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在大规模云存储系统中,由于磁盘或网络故障造成的存储节点失效事件频发,系统需要数据冗余技术以保证数据的可靠性和可用性。纠删码,相对于副本方式而言,能大大提高存储空间的利用率,但纠删码在冗余数据修复方面的代价较副本方式高很多。目前针对纠删码的冗余数据修复研究大都无差别对待每个存储节点,然而实际分布式存储系统中,节点通常存在带宽资源、计算资源、存储容量资源等方面的差异性,这些资源的异构性对冗余数据修复性能影响很大。本文指出影响修复性能的关键因素,选取带宽开销、磁盘访问开销、修复时间、参与修复的节点数量和修复代价作为修复性能的评价标准;分析了现有研究方法如何降低这五种开销,重点讨论了这些方法的优缺点;阐述当前异构分布式存储系统中纠删码修复技术的研究现状;最后指出纠删码数据修复技术中尚未解决的一些难题和未来纠删码修复技术可能的发展方向。  相似文献   

张航  刘善政  唐聃  蔡红亮 《计算机应用》2020,40(10):2942-2950
纠删码技术是分布式存储系统中典型的数据容错方法,与多副本技术相比,能够以较低的存储开销提供较高的数据可靠性;然而,纠删码修复成本过高的特点限制了其应用。针对现有纠删码修复成本高、编码复杂和灵活性差的问题,提出一种编码简单的低修复成本的纠删码——旋转分组修复码(RGRC)。RGRC首先将多个条带组合成条带集,然后利用条带之间的关联关系对条带集内的数据块进行分层旋转编码,以此得到相应的冗余块。RGRC大幅度地减少了单节点修复过程中所需要读取和传输的数据量,从而能节省大量的网络带宽资源。同时RGRC在解决单节点修复成本高的问题时,依然保留着较高的容错能力,且为满足分布式存储系统的不同需求,可以灵活地权衡系统的存储开销和修复成本。在分布式存储系统中进行的对比实验分析结果展示,与其他常用的RS(Reed-Solomon)码、LRC(Locally Repairable Codes)、basic-Pyramid、DLRC(Dynamic Local Reconstruction Codes)、pLRC(proactive Locally Repairable Codes)、GRC(Group Repairable Codes)、UFP-LRC(Unequal Failure Protection based Local Reconstruction Codes)相比,RGRC只需要增加少量的存储开销,就能降低单节点修复14%~61%的修复成本,同时减少14%~58%的修复时间。  相似文献   

张航  刘善政  唐聃  蔡红亮 《计算机应用》2005,40(10):2942-2950
纠删码技术是分布式存储系统中典型的数据容错方法,与多副本技术相比,能够以较低的存储开销提供较高的数据可靠性;然而,纠删码修复成本过高的特点限制了其应用。针对现有纠删码修复成本高、编码复杂和灵活性差的问题,提出一种编码简单的低修复成本的纠删码——旋转分组修复码(RGRC)。RGRC首先将多个条带组合成条带集,然后利用条带之间的关联关系对条带集内的数据块进行分层旋转编码,以此得到相应的冗余块。RGRC大幅度地减少了单节点修复过程中所需要读取和传输的数据量,从而能节省大量的网络带宽资源。同时RGRC在解决单节点修复成本高的问题时,依然保留着较高的容错能力,且为满足分布式存储系统的不同需求,可以灵活地权衡系统的存储开销和修复成本。在分布式存储系统中进行的对比实验分析结果展示,与其他常用的RS(Reed-Solomon)码、LRC(Locally Repairable Codes)、basic-Pyramid、DLRC(Dynamic Local Reconstruction Codes)、pLRC(proactive Locally Repairable Codes)、GRC(Group Repairable Codes)、UFP-LRC(Unequal Failure Protection based Local Reconstruction Codes)相比,RGRC只需要增加少量的存储开销,就能降低单节点修复14%~61%的修复成本,同时减少14%~58%的修复时间。  相似文献   

针对现有纠删码修复方法开销大、效率低的问题,提出一种低成本多点失效修复方法。通过基于网路距离的节点选择算法增加节点之间的可用带宽,采用多线程以及流水线的数据传输方法提高多节点失效修复效率,同时使用基于中心节点的多点修复方法降低多节点失效修复开销。实验结果表明,与基于星型结构的串行修复策略、基于树型结构的串行修复策略和最小存储再生码相比,该方法多点修复效率较高,平均修复时间分别减少了25%,16%和20%。  相似文献   

简单再生码将可容多错的RS纠删码与简单的异或运算相结合,在达到容忍任意n-k个节点故障可靠性的基础上,可以实现对单个失效节点的高效快速修复。对简单再生码的失效节点修复过程进行改进,提出一种新的基于简单再生码的分段编码方案,将f个具有相同下标的编码块分成两段,将每段中的编码块进行异或操作,生成一个新的校验块。对该方案的存储开销、磁盘读取的开销以及修复带宽开销进行性能分析和仿真实验,结果表明提出的基于简单再生码的分段编码方案在增加少量存储开销的同时,其修复带宽和磁盘读取的开销性能有了很大程度的优化,进一步验证了改进方案的正确性和有效性。  相似文献   

纠删码作为分布式系统中重要的数据容错技术,在失效数据的修复领域有着广泛应用。但现有的纠删码算法大多针对单节点修复,修复成本较高,且未考虑新生节点间的信息传递,给多失效节点的修复带来不便。基于此,提出一种基于纠删码的多节点失效修复算法,该算法在新生节点中利用节点选择策略选取中心节点为根节点,并依据链路带宽分别与供应节点和剩余新生节点构建最大修复树,从而降低数据修复时长。实验结果表明,与现有的BHS和SSR串行修复等方法相比,该算法能有效提高多失效节点的修复效率,验证了算法的有效性。  相似文献   

分布式存储系统常常使用纠删码冗余技术提高数据的安全性和可靠性,从而使系统具有自修复失效数据的能力,但传统纠删码在修复失效节点时需要传输的数据量较大。再生码是纠删码的一种改进形式,它的主要特点是无需下载整个数据文件就能恢复单个节点数据,从而有效减少了数据修复时的网络带宽。相关文献证明数据修复时存在最小存储再生点(MSR),由此提出最小冗余存储再生码MSRRC。本研究主要采用数据矩阵和修复矩阵实现MSRRC再生码,通过实例详细给出再生码的实现过程,并理论证明其正确性,最后仿真实验验证了MSRRC的有效性。  相似文献   

孙黎  苏宇  张弛  张涛 《计算机工程》2019,45(11):74-80
HRC码是一种具有存储效率高、计算复杂度低等优点的纠删码,但其存在编解码计算开销大、实现较为复杂等不足。通过对HRC码的译码算法进行优化,提出一种新型的纠删码HRCSD。采用内外层分层结构,内部的冗余由HRC码的编码结构组成,外层采用偏移复制策略,将原始信息进行旋转存储,能够实现并行读写。实验结果表明,与三副本技术和S~2-RAID纠删码相比,HRCSD纠删码具有容错性能高、修复开销低等优势,可满足大规模分布式存储系统的容错需求。  相似文献   

云文件系统凭借高性能、高扩展、高可用、易管理等特点,成为云存储和大数据的基础和核心。云文件系统一般采用完全副本技术来提升容错能力,提高数据资源的使用效率和系统性能。但完全副本的存储开销随着副本数目的增加呈线性增长,存储副本时造成额外的写带宽和数据管理开销。纠删码在没有增加过量的存储空间的基础上,通过合理的冗余编码来保证数据的高可靠性和可用性。研究了纠删码技术在云文件系统中的应用,从纠删码类型、编码对象、编码时机、数据更改、数据访问方式和数据访问性能等六个方面,对云文件系统中纠删码的设计进行了探究,以增强云文件系统的存储模型。在此基础上,设计并实现了纠删码原型系统,并通过实验证明了纠删码能有效地保障云文件系统的数据可用性,并且节省存储空间。  相似文献   

研究了从数据密集大部分拜占庭容错分布式存储协议使用复制技术,但是当存储的数据块很大时,复制技术要求大量的存储空间并占用网络带宽,效率低下。采用纠删码技术则将数据块编码为长度相同的分片,然后把各个分片分别存储在对应的存储节点上,这样可以节省存储空间和网络带宽。拜占庭容错纠删码分布式存储需要额外的开销、附加的服务器甚至要版本化存储,才能保证数据的一致性。通过对通常的情况进行优化,采用新颖的机制并引入同态指纹检验码,使得需要最少的服务器、最小的额外计算量和最小的通信回合数目,达到了低开销,并且可以保证时间戳不跳跃。  相似文献   

局部修复码(Locally Repairable Codes, LRCs)作为纠删码的一种,被广泛应用于分布式存储系统中。针对目前局部修复码在满足最小距离最优界时码率不高且局部性的参数限制大的问题,本文提出一种基于方形网络的最优局部修复码构造方法,利用方形网络构造局部修复码的校验矩阵,从校验矩阵入手构造局部修复码,达到了最优码率界,但是其局部性不高。进一步将方形网络水平方向和垂直方向上的关联矩阵进行扩展,所构造的局部修复码在局部性上的性能有所提升。和现有局部修复码进行对比分析,构造的局部修复码不仅满足最小距离最优界,同时达到了局部修复码的码率最优界,可适用于任意局部性的情况,对二元最优局部修复码的构造具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

High performance computing can be well supported by the Grid or cloud computing systems. However, these systems have to overcome the failure risks, where data is stored in the “unreliable” storage nodes that can leave the system at any moment and the nodes’ network bandwidth is limited. In this case, the basic way to assure data reliability is to add redundancy using either replication or erasure codes. As compared to replication, erasure codes are more space efficient. Erasure codes break data into blocks, encode these blocks and distribute them into different storage nodes. When storage nodes permanently or temporarily abandon the system, new redundant blocks must be created to guarantee the data reliability, which is referred to as repair. Later when the churn nodes rejoin the system, the blocks stored in these nodes can reintegrate the data group to enhance the data reliability. For “classical” erasure codes, generating a new block requires to transmit a number of k blocks over the network, which brings lots of repair traffic, high computation complexity and high failure probability for the repair process. Then a near-optimal erasure code named Hierarchical Codes, has been proposed that can significantly reduce the repair traffic by reducing the number of nodes participating in the repair process, which is referred to as the repair degree d. To overcome the complexity of reintegration and provide an adaptive reliability for Hierarchical Codes, we refine two concepts called location and relocation, and then propose an integrated maintenance scheme for the repair process. Our experiments show that Hierarchical Code is the most robust redundancy scheme for the repair process as compared to other famous coding schemes.  相似文献   

云数据存储的快速发展对数据的可用性提出了较高要求.目前,主要采用纠删码计算数据编码块进行分布式冗余数据存储来保证数据的可用性.虽然这种数据编码技术保证了存储数据的安全性并减少了额外的存储空间,但在损坏数据恢复时会产生较大的计算和通信开销.提出一种基于多级网络编码的多副本生成和损坏数据恢复算法.算法基于多级网络编码对纠删码的编码矩阵进行改进形成多级编码矩阵,利用其级联性生成多级编码(hierarchical coding,HC码)来构成多副本数据,使得各副本之间存在编码关系.在损坏数据恢复时,利用数据所有者提供的数据编码信息和云存储中保存的数据块直接计算进行恢复,从而避免从云存储中远程下载数据.理论分析和实验表明,所提算法在相同的存储空间下显著减少了损坏数据恢复时的通信开销并提高了数据的可用性.  相似文献   

Redundancy is the basic technique to provide reliability in storage systems consisting of multiple components. A redundancy scheme defines how the redundant data are produced and maintained. The simplest redundancy scheme is replication, which however suffers from storage inefficiency. Another approach is erasure coding, which provides the same level of reliability as replication using a significantly smaller amount of storage. When redundant data are lost, they need to be replaced. While replacing replicated data consists in a simple copy, it becomes a complex operation with erasure codes: new data are produced performing a coding over some other available data. The amount of data to be read and coded is d times larger than the amount of data produced, where d, called repair degree, is larger than 1 and depends on the structure of the code. This implies that coding has a larger computational and I/O cost, which, for distributed storage systems, translates into increased network traffic. Participants of Peer-to-Peer systems often have ample storage and CPU power, but their network bandwidth may be limited. For these reasons existing coding techniques are not suitable for P2P storage. This work explores the design space between replication and the existing erasure codes. We propose and evaluate a new class of erasure codes, called Hierarchical Codes, which allows to reduce the network traffic due to maintenance without losing the benefits given by traditional erasure codes.  相似文献   

Zhang  Xingjun  Cai  Yi  Liu  Yunfei  Xu  Zhiwei  Dong  Xiaoshe 《The Journal of supercomputing》2020,76(7):4946-4975

To ensure data availability and save storage space, storage systems usually save data across multiple storage nodes (or servers) using erasure codes. Storage systems need to reconstruct the complete data to respond to reading requests in the case of the loss of some data blocks when node failure occurs. However, a degraded read in erasure code-based storage systems does not fully utilize node resources and ignores the node’s topology. In this paper, we propose a real-time performance evaluation model for storage nodes to evaluate the performance of each node combining a metrics choice and an analytic hierarchy process. We also design a cost evaluation method to calculate the transmission cost by considering the node’s topology. By combining the node evaluation method and a distance calculation, we propose an adaptive degraded read optimization strategy, NADE. We further implement the node selection method NADE in Ceph. The evaluation results show the efficiency of the proposed method.


郭亮 《计算机仿真》2020,37(4):142-146
在存储数据的纠删码容错中,针对传统存储数据纠删码容错方法容错速度较低的问题,提出一种基于数据挖掘的存储数据纠删码容错方法。采用数据挖掘方法对存储数据纠删码进行重构,计算存储数据纠删码的丢失片段;利用CHR算法对存储数据纠删码进行异构修复,通过建立存储数据纠删码容错模型实现存储数据的纠删码容错。为了验证存储数据纠删码容错方法的有效性,将存储数据纠删码容错方法与传统存储数据纠删码容错方法进行对比,实验结果得出:上述方法与基于流水线的存储数据纠删码容错方法、基于RapidRaid码的存储数据纠删码容错方法、基于非规则LDPC码的存储数据纠删码容错方法的容错速度分别为:286Mbps/s、262Mbps/s、243Mbps/s、232Mbps/s,比较可知,所提方法的容错速度最快,证明了上述方法的优越性。  相似文献   

Repairs of multiple failures in distributed storage systems have posed the challenges for erasure coding: how to minimize the repair time with the least extra repair network traffic cost. However, existing repair schemes designed for single failure suffer from the high network traffic cost due to the serial repairs for multiple failures. Repair schemes designed for multiple failures suffer from long repair time due to the centralized repair structure. In this paper, we propose a decentralized adaptive repair scheme, called DARS, to minimize the repair time with the least extra network traffic cost. Specially, we propose a three‐layer repair model to support the repairs for both the single and multiple failures. For low repair time, a bandwidth‐aware node selection technique is proposed to guide the selection of nodes, and a line‐structured data transmission technique is proposed to organize the data transmission between the providers and the newcomer. For the least extra network traffic cost, a core‐based data distribution technique is proposed to organize the data transmission between the coordinator and other newcomers, and an intersection provider adjustment technique is proposed to adaptively adjust the number of intersection providers. Moreover, we adopt the ‘lazy repair’ within a stripe to further reduce the repair network traffic cost. We implement and evaluate DARS on our raid distributed storage system under various parameter settings with 30 physical machines and 200 virtual machines. Experimental results confirm that DARS reduces the repair time by 29% and 55% on average compared with tree‐structured repair and CORE, respectively. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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