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目的了解艾滋病高发地乡村医生对艾滋病防治知识的认知水平、相关的态度和信念,了解乡村地区艾滋病关怀防治工作的进展。方法对山西省运城地区艾滋病高发区33名乡村医生的艾滋病防治知识态度及信念进行调查分析。结果①调查发现乡村医生对艾滋病3种传播途径的知晓率在70%左右,对艾滋病的非传播途径的错误率认识在17%左右,部分非传播途径知晓率低。②乡村医生目前仍存在不同程度的歧视,54%认为自己要与艾滋病感染者保持一定的距离。③乡村医生获取艾滋病防治知识的主要途径是电视,占82%;其次是报刊杂志、宣传资料和宣传栏。④影响乡村医生对艾滋病防治知识知晓的因素主要有年龄、文化程度、健康状况、社交范围、本村疫情以及接受宣传的情况。影响乡村医生对PLWHAS态度的因素主要有对非传播途径的错误得分、健康状况、社交活动、文化程度、社会经历。结论多种因素影响乡村医生对艾滋病知识的知晓和对PLWHAS的态度,乡村医生对艾滋病防治知识的掌握水平较低,需继续加强对这一人群的健康宣传。宣传内容需要进一步深入细化,消除乡村医生对艾滋病感染者的社会歧视至关重要。  相似文献   

充分发挥临床医生在艾滋病防治中的重要作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国自1985年发现首例艾滋病以来,在艾滋病预防、控制、治疗与研究等方面做了许多工作,取得很大进展。尤其在预防医学领域、在宣传教育、流行病学监测、现场防治等方面,成效斐然。而临床医学领域,总的看来,基本处于应付诊治的被动局面。虽然也有几位知名专家呼吁加强临床诊治工作,但似尚未引起高度重视。我国自艾滋病侵入20年来,已有65万人感染艾滋病毒,约20万人发病,人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)的感染率每年递增30%以上,正在由高危人群向低危人群扩散。早年的HIV感染者已陆续发病,中国某些地区已出现发病和死亡的高峰。在如此严峻的流行态势下,仅靠大约16万预防专业人员(其中专门从事艾滋病防控工作的人员仅占约10%),是远远不能满足控制艾滋病流行的需要的。在这种形势下,笔者紧迫地感到,应当强烈呼吁充分发挥临床医生在艾滋病防治中的重要作用。[第一段]  相似文献   

城市社区居民艾滋病防治知识调查分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
潘传波 《现代医药卫生》2005,21(10):1209-1211
目的:了解城市社区居民艾滋病防治知识知晓情况,寻找艾滋病健康教育的重点和有效方法。方法:随机抽取300名社区居民,现场进行问卷调查,对调查结果输入计算机,用SPSS进行统计分析。结果:社区居民对艾滋病防治知识平均知晓率为63.43% ,对艾滋病的三种传播途径知晓率为86.40% ,基本认识知晓率为59.67% ,不传播艾滋病的途径知晓率为55.21% ,对感染者的态度正确率为45.81%。居民获得艾滋病知识主要喜欢的途径为电视、报纸、宣传挂图、医生。影响居民对感染者和病人态度的主要因素是“看起来健康的人可能会有艾滋病病毒”、“目前艾滋病不可以治愈”、“工作单位是否组织过艾滋病防治宣传”。结论:以电视、报纸、宣传图画、医务人员为主要载体,组织开展以艾滋病基本认识和不传播途径为重点的系统化健康教育和健康促进活动,提高市民对艾滋病防治知识水平,改变对艾滋病感染者和病人的不正确态度  相似文献   

黎明 《云南医药》1990,11(2):67-69
我省西部地区艾滋病疫情的出现,说明艾滋病在我国的流行蔓延趋势颇为严重。全社会必须正视这一现实,我省广大医务工作者更是首当其冲的面临严竣挑战。当务之急是加強对特定地区和特定人群的监测,积极研究防治对策。为此,特发表我省援外医疗队在国外治疗艾滋病的50例的临床观察论文,供省内、外同道参考。本刊特设专栏,将陆续刊载这方面的有关论著,以期提高对该病的认识和预防水平,探索积极有效的临床治疗途径。  相似文献   

截至2005年6月底,全国累计报告艾滋病病毒感染者126806例,其中艾滋病病人28789例,累计死亡7375例。总体上看,当前我国艾滋病仍呈低流行状态,但在局部地区和特定人群中已呈高流行趋势,对社会的影响在部分地区已经显现。有资料表明,我国艾滋病疫情正由高危人群向普通人群扩散,防治工作正处于关键时期。当前和今后一个时期我国艾滋病防治的政策是“四免一关怀”。“四免”分别指:农村居民和城镇未参加基本医疗保障制度的经济困难人员中的艾滋病病人,可到当在卫生部门指定的传染医院或设有传染病区(科)的综合医院服用免费的抗病毒治疗。所有自愿…  相似文献   

卫生部发布中国艾滋病等重大传染病预防控制情况   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
一、艾滋病疫情及防治情况 我国自1985年首次报告艾滋病病例以来,艾滋病的流行呈快速上升趋势.2003年,卫生部会同有关国际组织进行了全国范围的艾滋病流行病学调查.初步分析结果表明,中国现有艾滋病病毒感染者约84万人;其中,艾滋病病人约8万例.  相似文献   

随着艾滋病在我国的迅速蔓延,怎样在青少年学生中开展艾滋病防治教育,培养健康的生活方式,也是党和各级政府所迫切关注的一个重要问题,下面我就在学校开展艾滋病防治教育,培养健康的生活方式这一问题谈谈看法。 一、艾滋病和性病在我国的流行情况  相似文献   

由于艾滋病被人们认定是一种性病,是一种不光彩的病,被大多数人所歧视、排斥。艾滋病患者及感染者通常恐惧、悲观、不知所措、玩世不恭、愤恨、厌世等。近年来,我科收治的艾滋病病人也逐渐增多,也由粗浅认识艾滋病到熟练掌握艾滋病患者的发病过程及护理要点:经过多方面的学习及长时间的亲身体验,我们对艾滋病的护理有了更深的认识。  相似文献   

农民艾滋病预防知识调查分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的 了解农民对艾滋病预防知识知晓情况和对HIV感染者的态度,为进一步开展健康教育提供依据。方法 以村民组为单位整群抽样,在艾滋病疫情高发村和非流行村分别抽取两个村民组,由调查员对全部15岁以上村民入户调查、填写调查问卷。结果 疫情高发村农民艾滋病防治知识知晓率达到95%以上,能正确对待HIV感染者占85%以上;非流行村农民艾滋病防治知识知晓率在75%左右,但能正确对待艾滋病感染者和病人者不足25%。结论 艾滋病疫情高发区农民对艾滋病防治知识知晓率高于非流行区,对艾滋病感染者持正确态度者显著高于非流行区经常性的宣传教育与感染者较密切接触是提高艾滋病知晓率、端正态度的重要影响因素。  相似文献   

艾滋病流行的严重形势迫切要求人们将人类免疫缺陷病毒 (HIV)疫苗尽早推向临床试验阶段 ,然而迄今尚无一种有效的疫苗问世。本文强调了开发 HIV疫苗所面临的科学问题、复杂性以及解决这些问题的可能手段。并将侧重点集中在预防 HIV感染及阻止艾滋病进展的免疫相关物和机理方面 ,指出了开发多组分疫苗策略的合理性。  相似文献   

A review of the information on the HIV epidemic in Ethiopia is important to guide policy and action. Published and unpublished reports and surveillance data from records of governmental and non-governmental institutions were examined to assess the extent of the epidemic. It appears that the HIV/AIDS epidemic has affected a large segment of the urban population. Surveillance data from pregnant women attending antenatal clinics indicate a decreasing trend in the prevalence of HIV in Addis Ababa. Similarly, data from blood donors from the majority of transfusion centres in the country indicate a decrease in prevalence. However, further studies will be required to establish the validity of these findings. Currently available data are not adequate to accurately measure the level of infection in rural areas where 85% of the population live. Outside of Addis Ababa, in places where ANC-based sentinel surveillance are operational, the systems are not fully supported by quality control. Thus, there are concerns regarding the validity of reported results. The impact of HIV/AIDS epidemic in Ethiopia needs to be further quantified both in its burden of diseases and its impact on the urban and rural economy and society. It is, therefore, important that effort and adequate resources are put into strengthening surveillance systems.  相似文献   

The need for behavioral change of risky sexual practices has been of the highest priority since the onset of the AIDS epidemic. The major focus of education for safe sex has been emphasis on condom use. We surveyed 124 individuals applying to treatment for various chemical dependencies and 60 individuals applying for non-chemical-dependency medical treatment on various aspects of condom knowledge, history of use, and attitudes. Respondents reported that AIDS has motivated them to increase their use of condoms, however, only 13.9% always use them. Education is needed in the areas of increasing protection. Along with the use of a condom, the need for a reservoir tip and the risks associated with multiple sex partners should be stressed.  相似文献   

医院内艾滋病的防保管理探讨   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
目的 探讨医院内艾滋病病人及病毒携带者的防保措施。方法 按照《中华人民共和国传染病管理条例》,指导监督临床科室加强隔离保护,及时上报防疫部门,血清采样送法定部门鉴定,提供疫情监控情报,保护易感人群和加强医护人员自身保护,开展健康教育,协调HIV抗体阳性病人与其他病人关系。结果 未发生烷内播散,艾滋病报告卡上报及时准确,无漏报。结论 医院内艾滋病的防保工作对疫情监控,阻止传播,保护易感人群,积极开展艾滋病预防的健康教育等具有重要意义,同时要加强对医护人员的保护和提高自我保护意识。  相似文献   

Objective The magnitude of the HIV/AIDS epidemic in South Africa, particularly its rapid growth and the inability of existing health structures to respond to the rising needs for treatment, has had a profound impact on South African society. The epidemic has specifically affected the healthcare services, in that it calls for greater involvement of all health professionals, including pharmacists. There is undoubtedly potential for community pharmacists to be involved in the prevention and treatment of HIV/AIDS, and the fact that many community pharmacies already have private areas for consultation and a designated professional to offer advice renders them an ideal space for these activities. The objective of the study was to explore the role played by pharmacists in the prevention and management of the epidemic. Methods The paper synthesises data from three sources: documentary analysis of official reports; a telephone survey of 112 community pharmacies in Johannesburg; and interviews with three key informants from pharmaceutical organisations and pharmacists involved with the governmental anti‐retroviral programme. Key findings The South African Pharmacy Council (SAPC) and the Pharmaceutical Society of South Africa (PSSA) embarked on the process of establishing AIDS Resource Centres in pharmacies. Six months later 55% of the pharmacists interviewed had heard about it and 33% of these knew very little about it. The SAPC and the PSSA have developed strict criteria for the accreditation of pharmacists and AIDS Resource Centres, so that the consumer can be assured of a high quality of service. At the time of the survey, 40% of pharmacists said they intended to apply for accreditation at this stage. Most pharmacists (82%) reported that they were already involved in some HIV/AIDS‐related activities, without having acquired additional training and specific accreditation. This paper analyses pharmacists' readiness and ability to develop these services and discusses possible barriers to successful implementation of the programme. Conclusion The HIV/AIDS epidemic generally, and in South Africa in particular, poses challenges for all health professionals. This paper demonstrates the willingness of the professional pharmacy establishment in South Africa to co‐operate with the government in order to confront the epidemic and respond to national needs; it also highlights the potential difficulties inherent in the process. Given the nature of the epidemic in South Africa, pharmacy is potentially in a position to rise to the challenges presented and place itself at the centre of the professional team. However the findings of this study show that achieving this will require substantial adjustments in pharmacists' practice, good communication skills between pharmacists and their customers, and considerable goodwill among pharmacists on the ground.  相似文献   

目的:了解和分析南宁市2000~2006年HIV/AIDS流行趋势,对南宁市HIV/AIDS流行趋势进行中短期预测,为进一步制订和完善南宁市艾滋病防治策略与措施提供参考依据。方法:根据南宁市2000~2006年HIV/AIDS资料,建立灰色系统GM(1,1)模型,预测我市2008、2010年HIV/AIDS流行趋势。结果:预测模型精度为优,2008、2010年南宁市HIV/AIDS发病率预测值分别为54.93/10万、281.21/10万。结论:各有关部门应早日采取综合防治措施,加强艾滋病控制力度,遏制艾滋病的流行和蔓延。  相似文献   

目的:了解昭通市艾滋病病毒感染者/艾滋病患者(HIV/AIDS)流行病学特征,分析其流行趋势,为本市所采取的艾滋病控制措施提供科学依据。方法:对昭通市2009年报告的241例HIV/AIDS病例资料归纳整理,进行流行病学分析。结果:2009年1~12月全市报告HIV感染者241例(外地报告96例),其中,男145例,女96例,性别构成比为1.50∶1.00,以20~39岁年龄组为主。农民最多,占50%(120/241)。异性接触史占59%(142/241),注射毒品占23%(56/241),男男性接触4例,性接触+注射毒品4例,母婴传播3例,其他感染途径14例,不详为18例。性接触成为本市HIV传播的主要方式。结论:昭通市属艾滋病中度流行区,艾滋病疫情呈快速增长发展的趋势,应加大监测检测力度,加强艾滋病高危行为的干预,特别是性传播行为和流动人群干预力度,积极推进对HIV感染者和艾滋病患者的随访干预,是昭通市预防和控制艾滋病传播的重要措施。  相似文献   

目的了解艾滋病的流行和目前各种艾滋病关怀政策与措施对艾滋病高发地不同人群主观幸福感的影响。方法采用总体幸福感量表(GWB)测定不同人群主观幸福感,比较并进行影响因素分析。结果调查PLWHAS194例,有PLWHAS存在乡镇的普通村民246名,一般普通村民213名。其中,PLWHAS存在的乡镇普通村民的主观幸福感最高,其次为普通村民,乡镇PLWHAS位居第三。对生活的满足和兴趣,乡镇PLWHAS高于其他两个人群,在对情感和行为的控制上,乡镇PLWHAS高于一般普通村民,其余各因子的得分PLWHAS均低于PLWHAS存在的乡镇普通村民和普通村民。PLWHAS存在的乡镇普通村民对健康的担心低于一般普通村民,而对情感和行为的控制,高于一般普通村民。多元回归分析结果提示健康状况、社会歧视、社交范围、身份公开、本村亲戚数、性别影响PLWHAS的主观幸福感;健康状况、本村疫情影响PLWHAS存在的乡镇普通村民的主观幸福感。结论艾滋病直接影响与其有关的各人群主观幸福感、社会支持、控制疫情,消除人群对艾滋病的恐惧和担心以及加强社会关怀力度是提升艾滋病高发地各类人群主观幸福感的工作重点。  相似文献   

In recent years, several studies have shown that Cyclospora cayetanensis is a worldwide intestinal pathogen, and it has been implicated in a number of sporadic cases and epidemic outbreaks of diarrheal illness in several endemic areas. The parasite is associated with prolonged and relapsing watery diarrhea in immunocompetent persons, as well as in AIDS patients. Most reports of Cyclospora infection concern travelers visiting endemic countries. In European countries, a few cases of Cyclospora cayetanensis infection have been reported, and almost all of them were observed in persons after foreign travel.  相似文献   

《Substance use & misuse》2013,48(12-13):1715-1720
This paper describes an AIDS epidemic model that has been developed to explore the relationships among parameters that characterize that epidemic which include: (1) needle sharing and sexual contacts with individuals within and among distinct risk groups; (2) rates of progression from HIV infection to diagnosis of AIDS; (3) characteristics of viral transmission; and (4) survival rates of persons with AIDS. Based on cases reported to the Centers for Disease Control, risk-group specific contact rates are estimated that reconstruct AIDS incidence.  相似文献   

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