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绵枣儿属药用植物化学成分和药理活性研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
绵枣儿属Scilla植物是百合科多年生草本,约90种,广布于欧洲、亚洲和非洲的温带地区,少数也见于热带山地。我国产1种和1变种,即绵枣儿和白绿绵枣儿。该属中多种植物可以药用,常被用于治疗跌打损伤,腰腿疼痛、筋骨痛等。该属植物的化学成分主要是尤可甾醇衍生的三萜及其糖苷、蟾蜍甾、高异黄酮、生物碱、二苯乙烯及少量的木脂素等。药理活性主要表现在抗菌、抗炎、抗氧化、抗肿瘤和糖苷酶抑制等方面。为了更好地开发利用本属药用植物,该文综述了其化学成分与药理活性的研究进展。  相似文献   

风轮菜属Clinopodium植物是唇形科Labiatae多年生草本植物,在全球分布范围较广,具有良好的药用价值前景。现代研究发现风轮菜属药用植物中含有黄酮及其苷类、三萜皂苷类、环烯醚萜苷、二萜苷类、游离三萜类、挥发油、苯丙素等多种化学成分,具有止血、抗菌、抗炎及免疫调节、降血糖、抗氧化、抗肿瘤等多种药理活性,临床上主要应用于治疗各种出血性疾病。该论文对风轮菜属药用植物的分类学、资源分布、化学成分、药理活性、临床应用等研究进展进行系统综述,为该属药用植物进一步的研究与开发提供参考及科学依据。  相似文献   

鹿蹄草属植物广泛分布于北温带各区域,主要含有醌类、酚苷、萜类、黄酮类及挥发油类化合物,具有抗氧化、抗肿瘤、抑菌、抗心肌缺血、抗炎等多种药理活性。该文在广泛检索文献基础上对鹿蹄草属植物的化学成分,药理活性与质量控制研究进展进行综述,为鹿蹄草资源的合理利用提供依据。  相似文献   

冬青属植物含有三萜及其苷类、黄酮类、香豆素、木脂素等化学成分。具有治疗心血管疾病、抗炎抗茵、抗肿瘤、降脂消肥等多种药理活性。本属多数植物在我国作为民间药物防病治病。该文对近6年以来有关冬青属植物的化学成分和药理活性的研究进展进行综述,为从化学成分角度探明该属植物的亲缘关系以及药物资源的合理开发利用提供参考。  相似文献   

山矾科山矾属植物化学成分及药理活性研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
山矾科山矾属的多种植物在民间具有多种药用价值 ,主要具有清热解毒、理气止痛、止血生肌等作用。查阅该属植物的相关文献 ,对该属植物中所含的三萜及其苷类、黄酮类、环烯醚萜类、木脂素及其苷类、生物碱类、甾醇及其苷类、多糖、鞣花酸以及无色花葵苷等化学成分及其药理活性进行了综述。  相似文献   

岩白菜属植物在我国种质资源丰富,有多种生物活性,具有重要的药用价值。该属植物中含有多种化学成分,主要有香豆素类、黄酮类、萜类、糖苷类、甾体类、蒽醌类和有机酸类等;具有抗菌、抗炎、止咳、抗疟、抗氧化等药理活性。本文综述了岩白菜属植物的化学成分和药理活性,以期为岩白菜属植物的深入研究和开发利用提供参考。  相似文献   

目的:对云实属植物化学成分及药理活性的研究进展作一综述。方法:通过系统文献调研,对该属植物的化学成分进行分类归纳,并对该属植物的主要药理活性研究进行综述。结果:云实属植物中含有单宁、萜类、黄酮类、氨基酸类、生物碱类等多种化学成分;该属植物多具有抗炎、抗病毒、抗癌、抗疟疾等药理活性。结论:大量研究表明,云实属植物含有多种化学成分,并具有较强的药理活性,所以该属植物具有广阔的开发前景和较大的利用价值,本文为云实属植物的进一步研究开发提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

紫堇属植物生物碱类化学成分与药理作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
紫堇属植物分布广泛,且多种作为药用,其所含有的生物碱类化学成分主要为异喹啉类生物碱。本属植物及其提取物具有抗心律失常、抗菌、保肝等药理活性,深入研究后可开发为天然药物。  相似文献   

金鸡菊属药用植物研究进展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
金鸡菊属植物约有100种,主要分布于美洲、非洲南部及夏威夷群岛等地,其中我国常见的该属植物有7种。金鸡菊属植物两色金鸡菊Coreopsis tinctoria为我国维吾尔族民间草药雪菊的基原植物,《中华本草》名曰蛇目菊,具有清热解毒、化湿止痢之功效。金鸡菊属植物的化学成分主要为黄酮类、苯丙素类、倍半萜类、聚炔类及甾醇类,具有抗炎等多种活性。该文综述了金鸡菊属植物的化学成分和药理作用,并对其开发前景进行了展望,以期为该属植物的深入研究和开发利用提供参考。  相似文献   

玉簪属植物化学成分及药理作用研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文综述了玉簪属植物的化学成分及药理活性方面的研究进展。该属植物主要含甾体、黄酮、生物碱、脂肪酸类等化学成分,药理研究表明该属植物及其中所含成分具有抗炎、抗肿瘤等方面的药理活性。对该属植物进行进一步的研究和开发具有重要意义。  相似文献   

肉豆蔻属植物化学成分和药理活性研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肉豆蔻科肉豆蔻属植物全球约有120余种,分布于南亚,从玻利尼西亚西部、大洋洲、印度东部至菲律宾。国内外学者已从该属植物中分离得到164个化合物,其中大部分是木脂素,此外还包括苯丙素、黄酮和酚类成分等,具有抗菌、抗炎、抗氧化、抗癌、降血糖、保肝等生物活性。该文总结了该属植物的化学成分和药理活性研究进展,为综合利用与深入开展该药用植物资源提供参考依据。  相似文献   

The genus Caragana is a member of the family Fabaceae, subfamily Faboideae and is native to arid and semi-arid areas of the temperate zones of Asia and Eastern Europe. Many species are cultured for dune-fixation, livestock forage and biological resources for fuel energy and fiber production. More than 10 species in this genus have a long history of use in traditional Chinese, Mongolian and Tibetan medicines and are believed to “nourish yin, invigorate the spleen, temper the blood and promote blood flow”. They have been used for the treatment of a wide range of ailments including fevers, inflammation, wounds and infections, dizziness, headache, hypertension, female disorders, arthritis and cancer. Over 100 phytochemicals have been identified with flavonoids and stilbenoids being the major constituents of this genus. Clinical studies have demonstrated the pharmacological activities of different Caraganum species, e.g. Caragana sinica for the treatment of hypertension, and in vivo and/or in vitro studies have provided some support for other traditional uses, e.g. anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, phytoestrogenic, immunostimulant and immunosuppressant activities. However, further studies to identify the active components and further verify the pharmacological activities are warranted. This review presents a comprehensive analysis of the ethnobotany, phytochemistry and pharmacology of the genus Caragana.  相似文献   

我国有紫堇属植物约298种,其中特有10组219种,广泛用于藏医藏药。紫堇属藏药主要用于感冒发烧、肝炎、水肿、胃炎、胆囊炎、高血压等多种疾病。其化学成分主要为异喹啉生物碱。现代药理学研究表明紫堇属植物对心血管系统、中枢神经系统、抗菌、镇痛、抗炎、保肝、抗氧化等,皆有明显的作用。该文对我国紫堇属藏药的种属、分布、化学成分、药理活性等进行系统综述,并对其相关研究现状和前景进行了展望,以期为紫堇属藏药的深入研究和开发利用提供参考。  相似文献   


Ethnopharmacological relevance

Several species from the genus Sapium possess a broad range of medicinal properties and they have been used as traditional medicines by indigenous groups in several regions such as Malaysia, Africa, Southern China and Bolivia. Most of the species reported to possess therapeutic effects which are used for the treatment of skin-related diseases such as eczema and dermatitis, but they may also be used for overstrain, lumbago, constipation and hernia. Species of this genus are also used to treat wounds and snake bites. In addition, the saps/latex of Sapium glandulosum, Sapium indicum and Sapium sebiferum have/has toxic effects and are used as bird and fish poisons. This review discusses the current knowledge of the medicinal uses, phytochemistry, biological activities and toxicities of species from the genus Sapium to reveal their therapeutic potentials and gaps offering opportunities for future research.

Materials and methods

This review is based on a literature study of scientific journals and books from libraries and electronic sources, such as ScienceDirect, PubMed and ACS.


As many as 65 compounds are included in this review. They belong to different classes of compounds including flavonoids, terpenoids and several other types of compounds, such as alkaloids, phenolic acids and amides. The pharmacological studies revealed that various types of preparations, extracts and single compounds of species from this genus exhibited a broad spectrum of biological activities including antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and cytotoxic activities. However, Sapium glandulosum, Sapium indicum and Sapium sebiferum were reported to possess toxic effects and Sapium sebiferum was found to contain phorbol esters acting as a tumor-promoting agent.


The genus Sapium consists of 23 accepted (high confidence) species. However, only very few of species have been phytochemically and pharmacologically studied. There is great potential to discover new chemical constituents from this genus because only a few species have been phytochemically investigated thus far. Only 27 compounds of 65 identified compounds have been studied for their biological activities. Several extracts and single compounds from this genus were reported to exhibit interesting biological activities such as antimicrobial, antioxidant and cytotoxic effects. Furthermore, the toxicity studies of some phorbol esters suggested that the compounds acted as potential tumor-promoting agents by stimulating protein kinase C. This is an interesting fact in which a plant with medicinal properties also possesses toxic effects as well. Therefore, more clinical studies on the toxicity of the extracts of the plants and the compounds isolated from this genus are also crucial to ensure their safety and to assess their eligibility for use as sources for modern medicines.  相似文献   

红厚壳属植物具有很高的药用价值,常作为民间药物用于治疗疾病,如牙痛、风湿、腹泻、慢性胃溃疡、皮肤感染以及创伤.该属植物富含色满酮衍生物,且此类次生代谢产物具有抗病毒、抗真菌、抗细菌以及细胞毒等药理活性.为了对红厚壳属植物中的色满酮衍生物有更完整的了解,以便从我国红厚壳属植物中寻找新的活性成分,故对该属植物中色满酮衍生物的化学结构和药理活性进行了概述,并探讨了此类成分可能的生源途径.  相似文献   

The genus Sideritis (Lamiaceae) comprises more than 150 perennial and annual vegetal species widely distributed in the Mediterranean area, together with Canary and Madeira islands. It is a controversial botanic genus, with a complex taxonomical classification due to the high number of hybridizations that occur between species; their study requires a deep research experience. Sideritis species have been traditionally used as teas for feeding, flavoring agents and in folk medicine as antiinflammatory, antiulcerative, antimicrobial, vulnerary, antioxidant, antispasmodic, anticonvulsant, analgesic and carminative agents.The chemical components found in Sideritis genus include terpenes, flavonoids, essential oil, iridoids, coumarins, lignanes and sterols, among others. Diterpenes, flavonoids and essential oil occur in almost every species and are the main compounds responsible for the observed in vivo and in vitro pharmacological activities.The aim of this review is to provide a comprehensive overview on the botanical, phytochemical and pharmacological aspects from the genus Sideritis, with the objective of establishing scientific basis that explains its ethnopharmacological use.  相似文献   


Ethnopharmacological relevance

Plants of the genus Desmodium (Fabaceae), such as Desmodium styracifolium (Osbeck) Merr. and Desmodium gyrans (L. f.) DC., have a long history of medical use in Traditional Chinese Medicine to treat various ailments including rheumatism, pyrexia, dysentery, wounds, cough, malaria, hepatitis, hemoptysis, etc. In the theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine, most species have the effect of relieving internal heat or fever, neutralizing toxins, inhibiting pain, invigorating blood circulation, suppressing cough and alleviating dyspnea.

Materials and methods

A bibliographic investigation was accomplished by analyzing secondary sources including Chinese Herbal Classics, and worldwide accepted scientific databases (Pubmed, Scopus and Web of Science, SciFinder) were scrutinized for the available information on the ethnopharmacological uses in Chinese medicine, phytochemistry, pharmacology and toxicology of Desmodium species.


The genus Desmodium is a large member of the Papilionaceae (Fabaceae) family. It contains about 350 plant species used for both feeding stuffs and herbal medicines, of which only about 30 species have been phytochemically or pharmacologically investigated. Desmodium plant extracts, as well as the active principles, have been experimentally studied for their anti-inflammatory, cytotoxic, antidiabetic, antinephrolithic, antibacterial, and nootropic activities in vitro or in vivo. And so far, a total of 212 compounds have been isolated from 15 Desmodium species and characterized mainly as flavonoids and alkaloids, followed by terpenoids, steroids, phenols, phenylpropanoids, glycosides and a number of volatile oils. The remaining unrevealed species are recorded chiefly in Asia and Africa being used in empirical treatment for various diseases.


Desmodium species have long been used in TCM to treat various ailments. Available scientific references revealed that the traditional medical uses of some important Desmodium species in TCM have been evaluated by modern pharmacological studies. As literature demonstrated, flavonoids and alkaloids are perhaps responsible for most of the activities shown by the plants of this genus. Further studies are still required to reveal the structure-activity relationship of these active constituents.  相似文献   

散沫花化学成分和生物活性研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
散沫花Lawsonia inermis,千屈菜科Lythtaceae散沫花属植物,其叶、花、果实、种子都可以作为传统中药使用.现代研究发现散沫花含有醌、苯丙素、黄酮、三萜、酚酸和脂肪酸等多种类型的化合物,并具有抗菌、抗肿瘤、抗氧化、抗寄生虫等广泛的药理活性,有很大的开发利用价值,因此受到各国学者的广泛关注.该文对散沫花的化学成分、生物活性及其应用的研究进展进行了综述,为其深入的开发研究提供参考.  相似文献   

目的:总结松萝属地农的化学成分及药理活性研究进展.方法:通过系统地文献调研,对松萝属地衣化学成分进行分类归纳,并对该属地衣的主要药理活性研究现状进行综述.结果:松萝属地农含有多种化学成分,主要有单取代苯环类、缩酚类、蒽醌类、二苯并呋喃类、甾体类、萜类、脂肪酸类等成分以及多糖,具有抗肿瘤,抗菌,抗炎、抗氧化、抗血栓等生物活性.结论:为松萝属地衣的进一步研究、开发提供了有益的参考.  相似文献   

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