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Natural image understanding is a very active and promising research domain both in psychology for visual perception modelling and in computer science for image retrieval. In this study, we investigate the efficiency of orientation distributions over the whole image in the scale space. The global distribution of the local dominant orientations (LDO) appears to be a powerful feature for discriminating between four semantic categories of real world scenes (indoor scenes, urban scenes, open landscapes, closed landscapes). The selected optimal scale is compatible with psychological experiments and classification performances show that a global representation of dominant orientations is a simple, efficient and compact method for scene recognition.  相似文献   

场景分类的目标是为各种视觉处理任务建立语义上下文,尤其是为目标识别。双目视觉系统现已广泛配备在智能机器人上,然而场景分类的任务大多只是使用单目图像。由于室内场景的复杂性,使用单目图像进行场景分类的性能很低。提出了一种基于双目视觉的室内场景分类方法,使用在一些特定区域里拟合出的若干平面的参数作为场景的特征。采用层级的分类方法,依据视差图,场景被分为开放场所类和封闭场所类,利用提出的场景特征和Gist特征对上述两类进行细分。为了验证提出的方法,建立了一个包含四种场景类别的图像数据集。实验结果表明提出的方法取得了较好的分类性能。  相似文献   

基于LBP和小波纹理特征的室内室外场景分类算法   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
室内室外场景识别是图像处理的基本问题之一。对此问题提出了一种不需要图像分割和目标识别的方法。首先,利用小波变换对原图像进行五层小波分解,然后用旋转不变的LBP(local binary pattern)算法对第二层至第五层的LL子图提取纹理特征,再计算第二层和第一层LH,HL,HH子图的能量均值和方差,最后连接这两个过程形成的低维特征向量进行室内室外图像场景分类。实验结果表明此算法分类效果比较好,且识别室内室外场景并不需要目标形状等局部详细信息,只需要图像模糊化的全局纹理信息。  相似文献   

由于卷积神经网络(CNN)大多侧重于全局特征学习,忽略了包含更多细节的局部特征信息,使得室内场景识别的准确率难以提高。针对这一问题,提出了基于改进全局—局部注意网络(GLANet)的室内场景识别方法。首先,利用GLANet捕捉场景图像的全局特征和局部特征,增加图像特征中的细节信息;然后,在局部网络中引入non-local注意力模块,通过注意力图和特征图的卷积来进一步保留图像的细节特征,最后融合网络不同阶段的多种特征进行分类。通过在MIT Indoor67和SUN397数据集上的训练和验证,所提方法的识别准确率与LGN方法相比分别提高了1.98%和3.07%。实验结果表明,该算法能够有效捕获全局语义信息和精细的局部细节,显著提高了识别准确率。  相似文献   

目的 由于室内点云场景中物体的密集性、复杂性以及多遮挡等带来的数据不完整和多噪声问题,极大地限制了室内点云场景的重建工作,无法保证场景重建的准确度。为了更好地从无序点云中恢复出完整的场景,提出了一种基于语义分割的室内场景重建方法。方法 通过体素滤波对原始数据进行下采样,计算场景三维尺度不变特征变换(3D scale-invariant feature transform,3D SIFT)特征点,融合下采样结果与场景特征点从而获得优化的场景下采样结果;利用随机抽样一致算法(random sample consensus,RANSAC)对融合采样后的场景提取平面特征,将该特征输入PointNet网络中进行训练,确保共面的点具有相同的局部特征,从而得到每个点在数据集中各个类别的置信度,在此基础上,提出了一种基于投影的区域生长优化方法,聚合语义分割结果中同一物体的点,获得更精细的分割结果;将场景物体的分割结果划分为内环境元素或外环境元素,分别采用模型匹配的方法、平面拟合的方法从而实现场景的重建。结果 在S3DIS (Stanford large-scale 3D indoor space dataset)数据集上进行实验,本文融合采样算法对后续方法的效率和效果有着不同程度的提高,采样后平面提取算法的运行时间仅为采样前的15%;而语义分割方法在全局准确率(overall accuracy,OA)和平均交并比(mean intersection over union,mIoU)两个方面比PointNet网络分别提高了2.3%和4.2%。结论 本文方法能够在保留关键点的同时提高计算效率,在分割准确率方面也有着明显提升,同时可以得到高质量的重建结果。  相似文献   

Recognizing solid objects by alignment with an image   总被引:20,自引:15,他引:5  
In this paper we consider the problem of recognizing solid objects from a single two-dimensional image of a three-dimensional scene. We develop a new method for computing a transformation from a three-dimensional model coordinate frame to the two-dimensional image coordinate frame, using three pairs of model and image points. We show that this transformation always exists for three noncollinear points, and is unique up to a reflective ambiguity. The solution method is closed-form and only involves second-order equations. We have implemented a recognition system that uses this transformation method to determine possible alignments of a model with an image. Each of these hypothesized matches is verified by comparing the entire edge contours of the aligned object with the image edges. Using the entire edge contours for verification, rather than a few local feature points, reduces the chance of finding false matches. The system has been tested on partly occluded objects in highly cluttered scenes.  相似文献   

史静  朱虹  王栋  杜森 《中国图象图形学报》2017,22(12):1750-1757
目的 目前对于场景分类问题,由于其内部结构的多样性和复杂性,以及光照和拍摄角度的影响,现有算法大多通过单纯提取特征进行建模,并没有考虑场景图像中事物之间的相互关联,因此,仍然不能达到一个理想的分类效果。本文针对场景分类中存在的重点和难点问题,充分考虑人眼的视觉感知特性,利用显著性检测,并结合传统的视觉词袋模型,提出了一种融合视觉感知特性的场景分类算法。方法 首先,对图像进行多尺度分解,并提取各尺度下的图像特征,接着,检测各尺度下图像的视觉显著区域,最后,将显著区域信息与多尺度特征进行有机融合,构成多尺度融合窗选加权SIFT特征(WSSIFT),对场景进行分类。结果 为了验证本文算法的有效性,该算法在3个标准数据集SE、LS以及IS上进行测试,并与不同方法进行比较,分类准确率提高了约3%~17%。结论 本文提出的融合视觉感知特性的场景分类算法,有效地改善了单纯特征描述的局限性,并提高了图像的整体表达。实验结果表明,该算法对于多个数据集都具有较好的分类效果,适用于场景分析、理解、分类等机器视觉领域。  相似文献   

在复杂的自然场景中,目标识别存在背景干扰、周围物体遮挡和光照变化等问题,同时识别的目标大多拥有多种不同的尺寸和类型.针对上述目标识别存在的问题,本文提出了一种基于改进YOLOv3的非限制自然场景中中等或较大尺寸的目标识别方法 (简称CDSP-YOLO).该方法采用CLAHE图像增强预处理方法来消除自然场景中光照变化对目标识别效果的影响,并使用随机空间采样池化(S3Pool)作为特征提取网络的下采样方法来保留特征图的空间信息解决复杂环境中的背景干扰问题,而且对多尺度识别进行改进来解决YOLOv3对于中等或较大尺寸目标识别效果不佳的问题.实验结果表明:本文提出的方法在移动通信铁塔测试集上的准确率达97%,召回率达80%.与YOLOv3相比,该方法在非限制自然场景中的目标识别应用上具有更好的性能和推广应用前景.  相似文献   

从深度图RGB-D域中联合学习RGB图像特征与3D几何信息有利于室内场景语义分割,然而传统分割方法通常需要精确的深度图作为输入,严重限制了其应用范围。提出一种新的室内场景理解网络框架,建立基于语义特征与深度特征提取网络的联合学习网络模型提取深度感知特征,通过几何信息指导的深度特征传输模块与金字塔特征融合模块将学习到的深度特征、多尺度空间信息与语义特征相结合,生成具有更强表达能力的特征表示,实现更准确的室内场景语义分割。实验结果表明,联合学习网络模型在NYU-Dv2与SUN RGBD数据集上分别取得了69.5%与68.4%的平均分割准确度,相比传统分割方法具有更好的室内场景语义分割性能及更强的适用性。  相似文献   

This paper presents an interactive system for quickly designing and previewing colored snapshots of indoor scenes. Different from high-quality 3D indoor scene rendering, which often takes several minutes to render a moderately complicated scene under a specific color theme with high-performance computing devices, our system aims at improving the effectiveness of color theme design of indoor scenes and employs an image colorization approach to efficiently obtain high-resolution snapshots with editable colors. Given several pre-rendered, multi-layer, gray images of the same indoor scene snapshot, our system is designed to colorize and merge them into a single colored snapshot. Our system also assists users in assigning colors to certain objects/components and infers more harmonious colors for the unassigned objects based on pre-collected priors to guide the colorization. The quickly generated snapshots of indoor scenes provide previews of interior design schemes with different color themes, making it easy to determine the personalized design of indoor scenes. To demonstrate the usability and effectiveness of this system, we present a series of experimental results on indoor scenes of different types, and compare our method with a state-of-the-art method for indoor scene material and color suggestion and offline/online rendering software packages.  相似文献   

针对遥感图像场景零样本分类算法中的空间类结构不一致以及域偏移问题,提出基于Sammon嵌入和谱聚类方法结合的直推式遥感图像场景零样本分类算法。首先,基于Sammon嵌入算法修正语义特征空间类原型表示,使其与视觉特征空间类原型结构对齐;其次,借助结构迁移方法得到视觉特征空间测试类原型表示;最后,针对域偏移问题,采用谱聚类方法修正视觉特征空间测试类原型,以适应测试类样本分布特点,提高场景零样本分类准确度。在两个遥感场景集(UCM和AID)上分别获得52.89%和55.93%的最高总体分类准确度,均显著优于对比方法。实验结果表明,通过显著降低视觉特征空间和语义特征空间的场景类别结构不一致性,同时减轻了域偏移问题,可实现语义特征空间类结构知识到视觉特征空间的有效迁移,大幅提升遥感场景零样本分类的准确度。  相似文献   

This article presents a system for texture-based probabilistic classification and localisation of three-dimensional objects in two-dimensional digital images and discusses selected applications. In contrast to shape-based approaches, our texture-based method does not rely on object features extracted using image segmentation techniques. Rather, the objects are described by local feature vectors computed directly from image pixel values using the wavelet transform. Both gray level and colour images can be processed. In the training phase, object features are statistically modelled as normal density functions. In the recognition phase, the system classifies and localises objects in scenes with real heterogeneous backgrounds. Feature vectors are calculated and a maximisation algorithm compares the learned density functions with the extracted feature vectors and yields the classes and poses of objects found in the scene. Experiments carried out on a real dataset of over 40,000 images demonstrate the robustness of the system in terms of classification and localisation accuracy. Finally, two important real application scenarios are discussed, namely recognising museum exhibits from visitors’ own photographs and classification of metallography images.  相似文献   

针对传统同时定位与地图构建(simultaneous localization and mapping,SLAM)框架面临动态场景时产生明显定位误差,建立的场景稠密地图会包含动态对象及其运动叠影,从而导致定位与建图鲁棒性不足的问题,面向以人类为主要动态对象的室内动态场景,从“温度”的角度出发,提出基于热像仪与深度相机结合的多传感SLAM协同方案,解决室内动态场景中的定位与建图难题。首先,建立一套针对热像仪与深度相机的联合标定策略,重新设计标定板与标定方案,完成相机的内参标定、外参标定与图像配准,得到一一对应的RGB、深度、热(RDH)三模图像;其次,由热图像得到人体掩模图像,进而在ORB-SLAM2系统框架下构建静态特征提取与数据关联策略,实现基于三模图像的视觉里程计;然后,基于人体掩模图像更新深度图像,滤除人体区域,进而完成基于三模图像的静态环境稠密地图构建;最后,在室内动态场景下进行实验验证,结果表明所提出算法在室内动态场景下可有效剔除动态对象的干扰特征,相对传统SLAM算法具有明显优势。  相似文献   

Mobile robotics has achieved notable progress, however, to increase the complexity of the tasks that mobile robots can perform in natural environments, we need to provide them with a greater semantic understanding of their surrounding. In particular, identifying indoor scenes, such as an Office or a Kitchen, is a highly valuable perceptual ability for an indoor mobile robot, and in this paper we propose a new technique to achieve this goal. As a distinguishing feature, we use common objects, such as Doors or furniture, as a key intermediate representation to recognize indoor scenes. We frame our method as a generative probabilistic hierarchical model, where we use object category classifiers to associate low-level visual features to objects, and contextual relations to associate objects to scenes. The inherent semantic interpretation of common objects allows us to use rich sources of online data to populate the probabilistic terms of our model. In contrast to alternative computer vision based methods, we boost performance by exploiting the embedded and dynamic nature of a mobile robot. In particular, we increase detection accuracy and efficiency by using a 3D range sensor that allows us to implement a focus of attention mechanism based on geometric and structural information. Furthermore, we use concepts from information theory to propose an adaptive scheme that limits computational load by selectively guiding the search for informative objects. The operation of this scheme is facilitated by the dynamic nature of a mobile robot that is constantly changing its field of view. We test our approach using real data captured by a mobile robot navigating in Office and home environments. Our results indicate that the proposed approach outperforms several state-of-the-art techniques for scene recognition.  相似文献   

Since indoor scenes are frequently changed in daily life, such as re‐layout of furniture, the 3D reconstructions for them should be flexible and easy to update. We present an automatic 3D scene update algorithm to indoor scenes by capturing scene variation with RGBD cameras. We assume an initial scene has been reconstructed in advance in manual or other semi‐automatic way before the change, and automatically update the reconstruction according to the newly captured RGBD images of the real scene update. It starts with an automatic segmentation process without manual interaction, which benefits from accurate labeling training from the initial 3D scene. After the segmentation, objects captured by RGBD camera are extracted to form a local updated scene. We formulate an optimization problem to compare to the initial scene to locate moved objects. The moved objects are then integrated with static objects in the initial scene to generate a new 3D scene. We demonstrate the efficiency and robustness of our approach by updating the 3D scene of several real‐world scenes.  相似文献   

目的 在高分辨率遥感图像场景识别问题中,经典的监督机器学习算法大多需要充足的标记样本训练模型,而获取遥感图像的标注费时费力。为解决遥感图像场景识别中标记样本缺乏且不同数据集无法共享标记样本问题,提出一种结合对抗学习与变分自动编码机的迁移学习网络。方法 利用变分自动编码机(variational auto-encoders,VAE)在源域数据集上进行训练,分别获得编码器和分类器网络参数,并用源域编码器网络参数初始化目标域编码器。采用对抗学习的思想,引入判别网络,交替训练并更新目标域编码器与判别网络参数,使目标域与源域编码器提取的特征尽量相似,从而实现遥感图像源域到目标域的特征迁移。结果 利用两个遥感场景识别数据集进行实验,验证特征迁移算法的有效性,同时尝试利用SUN397自然场景数据集与遥感场景间的迁移识别,采用相关性对齐以及均衡分布适应两种迁移学习方法作为对比。两组遥感场景数据集间的实验中,相比于仅利用源域样本训练的网络,经过迁移学习后的网络场景识别精度提升约10%,利用少量目标域标记样本后提升更为明显;与对照实验结果相比,利用少量目标域标记样本时提出方法的识别精度提升均在3%之上,仅利用源域标记样本时提出方法场景识别精度提升了10%~40%;利用自然场景数据集时,方法仍能在一定程度上提升场景识别精度。结论 本文提出的对抗迁移学习网络可以在目标域样本缺乏的条件下,充分利用其他数据集中的样本信息,实现不同场景图像数据集间的特征迁移及场景识别,有效提升遥感图像的场景识别精度。  相似文献   

在目标检测网络(ObjectNet)和场景识别网络相结合的方法中,由于ObjectNet提取的目标特征和场景网络提取的场景特征的维度和性质不一致,且目标特征中存在影响场景判断的冗余信息,导致场景识别的准确率低。针对这个问题,提出一种改进的结合目标检测的室内场景识别方法。首先,在ObjectNet中引入类转换矩阵(CCM),将ObjectNet输出的目标特征进行转化,使得目标特征的维度与场景特征的维度相一致,以此减少特征维度不一致带来的信息丢失;然后采用上下文门控(CG)机制对特征中的冗余信息进行抑制,从而降低不相关信息的权重,提高了目标特征在场景识别中的作用。该方法在MIT Indoor67数据集上的识别准确率达到90.28%,与维护空间布局的对象语义特征(SOSF)方法相比识别准确率提高了0.77个百分点;其在SUN397数据集上识别准确率达到81.15%,与交替专家层次结构(HoAS)方法相比识别准确率提高了1.49个百分点。实验结果表明,所提方法提高了室内场景识别的准确率。  相似文献   

A general procedure for the understanding of a class of indoor scenes is proposed. The suggested algorithm makes use of an extensive 2-D processing of the image that provides a faithful line drawing of the viewed scene. It also uses procedures adequate for the understanding of the 3-D structure and for the recognition of several items in the scene. The approach is specific for indoor scenes, such as corridors, offices, and laboratory rooms, where long straight edges are predominant and vanishing points can be detected  相似文献   

目的 当前的大型数据集,例如ImageNet,以及一些主流的网络模型,如ResNet等能直接高效地应用于正常场景的分类,但在雾天场景下则会出现较大的精度损失。雾天场景复杂多样,大量标注雾天数据成本过高,在现有条件下,高效地利用大量已有场景的标注数据和网络模型完成雾天场景下的分类识别任务至关重要。方法 本文使用了一种低成本的数据增强方法,有效减小图像在像素域上的差异。基于特征多样性和特征对抗的思想,提出多尺度特征多对抗网络,通过提取数据的多尺度特征,增强特征在特征域分布的代表性,利用对抗机制,在多个特征上减少特征域上的分布差异。通过缩小像素域和特征域分布差异,进一步减小领域偏移,提升雾天场景的分类识别精度。结果 在真实的多样性雾天场景数据上,通过消融实验,使用像素域数据增强方法后,带有标签的清晰图像数据在风格上更趋向于带雾图像,总的分类精度提升了8.2%,相比其他的数据增强方法,至少提升了6.3%,同时在特征域上使用多尺度特征多对抗网络,相比其他的网络,准确率至少提升了8.0%。结论 像素域数据增强以及多尺度特征多对抗网络结合的雾天图像识别方法,综合考虑了像素域和特征域的领域分布差异,结合了多尺度的丰富特征信息,同时使用多对抗来缩小雾天数据的领域偏移,在真实多样性雾天数据集上获得了更好的图像分类识别效果。  相似文献   

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