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为了探寻杏鲍菇减压贮藏适宜的包装材料厚度,以杏鲍菇为试材,分别采用0.03、0.05、0.07 mm低密度聚乙烯袋(low density polyethylene,LDPE)抽真空减压至0.06 MPa包装后,置于4 ℃冷藏30 d,探究不同厚度包装材料对减压贮藏条件下杏鲍菇的生理生化指标及品质的变化规律。结果表明:到贮藏结束时,与0.03、0.05 mm处理组相比,0.07 mm低密度聚乙烯袋组的杏鲍菇水分含量最高,为80.42%,其能有效减少杏鲍菇失水,抑制呼吸速率,缓减过氧化氢酶(catalase,CAT)和超氧化物歧化酶(superoxide dismutase,SOD)活性下降,抑制丙二醛(malondialdehyde,MDA)含量及多酚氧化酶(polyphenol oxidase,PPO)活性的上升,对杏鲍菇的硬度、内聚性、弹性、咀嚼性等质构特性及色泽品质影响越小。因此,0.07 mm厚的低密度聚乙烯袋为杏鲍菇减压贮藏的适宜包装材料厚度,其能有效延缓杏鲍菇的后熟衰老,延长杏鲍菇的保鲜期。  相似文献   

为了获得适合贮藏花生包装材料,探讨包装材料对花生耐贮性的影响,该文研究了4种不同的包装材料密闭贮藏花生对花生色泽、品质、发芽率、虫害和黄曲霉毒素防控效果的影响。结果表明:不同包装材料贮藏花生效果差异非常显著。铝箔袋包装花生种皮颜色在贮藏期间没有发生变化,尼龙/聚乙烯(PA/PE)薄膜袋包装花生的种皮颜色变化速度比PE膜缓慢,而PE膜比编织袋包装的变化缓慢;铝箔袋、PA/PE复合膜密闭包装贮藏18个月后,花生米品质依然保持了较好;铝箔袋密闭包装能长期保持花生发芽率;4种密闭包装方式抑制虫害繁殖作用差异显著,高通透性的编织袋包装的花生害虫侵蚀严重,而铝箔袋和PA/PE袋包装可以有效地抑制虫害的发生;铝箔袋、PA/PE复合膜包装花生米原料贮藏18个月均没有黄曲霉毒素产生,但是PA/PE复合膜包装的部分花生有明显霉菌滋生。  相似文献   

为了解植物乳杆菌LN66菌粉贮藏活性的影响因素,对其在不同包装形式和贮藏温度下活性变化进行分析。将普通铝箔袋、真空铝箔袋和棕色玻璃瓶贮存的植物乳杆菌LN66菌粉于4、25、37℃下贮藏28 d,检测其水分含量、水分活度和活菌数的变化,并用SPSS软件进行皮尔逊相关性分析。结果表明,不同包装形式和贮藏温度下LN66菌粉贮藏28 d期间水分含量均未发生显著变化。在25及37℃贮藏下,菌粉水分活度呈上升趋势,但真空铝箔袋和棕色玻璃瓶能维持水分活度的稳定。活菌数均随着贮藏时间的增加而减少,普通铝箔袋的活菌数下降最为显著,而菌粉在37℃的真空铝箔袋和棕色玻璃瓶贮藏下的存活率分别提高了10.49%和7.69%。相关性结果分析,活菌数与贮藏温度及水分活度呈显著负相关。研究显示,在贮藏过程中,包装形式和温度对益生菌粉活性有显著影响,而低温及真空铝箔袋和棕色玻璃瓶有利于提升益生菌粉货架期的活菌率。  相似文献   

以‘红颊’草莓为试材,经打浆、灌装和巴氏灭菌后,在4 ℃和25 ℃贮藏条件下,分别采用玻璃瓶、聚氯 乙烯(polyvinyl chloride,PVC)豆浆袋和铝箔袋包装,从色泽、可溶性固形物质量分数、可滴定酸质量分数、花 色苷含量、VC含量和感官品质的变化等方面,研究3 种包装材料对草莓果浆贮藏品质的影响。结果表明:4 ℃下贮 藏30 d,玻璃瓶包装草莓果浆的花色苷含量为82.29 mg/100 g,分别是PVC豆浆袋和铝箔袋包装草莓果浆的1.08 倍 和1.27 倍;色泽上玻璃瓶包装草莓果浆a*值为15.12,远高于铝箔袋包装的12.25。经综合评定,玻璃瓶的阻氧效果 较为显著,在4 ℃条件下有利于草莓果浆品质的保持,可显著延缓花色苷的降解,是较合适的草莓果浆贮藏包装材 料。本研究为草莓果浆的贮藏提供了参考。  相似文献   

高愿君  孔谨 《食品科学》1990,11(12):43-45
本文旨在探讨不同的贮藏温度和包装方式对山楂果实贮藏效果的影响。以豫北红山楂作试果,贮藏温度设冷藏和常温贮藏,包装方式设硅窗袋包装和纸箱包装。以果实的腐果率和营养成分含量来评价贮藏效果。两年的试验结果表明,山楂果实采用冷藏的效果极明显地好于常温贮藏,气调冷藏的效果好于普通冷藏,常温气调贮藏的效果好于普通常温贮藏,硅窗袋包装的效果好于纸箱包装,从而说明了山楂果实非常适于采用气调冷藏。  相似文献   

为研究不同包装材料对酱肉贮藏期间品质的影响,以聚酯/铝/聚乙烯(PET/AL/PE)铝箔和聚酯/聚乙烯(PET/PE)透明薄膜为包装材料,对四川酱肉进行真空包装,测定酱肉在常温贮藏过程中水分活度、过氧化值、丙二醛含量、pH值、亚硝酸盐含量、色泽、质构特性及菌落总数的变化。结果表明,真空铝箔包装相较于真空透明包装可延缓酱肉脂质的氧化并加快亚硝酸盐的降解,对维持酱肉的硬度、弹性、咀嚼性和内聚性有显著效果,并对抑制微生物的繁殖有显著作用。  相似文献   

包装袋阻隔性对腊肉储存期间品质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了研究包装材料阻隔性对腊肉储存期间品质的影响,本研究选取4种阻隔性不同的包装材料(普通袋PET/NY/PE、镀氧化铝袋PET/Al_2O_3/NY/PE、镀氧化硅袋PET/SiO_2/NY/PE和铝箔袋PET/AL/NY/PE)对腊肉进行真空包装,并对储存过程中水分含量、水分活度(Aw)、酸价(AV)、过氧化值(POV)、色泽、菌落总数和大肠菌群数及氨基酸含量进行测定。结果表明,普通袋的水分含量变化最大,铝箔袋水分变化最小(p0.05)。四种包装袋的Aw前4个月增加,随后逐渐降低;普通袋包装的POV的变化显著高于镀氧化硅袋、镀氧化铝袋和铝箔袋(p0.05)。铝箔袋的酸价增加最少,其余三种材料的酸价显著高于铝箔袋(p0.05)。镀氧化铝袋和铝箔袋包装时色泽整体变化趋势较小。普通袋包装时菌落总数和大肠菌群增加量显著高于镀氧化铝袋、铝箔袋(p0.05)。储存实验结束后,四种包装袋中的腊肉的各种氨基酸含量均显著增加,但两两之间无显著差异(p0.05)。因此,铝箔袋可以有效的阻隔水分和氧气的进入,延缓腊肉储存期的品质下降,是良好的腊肉包装材料。  相似文献   

气调包装对百香果贮藏品质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈美花  熊拯  庞庭才 《食品科学》2016,37(20):287-292
为探讨不同气调包装材料对百香果贮藏品质的影响,以‘紫香1号’百香果为试材,对其进行活性袋包装和普通聚乙烯袋包装两种处理,包装好后封口,并于温度(25±1)℃、相对湿度70%~80%的条件下贮藏;相同成熟度未进行包装的果实于相同条件下贮藏作为对照,监测贮藏期间百香果的质量损失率、可溶性固形物与可滴定酸含量、果皮的L*、a*、b*值、果皮缺陷指数及贮藏寿命。结果表明,与对照相比,两种气调包装均减缓了果实质量损失率的上升,延缓了果皮缺陷指数及其他与百香果后熟有关的物理化学变化,能延长贮藏寿命至少6 d;采用活性包装的百香果品质保持得更好,货架期更长。  相似文献   

本文研究不同贮藏条件对腊肉、香肠、火腿肠、西式火腿和熏烤肉中亚硝酸盐含量的影响。比较了5种肉制品在冷冻(-18℃)、冷藏(4℃)、常温(25℃)条件下贮藏时,其亚硝酸盐的含量随着贮藏时间的变化趋势。结果表明:随着贮藏时间的延长,肉制品中的亚硝酸盐含量呈下降趋势,且室温条件下亚硝酸盐的含量比冷藏低,冷藏条件下的亚硝酸盐含量比冷冻低。  相似文献   

为提高真空冷冻干燥即食水竹笋的品质,采用真空包装袋、高温蒸煮袋、复合铝箔袋对即食水竹笋进行包装,4℃贮藏30 d,研究其水分含量、水分活度、脂肪含量、过氧化值4个指标的变化,并结合电子鼻分析挥发性物质的变化规律。结果表明:随着贮藏期的延长,3种包装的即食水竹笋的水分含量、水分活度、过氧化值逐渐升高,脂肪含量逐渐下降;电子鼻检测结果显示,氮氧化合物、萜烯类、含硫化物和芳香族化合物是即食水竹笋主要的挥发性成分,其释放量随着贮藏期的延长逐渐提高。贮藏30 d,与真空包装袋、高温蒸煮袋相比,复合铝箔袋包装即食水竹笋的水分含量最低,为2.8 g/100 g,水分活度增加最小,为0.04,脂肪损失最少,为2.6%,过氧化值增加最少,为5.2 g/100 g,挥发性物质变化最小。经综合评定,在4℃条件下,复合铝箔袋包装能够更好地保持即食水竹笋产品的品质。  相似文献   

以武夷肉桂为研究对象,分别采用锡罐、瓷罐、铝箔袋以及牛皮纸袋进行包装并于室温下贮藏1年,每隔3个月抽样进行感官审评及理化检验,考察4种包装材料对武夷肉桂的贮藏效果。结果表明:锡罐的贮藏效果最佳,能够很好地保持肉桂最初的茶叶品质,在香气和滋味上均与贮藏前相差甚少;瓷罐、铝箔袋次之;牛皮纸袋的贮藏效果最差,吸湿最明显,肉桂品质劣变最严重,不建议将其作为肉桂长期贮藏的包装材料。  相似文献   

利用冰温贮藏技术,测量了菠菜的冰点、含水量、可溶性固形物和Vc随贮藏时间的变化,并与普通冷藏(5℃)下的菠菜做了对比。结果表明:菠菜的冰点为-0.7℃;冰温贮藏下,菠菜含水量、可溶性固形物含量、Vc含量变化缓慢,变化量均小于普通冷藏(5℃);同样贮藏30d情况下,冰温贮藏效果优于普通冷藏(5℃)。  相似文献   

Investigations were carried out to see the impact of blanching time, pretreatment and storage and packaging on the physico‐chemical properties of solar dehydrated cauliflower. The processing treatments selected for the study were blanching time of 3, 5, 7 and 9 min, potassium metabisulphite (KMS) pretreatment having 0.5%, 1.0% and 1.5% concentration level and storage in high‐density polyethylene, laminated aluminium foil and polypropylene. The cauliflowers were further processed and dehydrated in solar dryer before packing it into different packaging materials. Packed dehydrated cauliflower was stored for 6 months at room temperature. The stored cauliflower samples were tested periodically for their moisture content, rehydration ratio, rehydration coefficient, ascorbic acid and browning. Ranking of blanching time, chemical concentration level and packaging materials were statistically analysed by using SAS package. The samples with 9 min blanching time, followed by dipping in 1.0% KMS solution, and packed in laminated aluminium foil showed better results in comparison with other treatments.  相似文献   

Shelf life of vacuum dried coconut milk powder packed in aluminum foil laminated polyethylene packages was predicted using developed mathematical models based on two limiting criteria viz., onset of caking and lipid oxidation. Accelerated storage studies for coconut milk powder packed in aluminium foil laminated polyethylene pouches were conducted at 90 ± 1% relative humidity and 38 ± 2 °C temperature. Threshold value for the shelf life prediction based on moisture migration was taken as the critical moisture content at which lump formation was observed. Shelf life prediction based on lipid oxidation involved establishing relationships between rate of oxygen absorption, package oxygen concentration, volume of O2 absorbed, peroxide value of the powder and storage time. A peroxide value of 10 mEq. of O2 per kg fat was considered as the threshold limit for oxidative rancidity. A good fit between experimental and predicted data with relative deviation percent below 10% was observed during storage studies.  相似文献   

The degradation kinetics of dehydrated sweet corn for total sugar, ascorbic acid, TSS, pH, rehydration parameters, colour and moisture content using low density polyethylene pouches (LDPE) and laminated aluminium foil pouches (LAFP) with or without vacuum were studied. The samples were kept for 3 months and were analysed at every 15 days. During the storage, total sugar, ascorbic acid and total soluble solids reduced from 10.50 to 9.73 g/100 g, 9.36 to 8.86 mg/100 g, 83 to 51°Brix respectively. Rehydration coefficient and rehydration ratio reduced from 90.28 to 75.27, 2.64 to 1.56. Colour L1 value, a1 value. b1 value changed from 61.00 to 70.13, 42.93 to 53.27, 55.58 to 64.24 respectively resulting in increase in ΔE value and chroma value up to 16.29, 70.23 to 83.45 respectively. The moisture content increased from 2.12 to 3.92% in packages. The average sensory score of 7.86 even after 90 days of storage in laminated aluminium foil pouch with vacuum indicates that the product may be stored for 90 days satisfactorily. Zero and first order models fitted well and can be used for predicting various properties of dehydrated sweet corn during storage.  相似文献   

Orange juice was stored in polyethylene/aluminum foil laminated cartons at 8°C room temperature (RT), 35°C, and 55°C for up to 1 yr. Studies were carried out on the formation of 6 major free fatty acids (FFAs) in orange juice and their absorption into packaging materials during storage. Simultaneously adhesion tests on packaging materials were performed. Depending on storage temperature FFA concentrations increased steadily during storage and they were absorbed (in parallel) into the food contact layer of the packaging materials. Delamination between the plastic layer and aluminum foil occurred when a critical absorption level of 4–5 mg/dm2 packaging material (corresponding to a level of 10.5–13.2 mg/cm3 or 1.1–1.4% in the inside polymer layer) was exceeded.  相似文献   

Legume-whey weaning foods formulas were stored for 6 months in aluminum foil coated by polyester at room temperature (22-25 degrees C) and refrigerator (4 degrees C). Peroxide values and free fatty acids values of weaning food formulas reached to its maximum after 3 and 2 months, respectively, and after that continuously decreased during storage. Thio-barbituric acid values of all samples increased gradually throughout the storage period at different condition of storage (room temperature and refrigerator). The protein in-vitro digestibility of all samples was not affected during storage. Protein solubility index in distilled water, 5% NaCl and 5% sucrose decreased with different obvious rates, but bulk density of weaning food formula decreased within a very narrow ranges during storage period. Total bacterial counts as well as yeast and molds decreased gradually throughout the storage period at different conditions of storage, and cold stored samples became free from molds and yeast after 6 months of storage.  相似文献   

为延长鸡蛋保鲜期,研究在室温(25℃)条件下,不同配比CO2、O2、N2三元混合气体的气调包装对鸡蛋保鲜效果影响。结果表明:鸡蛋采用体积分数50%CO2、7%~11%O2、39%~43%N2的气调包装,在室温贮藏,质量损失率、蛋白pH值保持相对较低水平,哈夫单位、蛋白凝胶强度保持相对较高水平,贮藏30d鸡蛋仍保持AA级,而不包装的对照组降到了B级。  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to evaluate the effect of different package conditions on the characteristics of Toscana fresh sausage stored for 150?days under freezing. The analyses of lipid oxidation, moisture, pH, acidity, water activity, and counting of psychotrophic microorganisms were carried out along with the storage time for each package (low-density polyethylene with and without vacuum and oxygen permeability of 500?cm3 O2/m2 day atm at 23 ??C; nylon polyester with and without vacuum and permeability of 100?cm3 O2/m2 day atm at 23 ??C; and formal copolymer of ethylene and vinyl alcohol with and without vacuum and oxygen permeability of 5?cm3 O2/m2 day atm at 23 ??C). Results showed that from 60?days of storage, the samples stored using polyethylene without vacuum and nylon 100?cm3 O2/m2 day atm, without vacuum, presented a slight rancidity flavor, statistically different (p?<?0.05) from the other tested ones. After 151?days of storage, a relationship between 2-thiobarbituric acid reactive substances analysis and sensory characteristics could be observed. In this case, the packages without application of vacuum presented higher values in the sensory and oxidative rancidity analyses, configuring flavor of slight to moderate rancidity.  相似文献   

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