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目的 探讨磁控胶囊内镜在上消化道疾病诊断中的临床应用.方法 对37例有上消化道症状的患者随机进行食管胃十二指肠镜检查和磁控胶囊内镜检查.通过体外巡航胶囊内镜控制系统对磁控胶囊内镜进行控制,完成磁控胶囊内镜对食管、贲门、胃底、胃体、胃窦和十二指肠球部的观察,并与食管胃十二指肠镜检查结果进行比较,观察磁控胶囊内镜对上消化道病变的检出率、阳性预测值、阴性预测值、敏感性以及特异性.结果 食管胃十二指肠镜检查发现病变34例,磁控胶囊内镜发现病变32例,两者检查一致率为86.5%.磁控胶囊内镜检查对上消化道病变检查的敏感性为91%,特异性为67%,阳性预测值为97%,阴性预测值为40%.结论 磁控胶囊内镜对发现上消化道病变有较高的敏感性和阳性预测值,并且检查过程无创、可控,可用于上消化道疾病的诊断.  相似文献   

上消化道疾病高发,传统插管式胃镜是检查上消化道疾病最常用的检查方法和"金标准"。为了更舒适无创的检查上消化道黏膜,多项研究提出了上消化道胶囊内镜的概念,但是由于上消化道各部位解剖与生理结构的差异,目前可以使用的胶囊内镜如单纯被动式、磁控式、线控式、磁控联合线控式以及侧视胶囊内镜都存在一定的局限性,无法实现对上消化道整体黏膜情况的观察。文章试图通过介绍适用于食管、胃以及十二指肠检测的胶囊内镜,分析各内镜的诊断效能及其不足,探讨未来上消化道胶囊内镜可能的发展方向。  相似文献   

胶囊内镜检查后上消化道大出血1例报道   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
46岁男性患者接受胶囊内镜检查后发生上消化道大出血,胃镜检查提示贲门黏膜撕裂,给予抗休克和三腔双囊管压迫等治疗措施后出血停止。胶囊内镜在胃内滞留诱发患者呕吐,剧烈的呕吐导致贲门黏膜撕裂引发上消化道大出血。因此对于胶囊内镜滞留胃内的患者要警惕出血的可能。  相似文献   

消化道疾病的早期临床症状多为非特异性,疾病的早期诊治,对于判断预后非常重要。胃肠镜检查是消化道疾病筛查指南中推荐的首要方法,但依存性欠佳。磁控胶囊胃镜(Magnetically controlled capsule gastroscopy, MCCG)是一种新型的非侵入性内镜检查技术,可以通过体外磁场的控制,将胶囊内镜精准移动到胃内任何部位,在完成上消化道检查后,可以对小肠进行检查,具有无创、无痛、无交叉感染等优点在消化道检查中发挥着重要作用。本文对磁控胶囊内镜在消化道检查中的应用情况做一综述。  相似文献   

目的比较磁控胶囊内镜与胃镜的优劣性,探讨磁控胶囊内镜对上消化道疾病诊断的灵敏性和准确性,以及在体检个体中的应用价值。方法本研究通过回顾性研究,分析了南京医科大学第一附属医院2015年10月至2018年10月分别接受胃镜检查和磁控胶囊内镜检查的两组体检个体的相关临床资料,分析上消化道疾病发现率,经磁控胶囊内镜检查后追加胃镜情况,以及两组个体检查的舒适度、安全性。结果磁控胶囊内镜组205例中共检出11例食管病变,51例胃部病变,37例十二指肠病变;胃镜组314例中共检出65例食管病变,63例胃部病变,65例十二指肠病变,磁控胶囊内镜组除检出胃和十二指肠病变外,还检出了空回肠甚至结肠病变。磁控胶囊内镜运行到空回肠有149例,其中检出病变有38例,运行到结肠有106例,结肠腔内由于肠道准备不足,见大量粪渣及粪水,严重影响视野,无法观察。两组上消化道检查结果对比,除食管处观察情况差异有统计学意义(P0.05),其他各部位差异均无统计学意义(P0.05),磁控胶囊内镜具有更好的舒适度及耐受性,甚至能检查出胃镜无法检出的下消化道疾病。磁控胶囊内镜组中有28例受检者在检查结束后行胃镜复查或有关治疗,其中18例胃息肉患者在胃镜下行内镜下摘除术,7例胃溃疡行胃镜复查,病理证实为良性溃疡,3例胃部黏膜下隆起性病变中2例诊断为胃间质瘤,1例为脾脏压迫。结论磁控胶囊内镜在体检人群中的应用价值不低于胃镜,且更易被人群所接受。  相似文献   

目的:探讨磁控胶囊内镜体外磁场控制装置的操作方法.方法:选55名志愿者,通过磁控胶囊内镜的体外磁场控制装置对胶囊内镜的控制,使其在胃腔内作出平移、仰视、俯视、旋转及上下移动,替代有创胃镜来诊断胃部疾病.结果:被检者之中54人经磁控胶囊内镜后达到胃内各个观察部位观察完毕,操作时间24.5min±5.5min.1人因胃排空过快,磁控胶囊内镜后5min排至十二指肠而结束检查.其中检出浅表性胃炎45例,浅表性胃炎伴胆汁返流3例,十二指肠球部溃疡2例,胃窦肿瘤1例,未见异常4例.所有受试者在吞服磁控胶囊内镜后,在体外磁场控制装置的控制下,磁控胶囊内镜在食管及胃内均到达并观察到各个检查部位.检查过程中所有受试者均无任何不适.结论:磁控胶囊内镜应用于胃部检查,通过体外磁场控制装置对磁控胶囊内镜的控制,能达到检查食管、胃、十二指肠的检查目的,且安全、无痛苦.  相似文献   

目的 初步探讨姿态控制系统联合姿态可控智能胶囊内镜在胃部检查中的应用价值.方法 15例患者行胶囊内镜胃部检查,评价驱动器控制下胶囊内镜在胃腔内移动及改变姿态的操控性,并对胶囊内镜观察胃腔内各部位及十二指肠球部、降部等部位病变的实际情况、图像质量以及患者对胶囊内镜检查的顺应性进行评估.结果 14例(93.3%)完成胃腔内各个部位观察;余1例胶囊内镜吞服5 min后排至十二指肠未能往复检查胃底及胃体.检查时间5~ 30 min,平均(23.7±6.5)min;检出浅表性胃炎10例,浅表性胃炎伴胆汁反流1例,十二指肠球部溃疡1例,余3例未见明显异常.术中胶囊内镜图像清晰,仅有极少量图像受到胃肠蠕动的影响,整个检查过程中所有患者顺应性良好,未出现任何明显不适症状,胶囊内镜均于术后第2天或第3天排出体外.结论 姿态控制系统联合姿态可控智能胶囊内镜进行胃部检查是可行的,具有较好的临床应用价值.  相似文献   

[目的]探讨莫沙必利对胶囊内镜检查质量的影响。[方法]将55例进行胶囊内镜检查的患者随机分为研究组(27例)和对照组(28例)。研究组检查前晚和服用胶囊内镜前30min各口服莫沙必利5mg,对照组则不服任何药物。观察2组患者在肠道准备中有无恶心、呕吐、腹痛等不良反应,记录2组患者胶囊内镜在胃内和小肠的运行时间、排出体内时间和图像评分并进行比较。[结果]研究组在肠道准备过程中不良反应发生率、胶囊内镜胃内运行时间明显低于对照组(P0.05),图像评分明显高于对照组(P0.05);2组胶囊内镜小肠内运行时间比较差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。[结论]莫沙必利能明显减少胶囊内镜检查肠道准备过程中的不良反应和胶囊内镜胃排空时间,提高肠道清洁度及图像质量,安全性高。  相似文献   

目的探讨胶囊内镜在疑难消化道疾病中的诊断价值和安全性。方法对不明原因的消化道出血,腹痛和慢性腹泻患者进行Pillcam胶囊内镜检查,部分患者行传统检查(胃镜、结肠镜和全消化道钡餐)以进行对比分析。结果 135例受检者在胶囊内镜检查过程中无任何不适和并发症,均顺利完成检查,胶囊1~4 d自然排出,食管通过平均时间为2.46 min,胃通过平均时间为37.80 min,小肠通过平均时间为275.82 min,其中3例胶囊未达结肠。所得图像清晰,所检出的疾病包括食管静脉曲张、慢性胃炎、十二指肠溃疡、小肠炎、克罗恩病、血管畸形、息肉和间质瘤等。结论胶囊内镜检查安全,无痛苦,对病变检出率高,定位较准确,对小肠疾病和上消化道病变有较高的诊断价值。  相似文献   

目的探讨胶囊内镜对消化道疾病的诊断价值,观察胶囊内镜检查的临床应用价值和安全性。方法采用国产OMOM胶囊内镜对112例受检者行消化道检查,分析其临床效果。结果 112例受检者中发现病变96例有病变,检出率85.7%。上消化道疾病37例,小肠疾病54例,结肠疾病5例,其中小肠非特异性炎症28例,多发性和单发性息肉3例,克罗恩病4例,血管发育不良6例,伴出血3例,小肠肿瘤2例,回肠末端淋巴滤泡增殖症10例。受检者顺应性好,未发生梗阻及崁顿并发症。结论胶囊内镜对小肠疾病有较高的检出率,安全性高、顺应性好,可以作为小肠疾病诊断的首选,而且对胃及大肠疾病也有一定的诊断价值。  相似文献   

BackgroundVideo capsule can illuminate the entire gastrointestinal mucosa. Upper gastrointestinal capsule endoscopy (UGICE) has the potential to survey for oesophageal, gastric and duodenal pathology and determine whether biopsy or intervention is indicated.AimsThis review traces the evolution of foregut video capsule endoscopy.MethodsA broad literature research was performed independently by two investigators. Extracted articles were organized and evaluated to interpret all current data.ResultsIn contrast to small bowel capsule, UGICE required sequential innovations to deal with rapid oesophageal transit, the irregular shape of the stomach and unpredictable gastric peristalsis. Oesophageal capsule endoscopy required the development of a two-camera device operating at a high frame rate, and postural change was developed to improve image capture, especially at the level of the Z-line, thus providing good imaging of Barrett's oesophagus, erosive oesophagitis and oesophageal varices, with optimal patients’ tolerance. UGICE in patients presenting to the emergency room with acute bleeding has demonstrated accuracy when deciding on the need for emergency intervention. The latest development of a high frame rate UGICE, designed to image the oesophagus, stomach and duodenum has overtaken dedicated oesophageal capsule development. Capsule control is possible by exposing a magnetised capsule to an external magnetic field, and early reports indicate high accuracy in the oesophagus and stomach with high levels of patient acceptability. There is little information on cost-benefit.ConclusionsCapsule endoscopy offers gastroenterologists a new device to investigate the upper gastrointestinal tract with promising future potential.  相似文献   

冯倩 《胃肠病学》2011,16(5):304-306
胶囊内镜在小肠疾病诊断中的优势得以确认后.研究者逐渐将视线转移到了对非小肠疾病的诊断上。食管胶囊内镜具有双摄像头和较快的拍摄、储存速度,能在短时间内获得大量数据信息,对食管常见疾病好发部位胃食管连接部的显示明显优于普通胶囊内镜。本文对食管胶囊内镜的构造和性能、操作方法及其在胃食管反流病、肝硬化食管静脉曲张等疾病中的临床应用作一综述。  相似文献   

胶囊内镜(capsule endoscopy,CE)因其使用方便、耐受性好、并发症少及对消化道的可视化程度高,是受患者普遍接受的胃肠道体检方案,已经成为了小肠内镜检查的一线检查方式。但是,胶囊内镜的临床应用仍需进一步规范。文章拟通过归纳美国胃肠内镜学会(ASGE)、欧洲胃肠内镜学会(ESGE)、中华消化内镜学会等多份指南对胶囊内镜操作、报告、培训的要求,总结胶囊内镜的规范化操作流程,归纳其在COVID-19流行背景下的应用情景,探讨胶囊内镜临床实践中所面临的问题,以及胶囊内镜教学未来可能的发展方向。  相似文献   

Diagnostic yield of capsule endoscopy in obscure gastrointestinal bleeding   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Fireman Z  Friedman S 《Digestion》2004,70(3):201-206
OBJECTIVES: Chronic occult blood loss from the gastrointestinal tract is a recognized major cause of iron-deficiency anemia. After conventional investigation of the upper and lower parts of the gastrointestinal tract, the source of bleeding remains unidentified in approximately 10% of these patients. We evaluated the diagnostic yield of capsule endoscopy from patients enrolled in clinical studies due to persistent or recurrent iron-deficiency anemia. METHODS: In this large cohort study, patients with obscure gastrointestinal bleeding were identified in a company-sponsored clinical study (Given Imaging, Ltd.) database which contains data from >50 clinical studies. Information on suitable patients was derived from 31 of them. Each subject swallowed an M2A Given Capsule containing a miniature video camera, batteries, a transmitter and an antenna. Recording time was approximately 8 h. The capsule was excreted naturally in the patient's bowel movement, and the data it transmitted were retrieved and interpreted the next day. RESULTS: 293 patients were studied (135 males, 46.1%, mean age 59.4 +/- 16.8 years) whose mean number of bleeding episodes was 4.3 +/- 5.5 and mean hemoglobin level was 9.8 +/- 2.4 g/dl. The average number of diagnostic procedures per patient prior to the capsule endoscopy study was 5.59. Capsule endoscopy detected definitive findings in 213/293 patients (72%) and findings missed by other diagnostic procedures in 22/293 patients (8%). Neither capsule endoscopy nor the other diagnostic procedures yielded diagnoses in 58/293 patients (20%). CONCLUSIONS: Capsule endoscopy has a high diagnostic yield in evaluating patients with obscure gastrointestinal bleeding.  相似文献   

胶囊内镜诊断消化道疾病102例   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:探讨胶囊内镜在消化道疾病中的诊断价值和安全性.方法:对不明原因的消化道出血.腹痛和慢性腹泻患者进行Pillcam胶囊内镜检查.部分患者行传统检查(胃镜、结肠镜和全消化道钡餐),进行对比分析.结果:102例受检者在胶囊内镜检查过程中无任何不适和并发症,均顺利完成检查.胶囊1-4 d自然排出,食道排空平均时间2.46 min,胃排空平均时间37.8 min,小肠转运时间平均275.82 min,其中,5例胶囊未达结肠.所得图像清晰,检出食道静咏曲张、慢性胃炎、十二指肠溃疡、小肠炎症、克罗恩病、血管畸形、息肉和间质瘤等.结论:胶囊内镜检查无痛苦,成功率高,对病变检出率高,定位较准确.与其他方法相比.对小肠疾病和上消化道病变有较好的诊断价值.  相似文献   

This first decade of capsule endoscopy (CE) has expanded our knowledge of small bowel disorders, pointed the way to lesions that could not be appreciated clinically or radiologically, and helped to target and monitor therapy. Although insurance companies have often dictated that upper and lower endoscopy and sometimes even radiographic procedures precede CE, in many instances, it makes more clinical sense to reverse that paradigm, and instead screen the gastrointestinal tract using a less invasive, less expensive, anesthesia-free, radiation-free miniaturized camera that can assist diagnosis and management. Although retention and incomplete visualization of the intestine still limit the full effectiveness of CE, further studies and development promise to expand CE's utility throughout the gastrointestinal tract for a variety of indications.  相似文献   

Video capsule endoscopy of the small bowel.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: It is now more than 6 years since capsule endoscopy was first introduced to the gastroenterological community. This disposable 26 x 11 mm video capsule, containing its own optical dome, light source, batteries, transmitter and antenna, is swallowed with water after a 12 h fast. The capsule is propelled via peristalsis through the gastrointestinal tract, capturing about 60 000 digital images, and is excreted naturally. Capsule endoscopy has become a first-line tool for detecting abnormalities in the small bowel, because all other imaging technologies are rather ineffective. This review covers recent developments in capsule endoscopy technology and provides an update of its main indications. RECENT FINDINGS: There are some clear indications for capsule endoscopy: obscure gastrointestinal bleeding, suspected small bowel tumour (in which it is becoming a primary investigational tool), suspected Crohn's disease, surveillance of inherited polyposis syndromes, drug-induced small bowel injury, and any abnormal small bowel imaging. Controversy persists regarding what is a normal small bowel appearance, which is exacerbated by the inability to take biopsies and thus differentiate between entities; with technological advances, however, it is hoped that this will be addressed. SUMMARY: Capsule endoscopy has been incorporated into the gastroenterologists' daily life, changing the approach to many small bowel pathologies.  相似文献   

Small‐bowel capsule endoscopy (SBCE) is used widely because of its non‐invasive and patient‐friendly nature. SBCE can visualize entire small‐intestinal mucosa and facilitate detection of small‐intestinal abnormalities. In this review article, we focus on the current status of SBCE. Several platforms for SBCE are available worldwide. Third‐generation SBCE (PillCam® SB3) has a high‐resolution camera equipped with an adaptive frame rate system. Several software modes have been developed to reduce the reading time for capsule endoscopy and to minimize the possibility of missing lesions. The main complication of SBCE is capsule retention. Thus, the main contraindication for SBCE is known or suspected gastrointestinal obstruction unless intestinal patency is proven. Possible indications for SBCE are obscure gastrointestinal bleeding, Crohn's disease, small‐intestinal polyps and tumors, and celiac disease. Colon capsule endoscopy (CCE) can observe inflamed colonic mucosa non‐invasively, and allows for the continuous and non‐invasive observation of the entire intestinal tract (pan‐endoscopy). Recently, application of CCE as pan‐enteric endoscopy for inflammatory bowel diseases (including Crohn's disease) has been reported. In the near future, reading for CE will be assisted by artificial intelligence, and reading CE videos for long periods will not be required.  相似文献   

陈慧敏  戈之铮 《胃肠病学》2009,14(6):367-370
克罗恩病(CD)是一种原因未明的慢性炎性肉芽肿性病变,可侵及全消化道各部位,约70%的病变累及小肠,诊断需联合其临床表现、内镜检查、组织病理学、影像学、实验室检生化查等。新型检查技术如胶囊内镜和双气囊内镜对评估小肠疾病具有重要作用。本文就胶囊内镜和双气囊内镜在小肠CD中的诊断率作一综述,以进一步明确两者的诊断价值。  相似文献   

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