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针对认知无线电中的双向中继网络,研究了基于非完美感知的频谱机会式接入和频谱共享接入下的资源分配问题.与传统基于认知的双向中继的资源分配方法不同,提出的算法联合考虑了感知时间和次级系统的发射功率.在感知时间和发射功率满足条件的情况下,使次级系统的吞吐量最大.为了有效地保护主用户不受干扰,在每一跳都考虑了平均干扰功率约束,同时考虑次级系统总的功率约束.在非完美感知的频谱机会式接入和频谱共享接入机制下,新算法能够获得最优的感知时间和功率分配.最后,仿真比较了两种方案的性能,验证了新算法的有效性.  相似文献   

基于认知无线电系统的新型合作功率控制博弈算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
程世伦  杨震  张晖 《通信学报》2007,28(8):54-60
以改进的空时分集OFDM-CDMA系统为基础,研究已认知频谱资源的公平分配问题,根据信道状况,吞吐量最大化和功率限制需求,提出了一种合作功率控制纳什议价博弈算法,以有效地降低认知用户(secondary users)的发射功率,提高网络吞吐量。仿真结果表明该算法满足了认知用户公平共享频谱资源的需求,在相同功率消耗情况下,网络吞吐量显著提高。  相似文献   

本文研究了全双工中继协作下的认知MIMO系统的平均吞吐量最大化问题。与传统的中继协作认知无线电系统不同的是,该系统模型中的双工中继节点既能协助认知用户源节点进行多天线频谱感知以提高频谱检测性能,也能解码转发认知用户源节点的发送信号以获得更大的系统吞吐量。为使系统平均吞吐量最大,首先,本文以认知用户能获得的最大平均频谱空洞被发现的概率为目标,对系统的帧结构进行优化以获得最佳的感知时间,接着对多个发送天线进行优化以选择出最佳的发送天线,并推导出了在总的发送功率和对主用户干扰受限条件下的认知用户源节点和双工中继节点的最佳功率分配方案。最后的仿真结果表明本文提出的系统模型和优化方案相比传统的双工等功率分配方案以及单工功率分配方案能够获得更大的系统平均吞吐量。   相似文献   

申滨  王志强  青晗 《电子与信息学报》2018,40(10):2337-2344
传统的合作频谱感知一般将感知环境建模为单级信道,且次用户一般都以相同的发射功率向数据融合中心报告感知数据,难以体现并利用不同次用户感知数据之间的空间分集差异。为解决此问题并有效地设置次用户在感知数据上报阶段的发射功率,该文提出了3种最优功率控制方案,以获得相应设计准则下参与合作感知的次用户最优发射功率。在融合中心理想具备感知信道和报告信道的统计特性时,通过理论推导获得了基于信道统计特性的功率控制闭式解方案;当信道统计特性难以现实具备时,分别获得了基于联合信道统计特性估计的最大特征功率矢量及盲加权多特征功率矢量方案。理论分析和仿真实验表明,在不同的先验信息条件下,3种方案的性能皆远优于缺少功率控制的合作感知方案。  相似文献   

针对非理想感知情况下感知时间与频谱分配联合优化问题,同时考虑漏检与主用户重新占用频谱两种场景所造成的主次用户碰撞,并通过量化主用户对认知用户的干扰,给出有无主用户存在时认知系统可获得的吞吐量。在总传输功率约束以及对主用户的最大干扰功率约束两个限制条件下,以最大化系统平均吞吐量为优化目标,给出感知时间与频谱分配联合优化算法。算法首先通过折半法搜索最优感知时间,在既定的感知时间下,将子信道分配给能获得最大平均吞吐量的认知用户,在此基础上,利用凸优化相关理论求得最优功率分配。仿真结果表明,本文所提算法相比于传统频谱分配算法系统平均吞吐量性能提升了10%左右。  相似文献   

苏杭  卢光跃  叶迎晖 《信号处理》2016,32(10):1161-1168
协作频谱感知可以提高频谱感知的可靠性,但易遭到篡改感知数据(Spectrum Sensing Data Falsification,SSDF)攻击。该文利用SSDF攻击特征,判断邻居节点发送值是否是恶意状态值,并提出一种加权分布式协作频谱感知算法。该算法根据状态值在本地节点网络中的偏离程度,设定其融合权值。仿真结果表明,所提算法在节点收敛率和鲁棒性两方面,比基于梯度的协作频谱感知算法和基于最大差值的协作频谱感知算法都有所提升,检测性能也因此显著提高。   相似文献   

郑雪云  吴素文  朱近康 《通信技术》2010,43(7):58-60,63
频谱感知是认知无线电技术的关键。协作频谱感知能够充分利用网络资源,提高网络中认知用户的检测概率,降低认知用户的虚警概率。基于两个认知用户之间的中继协作,研究了协作频谱感知的感知性能与吞吐量的折衷。仿真结果表明:中继协作的频谱感知方法能够使得在充分保证对授权用户不造成干扰即检测概率一定时,能够有效地降低认知用户感知授权用户的虚警概率,缩短"弱"认知用户获得最大吞吐量的最优感知时间,提高其最大吞吐量,并提高认知系统的最大吞吐量。  相似文献   

在认知无线电(CR)中,频谱感知是实现动态频谱接入的关键技术之一。为适当保护主用户并最大化次级用户的性能,目前大部分相关工作均是用虚报概率和漏检概率作为感知度量来确定最佳感知参数的。但这种度量是用主次用户的碰撞概率来衡量次级用户对主用户的影响的,没有考虑干扰强度的影响,仅适合同构频谱环境;在不同位置次级用户有不同接入机会的异构频谱环境中,并不能最大化频谱利用率。为此,该文首先定义了吞吐量降,并提出在异构频谱环境下采用吞吐量降作为一种新的感知度量。吞吐量降是指由于次级用户占用授权频谱而导致主用户吞吐量下降的百分比。在衡量次级用户对主用户的影响时,它综合了主次用户的碰撞概率和干扰强度两个因素;其次,研究了以吞吐量降为约束的次级用户吞吐量优化问题。最后,数值仿真证实了该方案比目前几种传统方案的频谱利用率显著提高。  相似文献   

陈媛媛  王晶晶 《电子测试》2012,(11):23-26,36
本文基于Goodman提出的非合作博弈功率控制模型改进了代价函数。针对感知无线电系统(CR)中各用户的通信需求,采用多载波码分多址(MC-CDMA)感知无线电系统,解决感知用户对主用户干扰和通信中断等问题,为实现感知频谱资源的有效分配,提出了一种新的感知无线电系统功率控制博弈算法。通过仿真表明,该算法同几种经典算法相比,既满足不同种类用户SIR要求,又提高了系统吞吐量,实现了对不同用户发射功率的有效控制,且系统性能明显提高。  相似文献   

安阳  高瞻 《电讯技术》2012,52(2):175-179
对于分布式的认知无线网络,由于不存在融合中心节点,次级用户节点之间的合作感知往往 采用信息交互的渠道进行,其中一种基于共识合作的感知机制受到广泛的研究,但这种机制 在鲁棒性方面存在一定的缺陷,当恶意节点存在时,其错误信息将影响局部的感知判决结果 ,为此,提出一种基于感知节点可信度的共识合作感知机制。在该机制中,各节点对邻居节 点的可信度进行计算,并把计算出的可信度值发送给其他节点,通过对各节点可信度的累加 计算,最终计算出各节点的可信度,各节点以此决定是否与其邻居节点合作以及如何合作。 仿真结果证明,在恶意节点存在的情况下,该算法在感知性能和收敛速度上都较未改进算法 有不同程度的提升,减轻了不可靠节点对合作感知结果的影响。  相似文献   

Spectrum sensing is an initial task for the successful operation of cognitive radio networks (CRN). During cooperative spectrum sensing, malicious secondary user (SU) may report false sensing data which would degrade the final aggregated sensing outcome. In this paper, we propose a distributed cooperative spectrum sensing (CSS) method based on reinforcement learning (RL) to remove data fusion between users with different reputations in CRN. This method regards each SU as an agent, which is selected from the adjacent nodes of CRN participating in CSS. The reputation value is used as reward to ensure that the agent tends to merge with high reputation nodes. The conformance fusion is adopted to promote consensus of the whole network, while it’s also compared with the decision threshold to complete CSS. Simulation results show that the proposed method can identify malicious users effectively. As a result, the whole CRN based on RL is more intelligent and stable.  相似文献   

In this paper, the cross‐layer optimal design of multihop ad hoc network employing full‐duplex cognitive radios (CRs) is investigated. Firstly, the analytical expressions of cooperative spectrum sensing performance for multihop CR networks over composite fading channels are derived. Then, the opportunistic throughput and transmit power of CRs are presented based on the derivation of false alarm and missed detection probability. Finally, a multiobjective optimization model is proposed to maximize the opportunistic throughputs and minimize the transmitting power. Simulation results indicate that Pareto optimal solution of sensing duration, decision threshold, and transmit power can be achieved by cross‐layer multiobjective optimization, it can balance the conflicts between different objective functions and reap the acceptable outcomes for multihop CR network.  相似文献   

多天线感知无线电中的协作频谱感知算法   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
杨黎  王晓湘  赵堃 《电子与信息学报》2009,31(10):2338-2342
不同于以往单天线感知用户的频谱感知研究,该文提出多天线情形下基于最优功率分配和协作分集的频谱感知算法。根据信道条件利用奇异值分解(SVD)在每根天线上进行功率注水,并考虑多天线情况下两用户网络协作频谱感知授权用户的判决检测过程,利用基于指数衰减的路径损耗模型,分析多天线感知网络的各态历经容量和检测授权用户的概率及时间。理论分析及仿真结果表明,多天线感知用户通过最优功率分配和协作频谱感知不仅使感知网络具有最大的各态历经容量,同时改善系统的检测性能。  相似文献   

谢立春  张春琴 《电信科学》2016,32(10):87-93
针对认知无线电网络中协作频谱感知容易遭受数据伪造攻击的问题,提出一种基于检验统计和极端学生化偏差检验法的协作频谱感知方案。首先,将差分进化算法与加权增益合并软决策融合方法相结合,形成一种高效的节点决策融合机制。然后,在协作感知中,根据节点的软决策数据,利用检验统计消除故障认知节点。最后,利用提出的改进型ESD检验法消除恶意认知节点,从而形成全局决策。仿真结果表明,该方案在协作感知中能够有效过滤SSDF攻击数据,具有较低的误检测率。  相似文献   

In cognitive radio (CR) network, to improve spectrum sensing performance to primary user (PU) and decrease energy wastage of secondary user (SU) in cooperative spectrum sensing, an energy harvesting-based weighed cooperative spectrum sensing is proposed in this paper. The SU harvests the radio frequency (RF) energy of the PU signal and then converts the RF energy into the electric energy to supply the power used for energy detection and cooperation. The time switching model and power splitting model are developed to realize the notion. In the time switching model, the SU performs either spectrum sensing or energy harvesting at any time, while in the power splitting model, the received PU signal is split into two signal streams, one for spectrum sensing and the other one for energy harvesting. A joint optimization problem is formulated to maximize the spectrum access probability of the SU by jointly optimizing sensing time, number of cooperative SUs and splitting factor. The simulation results have shown that compared to the traditional cooperative spectrum sensing, the proposed energy harvesting-based weighed cooperative spectrum sensing can decrease the energy wastage obviously while guaranteeing the maximum spectrum access probability.  相似文献   

In cooperative spectrum sensing, secondary users can cooperate based on their local sensing observations so as to detect primary signals in a more reliable manner. However, because of the low strength of received primary signals, observations from some secondary users may contribute little to global decisions at the fusion center. To reduce energy consumption and sensing overhead, cooperation is recommended only with a subset of nodes receiving high-strength primary signals. This paper proposes a selection probability based cooperative spectrum sensing scheme that exploits historical observations to exclude nodes receiving low-strength primary signals. The selection probability is maintained based on local sensing information and global decisions. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed scheme can exploit location advantages and shows almost the same detection performance as cooperative spectrum sensing with accurate node selection.  相似文献   

随着无线移动通信系统的飞速发展,无线通信网络能耗急剧增加,基于中继协作技术的绿色无线通信研究受到众多研究者的关注.针对基于认知的中继协作系统,提出了一种以最大主系统能效为目标的中继分配算法.该算法在不影响主系统性能基础上,对主系统请求次系统用户作为中继转发数据,且共享主用户频谱进行了简要介绍.算法中次系统通过最大权重匹配方法为主系统分配中继(次用户),在满足主系统能效最大化的同时,实现了次系统与主系统的频谱共享.对算法进行仿真验证,提出的算法能获得较高的主系统能效,同时提高了整个系统的频谱利用率.  相似文献   

In a cooperative spectrum sensing (CSS) network, the primary signal can be used as a radio frequency (RF) source in order to power the energy-constrained sensor nodes of the secondary network. This work presents a novel hybrid model combining an optimal relay selection scheme to incorporate RF energy harvesting in a centralized CSS network. The secondary users, which are equipped with RF energy harvesting capabilities, act as relays in order to forward the sensing information to a fusion center. Here, we have derived an enhanced multi-relay selection strategy to maximize the end-to-end signal-to-noise ratio of the links. Furthermore, a new voting rule is proposed based on the generalized K-out-of-M rule, such that it minimizes our objective error function. The performance analysis of our proposed model is presented with respect to the flexible relay positions. We have used complementary receiver operating characteristic curves for analyzing the detection performance of the CSS model with our derived voting rule. Simulation results using MATLAB show that the proposed model gives a better detection probability and a smaller error rate than some related existing works.  相似文献   

This paper investigates linear soft combination schemes for cooperative spectrum sensing in cognitive radio networks. We propose two weight-setting strategies under different basic optimality criteria to improve the overall sensing performance in the network. The corresponding optimal weights are derived, which are determined by the noise power levels and the received primary user signal energies of multiple cooperative secondary users in the network. However, to obtain the instantaneous measurement of these noise power levels and primary user signal energies with high accuracy is extremely challenging. It can even be infeasible in practical implementations under a low signal-to-noise ratio regime. We therefore propose reference data matrices to scavenge the indispensable information of primary user signal energies and noise power levels for setting the proposed combining weights adaptively by keeping records of the most recent spectrum observations. Analyses and simulation results demonstrate that the proposed linear soft combination schemes outperform the conventional maximal ratio combination and equal gain combination schemes and yield significant performance improvements in spectrum sensing.  相似文献   

We consider cooperative data multicast in a wireless network with the objective to maximize the network lifetime. We present the maximum lifetime accumulative broadcast (MLAB) algorithm that specifies the nodes' order of transmission and transmit power levels. We prove that the solution found by MLAB is optimal but not necessarily unique. The power levels found by the algorithm ensure that the lifetimes of the active relays are the same, causing them to fail simultaneously. For the same battery levels at all the nodes, the optimum transmit powers become the same. The simplicity of the solution is made possible by allowing the nodes that are out of the transmission range of a transmitter to collect the energy of unreliably received overheard signals. As a message is forwarded through the network, nodes will have multiple opportunities to reliably receive the message by collecting energy during each retransmission. We refer to this cooperative strategy as accumulative multicast. Cooperative multicast not only increases the multicast energy-efficiency by allowing for more energy radiated in the network to be collected, but also facilitates load balancing by relaxing the constraint that a relay has to transmit with power sufficient to reach its most disadvantaged child. When the message is to be delivered to all network nodes this cooperative strategy becomes accumulative broadcast (Maric and Yates, 2002). Simulation results demonstrate that cooperative broadcast significantly increased network lifetime compared with conventional broadcast. We also present the distributed MLAB algorithm for accumulative broadcast that determines the transmit power levels locally at the nodes.  相似文献   

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