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红外光谱技术作为一种快速无损、简便高效的鉴别技术被广泛他应用于葡萄酒的品质检测和定性鉴别中,与化学计量学方法结合可实现对复杂样品各理化成分的多组分检测及分类鉴别,实现对未知样本的定性或定量分析。文章对近红外、中红外光谱分析技术作了简要概述,系统综述了国内外有关红外光谱技术在葡萄酒的品种、产地、年份、陈酿方式及其他方面的分类识别与品质鉴别的研究进展,总结了目前葡萄酒品质分析所存在的问题,并展望了今后红外光谱技术在葡萄酒检测应用中的发展方向和研究重点。  相似文献   

葡萄酒行业的年份酒、产地酒概念炒作等情况很多,不仅损害消费者的利益,而且对整个葡萄酒行业的健康发展起阻滞作用,因此,研究葡萄酒真伪鉴别技术显得尤为重要。该文主要综述香气成分分析、同位素比值分析、代谢产物的分析、微量元素的分析等技术在年份酒、产地酒的真伪鉴别方面的应用,为推动我国葡萄酒质量检测技术的进步奠定基础。  相似文献   

目前,我国葡萄酒消费市场发展日渐繁荣,产地已经成为优质葡萄酒品质评价的重要因素。因此,开发葡萄酒产地溯源技术有助于加强市场监管和保障消费者权益。本文综述了近年来国内外葡萄酒产地鉴别技术的研究进展,重点阐述了基于矿质元素指纹、稳定同位素及次生代谢产物的葡萄酒产地鉴别研究及发展趋势,同时指出国内葡萄酒鉴别研究中存在的问题,旨在推动我国葡萄酒产地鉴别技术的建立健全,促进我国葡萄酒市场的繁荣发展。  相似文献   

梁馨文  李强强  王凯  吴黎明 《食品科学》2018,39(15):343-348
不同品种和产地来源的蜂蜜,其营养成分和市场价值各异。因此,建立有效的蜂蜜溯源鉴别技术对更好地 保障蜂蜜的营养品质具有十分重要的意义。本文以国内外研究文献为基础,综述了蜂蜜溯源鉴别的常见方法,包括 花粉鉴别和化学物质鉴定,并系统归纳了蜂蜜溯源特征标记物,包括挥发性化合物、酚类物质、糖类、含氮化合物 及其他微量元素,为今后进一步实现蜂蜜的准确溯源鉴别提供理论依据。  相似文献   

葡萄中的挥发性物质是构成葡萄和葡萄酒品质的主要成分,其中香气成分种类、含量、组合比例、感觉阈值及其之间的相互作用决定着葡萄酒的风味品质优劣和典型性强弱。葡萄酒中的香气形成机制多种多样,主要来源于葡萄果实、葡萄酒发酵和陈酿过程,其中直接源于葡萄果实的香气物质称为品种香气,决定了葡萄酒的品种典型性和产地风格。本文详细阐述了酿酒葡萄果实中主要的几类呈香物质的组成及其研究状况,以期为葡萄酒质量评价体系的建立以及酿酒工艺的优化提供理论指导。  相似文献   

赵玉立  王丽  谭丹  温昊松  金刚  李响  张昂 《食品科学》2023,44(5):305-313
随着人民生活水平的不断提高,葡萄酒在我国广泛受到消费者的喜爱。近年来中国葡萄酒市场日渐壮大,假冒现象日渐严重,因此,开展葡萄酒的真实性研究也变得至关重要。本文综述了国内外近16年来核磁共振氢谱(1H-nuclear magnetic resonance,1H-NMR)技术在葡萄酒真实性鉴别中的应用现状,重点阐述了1H-NMR技术在葡萄酒产地、品种和年份真实性鉴别方面的研究进展,旨在为启迪和推动我国葡萄酒真实性鉴别及促进葡萄酒真实性鉴别的深入研究提供思路和借鉴。  相似文献   

葡萄酒香气分析方法研究现状及应用展望   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
香气成分的研究是探索葡萄酒中呈香物质与葡萄品种、酿酒工艺、产地环境、葡萄酒质量等关系的重要手段。对葡萄酒中香气成分种类、分析方法进行了综述,并对葡萄酒中香气成分研究的发展趋势及应用进行了展望。  相似文献   

利用香气成分识别葡萄酒品种和产地的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
以天津、宁夏2个产区的赤霞珠、梅鹿辄干红葡萄酒为材料,采用固相微萃取-气质色谱联用(SPME-GC-MS)方法分析其香气成分的差异,共定性香气组分75种,针对其中对葡萄酒香气特征贡献较大的21种组分进行深入探讨,分别进行感官特征构成分析和聚类分析.结果表明,不同品种和不同产地的葡萄酒具有各自的特性,利用葡萄酒中的少数主要香气组分能够鉴别它们之间的差异,并能够对葡萄酒的品种和产地进行识别分析.  相似文献   

该实验使用顶空固相微萃取-气相色谱-质谱联用技术对来自3个不同产地黄金百香果果肉的挥发性代谢物质进行了定性和定量分析。共鉴定出183种与香气相关的挥发性代谢物质,分成14类,其中酯类最为常见,占38%。通过主成分分析方法分析挥发性成分,结果显示来自不同地区的样品被分为3组。正交偏最小二乘法判别分析(orthogonal partial least squares-discriminant analysis, OPLS-DA)分析表明该模型稳定,可用于筛选挥发性代谢物质的差异。通过OPLS-DA模型分析3个比较组中的挥发性代谢物质,筛选出投影中的可变重要性(variable importance in projection, VIP)值≥1,且P<0.05的成分,主要包含酯类和萜类等物质,可用于后续研究。结果表明不同产地的黄金百香果挥发性代谢物质存在差异,该研究可为黄金百香果的产地鉴别和品质评价提供参考。  相似文献   

河西地区不同产地赤霞珠干红葡萄酒挥发性成分分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以甘肃河西走廊产区5个不同产地葡萄园的赤霞珠葡萄为原料,分别发酵酿造干红葡萄酒,并对样品进行挥发性成分分析,共检测出107种物质,其中主要成分有58种,包括醇类物质19种,酯类物质18种、酸类物质5种、羰基类9种以及其他7种。对比不同产地赤霞珠干红酒发现其挥发性成分在种类和含量均有差异,并表现为各自特有的品质特性。  相似文献   

食品的质量和真实性越来越受到消费者的关注,而葡萄酒的价值很大程度上是由其原产地所决定的,因此进行葡萄酒产地溯源研究较为重要,较多的方法也被用于该研究。众多研究者发现葡萄酒中的87Sr/86Sr比值与葡萄酒产地土壤中的87Sr/86Sr比值具有很好的相关性,且不受葡萄采摘年份和葡萄品种等的影响,可以有效地进行葡萄酒产地溯源研究,并且在葡萄酒的部分重要产区得到了较好的证明。但是葡萄酒的酿造过程,如澄清剂和添加剂的使用是否会造成锶同位素的分馏仍存在争议,并且在国内还未开展锶同位素葡萄酒产地溯源的工作。该文总结了利用锶同位素进行葡萄酒产地溯源的研究现状,力图为国内利用锶同位素进行葡萄酒产地溯源研究提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper was to study the effect of wine composition and geographical origin on the accumulation of volatile compounds in barrel-aged wines. Therefore, 267 wines belonging to different origin appellations were analysed. In order to analyse the data, a multivariate statistical technique was applied, that can be quite useful in creating an overall view of the problem in which multiple variables are analysed. Statistical analysis gave four significant factors, accounting for 84.12% of the variance. These factors summarise the information of a group of variables closely correlated to each other. Factor 1 grouped together oak lactones and eugenol, so it was associated with oak barrel type and with toasting of barrels. Factor 2 was associated with ethylphenols, related to wine quality diminution. Factor 3 grouped together guaiacol, furfural, and 5-methylfurfural, and was thus associated with wood thermal degradation; factor 4 was associated with the cis/trans ratio, related to oak origin. Whereas geographical origin of wines affected the accumulation of volatile compounds, the cis/trans ratio was only affected by oak barrel type. Among the tested parameters, alcoholic degree was the enological parameter that had the greatest effect on the accumulation of volatile compounds in wines. Oak lactones were the compounds that were present in all wines, so they could be used as oak ageing indicators.  相似文献   

The content of major volatiles of 334 wines of six different cultivars (Sauvignon Blanc, Chardonnay, Pinotage, Shiraz, Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot) and vintage 2005 was used to investigate the aroma content of young South African wines. Wines were sourced from six different regions and various producers. Thirty-nine volatile components partially responsible for the flavour of wine were quantified. In order to investigate possible correlation between volatile content and grape variety and/or geographical origin, analysis of variance, factor analysis (FA), principal component analysis (PCA) and linear discriminant analysis (LDA) were used. Significant differences in the levels of certain volatiles were observed as a function of region and cultivar, with the latter factor proving to be more influential. A few volatile compounds were identified as potential predictors of the white wine cultivars. Prediction for red wine cultivars was poor, with the exception of Pinotage wines, for which three compounds (isoamyl acetate, isoamyl alcohol and ethyl octanoate) were identified as accurate predictors. The reasons for the importance of these three volatile compounds in distinguishing young Pinotage wines are discussed, and possible reasons for the unique levels in wines of this cultivar are highlighted.  相似文献   

以烟台、新疆、宁夏与北京四大产区32款赤霞珠葡萄酒作为实验样本,采用搅拌棒吸附萃取(SBSE)与气相色谱-质谱联(GC-MS)、液液微萃取技术(LLME)与气相色谱-质谱联用(GC-MS)定量分析了葡萄酒中59种挥发性香气成分。定量数据运用多维统计方法进行分析,通过方差分析(ANOVA)与主成分分析(PCA)选出13种代表性化合物作为葡萄酒产地判别的自变量(4-萜品醇、1-壬醇、2-苯乙醇、乙酸2-苯乙酯、3-甲硫基-1-丙醇、苯甲酸、4-甲基苯酚、α-萜品醇、癸酸、辛酸乙酯、3-辛醇、2-壬醇、棕榈酸乙酯),用这13种物质进行判别分析(DA)并建立了赤霞珠葡萄酒的原产地鉴定模型。该模型对32款不同产区的葡萄酒进行了正确的分类,交叉验证的结果显示,对未知样品归类的准确率到达100%,充分肯定了此模型对赤霞珠葡萄酒原产地鉴别的能力。  相似文献   

Abstract: Apple juice is a complex mixture of volatile and nonvolatile components. To develop discrimination models on the basis of the volatile composition for an efficient classification of apple juices according to apple variety and geographical origin, chromatography volatile profiles of 50 apple juice samples belonging to 6 varieties and from 5 counties of Shaanxi (China) were obtained by headspace solid‐phase microextraction coupled with gas chromatography. The volatile profiles were processed as continuous and nonspecific signals through multivariate analysis techniques. Different preprocessing methods were applied to raw chromatographic data. The blind chemometric analysis of the preprocessed chromatographic profiles was carried out. Stepwise linear discriminant analysis (SLDA) revealed satisfactory discriminations of apple juices according to variety and geographical origin, provided respectively 100% and 89.8% success rate in terms of prediction ability. Finally, the discriminant volatile compounds selected by SLDA were identified by gas chromatography‐mass spectrometry. The proposed strategy was able to verify the variety and geographical origin of apple juices involving only a reduced number of discriminate retention times selected by the stepwise procedure. This result encourages the similar procedures to be considered in quality control of apple juices. Practical Application: This work presented a method for an efficient discrimination of apple juices according to apple variety and geographical origin using HS‐SPME‐GC‐MS together with chemometric tools. Discrimination models developed could help to achieve greater control over the quality of the juice and to detect possible adulteration of the product.  相似文献   

Wine aroma, which stems from complex perceptual and cognitive processes, is initially driven by a multitude of naturally occurring volatile constituents. Its interpretation depends on the characterization of relevant volatile constituents. With large numbers of volatile constituents already identified, the search for unknown volatiles in wine has become increasingly challenging. However, the opportunities to discover unknown volatile compounds contributing to the wine volatilome are still of great interest, as demonstrated by the recent identification of highly odorous trace (µg/L) to ultra-trace (ng/L) volatile compounds in wine. This review provides an overview of both existing strategies and future directions on identifying unknown volatile constituents in wine. Chemical identification, including sample extraction, fractionation, gas chromatography, olfactometry, and mass spectrometry, is comprehensively covered. In addition, this review also focuses on aspects related to sensory-guided wine selection, authentic reference standards, artifacts and interferences, and the evaluation of the sensory significance of discovered wine volatiles. Powerful key volatile odorants present at ultra-trace levels, for which these analytical approaches have been successfully applied, are discussed. Research areas where novel wine volatiles are likely to be identified are pointed out. The importance of perceptual interaction phenomena is emphasized. Finally, future avenues for the exploration of yet unknown wine volatiles by coupling analytical approaches and sensory evaluation are suggested.  相似文献   

杜梦佳  毛波  沈飞  李彭  裴斐  胡秋辉  方勇 《食品科学》2018,39(8):243-248
为建立一种红外光谱指纹信息和挥发性组分信息融合鉴别模型,提高模型对大米产地的鉴别率。通过傅里叶红外光谱和气相色谱-质谱联用分析20?份盘锦大米、19?份射阳大米和15?份五常大米样品中红外光谱吸光度和挥发性组分含量,利用方差分析筛选出特征光谱和挥发性组分,结合偏最小二乘判别分析(partial least squares-discriminant analysis,PLS-DA)法建立融合这2?种指纹信息的鉴别方法。结果表明,信息融合模型的大米产地鉴别准确率为97.4%,与单一光谱指纹信息模型(92.9%)和挥发性指纹信息模型(88.9%)相比,分别提高了4.5%和8.5%。因此,信息融合技术提高了该模型鉴别效果,采用PLS-DA法信息融合模型对大米产地进行鉴别是可行有效的。  相似文献   

Grape brandy is a spirit drink produced by wine distillation and is matured in wooden casks. According to legislation, it can be characterised by the geographical area where the grapes were produced, the grape variety used and the selected distillation and ageing techniques. Distillation increases ethanol concentration and aromatic constituents which are already present in grapes or are developed during fermentation and distillation. During maturation in wooden casks, compounds that contribute to the aroma and taste are extracted from the wood. Hence the spirit acquires the desired softer mouth feel, aromatic complexity and overall quality. Different methods of analysis are used in order to pursuit this process by analysing volatile and non‐volatile substances and correlate composition with quality. Analysis can also be useful in identification of brandy safety, potential adulterations, provenance and differentiation from other spirits drinks. © 2013 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

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