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 探讨了青藏高原高寒湿地的动态变化及演变趋势,分析了湿地面积变化、生态系统结构与功能退化现状与原因。分析表明,国家近20年来在青藏高原实施的生态保护、修复及生态工程项目取得了一定的成效,但高寒湿地生态系统的退化形势依然严峻。生态保护和修复是一项系统、长期的工作,今后要加强生态修复技术研发项目与工程类项目的衔接,建立长效管理机制,提高退化湿地的自然恢复能力。同时,要构建适于青藏高原高寒湿地保护效应的评价模型和指标体系,完善重大工程项目的系统监测与评价。在黄河、长江上游源区布局高寒湿地生态系统的长期监测,将与三江源区同样重要的黄河首曲湿地、若尔盖湿地纳入国家公园管理体系,统筹规划,建立健全科技服务平台和信息共享机制。  相似文献   
采用语料库方法,构建了一个具有4500余条词的白马藏语语音库,并做了规范的音标标注。该库涵盖了《藏语方言调查表》91%的词汇,包含了白马藏语固有的语音和词汇特征,完全能够代表白马藏语普遍的语言现象。依据语音库标注信息,从发音部位和发音方法两方面对白马藏语声母和韵母的音位系统进行了统计分析,获得了详细的白马藏语音系数据。同时,按发音方法归纳了声母与韵母的组合规律及其分布特征,总结了白马藏语语音与藏语书面语的对应关系,为今后的白马藏语研究提供了详实的数据和新的研究思路。  相似文献   
The content and hydrogen isotope ratios of n-alkanes extracted from recent lake surface sediments sampled from nine lakes in three different climate zones on the Southwestern Tibetan Plateau were analyzed.Values were compared with n-alkanes in plants from lake drainages,and dD values of meteoric water,lake water,and mean annual precipitation.The results showed that n-C23was predominantly derived from aquatic plants,and n-C27–n-C33from terrestrial higher plants.The average carbon chain length of n-C27–n-C33(ACL27–33)was positively correlated with the mean annual precipitation.dD values of the long-chain n-alkanes n-C29and n-C31of terrestrial origin(varying between-214%and-169%,and-226%and-185%,respectively)were inversely correlated with mean annual precipitation;but in accordance with the average annual variations in dD(OIPC),dD values of n-C31were strongly related to the dD values of growing season meteoric water(R2=0.74).The large difference between dD values of n-C23of aquatic origin and n-C31(an average of about 27%)demonstrates the enrichment of the lake water dD compared to precipitation,caused by strong evaporation in the semiarid–arid areas of the southwestern Tibetan Plateau.Average value of en C25 31=p(-95%)is evidently higher than the value observed in European wet regions(-128%);besides,en C31(about-116%)is constant along the study transect(SD=9),which indicates that n-C31is a useful proxy for the environment.  相似文献   
This paper reports new zircon U-Pb ages,and Hf isotope and whole-rock major and trace element data for Cambrian plagiogranites from the Tuobeiling ophiolite in central Qiangtang,Tibetan Plateau.Zircon SIMS and LAICP-MS U-Pb dating of the plagiogranites yield weighted mean ages of 504.8±4.2 and 491.6±1.5 Ma,respectively.The zircons from plagiogranites exhibit positive eHf(t)values(ranging from 11.46 to 15.16),indicating that the plagiogranites are derived from depleted mantle.These plagiogranites are characterized by high SiO2and Na2O,low K2O,low REE contents,and flat REE distribution patterns.These rocks have geochemical compositions typical of oceanic plagiogranite and,considered along with their petrography and field relationships,are interpreted to have derived from anatexis of hydrated amphibolites by ductile shearing during transports of the oceanic crust.The formation age of such type of plagiogranite is slightly younger than that of the associated section of oceanic crust.Thus the new results from these plagiogranites suggest that the Longmu Co–Shuanghu–Lancangjiang ocean had probably opened before the Middle Cambrian.  相似文献   
青藏高原近地面层气象要素变化特征   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
利用第2次青藏高原气象科学实验(TIPEX)1998年5-7月改则、当雄和昌都3个大气边界层加强观测站获取的近地面层观测资料,分析了青藏高原西部、中部和东部地区近地面层风速、温度和湿度的日变化特征及其廓线规律,给出了青藏高原地区地表空气动力学参数和地表温度变化规律,讨论了高原近地面层湍流通量特征及逆湿现象。  相似文献   
文章对藏族风格二胡独奏曲《金珠玛米赞》、《洁白的哈达》、《北京有个金太阳》和《洁白的哈达》四部作品的创作背景、风格特色、曲式结构、演奏技法等进行了分析,提出对与作品演奏相关的音乐意象、表情、情绪控制等的准确把握也是演奏成功的重要因素.  相似文献   
在藏语语法中格标记具有举足轻重的作用,诸如使动词成为羡余,使句子中名词性成分容量提升,造成句法成分的多重性等。在以格标记为核心的名词句中,结构语言学直接成分分析法的局限性明显凸现,而语言逻辑却占有一席之地。  相似文献   
吐蕃时期,汉传佛教在诸多因缘下正式传入藏地。汉传佛教传入藏地后通过几个阶段及几个不同形式的传播,对后来形成的藏传佛教产生了诸多深远的影响。  相似文献   
采用华东师范大学周步成和其他研究人员修订编制的我国中学学生标准化《心理健康诊断测验》(MHT)问卷,对云南迪庆藏族自治州的1 082名中职学生进行问卷调查.结果显示,云南迪庆藏族自治州中职学生心理健康总体状况处于一般,在性别、民族、专业、年级、城乡等因子上存在显著差异;而在是否独生子女、不同家庭类型、是否班校干部等因子上没有显著差异.研究表明云南迪庆藏族自治州中等职业学校学生心理健康状况不容乐观,需要加强研究.  相似文献   
碧罗雪山东麓茨中村的田野调查材料,以一个村庄为焦点,展现了当地人半农半牧、跑马帮、开客栈、从事渔猎、手工等传统生存策略。当地自然条件的多样性,使人们根据自身对生境的需要,认识物种、使用工具、进行社会分工、开辟交通,从而创立和发展了生产方式,并以此和自然交换能量。每一代村民进入预定的继承序列,也就获得了前人的生态环境、社会因素及生产方式,并在自身活动中添加一些新的内容,从而形成多样化的生计模式。  相似文献   
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