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1月28日,《米其林指南2020北京》正式发布。在这份榜单上,最高等级的米其林三星餐庁1家1,米其林二星餐厅2家,米其林一星餐厅21家。同时揭晓的还有61家“米其林餐盘”餐厅。此外,北京米其林指南还在11月18日提前发布了首办北京“必比登推介”餐片名单,评选出了15家餐厅。榜单一出,立刻引起了一众老饕客的谈论,吐槽声比赞扬声似乎要更大。但这份指南真的毫无可取之处吗?那也不见得。  相似文献   

巴黎香格里拉大酒店荣幸地宣布,其两家餐厅被2012版《米其林指南》授星。在本年度的新版指南中,巴黎香格里拉大酒店成为法国唯一有两家餐厅获得《米其林指南》认可的豪华酒店,考虑到两家餐厅从开业到得奖均不足一年,这一殊荣更显得尤为难能可贵。  相似文献   

正《米其林指南香港澳门2018》名单已正式出炉,澳门"桃花源小厨"再次被评为米其林一星餐厅。适逢《米其林指南香港澳门》十周年,"桃花源小厨"由2009年起已开始获得米其林星级殊荣,同时标志着已成功连续十年荣获米其林星级餐厅的荣誉。"桃花源小厨"原先是一家小餐馆,乃黎有甜先生于2000年在香港创办,2007年获邀在澳门开设"桃花源小厨"。黎师傅师承广州江太史家厨,  相似文献   

刘高辰 壁辰味蕾沙龙创始人 一位获米其林三星荣誉的Chefratre壁辰味蕾沙龙创始人,毕业于世界顶级的法国里昂西餐厨艺及酒店管理学院Institut Paul Bocuse,曾先后为三家米其林三星级餐厅工作。  相似文献   

<正>今年11月,澳门新葡京酒店的"当奥丰素1890意式料理"重新开业,续写酒店餐饮辉煌。目前,酒店拥有三家米其林星级餐厅(共摘得七颗米其林星),包括:被评为米其林三星的"天巢法国餐厅"及"8餐厅"和被评为米其林一星的"大厨"餐厅。备受欢迎的"当奥丰素1890意式料理"在翻新升级后焕然一新,为宾客打造适合全家享用的高端休闲用餐环境,呈现物超所值的意大利精致美食。  相似文献   

正为了抓住与松露稍纵即逝的美味邂逅,南京颐和公馆携手二星米其林主厨Mauro诚心打造了秋冬最美的舌尖约会——顶级意大利白松露晚宴。唇齿之间的交相辉映,酒美味鲜,人生之乐,不过如此。二星米其林主厨,为您奉献饕餮盛宴二星米其林主厨Mauro Colagreco作为法国米其林餐厅Mirazur的创造者,带领餐厅荣登今年英国知名美食  相似文献   

<正>2019年1月21日,米其林(MICHELIN)旅游指南正式公布2019年版美食排行榜,Mauro Colagreco位于法国的餐厅Mirazur晋升3星米其林。在"2018 The World's 50 Best Restaurants"评选中,Mirazur餐厅获得了全球第3的卓越排名。  相似文献   

正哥本哈根"北欧美食之都"的称号得到了进一步巩固。在最新发布的2016北欧版《米其林指南》中,哥本哈根一众餐厅获得的米其林星星总数从去年的18颗增长到20颗。其中,Geranium更是得到了米其林三星的殊荣,成为北欧首批两家三星餐厅之一。2016年3月2日,在最新发布的2016北欧版《米其林指南》  相似文献   

林桦 《中国食品》2010,(1):87-87
2009年11月26日,米其林隆重推出第二本双语《米其林酒店与餐厅指南 香港 澳门2010》(又名“红色指南”),其中收录了245家来自香港的餐厅和酒店(205家餐厅与40家酒店)及53家来自澳门的餐厅和酒店(38家餐厅与15家酒店)。  相似文献   

正Edward Goh吴亿杰30岁,南京卓美亚酒店酌鱻餐厅主厨Edward虽然是90后大厨,却已有多家奢华酒店工作的经验,并获得2013-2014年The Emirate Salon Culinaire-Dubai的银奖和铜奖;2016年在新加坡Les Amis餐厅任副主厨期间,他与团队一同为餐厅摘得米其林两星。如今,重新回归卓美亚团队的他将自己熟悉的经典法餐的烹饪技巧和"融合"的概念相结合,不拘泥于传统却有以米其林餐厅标准挑选食材的严苛标准和坚持,为食客奉上品质之选。  相似文献   

梁同正 《葡萄酒》2020,(1):18-21
诞生于20世纪初的米其林指南,于2016年进入中国内地。在中国食客的期待与质疑中,米其林指南发掘了北上广三地为数众多的优秀餐厅。这些餐厅里,是否都能够满足食客们的期待呢?这些餐厅的菜单和酒单,又有哪些玄机呢?这一期,我们带你深入探讨米其林指南!  相似文献   

通常提到米其林,第一反应基本都是昂贵。而广州的榜单餐厅是我吃过的米其林餐厅里,性价比最高、最亲民的。尽管大家对米其林的到来、评选准则等议论纷纷,但无疑对广州的餐饮带来非常大的影响,对粤菜的知名度和美誉度也有很大提高和推广效应。带着榜单去打卡你的米其林味道吧。  相似文献   

Garmen 《葡萄酒》2020,(1):48-51
随着木村拓哉大哥的新剧《东京大饭店》开播,热度居高不下,刮起了米其林风。11月,米其林官网发布消息称,全资控股《葡萄酒倡导家》,也纷纷引起讨论:美食美酒不分家,未来餐厅酒单的好坏是否会对评星有更大的影响呢?什么样的葡萄洒才够格入选米其林餐厅洒单?  相似文献   

梁同正 《葡萄酒》2020,(1):42-46
从2016年米其林指南推出中国版的餐厅指南,我们高兴中国终于有属于自己的米其林星级餐厅外,不少吐槽关于评选的餐厅不能代表本了菜肴,国际评委无法理解中国菜系的博大精深等等的声音也不绝于耳。对于食客们来说,一家餐厅的好与不好,可以从哪些方面判断呢?咱这次先从洒单来看。  相似文献   

Foodborne outbreaks are often reported to be acquired at food service establishments. As a part of a quantitative risk assessment on the consumer risk of contracting Salmonella infection via shell eggs, we studied how small, medium, and large restaurants, institutional kitchens, and staff canteens (n=171) purchase, store, and use shell eggs. In addition, we estimated the fraction of raw and undercooked risky egg dishes among all egg dishes served in food service establishments of different sizes and types. The majority of establishments used shell eggs (78%), purchased eggs once per week (39%), and stored eggs at cool temperatures (82%). The size of the food service establishment had a less significant effect on shell egg preparation and handling practices than the type of the establishment. In particular, restaurants and institutional kitchens differed from each other. Restaurants purchased shell eggs more frequently, were more likely to store them at room temperature, stored shell eggs for a shorter period, and were more likely to prepare undercooked egg dishes than institutional kitchens. It was predicted that 6 to 20% of all different egg dishes prepared in a single randomly chosen food service establishment would be risky egg dishes with a 95% Bayesian credible interval of 0 to 96%, showing uncertainty because of the variability between kitchens and uncertainty in kitchen type-specific parameters. The results indicate that although most Finnish food service establishments had safe egg handling practices, a substantial minority expressed risky behavior. Compared with the egg consumption patterns in private Finnish households, however, practices in food service establishments did not prove to be more prone to risk.  相似文献   

During the last decade, Japanese cuisine has become rooted in Europe. The once unusual-sounding dishes, such as SUSHI, TEPPANYAKI, and TEMPURA, are now familiar to millions of Europeans. They not only merely encounter these names in popular magazines and cooking shows on television, but also a growing number of people in Europe actually consume these dishes on a regular basis, at lunch corners and business receptions, restaurants and bars, and even in their own homes.

This article describes the historical development of the establishments serving Japanese cuisine in Europe, with particular focus on Great Britain and the Netherlands. It seeks to highlight the variety of historical and global connections that contributed to the spread of Japanese food in Europe. Furthermore, it demonstrates the diversification of the image of Japanese food in Europe during the last decade, from an exotic, ethnic fare, through a fashionable style of dining, to a health-conscious fast food. Many classic restaurants continue to provide Japanese expatriates with the taste of home and offer Europeans a clichéd “taste of Japan,” represented by waitresses dressed in kimono and interiors featuring lampions, bonsai plants, and calligraphy. Concurrently, however, newer establishments that serve particular types of Japanese food, such as beef from the griddle (TEPPANYAKI), SUSHI, and noodles, have mushroomed, grounding themselves as major genres in European dining. These and other establishments offer an ever-widening choice of culinary variations on the Japanese theme.  相似文献   

This paper explores the ways in which consumers assess the safety of food in restaurants and other eating‐out establishments, and the resulting impact on restaurant choice. The analysis builds on the existing literature on restaurant choice more generally and a growing body of studies on the impact of official inspection information on the perceived safety of restaurants. Based on a two‐stage consumer study in the City of Hamilton in Ontario, Canada, involving focus groups and a postal survey, the research highlights how consumers base their assessment of food safety in restaurants using a range of visible indicators of the experience and/or credence characteristics associated with foodborne illness. These include their observed judgments of restaurant hygiene, the overall quality of the restaurant, external information, including official inspection certificates, and the level of patronage. The use of these broad groups of indicators varies across consumer subgroups according to gender, age, level of education and recollections of past incidences when a restaurant was closed and/or convicted for food safety reasons.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To examine the actual and anticipated costs of a law regulating workplace smoking and smoking in restaurants, taking into consideration observed and anticipated infrastructure costs, lost productivity, increased absenteeism, and loss of clientele. SETTING AND DESIGN: A survey of 401 Québec restaurants and 600 Québec firms conducted by the Québec Ministry of Health before the enactment of the law was used to derive costs incurred by those who had already complied and anticipated by those that did not. RESULTS: Direct and indirect costs associated with tobacco regulation at work and in restaurants were minimal. Annualised infrastructure costs amounted to less than 0.0002% of firm revenues and 0.15% of restaurant revenues. Anticipated costs were larger and amounted to 0.0004% of firm revenues and 0.41% of restaurant revenues. Impacts on productivity, absenteeism, and restaurant patronage were widely anticipated but not observed in currently compliant establishments. CONCLUSION: Firms and restaurants expected high costs to result from strict tobacco regulation because of infrastructure costs, decreased productivity, and decreased patronage. That none of these were actually observed suggests that policy makers should discount industry claims that smoking regulations impose undue economic hardship.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To determine compliance with a voluntary code of practice (VCP) for restricting smoking in restaurants and to canvass the attitudes of restaurateurs towards tougher smoking restrictions. DESIGN: Cross-sectional survey conducted in 1996 using a telephone questionnaire. SETTING: Metropolitan restaurants and cafes in Adelaide, South Australia. PARTICIPANTS: 276 (86.8%) of a sample of randomly selected owners and managers. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Restaurant non-smoking policies, reported and anticipated change in business, and restaurateurs' attitudes towards smoking restrictions. RESULTS: 26.8% of restaurants had a total smoking ban; 40.6% restricted smoking some other way; and 32.6% permitted unrestricted smoking. Only 15.1% of restaurants with a ban or restrictions had used the VCP to guide the development of their policy, and only half of these were complying with it. Although 78.4% of those with bans and 84.4% of those with restrictions reported that their non-smoking policy had been associated with either no change or a gain in business, only 33.3% of those allowing unrestricted smoking expected that this would be the case, if they were to limit smoking. A total of 50.4% of restaurateurs, including 45.3% of those with no restrictions, agreed that the government should ban smoking in all restaurants. CONCLUSIONS: The VCP made an insignificant contribution to adoption of non-smoking policies, and compliance with the code was poor. Despite concerns about loss of business, there was considerable support for legislation which would ban smoking in all dining establishments.  相似文献   

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