疫法,并介绍其检测原理.  相似文献   

近年来,食品安全事件频繁发生,严重威胁着社会公共健康。中国养殖业中普遍使用抗生素来降低畜禽致死率,促进畜禽生长,造成动物源性食品中的抗生素残留问题。因此检测动物源性食品中的抗生素残留是控制食品安全的关键环节。常用的抗生素残留检测方法主要有微生物法、仪器分析法、免疫分析法、生物传感检测等检测技术。对氨苄青霉素残留的检测方法进行综述,分析各种方法的利弊,为进一步开发动物源性食品中氨苄青霉素残留检测技术提供依据。  相似文献   

乳中抗生素残留及其检测方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍了乳中抗生素残留及其一系列检测方法,包括微生物检测法、理化检测法和免疫检测法.其中色谱法、联用技术和免疫法在残留分析方面的研究与应用取得了长足进展.  相似文献   

孙霞  王相友 《食品科学》2010,31(13):326-330
乳腺炎是奶牛的常见病,通常需要抗生素治疗,因此不可避免地造成牛奶中的抗生素残留。由于免疫传感器是将高灵敏的传感器技术与抗原、抗体特异性反应相结合的一种检测方法,易于实现抗生素残留检测仪器的便携化、微型化和自动化,因而成为近年来研究的热点。本文介绍免疫生物传感器的基本原理、组成与分类,重点介绍国内外应用免疫传感器检测牛奶中抗生素残留的研究进展,并分析未来免疫生物传感器的发展趋势。  相似文献   

蜂蜜中富含多种营养物质,在食品加工业中,蜂蜜不仅可以作为生产饮料、糖果等食品的甜味剂,还可以用于腌制果品、蔬菜。但在养蜂过程中,对于预防和治疗蜜蜂感染性疾病存在抗生素使用不当的问题。由于大多数抗生素难以被蜜蜂自身代谢,导致抗生素残留于蜂蜜中。消费者长期食用含有抗生素的蜂蜜会危害健康,因此检测蜂蜜中抗生素的残留有助于评估产品对人体健康的潜在风险。本文概述了蜂蜜中抗生素的残留现状,总结了蜂蜜中抗生素残留的检测技术,色谱法具有检测快速、灵敏等优点,但存在设备昂贵、检测成本较高等问题,传感器法和免疫分析法检测成本较低且操作简便,其中电化学传感器检测响应快速、灵敏度较高,具有良好的发展前景。最后对蜂蜜中抗生素残留检测技术的发展进行展望,以期为蜂蜜中抗生素残留的检测方法研究及应用提供理论参考。  相似文献   

畜禽肉中抗生素残留问题已成为各方广泛关注的突出问题。畜禽肉中的抗生素残留可能来自用于饲料和添加剂中,或者是用于兽医临诊,或者是来自于在休药期违法使用。畜禽肉中的抗生素残留可能造成的危害包括对人体的危害、对生态环境的危害和对养殖业的危害。因此开发畜禽肉中抗生素残留的快速、高效、简便的前处理和检测方法成为迫切的需求。本文综述了畜禽肉中抗生素的不同检测和前处理技术及其进展。目前,用于畜禽肉中抗生素残留的检测方法主要有理化检测法(包含薄层色谱法和毛细管电泳法等)、生物检测法(包含微生物检测法、免疫分析法和生物传感器法等)、高效液相色谱法和液相色谱-质谱/质谱法等。对畜禽肉中抗生素残留进行前处理的新技术有加压液体萃取、微波辅助萃取、基质固相分散、分散固相萃取、固相微萃取等。  相似文献   

氯霉素类是一种禁止在食用动物中应用的抗生素类药物,其残留将会影响人体健康和动物性食品的出口贸易。本文综述了氯霉素类药物在食品中的检测方法,主要有微生物法、仪器法(色谱法、电化学法、光度法)、免疫分析方法、传感器法、分子印迹法、生物芯片法等,并分析了各种方法的优缺点,最后对氯霉素类药物残留检测方法的趋势进行展望。以期对我国食品(尤其是动物性食品)中氯霉素类药物的残留检测方法提供一定的技术支持。  相似文献   

随着养殖业的规模化和集约化发展,抗生素作为疾病预防与治疗药物、生长促进剂、饲料添加剂等被广泛用于畜禽养殖和水产养殖业中,进而进入水环境和土壤环境,被农作物根系吸收进入茎、叶中并在植物体内富集,从而通过食物链进入人体内。近年来研究者对农作物中抗生素的研究逐渐增多。目前对农作物中兽用抗生素残留的前处理技术主要包括Qu ECh ERs方法和固相萃取法,检测技术主要包括高效液相色谱法、高效液相色谱-串联质谱法和酶联免疫法。高效液相色谱-串联质谱法具有高灵敏度、高选择性和高准确度,可同时快速测定多个目标物,更适合农作物中兽用抗生素残留的检测。本文对环境中抗生素的来源、农作物中抗生素污染的现状、抗生素残留检测的提取、净化方法以及检测方法的研究进展进行了综述。  相似文献   

为了解山西省太谷县所销售纯牛奶中抗菌药物残留的情况,随机采购此种牛奶50份,分别采用TTC法、微生物检测法和酶标免疫分析法对样品进行抗生素残留检测,以农业部2001年发布的“无公害食品”牛奶中不得检出抗生素为判定标准。TTC法检测出4份阳性,3份可疑,阳性率为8%,可疑率为6%;微生物法检测出青霉素类残留阳性5份,阳性率为10%;酶标免疫分析法检测出四环素类阳性4份,阳性率为8%,链霉素残留阳性11份,阳性率为22%,磺胺二甲嘧啶检测结果全部为阴性。调查结果显示,市售消毒纯牛奶中有部分存在抗菌药物残留。  相似文献   

水产品中氯霉素残留检测方法研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
氯霉素是一类广泛用于水产养殖中的抗生素,杀菌广谱,但残留在水产品中会对人体健康造成严重损害。本文综述了氯霉素的检测方法,包括微生物法、免疫分析法、色谱分析法和其他方法,并对各种方法的特点进行了综述。微生物学法是根据氯霉素对微生物的生理机能、代谢的抑制作用,来定性和定量检测氯霉素,该方法灵敏度不高;酶联免疫法灵敏度高,重复性好,适合水产品中氯霉素筛选;高效液相色谱法检测水产品中氯霉素具有快速、准确、高效等特点;气相色谱法检测水产品中氯霉素灵敏度高、准确,适合水产品中氯霉素的检测;液相色谱-质谱串联法是水产品中氯霉素残留检测最主要的分析方法,具有分离度高、快速、准确的特点。最后对氯霉素药物残留检测方法发展趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   

A study was conducted to determine the effectiveness of on-farm tests for detection of antibiotic residues in milk and urine. Composite milk samples (n = 122) were taken from 58 cows receiving antibiotic treatment with a single antibiotic by any route of administration. Samples were obtained 72 h posttreatment, and sampling continued every 24 h until all residue tests showed a negative result for antibiotics. Antibiotic residues were detected by the Bacillus stearothermophilus disc assay, the Delvotest P, and the Penzyme test. Urine of cull cows was collected and tested for residues with the Live Animal Swab Test for antibiotic residues present in slaughter carcasses. No significant difference was found between the Bacillus stearothermobilus disc assay and either on-farm test. Chi-square analysis indicated that with both the Delvotest and the Penzyme test, 17% of samples gave positive results when the disc assay showed negative readings. An inordinately high percentage (69%) of urine samples from cull cows exhibited antibiotic contamination, although all animals had completed the specified withholding periods. Fifteen of these positive results were obtained from primiparous cows that had never been treated with any antibiotic.  相似文献   

Rapid antibiotic screening tests are widely used in the dairy industry to monitor milk for the presence of antibiotic residues above regulated levels. Given the persistent concern over contamination of milk products with antibiotic residues, we investigated the utility of IDEXX Snap test devices (IDEXX Laboratories Inc., Westbrook, ME) as tools for detecting antibiotic residues in powdered milk products. Five powdered milk products were reconstituted according to manufacturer specification with distilled water: Carnation (Nestlé USA Inc., Solon, OH), Nido youth and Nido adult (Nestlé Mexico Inc., Mexico City, Mexico), ELK (Campina, Eindhoven, the Netherlands), and Regilait (Saint-Martin-Belle-Roche, France). Positive samples were generated by spiking reconstituted milk with penicillin G, cephapirin, or tetracycline to either the European Union-regulated maximum residue limit or the FDA-regulated safe/tolerance level, whichever was lower. Control, unspiked negative milk samples and positive samples were tested with appropriate IDEXX Snap test kits (penicillin G and cephapirin with New Beta-Lactam, tetracycline with New Tetracycline). All samples yielded definitive results consistent with expectations, and there were no instances of false-positive or false-negative readings. These results suggest that both the New Beta-Lactam and New Tetracycline IDEXX Snap test kits effectively detect antibiotic residues in commercially available powdered milk samples and are useful tools for monitoring antibiotic residues in reconstituted powdered milk products.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine associations among the occurrence of antibiotic residues in bulk milk and various farm management practices. Ninety-four dairy farms were visited after antibiotic residues were detected in samples of their bulk milk (case farms) along with an equal number of residue-free farms (controls). Farmers completed questionnaires designed to elicit details of management practices used on farms and methods employed for prevention of antibiotic residues. Factors were initially examined unconditionally for statistical association with occurrence of residues; then multivariate associations were determined using multiple logistic regression. After adjusting for herd size in a logistic model, the risk of residues in milk was observed to increase in association with the frequent use of part-time labor in the milking of cows. The risk of residue occurrence was decreased in association with the use of milk residue test kits, when the farmer believed that increasing the dose of antibiotic required an increase in the withholding time of milk, and when tie stall and pipeline milking systems were used rather than milking parlors or tie stall and dumping station systems.  相似文献   

目的建立在场拭子法(swab test on premises, STOP)并对深圳市不同来源的猪肉、猪肝和猪肾抗生素残留进行筛查。方法选用枯草芽孢杆菌CMCC-63501作为实验敏感菌株,通过测定猪肉组织的加标回收率、检出限和假阴性率建立STOP法,并对市售猪组织中抗生素残留量进行筛查。结果本研究建立了乳酸环丙沙星、盐酸多西环素、恩诺沙星、硫酸新霉素、头孢噻呋钠和硫酸庆大霉素共6种敏感抗生素的标准曲线。本研究建立的STOP法的加药回收率、检出限和假阴性率均符合方法学的要求。采用STOP法对不同来源猪肉、猪肝和猪肾中抗生素残留量的筛查,结果表明,猪肝和猪肾阳性超标率分别为24%和10%,这些样本均来源于郊区,其中农贸市场的风险要高于超市,而土猪和外三元的品种之间没有明显差异。结论猪组织抗生素残留风险高发的部位、区域和场所分别是内脏、郊区和农贸市场,与猪的品种没有明显的相关性。STOP法简单快捷易操作,可适用于动物性食品中抗生素残留的现场检测。  相似文献   

Following the use of diflubenzuron controlled-release insecticide boluses in a dairy herd, there was a concern that post-calving cows were testing positive on a milk antibiotic residue test for more milkings than they had prior to the use of diflubenzuron. A field trial was conducted to examine for possible effects of diflubenzuron milk residues on the milk antibiotic residue test, Delvotest-P. Data of 24 cows in the treatment group and 29 cows in the control group were analyzed. There was no significant difference in the number of milkings after calving in which the milk tested positive on the milk antibiotic residue test between the treatment (2.75 +/- .94) and control (2.97 +/- 1.05) groups when cows in all lactations were analyzed or when analyzed by lactation (1, 2, and greater than or equal to 3). It was concluded that the use of diflubenzuron boluses had no effect on the milk antibiotic residue test.  相似文献   

国内外对市售食品的很多调研结果显示其抗生素残留情况不容忽视.由于通过食品可能造成长期低剂量接触抗生素,其对人体肠道菌群的潜在威胁已受到广泛关注.本文讨论了动物性食品中抗生素残留的主要原因,对人体肠道菌群的不良影响以及部分国际权威组织在对其进行安全性评价时采取的微生物学ADI的概念和步骤.  相似文献   

乳及乳制品中抗生素类兽药残留快速检测技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
抗生素等兽药残留物分析是个十分复杂的技术问题,介绍了按不同目的和要求对抗生素等兽药残留物进行的分级检测的策略,并对目前国内外正在应用或开发的快速检测技术进行了介绍。  相似文献   

肉制品中抗生素残留的危害和控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肉制品中抗生素残留主要来源于注射、口服、饮水等方式,超量的抗生素残留对人体会造成危害。只有加强立法,完善检测方法,建立严格的管理体系,研制新的抗生素替代品,才能有效解决肉制品中抗生素残留问题。  相似文献   


Herein, we have successfully established a novel, rapid, and simple lateral-flow immunoassay based on time-resolved fluorescence and biotin-streptavidin to detect the residues of various antibiotics in milk. The fluorescence signal and sensitivity of immunochromatography were enhanced through biotinylated antibody coupled with streptavidin europium microspheres. Moreover, due to the use of a QR Code and fluorescent reader, quantitative detection and real-time data uploading can be achieved. Under the optimal conditions, the various antibiotic residues were detected in the milk samples. The results showed that the limits of detection of tylosin, lincomycin and doxycycline were 0.10, 0.06, and 0.27 ng/mL, respectively. The recoveries of the spiked milk samples were 88.9%~127%, with coefficients of variation less than 11%, and the test strip can be stored at room temperature for 12 months. This study shows that the proposed time-resolved fluorescence immunoassay is sensitive, rapid and reliable, and has the potential to be used for detection of veterinary antibiotic residues in food safety fields.  相似文献   

The four‐plate test (FPT) method was used for the determination of sulfadiazine/trimethoprim residues in trout in the European Community (EC). This microbiological inhibition test used three media seeded with Bacillus subtilis at different pH values (6, 7.2 or 8.0) and a fourth medium seeded with Micrococcus luteus. The Premi test was also used for the determination of sulfadiazine/trimethoprim residues in trout. The effects of a trout muscle supernatant on detection limits of antibiotics with microbiological inhibition tests were measured. The supernatant was applied directly on top of the paper disks impregnated with aqueous antibiotic solutions. Inhibition zones were compared with those obtained by the same standard solution of sulfadiazine/trimethoprim without the trout supernatant. The detection limit of penicillin, sulfadimidine, streptomycin groups of antibiotics were determined for checking the test plates. For supernatant from fish fed with pellets containing antibiotics (sulfadiazine/trimethoprim), the inhibition zones increased according to the duration of the feed application. In the control group, no inhibition zones were detected. The concentration of the residues accumulated and reached a plateau after 5 days. The antibiotics were detectable in the same concentration as on day 7, but three days later (on day 10) they were no longer detectable in the fish samples. In contrast to the ‘FPT’, 3 days after discontinuing the medicated diet, there were still residues detectable by ‘Premi test’ on day 10. Data is presented that shows that the FPT and the Premi test methods are very useful for the determination of sulfadiazine/trimethoprim residues in trout.  相似文献   

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