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运用质性研究法,分析、归纳羽毛球运动员比赛压力源和应对策略,为高水平羽毛球运动员的比赛情绪管理提供研究依据.以14名中国羽毛球队运动员的比赛总结为研究资料,通过码号登录、开放编码和主轴编码,分别得到赛前压力源与应对策略、临场压力源与应对策略的一级与二级编码主题.主题分析的结果表明,运动员的赛前压力来自于比赛结果期望和自我状态、能力感之间的心理差异,趋近应对和回避应对是赛前应对的2个策略;运动员的临场压力来自对每一球的直接结果期望和阻碍期望实现的压力反应与逆境挑战的心理冲突,应对临场压力的主要策略是战术应用、临场变化和争取暂停.  相似文献   

运用实验仪器探索运动员眼动特征一直是运动心理学家不断研究的重要课题。研究证明,运用眼动记录仪能够及时、准确地记录运动员眼球运动的时间和空间特征,是反映运动员视觉特征的有效手段。采用ASL Eye Tracker 6000型眼动记录仪对不同水平排球运动员对扣球动作图示各期段眼动特征进行试验研究,力求探索排球运动员对排球扣球动作图示进行视觉搜索的内在认知规律,为排球运动科学训练、心理选材和技战术合理运用等方面提供理论借鉴与参考。结果发现:(1)高水平运动员在各期段的平均注视时间、总注视时间、平均眼跳距离、平均眼跳速度、瞳孔直径眼动指标都大于低水平运动员,高水平运动员注视点数量在击球准备期内大于低水平运动员。(2)高水平-低水平运动员的平均注视时间在击球准备期内对比差异显著、总注视时间在击球准备期和击球期内对比差异十分显著、平均眼跳速度在起跳期和击球期对比差异显著、注视点数量在击球准备期内对比差异显著、平均瞳孔直径在三个期段内对比差异十分显著。(3)高水平运动员判断正确率远远高于低水平运动员,对比差异十分显著。说明高水平运动员在长期的比赛和训练中,形成了快速、准确搜索动作特征信息的能力及对信息分析综合和正确决策能力。  相似文献   

采用ASL Eye Tracker 6000型眼动记录仪对不同水平排球运动员扣球动作图示视觉搜索注视点眼动特征进行实验研究。结果发现:(1)在起跳期段高水平运动员对躯干区注视点明显多于低水平运动员,在击球准备期段高水平运动员对上肢区注视点明显少于低水平运动员,在击球期段内高水平运动员对躯干区注视点数量明显多于低水平运动员,以上差异均非常显著;(2)高水平运动员在3个期段内对于上肢区注视次数呈均衡上升趋势,对躯干区注视点数量呈递减趋势;(3)高水平运动员无效注视点、回视点明显少于低水平运动员,差异非常显著;(4)高水平运动员判断正确率明显高于低水平运动员,差异非常显著。说明高水平运动员在长期的训练和比赛中,形成了稳定的、准确的、有效的视觉搜索动作信息的能力和快速加工信息及正确决策的能力。  相似文献   

运用运动动机气氛感量表和运动行为量表,对青少年男子足球运动员进行了调查研究,检验不同竞技水平运动员的动机气氛感和攻击行为。结果表明:(1)运动员的任务掌握动机气氛感明显高于自我表现动机气氛感;(2)运动员的自我表现动机气氛感又明显高于教练员的自我表现动机气氛感;(3)高水平运动员比低水平运动员表现出更多的工具性攻击行为;(4)低水平运动员在比赛中更易于采用敌意性攻击行为;(5)高自我表现动机气氛感的高水平运动员相对于低自我表现动机气氛感的低水平运动员表现出更高的工具性攻击行为,而自我表现动机气氛感的低水平运动员的两种攻击行为没有显著差异。  相似文献   

文章运用问卷调查法,对江苏、湖北、辽宁和新疆4个队伍的88名散打运动员的应对方式进行了调查研究。研究结果显示,高水平的散打运动员更倾向于在竞赛中运用自我谈话策略,并且更善于控制自己的情绪,在训练中的动作自动化水平和目标设置水平更高;在竞赛策略上,男性散打运动员比女性散打运动员更多运用表象策略,且消极想法更多;在训练策略上,男性运动员更多运用放松、活化动员和放松策略,而女性更多运用情绪控制策略。  相似文献   

大学生运动员的应对方式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用访谈调查和问卷调查法在高校运动队考察了92名大学生运动员在不同压力情境下使用不同应对方式的特点.结果发现:大学生队运动员一般使用积极的主动应对较多,同时会根据压力情境的变化而使用不同的应对方式,如在训练压力下使用支持应对、在比赛压力下使用情绪应对、在学习压力下使用逃避应对、在生活压力下使用超越应对等.此外,研究还探讨了大学生运动员应对方式的内部差异性,如年龄差异、性别差异、运动级别差异等,并讨论了改善运动员应对方式的建议.  相似文献   

运用喜疗法调整运动员赛前情绪──随四川省射箭队参加七运会体会成都体育学院李齐茹四川省陆上运动学校尤忠杰体育运动与人类任何其它形式的活动一样,贯穿着各种各样的情绪状态。在许多运动项目中,运动员的情绪状态与比赛成绩有直接关系,尤其是高水平的比赛,胜负乃是...  相似文献   

高水平运动员流畅状态特征研究   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
为了探讨不同性别、项群以及训练年限的高水平运动员在流畅心理状态上的差异和作用,采用澳大利亚学者Jackson编写的《流畅状态量表》对128名高水平运动员进行了调查分析。研究结果表明,男运动员的流畅心理体验比女运动员更好,技能类项目运动员的流畅体验高于体能类项目运动员,并且差异显著,而随着正规训练年限的增长高水平男女运动员在不同的流畅状态特征上有显著提高。  相似文献   

以运动训练的需要和运动员的个体特点为切入点,运用心理测量、录像视频分析、行为观测、主观体验及实验等方法,对羽毛球运动员不同状态得失分的时间特征、行为表现及心理状态变化特征进行探讨。结果表明,比赛得失分是羽毛球运动员不同状态行为表现及时间特征形成的关键因素之一。其主动进攻失分时间间隔最长,对方失误得分时间间隔最短;在得分和失分时,发球时间间隔较长;运动员处于流畅状态得分后持续时间长,行为表现突出,情绪表现强烈;皮温、指端血容波幅和心率可作为监控运动员不同状态心理变化的客观指标。观看不同状态比赛视频能有效促进运动员心理控制水平的提高;结合不同状态的比赛视频进行心理监控训练,可以有效促进运动员比赛自信心的提高。这些研究成果能够在一定程度上为教练员提供决策参数,为运动员提供各种比赛的行为信息储备,从而提高运动员对比赛时各种信息的加工速度、准确性和应对困境的能力,增加运动员比赛战术运用的成功率。  相似文献   

武术运动员赛前情绪及临场应对方式的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对68名参加第七届全国大学生武术锦标赛的运动员的赛前情绪状态及其临场应激应对方式进行了调查与研究。结果表明:名次前列的武术运动员的个体失败焦虑、社会期待焦虑得分低于名次后列的运动员,且其与比赛名次呈显著相关,而在自信心与躯体焦虑因子上差异不显著,与比赛名次也不存在显著相关,赛前情绪是影响训练水平与比赛成绩之间关系的一个重要因素;名次前列与后列运动员在面对各种应激源时,4种不同的应对方式均有采用,但前者在采用进攻式应激应对策略的得分均高于后者,而在采用回避式应激应对策略的得分则是大部分都低于后者,赛前情绪各因子与临场应激应对方式各因子呈一定相关,表明两者之间存在一定的相关关系;认知-情感调控训练法、模拟应激训练法、放松训练法与控制点训练法等是几种可以改善赛前情绪状态及临场应激应对方式的有效方法与手段;武术套路运动员的赛前训练不仅是单纯的竞技技术训练,还应包括必要的、系统的心理训练内容。各种训练方法应根据具体运动员在各训练阶段的实际需要进行科学组合,使能发挥最大训练效果。  相似文献   


Endurance athletes who realise that they are falling short of important personal goals during competition are expected to experience competitive suffering. As a negative affective state with implications for performance and personal experiences, it is important to understand how endurance athletes cope with competitive suffering. Thus, the purpose of this study was to investigate differences in athletes' momentary coping function use over time during a competitive suffering episode. Twenty-six runners (mean age: 35.8 years) completed a 5-km running time trial that evoked an experience of competitive suffering using false failure-oriented feedback. Momentary assessments of goal attainment feelings and coping function use were completed immediately following the running time trial using video-mediated recall. Pooled time series analysis was used to predict coping function use across several points in time (i.e. earlier and later stages of a competitive suffering episode) and at different ratings of goal attainment feelings. Analyses revealed that negative feelings about goal attainment moderately predicted problem-focused coping use, and strongly predicted emotion-focused coping use. Although it was not predicted by goal attainment feelings, avoidance coping use was decreased over time throughout suffering episodes. Overall, this study supports propositions that the coping process is continually adapted to competitive demands and identifies the roles of distinct coping functions within the total coping effort.  相似文献   

This study examined the associations of dispositional perfectionism, contextual motivation, sport-related coping, goal attainment, and changes in life satisfaction during a sport competition. A sample of 186 athletes completed measures of dispositional perfectionism, contextual motivation, and life satisfaction at Time 1 (before a competition) as well as measures of coping, goal attainment, and life satisfaction at Time 2 (after a competition). Results of structural equation modeling supported a model in which self-determined and non-self-determined motivation partially mediated the relationships between different dimensions of perfectionism and coping. It was also shown that disengagement-oriented coping mediated the negative relationship between evaluative concerns perfectionism and change in life satisfaction. In a similar way, goal attainment mediated the relationships of both task- and disengagement-oriented coping with change in life satisfaction. For the most part, these results are consistent with the motivational properties of evaluative concerns and personal standards perfectionism and with literature regarding coping and self-determination theory.  相似文献   

Grounded in self-determination theory (Deci & Ryan, 1985) and the self-concordance model (Sheldon & Elliot, 1999), this study examined the motivational processes underlying goal striving in sport as well as the role of perceived coach autonomy support in the goal process. Structural equation modeling with a sample of 210 British athletes showed that autonomous goal motives positively predicted effort, which, in turn, predicted goal attainment. Goal attainment was positively linked to need satisfaction, which, in turn, predicted psychological well-being. Effort and need satisfaction were found to mediate the associations between autonomous motives and goal attainment and between attainment and well-being, respectively. Controlled motives negatively predicted well-being, and coach autonomy support positively predicted both autonomous motives and need satisfaction. Associations of autonomous motives with effort were not reducible to goal difficulty, goal specificity, or goal efficacy. These findings support the self-concordance model as a framework for further research on goal setting in sport.  相似文献   

Developing upon cross-sectional research (Smith, Ntoumanis, & Duda, 2007) supporting the self-concordance model (Sheldon & Elliot, 1999) as a framework for contextual goal striving, the current study investigated the assumptions of the model in relation to season-long goal striving in sport. The study additionally examined the role of coping strategies in the persistence of goal-directed effort. Structural equation modeling analysis with a sample of 97 British athletes indicated that start-of-season autonomous goal motives were linked to midseason effort, which subsequently predicted end-of-season goal attainment. Attainment was positively related to changes in psychological need satisfaction, which, in turn, predicted changes in emotional well-being. In a second model, autonomous and controlled motives positively predicted task- and disengagement-oriented coping strategies, respectively. In turn, these strategies were differentially associated with effort. The findings provide support for contextual adaptations of the self-concordance model and demonstrate the role of coping strategies in the goal striving process.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine patterns of appraisal, coping, and coping effectiveness in sport. Ten players from a collegiate female volleyball team were interviewed on two occasions, first in the week before a provincial final playoff tournament and in the week following the tournament. Data were transcribed verbatim and subjected to content and idiographic analyses. Athletes generally did not predict or anticipate the stressors they actually experienced during the tournament. Subjective appraisals of effective coping were associated with consistency between proactive and actual coping attempts. Reported effective coping was associated with the attainment of personal performance goals and use of cognitive, behavioral, and emotional coping strategies in the absence of behavioral avoidance. Reported ineffective and partially effective coping was associated with not attaining personal performance goals, and the use of cognitive coping strategies with behavioral avoidance. Finally, older, more experienced athletes reported they coped better than younger, less experienced athletes during the tournament.  相似文献   

The present study investigated approach and avoidance coping strategies as a function of goal attainment expectancies in young men. Twenty-four male students participated in an experiment consisting of two rowing tests. After the initial test, participants were divided into two experimental groups and were assigned to conditions of attainable and unattainable goals for the final test, depending on performance in the initial test and experimental condition. Participants of the two groups reported similar goal attainment expectancies before the start of the final test; however, during the task expectancies for the attainable goal group increased, whereas those for the unattainable goal group decreased. After the conclusion of the task, participants were asked to respond with regard to coping strategies they used during the latest part of the final test, when goal attainment expectancies had been differentiated. The analysis revealed significant effects for effort increase, and mental and behavioural disengagement, whereas a non-significant but considerable effect was identified for planning. The higher goal attainment expectancies group scored higher on effort increase and planning, and lower on behavioural and mental disengagement, than the lower goal attainment expectancies group. The results of the present study are in accordance with the general theoretical assumptions of the control process theory, and more particularly highlight the importance of goal attainment expectancies as a factor influencing the employment of approach and avoidance coping strategies in achievement situations.  相似文献   


In this study, we examined the influence of the Big Five personality dimensions (Neuroticism, Extraversion, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, and Openness to Experience) on the appraisal (intensity, control) of a self-selected stressor, coping, and perceived coping effectiveness. Participants were 482 athletes (305 males, 177 females) who played a variety of sports. Results indicate that the Big Five dimensions influenced coping selection, coping effectiveness, stress intensity, and perceived control of the stressors, but not the type of self-selected stressor. In particular, Neuroticism predicted higher stressor intensity and Agreeableness lower stressor intensity. Neuroticism predicted lower perceived stressor control and Conscientiousness higher perceived stressor control. Higher levels of Neuroticism were directly and indirectly associated with more emotion and avoidance coping strategies and less problem-focused coping strategies. The other four personality dimensions were also associated with the selection of coping strategies that were perceived to be effective. This study provides support for the notion that the Big Five personality dimensions directly influence appraisal, coping, and coping effectiveness among the sample. Coping was also influenced indirectly by personality through the appraisal process. The Neuroticism dimension was found to be associated with the selection of less adaptive coping strategies and lower levels of reported coping effectiveness. The other four personality dimensions were associated with more adaptive coping strategies that were rated as effective.  相似文献   

This study examined the trajectories and within-person synergies of psychological processes during the final stages of matches. A process-oriented approach was used with nine women elite fencers during an international competition. Multiple assessments of perceived control, threat and challenge appraisals, problem- and emotion-focused coping, positive and negative affects were completed after each touches using video recall method. Multilevel growth curve analyses (MGCAs) indicated that winning and losing matches were each characterised by distinct psychological processes. Specifically, perceived control, challenge appraisal, problem- and emotion-focused coping, and positive affects increased linearly and threat appraisal decreased linearly for wining matches, whereas negative affects increased linearly for losing matches. Regarding the within-person synergies of psychological processes, MGCAs indicated that (1) perceived control and challenge appraisal were significantly associated with problem- and emotion-focused coping for losing matches, the strength of these associations remaining consistent across touches; (2) problem-focused coping was significantly associated with negative affects whereas emotion-focused coping was significantly associated with positive affects for winning matches, the strength of these associations remaining consistent across touches; and (3) problem- and emotion-focused coping were significantly associated with negative affects for losing matches, the linear trajectory of negative affects accelerating at times when athletes had higher levels of emotion-focused coping. Overall, this study provided insights into transactional processes during competition.  相似文献   

Training distress occurs when athletes fail to cope with physiological and psychological stress and can be an early sign of overtraining syndrome. Recent research has found that perfectionism predicts increases in training distress in junior athletes over time. The current study provides the first empirical test of the possibility that coping tendencies mediate the perfectionism-training distress relationship. Adopting a cross-sectional design, 171 junior athletes (mean age?=?18.1 years) completed self-report measures of perfectionistic strivings, perfectionistic concerns, problem-focused coping, avoidant coping, and training distress. Structural equation modelling revealed that avoidant coping mediated the positive relationship between perfectionistic concerns and training distress, and mediated the negative relationship between perfectionistic strivings and training distress. Problem-focused coping did not mediate any relationships between dimensions of perfectionism and training distress. The findings suggest that the tendency to use coping strategies aimed at avoiding stress may partly explain the relationship between perfectionism and training distress but the tendency to use, or not use, problem-focussed coping does not.  相似文献   

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