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indows98增加了很多新的特性,如:安装增强特性;集成的lute厂net外壳,融合了Internet浏览器等技术,增强了网络功能,反示器设备支持与设置增强,支持执行脚本,新的系统工具用多媒体支持,可靠性与安全性憎强等。尤其是WISd0WSgs的即插即用功能给广大用户在安装和使用中带来了很多方便。然而,在实践中,尽管卜Sd0WSgs为各种插件准备了上干种驱动程序,但不是所有用户都能达到即插即用。卜sd0WSgs的即相即用是有条件的,所有即抽即用组件都必须与别插即用标准相兼容。显然,有的插件不具备即插即用功能;或与卜sd0WS论的有关驱动…  相似文献   

毫无疑问,网络已经成了很多家庭和中小企业用户日常工作和生活的一部分,人们利用网络共享文件或Internet连接,或者在家里通过网络播放数字媒体内容。尽管已经有了这么多的应用,但目前的网络配置并没有得到太多的简化。不过这种情况正在改变,一种名为通用即插即用(UniversalPlug and Play,简称UPnP)的技术让令人烦恼的网络配置任务成为了历史。正如即插即用技术(PnP)改变了人们安装PC硬件的方式一样,通用即插即用技术(UPnP)也将简化人们在网络中添加设备的过程。有了即插即用技术,用户不再需要手动为每个设备分配资源,也不用担心引起资…  相似文献   

通用即插即用在数字家庭网络中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郭冠鹏  陆鑫 《福建电脑》2008,24(5):89-90
随着智能家电的普及,越来越多的家电将入网络,构建一个好的数字家庭网络已经变的越来越重要重要。通用即插即用(UPnP)正是针对智能家电,无线设备以及各种个人电脑的普遍对等网络连接而设计的一种架构。本文介绍了通用即插即用技术的基本结构、协议栈和工作过程,并在此基础上,给出了一个使用UPnP技术开发智能家电的实例。  相似文献   

为了解决现有的单片机网络系统无法满足测控网络的多样化需求、过多地依赖于网络细节、无法动态地反应网络资源的变化等问题,文中将计算机网络技术融入到单片机技术中,结合“通用即插即用”技术特点,设计出具有“即插即用”功能的单片机网络系统。实验表明,该系统能动态地反应网络系统资源的变化,有效地解决了节点连接到网络上的系统配置问题,简化了系统安装及维护工作,提高了系统的工作效率。同时扩大了数据采集及处理的范围,提高了数据传递过程中的可靠性、灵活性和安全性。  相似文献   

介绍了4项将要用于新一代PC机的最新技术,即通用串行总线、本体信号处理、统一内存结构、真正的即插即用。并对它们的发展前景做了展望。  相似文献   

网络的可靠性是复杂网络研究的一个重要领域,能有效刻画某些复杂系统的超网络属于复杂网络的研究范畴。基于超网络的拓扑结构——超图,提出了超网络在边失效下的全终端可靠度的定义,并给出了计算可靠度的两种基本方法,即状态枚举法和因式分解法,依据因式分解法对一些具有特殊结构的超网络进行化简。作为超网络可靠性的应用,研究了连通生成子网络的数目;在与普通复杂网络的对比中可以得知,超网络的可靠性研究不能用其转换后的普通复杂网络可靠性作替代研究,该研究是对超网络可靠性研究的初步探索,有着广阔的研究空间和应用前景。  相似文献   

IEEE 1451网络智能传感器技术研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
IEEE 1451标准族的目标是定义一套通用的通信接口,使变送器同微处理器、仪器系统或网络相连接,标准不仅允许厂家生产的传感器支持多种网络,还允许用户根据实际情况选择传感器和网络(有线或无线网络),并支持"即插即用".  相似文献   

文章针对目前网络管理急需要解决的问题,即网络性能管理问题,提出了一种通用的网络性能管理的扩展架构,并介绍了这种网络性能管理扩展架构的功能,指出了该系统可以在多个采集服务器之间进行负载均衡,因此克服了由于使用SNMP协议在网络拥塞时无法保证数据传输的可靠性,从而进一步提高网络的整体性能。  相似文献   

Windows98增加了很多新的特性:安装增强特性、集成的Internet外壳,融合了Internet浏览器等技术、增强了网络功能、显示器设备支持与设置增强、支持执行脚本、新的系统工具用多媒体支持、可靠性与安全性增强等。尤其是Windows98的即插即用功能给广大用户在安装和使用中带来了很多方便。然而,在实践中,尽管Windows98为各种插件准备了上千种驱动程序,但不是所有用户都能达到即插即用。Windows98和即插即用是有条件的,所有即插即用组件都必须与即插即用标准相兼容。显然,有的插件不…  相似文献   

基于WEB网络性能管理扩展架构的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章针对目前网络管理急需要解决的问题,即网络性能管理问题,提出了一种通用的网络性能管理的扩展架构,并介绍了这种网络性能管理扩展架构的功能,指出了该系统可以在多个采集服务器之间进行负载均衡,因此克服了由于使用SNMP协议在网络拥塞时无法保证数据传输的可靠性,从而进一步提高网络的整体性能。  相似文献   

eMMC是可以自我管理的闪存(NAND flash)芯片,内部集成了控制器,实现了多芯片封装,简化了应用接口设计,节省了板级空间,在移动终端领域得到了广泛应用。然而,基于flash的存储器件在掉电时容易出现比特位损坏、元数据损坏、非串行写、甚至器件不可用等可靠性问题。针对如何提高eMMC的可靠性进行了研究,提出了一些可靠性增强措施。首先,全面梳理了eMMC规范提供的可靠性特性,包括分区管理、写保护管理、可靠写、数据标签、断电通知等。继而对现有的各种可靠性措施进行了综合分析,并提出了一些提升可靠性的措施,包括,文件系统感知的磨损均衡、根据数据属性映射到合理分区、减少写入次数降低写放大效应,面向手机应用的元数据去冗、应用差异化细粒度控制可靠性、确保一致性的前提下减少日志等。  相似文献   

The majority of high reliability organizational (HRO) research analysing the performance of the US Federal Aviation Administration's (FAA) air traffic control (ATC), nuclear power plants, and US Navy's aircraft carriers has treated these organizations as individual or separate units studied apart from the larger organizational frameworks in which they function. This research reports the evolution of the FAA's ATC reliability as a part of a larger high reliability system (HRS). A HRS construct was created as a result of a longitudinal case study spanning a period from 1905 to 2002 which analysed the development of the FAA's ATC service. The investigation focused on the emergence and institutionalization of policy‐ and agency‐level HRO attributes in conjunction with emerging industry characteristics associated with high reliability. A three‐tier model was identified that helps explain (1) how high reliability, low error operations evolved in the FAA, (2) how the HRS structure currently maintains reliability in the FAA's provision of ATC, and (3) how high reliability management is incorporated within a regulated US industry as a result of federal policy‐ and agency‐level actions. Understanding how the aviation HRS manages the exceptionally safe and highly reliable ATC structure is important because this knowledge can be applied to other complex public safety and security policy and operational areas where high reliability is crucial.  相似文献   

The Implicit Association Test (IAT) was developed in response to reports of low validity of explicit (self-report) measures of attitudes, stereotypes, and prejudices. Usually, people are unwilling to report what they think and feel about other races, groups, and nationalities. The IAT has been written about in many books, newspapers, journal articles, websites, and has been featured frequently on radio and television many times; its web site has now reached a peak of 5 million visits. However, despite this popularity its validity and particularly its reliability is under question. This article reports on the validity and reliability of the IAT. Four different experiments were conducted on 150 students at California State University, Long Beach to investigate the temporal reliability of IAT. Also students’ opinion (trust) about the validity and reliability of the test was evaluated. The results showed that while there are numerous reports of moderate validity of the test, its reliability as measured in this study, particularly for the first time users, is relatively low. Familiarity with similar tests, however, improves its reliability.  相似文献   

微处理器的应用领域越来越广泛。由于应用环境的复杂,微处理器面临的各种干扰日益严重,从而对它的可靠性要求越来越高。针对微处理器最常见的故障源--单粒子翻转效应,本文分析了常用的三模冗余(TMR)技术,并采用了一种新的冗余技术--时空三模冗余技术(ST-TMR)对8051微处理器中的系统管理单元进行加固。最后,对其可靠性进行了测试与分析。  相似文献   

An evaluation method which allows existing reliability growth models to provide better predictions of software behavior is presented. The method is primarily based on the analysis of the trend exhibited by the data collected on the program (which is determined by reliability growth tests). Reliability data are then partitioned according to the trend, and two types of reliability growth models can be applied: when the data exhibit reliability decrease followed by reliability growth, an S-shaped model can be applied, and in case of reliability growth, most of the other existing reliability growth models can be applied. The hyperexponential model is shown to allow prediction of the software residual failure rate in operation, and this failure rate is used as a qualification index for the software product. The method is illustrated through its application to the Brazilian electronic switching system TROPICO-R  相似文献   

软件易测性和软件可靠性关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从测试有效性的角度对易测性进行了定义,给出了软件易测性的量化表示模型;建立了易测性和可靠性之间的形式化关系;通过实验验证了易测性对实现可靠性目标所需的测试数量的影响.文中结论认为传统的基于黑盒测试得到的可靠性估计结果是盲目的,而基于易测性的可靠性模型可以提供更准确和更具针对性的估计结果.  相似文献   

航天载荷应用软件可靠性研究是开展航天载荷系统可靠性工程的重要组成部分.而软件可靠性参数的分析与确立是进行软件可靠性研究的前提.首先定义并解释了航天载荷应用软件可靠性,其次对航天载荷系统中常用的软件可靠性参数进行了计算与分析,最后依据软件可靠性参数选取的原则提出了一个航天载荷应用软件可靠性参数集.该参数集在开展航天载荷软件可靠性工程中具有一定的参考价值,也是进行航天载荷软件可靠性设计与分析的前提.  相似文献   

Failure of a safety critical system can lead to big losses.Very high software reliability is required for automating the working of systems such as aircraft controller and nuclear reactor controller software systems.Fault-tolerant softwares are used to increase the overall reliability of software systems.Fault tolerance is achieved using the fault-tolerant schemes such as fault recovery (recovery block scheme),fault masking (N-version programming (NVP)) or a combination of both (Hybrid scheme).These softwares incorporate the ability of system survival even on a failure.Many researchers in the field of software engineering have done excellent work to study the reliability of fault-tolerant systems.Most of them consider the stable system reliability.Few attempts have been made in reliability modeling to study the reliability growth for an NVP system.Recently,a model was proposed to analyze the reliability growth of an NVP system incorporating the effect of fault removal efficiency.In this model,a proportion of the number of failures is assumed to be a measure of fault generation while an appropriate measure of fault generation should be the proportion of faults removed.In this paper,we first propose a testing efficiency model incorporating the effect of imperfect fault debugging and error generation.Using this model,a software reliability growth model (SRGM) is developed to model the reliability growth of an NVP system.The proposed model is useful for practical applications and can provide the measures of debugging effectiveness and additional workload or skilled professional required.It is very important for a developer to determine the optimal release time of the software to improve its performance in terms of competition and cost.In this paper,we also formulate the optimal software release time problem for a 3VP system under fuzzy environment and discuss a the fuzzy optimization technique for solving the problem with a numerical illustration.  相似文献   

The reliability of a distributed system depends on the reliabilities of its communication links and computing elements, as well as on the distribution of its resources, such as programs and data files. A useful measure of reliability in distributed systems is the terminal reliability between a pair of nodes which is the probability that at least one communication path exists between these nodes. An interesting optimization problem is that of maximizing the terminal reliability between a pair of computing elements under a given budget constraint. Analytical techniques to solve this problem are applicable only to special forms of reliability expressions. In this paper, three iterative algorithms for terminal reliability maximization are presented. The first two algorithms require the computation of terminal reliability expressions, and are therefore efficient for only small networks. The third algorithm, which is developed for large distributed systems, does not require the computation of terminal reliability expressions; this algorithm maximizes approximate objective functions and gives accurate results. Several examples are presented to illustrate the approximate optimization algorithm and an estimation of the error involved is also given.  相似文献   

An approach for the modeling and evaluation of reliability and availability of systems using the knowledge of the reliability growth of their components is presented. Detailed models of reliability and availability for single-component systems are derived under much weaker assumption than usually considered. These models, termed knowledge models, enable phenomena to be precisely characterized, and a number of properties to be deduced. Since the knowledge models are too complex to be applied in real life for performing predictions, simplified models for practical purposes (action models) are discussed. The hyperexponential model is presented and applied to field data of software and hardware failures. This model is shown to be comparable to other models as far as reliability of single-component systems is concerned: in addition, it enables estimating and predicting the reliability of multicomponent systems, as well as their availability. The transformation approach enables classical Markov models to be transformed into other Markov models which account for reliability growth. The application of the transformation to multicomponent systems is described  相似文献   

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