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论文针对工程应用,根据C-B样条和Catmull-Clark细分曲面的特点可调因子使得生成曲面形状可调和一次细分操作以后所有的网格面片都为四边域,构造合理的数据结构,采用有效的实时交互式的用户界面,开发了基于C-B样条的Catmull-Clark细分曲面的造型系统.为细分曲面的形状调整提供了简单、实时而且直观的人机交互方法.该系统能处理任意拓扑结构,能够精确地表示二次曲面,所生成的曲面光滑可调.可以以软件包或插件的形式加入到现有的CAD系统中.  相似文献   

在经典四点细分法的基础上,通过在曲线细分过程中引入三个参数,给出一种改进的细分曲线构造的算法,利用生成多项式等方法对细分法的一致收敛性、Ck连续性进行了分析。并把该方法扩展到曲面上,进而提出了曲面三参数binary细分法。在给定初始控制数据的条件下,可以通过对形状参数的适当选择来实现对细分极限曲面形状的调控。数值实验表明该算法较容易控制曲面形状,可方便地应用于工程实际,解决曲线、曲面位置调整和控制问题。  相似文献   

用C-C细分法和流形方法构造G2连续的自由型曲面   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过改进Cotrina等利用流形方法构造n边曲面片的算法,以C-C细分网格奇异点的5一环作为控制网构造出了带有均匀三次B样条边界的n边曲面片,使得该曲面片和C-C细分曲面G^2拼接.在此基础上,讨论了C-C细分曲面中n边域的构造和填充,从而为基于任意拓扑网格构造低次G^2连续曲面的问题给出了一个有效的解决方案,实现了用流形方法构造的曲面和C-C细分曲面的融合.最后,给出了几个具体算例.  相似文献   

针对任意三角网格,提出一种简单有效且局部性更好的带参数的ternary插值曲面细分法,给出并证明了细分法收敛与G1连续的充分条件.在任意给定三角控制网格的条件下,可通过对形状参数的适当选择来实现对插值细分曲面形状的调整.  相似文献   

提出了一种基于四边形网格的可调细分曲面造型方法。该方法不仅适合闭域拓扑结构,且对初始网格是开域的也能进行处理。细分算法中引入了可调参数,增加了曲面造型的灵活性。在给定初始数据的条件下,曲面造型时可以通过调节参数来控制极限曲面的形状。该方法可以生成C1连续的细分曲面。试验表明该方法生成光滑曲面是有效的。  相似文献   

Doo-Sabin细分算法在动态模式下的推广   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出一种基于均匀三角多项式B样条的动态保凸细分算法,它可以看作Doo-Sabin细分算法在动态模式下的一个推广.其细分规则基于张量积曲面细分模式的几何意义,不仅可以生成旋转曲面等特殊曲面,而且可以根据参数来控制细分曲面的形状.最后运用传统的离散傅里叶技术和特征根方法证明了该细分算法的收敛性.  相似文献   

提出用推广B 样条细分曲面来混合多张曲面的方法,既适用于一般网格曲面,又适 用于推广B 样条参数曲面混合。根据需要选择阶数和张力参数,可全局调整整张混合曲面的形状。 中心点和谷点的计算都设置了形状参数,可局部调整混合部分形状。推导出二次曲面细分初始网 格计算公式,并将3 阶推广B 样条细分曲面混合方法用于多张二次曲面混合,与已有的二次曲面 混合方法相比具有明显的优势。  相似文献   

基于C—B样条的Catmull—Clark细分曲面   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为了解决Catumull-Clark细分曲面在工程上难以推广的问题,给出了一种基于C-B样条的Catumull-Clark细分曲面的算法,C-B样条曲线是B样条曲线的拓广,但它们的形状依赖于参数α,由于新的曲面细分方法充分利用C-B样条能够精确表示圆,椭圆等规则形体的特性,因而使通过此方法生成的细分曲面,除了在奇异点处能保持二阶导数连续外,还能够像C-B样条曲线,曲面一样,精确地表示圆柱等常规曲面,统一工程曲面等的造型,同时它仍然保持细分曲面的造型特点,即能够解决NURBS曲面难以处理的任意拓扑结构的造型问题,另外,还可依赖控制参数α的调节作用来增加造型的自由度,而且当α→0时,它们就退化成Catmul-Clark细分曲面,在工程图形上的应用实例表明,这种算法简单,有效。  相似文献   

散乱数据点的细分曲面重建算法及实现   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
提出一种对海量散乱数据根据给定精度拟合出无需裁剪和拼接的、反映细节特征的、分片光滑的细分曲面算法.该算法的核心是基于细分的局部特性,通过对有特征的细分控制网格极限位置分析,按照拟合曲面与数据点的距离误差最小原则,对细分曲面控制网格循环进行调整、优化、特征识别、白适应细分等过程,使得细分曲面不断地逼近原始数据.实例表明:该算法不仅具有高效性、稳定性,同时构造出的细分曲面还较好地反映了原始数据的细节特征。  相似文献   

文章给出了基于C-B 样条的由网格数据产生三角形和四边形曲面片的方 法,C-B 样条是由基底函数{sin t, cos t, t, 1}导出的一种新型样条曲线,它可以克服现在正在 使用的B 样条和有理B 样条为了满足数据网格的拓扑结构而增加多余的控制点,求导求积 分复杂繁琐,阶数过高,从而讨论其连续拼接时增加了困难等缺点,如何将它推广成曲面就 成为一个重要问题。作者利用边-顶点方法构造插值算子,再将这些算子进行凸性组合,将 C-B 样条曲线推广成三角形曲面片和四边形曲面片,它可以用于CAD 的逆向工程中散乱数 据的曲面重构。  相似文献   

We present efficient and robust algorithms for intersecting a rational parametric freeform surface with a general swept surface. A swept surface is given as a one-parameter family of cross-sectional curves. By computing the intersection between a freeform surface and each cross-sectional curve in the family, we can solve the intersection problem. We propose two approaches, which are closely related to each other. The first approach detects certain critical points on the intersection curve, and then connects them in a correct topology. The second approach converts the intersection problem to that of finding the zero-set of polynomial equations in the parameter space. We first present these algorithms for the special case of intersecting a freeform surface with a ruled surface or a ringed surface. We then consider the intersection with a general swept surface, where each cross-sectional curve may be defined as a rational parametric curve or as an implicit algebraic curve.  相似文献   

Let KR be a computable field. We present an algorithm to decide whether a proper rational parametrization of a ruled surface, with coefficients in K(i), can be properly reparametrized over a real (i.e. embedded in R) finite field extension of K. Moreover, in the affirmative case, the algorithm provides a proper parametrization with coefficients in a real extension of K of degree at most 2.  相似文献   

可展曲面在很多的工程领域里,尤其在机械工程设计中有着重要的作用,例如飞机机翼、汽车车身、船体、鞋和服装等的设计与制造等。在空间的一平面上分别生成2条3次Bezier曲线,该平面绕一固定轴旋转不同角度,生成两个相交的平面,这2条3次Bezier曲线跟随旋转,分别位于两相交平面上,并由这两条曲线生成直纹面。根据直纹面可展的充要条件,求解出未知的设计曲线和伴随曲线的控制顶点,最终生成3次可展Bezier曲面。  相似文献   

We present a novel method for creating implicit surfaces from polygonal models. The implicit function is defined by convolving a kernel with the triangles in the polygonal model. By adopting a piecewise quartic polynomial kernel function with a finite support, we derive a convolution model that has a closed-form solution, and thus can be efficiently evaluated. The user only needs to specify an effective radius of influence to generate an implicit surface of desired closeness to the polygonal model. The resulting implicit surface is fast to evaluate, not requiring accumulating evaluation results using any hierarchical data structure, and can be efficiently ray-traced to reveal the detailed features.  相似文献   

This paper presents a unique minimum distance algorithm for machining of sculptured surfaces on computer numerical control (CNC) machines. The algorithm has been used to develop a system that graphically simulates the cutter path of the defined surfaces and generates the required CNC programs. The paper presents the experimental results of the surface roughness, tool size, and computed numerical control (NC) points for various tolerance values used on several sculptured surfaces designed by the system and actually machined on a CNC machining centre using the generated NC program from the system.  相似文献   

为了利用隐式曲面构造出光滑拼接的3维树木枝条模型,同时义能避免3维树木建模中枝条曲面的单一性,以增强树木模型局部细节的真实感描述.提出了一种基于隐式曲面的3维树木建模方法,该方法首先将基于骨架的隐式曲面与具有多项式密度分布的直线骨架卷积曲面结合起来进行3维树木建模;然后采用BlobTree结构来组合隐式曲面原型,并用优化融合来消除树木枝条的融合突起;最后用PCM等隐式曲面建模技术来模拟3维树木表面的局部细节,并采用实际树木图片中的颜色概率分布进行纹理填充.实验结果表明,该方法不仅可以重构出具有多样性的光滑3维树木枝条,并能够逼真地生成树权脊梁、树木突起等局部细节特征.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new family of 2D curves and its extension to 3D surfaces, respectively, calledrationconics andratioquadrics that have been designed as alternatives to the well-known superconics and superquadrics. This new model is intended as an improvement to the original one on three main points: first, it involves lower computation cost and provides better numerical robustness; second, it offers higher order continuities (C 1/G 2 orC 2/G 2 instead ofC 0/G 0); and third, it provides a greater variety of shapes for the resulting curves and surfaces. All these improvements are obtained by replacing the signed power function involved in the formulation of superconics and superquadrics by linear or quadratic rational polynomials.  相似文献   

Creating and Rendering Convolution Surfaces   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Implicit surfaces obtained by convolution of multi-dimensional primitives with some potential function, are a generalisation of popular implicit surface models: blobs, metaballs and soft objects. These models differ in their choice of potential function but agree upon the use of underlying modelling primitives, namely, points. In this paper a method is described for modelling and rendering implicit surfaces built upon an expanded set of skeletal primitives: points, line segments, polygons, arcs and planes. An analytical solution to the convolution is described. This solution offers a more accurate and robust representation of the resultant implicit surface than previous methods. An algorithm for ray-tracing the surfaces formed through convolution of any combination of these primitives is also outlined.  相似文献   

Smoothing of polyhedron with arbitrary topology is an important issue in CAGD and CAD/CAM, but so far it is deemed to be difficult to smooth the complex corners of a polyhedron. In this paper, the concept of distance surfaces of a surface and a solid is introduced, and the incisive properties of such surfaces are addressed which provide a theoretical foundation for modifying a general corner. The method is based on making constricted volume and the maximum distance the volume can be constricted is given too. It is shown that by the proposed method in this paper any polyhedron can be G1 smoothed with quadraic and, sometimes toroidal surfaces. The new approach is suitable for engineering design and NC machining. The associated algorithm based on the classification theorem of corners is simple, fast and robust.  相似文献   

Computing the surface of a molecule (e.g., a protein) plays an important role in the analysis of its geometric structure as needed in the study of interactions between proteins, protein folding, protein docking, and so forth. There are a number of algorithms for the computation of molecular surfaces and their triangulations, but only a few take advantage of graphics processing unit computing. This paper describes a graphics processing unit‐based marching cubes algorithm to triangulate molecular surfaces. In the end of the paper, a performance analysis of three implementations (i.e., serial CPU, CUDA, and OpenCL) of the marching cubes‐based triangulation algorithm takes place as a way to realize beforehand how molecular surfaces can be rendered in real‐time in the future. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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