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针对现有基于差值直方图方法利用原始图像结构关系上的不足,提出了一种基于层次结构和差值直方图平移的无损数据隐藏方法RDH-HSDHS。RDH-HSDHS利用原始图像数据块中像素的差值形成直方图,充分利用图像中相邻像素间的相关性嵌入数据,为了进一步利用数据块中的参考像素进行数据嵌入,将参考像素组成新的图像进行下一层水印嵌入,直到当前层的嵌入容量小于解码所需的附加信息的长度或隐秘图像质量小于给定阈值。实验仿真结果表明,RDH-HSDHS能较好利用原始图像的全局和局部特性,在嵌入容量和隐秘图像质量之间达到较好的折中,在隐秘图像质量超过30 dB的同时,嵌入容量大于0.75 bit/pixel。另外,与相似方法的性能比较证明了提出方法的优势。该方法能有效应用于高质量需求的图像载体中进行信息隐藏。  相似文献   

基于像素点预测的可逆信息隐藏(Reversible Data Hiding,RDH)是当今一种低失真、高容量的信息隐藏策略,特别是对于差值扩展和直方图平移算法而言,准确预测可以同时提高数据容量和减小图像失真。文中提出了一种基于像素预测差的直方图平移方案。首先,采用Warped Distance算法来对像素值进行预测,并在此基础上利用图像的局部梯度来实现对像素值的更精确预测。综合上述两种策略,改进了现有的直方图平移算法,同时也给出了防止像素值在平移后溢出的建议。实验结果表明,相对于近年来的其他方案,该方案能够在保证图像质量的情况下有效提升数据嵌入量,并且通过调整数据嵌入层级,可以在具体使用该算法时针对图像质量和数据嵌入量进行权衡。这也进一步说明了利用图像的局部特性,特别是梯度与图像局部几何相似性,可以有效提升像素预测的精度,从而改善可逆信息隐藏的容量-失真性能。  相似文献   

传统基于预测误差直方图平移的可逆信息隐藏算法大多通过固定顺序来扫描原始图像,从而进行数据嵌入,这种方式没有考虑图像本身的纹理信息,导致无效移位像素点较多,伪装图像视觉质量较差。为解决该问题,提出一种基于中值预测的四轮嵌入可逆信息隐藏算法,以在提高嵌入容量的同时降低伪装图像的失真率。利用相邻像素之间具有较强相关性的特点,在较小的误差值处聚集大量像素点,以得到更陡峭的预测误差直方图并提高嵌入容量。对每个像素点定义复杂度,根据复杂度的高低对预测误差进行排序,优先在图像平滑区域嵌入数据,从而有效减少无效移位像素点个数,降低伪装图像的失真率。实验结果表明,该算法的最大嵌入率可以达到0.3 bpp,在0.1 bpp的嵌入率下峰值信噪比高达55.15 dB,与非对称直方图算法、误差直方图移位算法等相比,其具有较高的嵌入容量和较小的视觉失真率。  相似文献   

基于直方图修改的图像可逆信息隐藏算法   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
提出了一种基于直方图修改的可逆信息隐藏算法,并给出了算法的详细实现方案.该算法利用了图像直方图中的一组零点(或者是最小点)和最大值点,通过修改图像像素的灰度值来隐藏信息,利用直方图隐藏信息的一般算法是利用每一个最大点隐藏一位信息,而提出的算法是利用每一个最大点进行多位信息隐藏,其位数可以根据原图像和隐藏信息后的峰值信噪比进行自适应确定,实验结果表明,该方法不仅可以进行较大容量的信息隐藏,而且相对原始图像能够达到满意的峰值信噪比,具有良好的性能.  相似文献   

利用两个非对称直方图分别向相反方向平移嵌入信息,会产生像素值的补偿还原效应,提出了一种更好的像素值预测方法,生成两个更偏向0值右侧和左侧的非对称预测误差直方图,这样的两个直方图在进行第二层信息嵌入时,会出现更多的像素点恢复到原始图像像素值,减少图像扭曲失真,提高载密图像质量。与传统算法相比,减少了参与直方图修改的像素量,进一步保护了载密图像质量。  相似文献   

现有基于直方图平移的可逆数据隐藏算法都致力于提高嵌入率,而忽略了算法所产生边界图的大小;数量较大的边界图将不能够有效存储进而影响算法的实施。本文对现有典型算法存在的这一问题进行分析,并给出了解决方法。最后本文提出了基于高7位平面嵌入的灰度图像可逆数据隐藏算法,与传统可逆数据隐藏算法使用全部位平面进行数据嵌入不同,本文所提出的算法使用高7位平面当做数据载体。由高7位平面构成的载体图像具有像素值分布更加集中的特点,因而使用该载体图像进行可逆数据嵌入能够有效的控制边界图大小并且明显的提高嵌入率。实验结果表明,本文所提出的算法在提高嵌入率的同时,还能使嵌入附加数据的图像具有高的峰值信噪比值。  相似文献   

针对已有算法嵌入率低、算法过程复杂等问题,提出一种新的可逆数据隐藏算法。算法为了提高信息隐藏率,首先选取直方图中值点两侧的峰值进行数据嵌入。在多次嵌入之后,算法选择中值点位置嵌入所有峰值信息,由于中值点在嵌入后可以直接定位,因此可以实现可逆嵌入与恢复,从而不需要已有算法最低有效位的替换过程,减少了算法过程的复杂性。算法在两个图像集上进行性能测试,先与已有算法进行数据嵌入量比较,接着与MATLAB中3个对比度增强函数进行比较,用于评估算法的嵌入容量以及对比度增强后的图像质量。实验结果表明,所提算法在实现可逆数据隐藏和对比度增强的同时,嵌入容量有较大的提高。  相似文献   

In this paper, a reversible data hiding scheme based on modification of prediction errors (MPE) is proposed. For the existing histogram-shifting based reversible data hiding techniques, though the distortion caused by embedding is low, the embedding capacity is limited by the frequency of the most frequent pixel. To remedy this problem, the proposed method modifies the histogram of prediction errors to prepare vacant positions for data embedding. The PSNR of the stego image produced by MPE is guaranteed to be above 48 dB, while the embedding capacity is, on average, almost five times higher than that of the well-known Ni et al. techniques with the same PSNR. Besides, MPE not only has the capability to control the capacity-PSNR, where fewer data bits need less error modification, but also can be applied to images with flat histogram. Experimental results indicate that MPE, which innovatively exploits the modification of prediction errors, outperforms the prior works not only in terms of larger payload, but also in terms of stego image quality.  相似文献   

Reversible data hiding can restore the original image from the stego image without any distortion after the embedded secret message is exactly extracted. In this paper, a novel, reversible, data hiding scheme for high quality images is proposed in spatial domain. To increase embedding capacity and enhance image quality, the proposed scheme classifies all pixels as wall pixels and non-wall pixels. For wall pixel, the interpolation error is used to embed secret data over the interpolation prediction method. In contrast, the difference value between the non-wall pixel and its parent pixel, which is defined by the direction order, is computed to hide secret data based on the histogram shifting. The experimental results demonstrate that our scheme provides a larger payload and a better image quality than some existing schemes. Moreover, the performance of the proposed scheme is more stable for different images.  相似文献   

目的 像素置换作为一种可逆信息隐藏方式具有良好的抗灰度直方图隐写分析能力,但嵌入容量偏小一直是其缺陷。针对这一问题,提出了一种基于像素置换的自适应可逆信息隐藏算法。方法 首先,与传统2×2像素块结构相比构造了尺寸更小的像素对结构,使得载体图像可以被更稠密地分割,为嵌入容量的提升提供了基数条件。其次,提出适用于该新像素结构的可嵌像素对(EPP)筛选条件,避免嵌入过程引起图像质量大幅下降。之后,根据EPP的灰度趋势差异对其进行自适应预编码,提高Huffman编码压缩比,进一步提升算法嵌入容量。最终,通过像素置换嵌入信息。结果 与2×2像素块结构的非自适应图像隐写算法相比,在同样保证灰度直方图稳定性的情况下该算法的PSNR提高了32%左右,嵌入容量提高了95%以上。其中自适应性对嵌入容量提升的贡献极大。结论 本文算法同时具有抗灰度直方图隐写分析能力与高嵌入容量性的可逆信息隐藏。算法构造了更高效的可嵌单位,并且针对不同载体图像的特点对其可嵌区域进行差异化编码。实验结果表明,本文算法在具有更好的不可见性的同时,嵌入容量得到大幅提升。  相似文献   

Reversible data hiding enables host media to be restored from marked media without any loss of host information. Since this reversibility helps to make right decision during image analysis, it is highly desired in quality-sensitive imagery where even the minimal distortion introduced by embedding data is unacceptable. In this paper, we propose a reversible data hiding method that modifies the difference histogram between sub-sampled images. It exploits the high spatial correlation inherent in neighboring pixels to achieve high capacity and imperceptible embedding. On various test images including 16-bit images, we demonstrate the validity of our proposed method by comparing to other existing reversible data hiding algorithms. Experimental results support that our method provides high embedding capacity while keeping the distortions at a low level.  相似文献   

目的 基于像素值排序(PVO)的数据隐藏算法因其高保真的优越性受到广泛重视,并不断得到改进。本文提出一种图像分区选择思想,以进一步充分利用图像的嵌入空间,改善PVO算法的嵌入性能,提高载秘图像的信噪比。方法 原始PVO算法通常采用预测差值“1”进行数据隐藏,对平滑像素组有较好的利用率和隐蔽性,而对毛躁像素组隐秘性能明显下降,算法性能与图像像素分布情况密切相关。本文在PVO算法基础上提出图像分区选择的思想,首先,将原始图像分为若干区域,然后按移位率从小到大的顺序依次选择图像区域;其次,在每个区域中选择合适的嵌入预测误差;最后,按顺序在被选区域利用该区域的最优嵌入差值完成信息嵌入。结果 假设将图像划分为8×8个区域,对本文算法与原始PVO算法进行比较,当嵌入量为1×104 bit时,Elaine图像的移位率由81.59%降为74.40%,载秘图像的峰值信噪比(PSNR)值由55.388 2提高为56.996 9,提高了1.608 7,采用其他图像并就不同嵌入量进行实验,各图像PSNR值均表现出不同程度的提高。其次,将图像分别划分为2×2、4×4、8×8、16×16个分区,当嵌入量为1×104 bit时,Lena图像PSNR由原始PVO的59.204 6逐渐增加至60.846 9,其他图像在不同嵌入量时PSNR均随着分区数的增加而有不同程度的提高。结论 本文提出的基于图像分区选择的改进PVO算法,可根据像素分布情况增加对嵌入空间的利用,在相同嵌入量情况下,改进后的算法能够获得更高的PSNR值;在一定分区数量条件范围内,分区数量与图像PSNR值表现出正相关性,随着分区数量的增加,图像PSNR值随之增加;本文方法在一定程度上改善了嵌入容量,弥补了因分区数量增加带来的辅助信息增加的问题。  相似文献   

针对目前存在的大部分图像数据隐藏方法的嵌入量不大和视觉效果一般的问题,提出一种基于预测误差和直方图对的无损数据隐藏方法。在多灰度图像中,用某一像素点周围的八个像素点来预测中心像素点的灰度值,同时得到预测误差。再利用直方图对的方法,把数据嵌入到预测误差中。在嵌入过程中,以嵌入阈值和起伏阈值作为指导进行嵌入,通过调整这两个阈值,得到最佳的嵌入效果。实验表明,该方法在视觉效果和嵌入容量方面都取得很好的效果。  相似文献   

基于可逆数据隐藏技术具有可以准确地提取嵌入的秘密消息并无损还原原始载体的特点,可逆数据隐藏技术被广泛使用在医学和军事等领域。提出一种新的基于直方图平移的可逆数据隐藏算法,针对医学图像的像素分布特点,利用最大类间方差法分离背景和前景区域,确定边缘像素。对已有算法的预处理过程进行改进,使其能够自适应地选择最优预处理区间,降低视觉失真,并在信息嵌入的同时使医学图像感兴趣区域的对比度增强效果得到逐步改善,最终原始医学图像可以无失真地恢复。与现在已知的方法相比,新算法可以使医学图像ROI的对比度增强效果得到更明显的改善,大幅度提高了图像的视觉质量。  相似文献   

任方  杨益萍  薛斐元 《计算机工程》2022,48(10):130-137
基于像素值排序的可逆数据隐藏算法通过修改图像块中的最大像素和最小像素嵌入数据,但并未充分利用图像块内的每一个像素,从而影响嵌入性能。结合块再分原理,提出基于像素值排序的可逆数据隐藏算法。将原始图像划分为3×3的图像块,计算每一个图像块的局部复杂度。设计12种分块模式将局部复杂度小于阈值的图像块细分为子块A和B。根据子块A和B的不同局部特征分别采用2种不同的扫描顺序读取像素。子块A的像素序列使用次小值预测最小值和次大值预测最大值的方法,获得2个预测误差值,子块B的像素序列利用中值像素连续预测其余4个像素的方法,得到4个预测误差值。在此基础上,利用图像块中预测误差值为0和1的像素嵌入隐藏数据。实验结果表明,该算法在一个图像块中最高可嵌入6 bit的数据,在较低计算复杂度的情况下能够有效提高像素的嵌入性能。  相似文献   

针对数据隐藏算法在携带信息时容易被检测工具SPAM侦测出来这一现象, 将随机嵌入和直方图修正技术应用到数据隐藏中, 提出一种随机嵌入抗SPAM检测的可逆数据隐藏算法。该方法通过对采样子图与参照子图间的差值直方图进行平移空位来嵌入信息。在信息嵌入过程中, 用随机函数产生的伪随机序列来标志待隐藏信息的位置, 使嵌入的信息分布更不规律, 从而更好地逃脱检测工具SPAM的侦测。实验结果表明, 相比Kim算法, 该算法抗SPAM检测的安全性更好, 更适合进行信息传递。  相似文献   

Histogram shifting is an important method of reversible data hiding. However, every pixel, difference, or prediction-error is respectively changed to hide a data bit in the traditional histogram shifting, which constrains the capacity-distortion embedding performance. An efficient three-dimensional histogram shifting is proposed for reversible data hiding in this paper. Take H.264 videos as covers to show this method. In a 4 × 4 quantized discrete cosine transform luminance block, which is not inferred by others, three alternating current coefficients are selected randomly as an embeddable group. According to the different values of the selected coefficient groups, they could be divided into different sets. Data could be hidden according to these sets. In the traditional histogram shifting, only one information bit could be hidden with at most one modification of one coefficient, whereas two data bits could be hidden at the same cost by using the proposed scheme. The superiority of the presented technique is verified through experiments.  相似文献   

Information hiding is an important method to achieve multi-media security. Recently, many researchers have paid attention to the reversible data hiding scheme, which can completely recover original multi-media files after the embedded data are extracted. In this paper, a side-match approach is proposed to achieve more capacity in histogram-based reversible data hiding for grayscale images. The histogram is created by exploiting the difference in all the values between pixels and their predictedive values. Experimental results show that our method is capable of providing a great embedding capacity without causing noticeable distortion. In one-level hiding, where it has the best capacity, our method conserves image qualities larger than 48 dB. Furthermore, in multilevel hiding, a rotation strategy is proposed to further improve image qualities. Experimental results show that our method performs better than other existing methods in multilevel hiding cases.  相似文献   

The popularity of peer-to-peer (P2P) multimedia file sharing applications such as voice, files, images, video, texts have created a flurry of recent research activity into P2P architectures. Reversible data hiding has drawn considerable attention in recent years. Being reversible, the decoder can extract the hidden data and recover the cover image completely. In this paper we used the block prediction to achieve histogram-based reversible data hiding. The histogram is created by exploiting all difference values between pixels and their predictive values. Experimental results show that our scheme is capable of providing great embedding capacity without making noticeable distortion. In the one-level data hiding, our scheme preserves image quality larger than 48 dB and has the best capacity. Moreover, in the multilevel cases, our scheme performs better than other existing schemes. Our scheme can successfully increase the embedding capacity from histogram-based data hiding and preserve image quality well.  相似文献   

The stego image quality produced by the histogram-shifting based reversible data hiding technique is high; however, it often suffers from lower embedding capacity compared to other types of reversible data hiding techniques. In 2009, Tsai et al. solved this problem by exploiting the similarity of neighboring pixels to construct a histogram of prediction errors; data embedding is done by shifting the error histogram. However, Tsai et al.’s method does not fully exploit the correlation of the neighboring pixels. In this paper, a set of basic pixels is employed to improve the prediction accuracy, thereby increasing the payload. To further improve the image quality, a threshold is used to select only low-variance blocks to join the embedding process. According to the experimental results, the proposed method provides a better or comparable stego image quality than Tsai et al.’s method and other existing reversible data hiding methods under the same payload.  相似文献   

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