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小麦粉路系统面粉冻融稳定性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对国内典型中长粉路小麦制粉系统进行抽样,分析了各粉路系统面粉样品的部分理化性质和冻融稳定性。结果认为:冻融稳定性较好的面粉集中于前路心磨系统,皮磨、渣磨、尾磨面粉和吸风粉、打麸粉的冻融稳定性较差。找出了冻融稳定性较好的11个特定取粉点,可作为生产速冻食品专用粉的基础原料,总取粉率占出粉率25%~30%,并具有蛋白质和湿面筋含量适中,灰分较低,白度好,a*值偏绿且绝对值较高的品质特点。  相似文献   

为了考察不同出粉部位面粉的品质,更好的实现在线配粉,优化产品结构和生产方案,本实验测定了各粉管面粉的常规指标和粉质指标,并对各系统面粉进行馒头蒸煮实验。结果表明:皮磨面粉水分高于心磨面粉,皮磨面粉灰分高于心磨面粉,后路粉灰分高于前路粉,前路粉的白度明显高于后路粉,皮磨面粉的湿面筋含量高于心磨面粉,后路粉的湿面筋含量高于前路粉;系统粉蒸煮品质显示,前路心磨(1M、2M、3M、4M)和前路渣磨(1S)粉面粉粉色较好,面团弹性适中,易揉光,操作性好,起发度比较好,较适宜制作馒头。  相似文献   

中长粉路制粉工艺思路,主要通过皮磨物料的剥刮、中间物料的分级,分级筛、粉筛以及心磨系统物料的强研磨与撞击,来保证面粉的加工精度,但系统过于复杂,负荷分配难以均衡,产量低、消耗高。短粉路制粉工艺,视粉路长度配置3~4皮、1~2渣、5~6心和1尾,研磨道数为9~12道,其工艺特点为优化皮磨、重视清粉、精简心磨、提高清粉效能,前路心磨提前大量出粉。  相似文献   

面包专用粉生产过程中各系统粉流的烘焙品质分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
面包粉生产工艺流程中各系统粉流的烘焙品质具有明显的差异,表现为皮磨系统粉流的面包体积、形态和内芯结构均优于渣、心磨粉流;同一系统的前、后各道粉流的品质亦有显著差别。粉流的品质差异分布为通过合理取舍粉流,改善和提高成品面粉的质量提供了条件。本研究就面包粉生产工艺中制粉系统的品质特性进行了全面的测定分析,并提出了粉流选择的指标依据。它对于面粉及其他食品专用粉的生产具有一定的技术指导作用。  相似文献   

摘要以加麦3#系统粉路样品为材料,研究了系统粉路品质特性及其制品品质。结果表明,不同系统粉的品质特性及制品品质存在一定差异,且这些品质指标对制品品质有一定影响。皮磨、重筛面包烘焙效果好于渣磨,渣磨好于心磨,前中路好于后路;灰分含量、吸水率、弱化度和拉伸阻力与面包品质均呈高度显著性负相关,面筋含量、形成时间、稳定时间、延伸性和能量呈高度显著或显著性正相关。心磨制作萨琪玛好于渣磨,渣磨好于皮磨、重筛,后路好于中路。前路制作面条好于后路,渣磨好于皮磨,皮磨好于心磨。  相似文献   

针对原工艺低灰分面粉出率低,粉流品质差别小的缺陷,对清粉机(P1、P2)和前路心渣磨(1M、1S)的来料、出料状况进行调整,满足了联产粉和专用粉生产的要求。  相似文献   

研究探索不同出粉部位面粉的品质特征,进行馒头粉在线优化调整,结果表明要想获得好的馒头粉,首先要考虑各系统粉路面粉的色泽,前路心磨和心磨重筛面粉是首选;其次要考虑成品特性,若要求馒头挺立度较好,可选择心磨面粉,若要求比容较大、色泽较白,可适当添加皮磨或皮磨重筛中B2及D2中色泽较白的面粉;同时也要考虑面团的操作性,面团揉制过程最好能够软硬、筋力适中,有一定弹性,因此选定色泽好的皮磨或皮磨重筛物料与心磨面粉混合;设置了RED系统,提取一部分介于心磨和渣磨之间的物料,导致渣磨系统面粉操作性和色泽相对较差,而RED面粉质量较好,所制馒头较白,操作性好。  相似文献   

前路出粉法就是加宽前路,缩短心磨,全部改气辊为齿辊,放粗筛网,高整粉路,麸渣混走,出粉越多越好。前路均衡出粉法在磨辊接长分配上,减少皮磨接长,增加心渣磨接长,与前路出粉法相比,扩大了前路出粉范围。前路磨撞结合出粉法与前路均衡出粉法相比,扩大延伸了出粉部位,增加了重筛与使用光辊,增加了强力撞击松粉机与撞击磨,并大量使用清粉机。小麦制粉技术从反复研磨到逐步研磨,基本原理仍然贯穿其中,结合先进的工艺技术,对小麦制粉工艺提出合理的的优化和改进,节能降耗仍有广阔的发展空间。  相似文献   

1995~2000年间,中小型粉厂普遍采用了一种短粉路生产高精度等级粉的制粉工艺,其总的思路是:不向纵向发展,加强横向分级,皮、渣、心并重。笔者2000年设计的日处理小麦80t制粉成套设备,采用短粉路,加强皮、渣磨系统作用,前路心磨大量出粉的工艺,可生产高精度等级粉,并设有提胚。其主要特点如下:  相似文献   

通过对200t/d专用粉生产线的粉路进行了分析、测定,得出了皮磨、心磨、渣磨基础粉白度的变化及增白幅度,调整了粉路及筛路配备,使得高档粉的比例提高了7%左右,得到了比技改投资更快的经济效益  相似文献   

The effect of blending of fenugreek (raw, soaked, and germinated) flour (Trigonella faenum graecum) from 5 to 20% in wheat flour on the rheological and sensory evaluation of bread, biscuit, noodle, and macroni was studied. Farinograph water absorption, dough development time, mixing tolerance index, and dough stability increased significantly with increased amount of fenugreek flour. Incorporation of fenugreek flour in wheat flour increased the protein and fat contents of blends but decreased the gluten contents. Among the supplemented blends, blends containing germinated fenugreek flour had higher protein contents (13.83–16.30%) up to 20%. Overall acceptability scores of bread, biscuit, noodles, and macroni were found highly acceptable up to 15, 10, and 20% levels, respectively.  相似文献   

Composite flours containing wheat, breadfruit flour and soy protein, whey or peanut meal were formulated and incorporated into western style bread and biscuits. Bread containing 10% breadfruit flour and 5% whey, and biscuits containing 10% breadfruit flour and 5% soy protein were judged most acceptable in flavor, color, and texture. Breadfruit flour contained 4.4% protein and was lower in sulfur containing amino acids and higher in lysine than wheat flour. Breadfruit containing bread and biscuits had low amino acid scores. The protein efficiency ratio (PER) of the biscuit product, however, was similar to that of the casein control while the PER of bread was significantly lower. Results suggest that acceptable products can be made with composite flours containing 10% breadfruit flour.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Ozone gas could be used as a fumigant during grain and flour storage. Experiments were conducted to determine the effects of exposure to ozone and the effects of blending ozone‐treated flour with control flour on flour functionality and bread‐making quality. RESULTS: Ozone treatment oxidized lipids, increased brightness and reduced the yellow hue of flour, and increased peak viscosity and setback viscosity of flour. Bread made from flour treated with ozone at 1500 mg kg?1 for 4.5 min and bread made from flour blended with 100 g kg?1 ozonated flour had good crust color and a whiter crumb and had more crumb cells, which resulted in a greater specific volume of the bread when compared with control flour. Flour functionality declined as ozone exposure increased beyond 9 min and as the concentration of ozonated flour increased beyond 200 g kg?1. CONCLUSION: Bread made from flour exposed to ozone for 4.5 min or flour that contained 100 g kg?1 fully ozonated flour had greater specific loaf volume and whiter crumb compared to bread made with control flour. Exposure of flour to ozone for longer times (9–45 min) and higher blends (200–1000 g kg?1) deteriorated quality of bread. Copyright © 2011 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

对原制粉工艺进行调整和改进,提高低灰分面粉数量,满足配制专用粉市场需求。通过对清粉机(P1、P2),前路心磨、渣磨(1M、1S)的来料和出料进行分析,改进流向使灰分0.50%以下的面粉出粉率提高了5%.如再增加1台清粉机,效果会更好。  相似文献   

目的了解河北地区面制品中脱氧雪腐镰刀菌烯醇(deoxynivalenol,DON)及其衍生物3-ADON、15-ADON和玉米赤霉烯酮(zearalenone,ZEN)污染状况。方法对河北地区79份烘烤食品(饼干、面包)、87份生面制品和89份馒头样品进行调查分析。样品经乙腈:水(84:16, V:V)溶液超声离心提取后,通过多功能固相萃取柱进行净化处理,采用高效液相色谱-串联质谱法进行检测。结果 255份样品中,3A-DON、15A-DON和ZEN检出率均不高;DON检出率较高,共检出阳性样品252份,检出率为98.8%,超标样品10份,超标率为3.9%。4种真菌毒素污染较为严重的样品为饼干样品,其检出率和超标率明显高于其他面制品。结论在面制品中,主要的污染物为DON,污染最严重的样品类别为饼干样品,其污染状况应引起关注。  相似文献   

论述了在面包、饼干、馒头、面条和其它面制食品加工过程中常用的生物酶,讨论了生物酶在面制食品改良中的作用机理和应用效果。  相似文献   

Hooda S  Jood S 《Die Nahrung》2003,47(4):265-268
The effect of blending of fenugreek (raw, soaked, and germinated) flour (Trigonellafaenum graecum) from 5 to 20% in wheat flour on the rheological and sensory evaluation of bread, biscuit, noodle, and macroni was studied. Farinograph water absorption, dough development time, mixing tolerance index, and dough stability increased significantly with increased amount of fenugreek flour. Incorporation of fenugreek flour in wheat flour increased the protein and fat contents of blends but decreased the gluten contents. Among the supplemented blends, blends containing germinated fenugreek flour had higher protein contents (13.83-16.30%) up to 20%. Overall acceptability scores of bread, biscuit, noodles, and macroni were found highly acceptable up to 15, 10, and 20% levels, respectively.  相似文献   

糯小麦粉添加量对配粉流变学特性及馒头品质的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
将糯小麦粉与普通小麦粉进行梯度配粉,研究不同糯小麦粉添加量对配粉糊化黏度、粉质特性和面团流变学特性的影响;采用质构和感官评价相结合的方法评价其对馒头品质的影响,确定合适的糯小麦配粉比。结果表明:随着糯小麦粉添加量的增加,配粉的糊化温度、峰值黏度、衰减度和回生值等快速黏度分析参数均呈现下降趋势,尤其是回生值降低显著。配粉的吸水量随糯小麦粉添加量的增加逐渐增大,面团的形成时间和稳定时间缩短,粉质指数降低;但当添加量增加至25.0%时,粉质特性各指标均产生显著性改变。不同配粉面团随着醒发时间的延长,面团拉伸曲线面积、拉伸阻力和拉伸比等指标均呈现一定的增大趋势,但延伸度却随醒发时间延长而降低。糯小麦粉配粉比例对馒头的质构和感官特性具有较大影响,适宜的糯小麦粉配粉比为20.0%~30.0%,25.0%配粉比使馒头具有较好的质构,感官总评分达到最大值。  相似文献   

国产小麦生产面包粉的探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对河南新乡市大面积推广种植的四种优质商品小麦进行了生产高级面包粉的实验探索。结果表明:将这几种小麦合理搭配制粉,可以研制出各项指示均达到质量标准的面包粉。添加适量的复合品质改良剂进行面包烘焙实验,面包体积迭828-1050mL/100g面粉,比容为5.30-6.77mL/g。  相似文献   

Bench scale baking tests for two types of biscuits,1 a hard sweet (HS) and a short sweet (SS), have been used to examine the biscuit making properties of a large number of flour samples from wheats grown in four consecutive years (1980–1983). Multiple regression models for prediction of biscuit properties using a range of standard cereal laboratory tests as independent variables on results from 1980–1981 harvest wheats confirmed earlier observations that such tests are of limited commercial value for biscuit flour specification. However the results of baking tests, with both types of biscuit, from single wheat varieties grown during 1981–1983 showed that flours from soft milling wheats (SMW) required less water to give biscuit doughs of standard consistency (measured instrumentally) than did flours from hard milling wheats (HMW). In addition biscuit doughs made with SMW flours gave greater oven spring, i.e. biscuits of lower bulk density, than doughs made from HMW flours. In each season the difference in the mean values of both parameters for flours milled from SMW and HMW was highly significant (P<0.001). With one exception the variability of the measured parameters within seasons was not significantly different between SMW and HMW. However within both SMW and HMW varieties highly significant differences (P<0.001) were observed between seasons for the mean values of both measured biscuit parameters. The effect of flour particle size on the biscuits was studied by regrinding a number of flours. With flours from both SMW and HMW reduction in particle size resulted in HS biscuits of higher density but SS biscuits of lower density.  相似文献   

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