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以“七麦数据”网站收录的中医移动医疗App作为研究对象,采用网络调查法和文献分析法,根据“七麦数据”对移动医疗App的分类,结合中医移动医疗App的信息服务内容和特点,将筛选出的中医移动医疗App划分为医疗健康类、中医养生类、知识传播类、全面综合类,并根据“七麦数据”网站中对各类中医移动医疗App的打分及累计下载量筛选出最具代表性的12款中医移动医疗App,从全面性、人性化、安全性、实用性4个一级指标和40个二级指标对其信息服务现状进行评价,指出当前中医移动医疗App信息服务存在的问题并提出建议。  相似文献   
目的 了解我国老年人中医证候分布特征,为中医药辨治老年人提供参考依据。方法 系统检索中国知识基础设施(CNKI)、中文科技期刊数据库(CCD)、万方数据资源系统数据库(CSPD),纳入研究对象为老年人的临床流行病学调查研究文献,对其调查目的、调查疾病及调查结果等进行描述统计。结果 ①最终纳入168篇文献,其中2010至2020年之间发表138篇(82.14%);调查地区涵盖全国28个省市自治区,共纳入43948例老年人,累计覆盖340个研究中心;②主要研究结果显示,老年人中医证候阴虚阳亢证(10.05%)>血瘀证(9.5%)>痰浊(湿)证(8.91%)>阴阳两虚证(4.98%)>痰瘀互结证(4.96%);单元证分布阴虚证(14.70%)>痰证(11.22%)>气虚证(7.15%)>肾虚证(4.72%)>血瘀证(4.18%);涉及病变脏腑肾>肝>脾>肺>心。结论 根据统计结果,可以看出老年人证候分布虚证多于实证,虚证中又以阴虚证、气虚证最为多见,实证常见血瘀证、痰浊(湿)证等,且多见痰瘀互结证;老年人五脏皆损,其中又以肾、肝、脾功能失调最为突出。  相似文献   
目的 应用可视化方法分析代谢组学在中医药领域的现状及趋势。方法 检索中国知网数据库(CNKI)和Web of Science 核心合集数据库2021年3月15日之前收录的中医药领域代谢组学研究的相关文献,应用CiteSpace软件对纳入的文献进行关键词、作者、研究机构等内容进行可视化分析。结果 共纳入中文文献247篇,英文文献350篇。文献数量在波动中迅速上升。中、英文文献作者合作网络显示,张爱华是中医药领域代谢组学研究发文量最多的作者,并形成了核心研究团队。发文机构显示,中国医学科学院是该领域的重要研究机构,机构间合作紧密。中、英文文献关键词分析显示,研究内容主要集中在核磁共振、代谢标记物、冠心病、质谱技术、代谢通路等相关领域。结论 中医药领域代谢组学研究的热点主要为中医药治疗代谢性疾病的机制研究。研究趋势为卵泡代谢组学研究及中药有效成分的研究。  相似文献   
BackgroundTraditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has been proven to played a great important role on the treatment of COVID-19. As one of the drugs recommended in Chinese guidelines, Lianhua Qingwen Granules or Capsules (LQ) are widely used.This systematic review and meta-analysis amis to evaluate the clinical efficacy of LQ on the treatment of COVID-19.MethodsSeven databases (PubMed, EMBASE, CENTRAL, CNKI, VIP, CBM and Wanfang) were searched to include all appropriate clinical trials that explore the efficacy of LQ on the treatment of COVID-19.ResultA total of 3 trials including 245 COVID-19 patients were eventually enrolled.Compared with the control group,the LQ group showed great significant difference on reducing the rate of clinical change to severe or critical condition[RR = 0.38, 95 %CI (0.17,0.85), P < 0.05]and the fever time (SMD =-0.57,95 %CI (-0.96,-0.17), P<0.05),as well as the significant improvement on the disappearance rate of the clinical symptoms: fever [RR = 1.36,95 %CI (1.14,1.61), P < 0.05],cough[RR = 1.99,95 %CI (1.39,2.86), P < 0.05],fatigue[RR = 1.52,95 %CI (1.15,2.01), P < 0.05] and anhelation [RR = 4.18,95 %CI (1.99,8.81), P < 0.05], but no significance on expectoration[RR = 2.46,95 %CI (0.81,7.51), P < 0.05].ConclusionThe clinical application of LQ on the treatment of COVID-19 has significant efficacy in improving clinical symptoms and reducing the rate of clinical change to severe or critical condition. Nevertheless, due to the limited quantity and quality of the included studies, more and higher quality trials with more observational indicators are expected to be published.  相似文献   
The coronavirus 2019 pandemic has affected almost every aspect of health care delivery in the United States, and the emergency medicine system has been hit particularly hard while dealing with this public health crisis. In an unprecedented time in our history, medical systems and clinicians have been asked to be creative, flexible, and innovative, all while continuing to uphold the important standards in the US health care system. To continue providing quality services to patients during this extraordinary time, care providers, organizations, administrators, and insurers have needed to alter longstanding models and procedures to respond to the dynamics of a pandemic. The Emergency Medicine Treatment and Active Labor Act of 1986, or EMTALA, is 1 example of where these alterations have allowed health care facilities and clinicians to continue their work of caring for patients while protecting both the patients and the clinicians themselves from infectious exposures at the same time.  相似文献   
人工智能(Artificial Intelligence,AI)的蓬勃兴起为现代社会带来了前所未有的机遇,中医药是中华民族传承千年的文化瑰宝。随着人工智能技术不断在中医药领域的科技创新中崭露头角,二者的融合不断加深,人工智能在中医药领域的发展前景、争议挑战也引发了诸多思考。本文将从人工智能在中医药领域的应用入手,对人工智能辅助中医诊断、智能决策与数据挖掘、健康管理及中草药现代化研究等方面,就近年来国内外研究进展进行总结与分析,以期为AI视域下实现中医药现代化、智能化赋能。  相似文献   
目的 系统评价中药治疗哮喘-慢阻肺(ACO)的疗效与安全性。方法 全面检索PubMed、Cochrane Library、Web of Science、中国知网、万方、维普、中国医学文献数据库,纳入有关中医药治疗ACO的随机对照试验(RCT),运用Cochrane手册对纳入研究的方法学质量进行评估,采用Review Manager 5.3进行Meta分析。结果 共纳入32项RCT,包括2688例ACO患者,其中试验组1361例,对照组1327例。Meta分析结果显示,中医药可以显著改善ACO患者的中医证候疗效[RR=1.19,95% CI(1.13,1.25),P<0.00001]、CAT评分[MD=-3.62,95% CI(-4.37,-2.87),P<0.00001]、ACT评分[MD=3.42,95% CI(2.23,4.62),P<0.00001],、中医证候总积分[MD=-3.61,95% CI(-4.83,-2.39),P<0.00001]、FEV1[MD=0.59,95% CI(0.08,1.10),P=0.02]、FEV1%[MD=8.61,95% CI(5.20,12.1),P<0.00001]、FEV1/FVC[MD=6.52,95% CI(4.24,8.80),P<0.00001]、6 min步行实验[MD=41.18,95% CI(22.15,60.21),P<0.0001]、急性发作次数[MD=-2.46,95% CI(-3.62,-1.13),P<0.0001]。所有研究均未报道严重不良反应。结论 中药治疗ACO,可以显著提高临床疗效,改善患者的肺功能且具有较好安全性,但是需要更高质量、多样本、多中心的随机对照试验进一步确认。  相似文献   
目的 基于临床信息系统分析总结真实世界的数据,采用数据挖掘的方法探讨中医药治疗糖尿病肾病的用药规律。方法 收集2018年1月-2020年12月上海中医药大学附属曙光医院宝山分院健康信息系统确诊的糖尿病肾病的门诊或住院患者的诊疗信息,建立Excel数据库,采用Excel 2010软件统计高频药物的四气、五味、归经及功效;使用SPSS Modeler 18.0软件中的Apriori算法分析关联规则,采用web节点建构药对关联网状图;运用SPSS 25统计软件进行因子分析。结果 本研究最终纳入477例接受中药饮片治疗的DKD患者,在1203条方剂信息中,涉及中药462种;使用频数排名前5位的中药分别是黄芪、黄精、石斛、山茱萸、麦冬;使用频数前5类的中药类别分别是补气药、补阴药、清热燥湿药、活血调经药、息风止痉药;在30味高频药物中,苦、甘、辛药味最为常见;药性寒、温数量接近;归脾经、肝经、肺经、肾经居多;关联规则提示,药物组合中置信度最高的组合为地龙-当归-僵蚕,因子分析共得到5个有效因子,累积贡献率为47.33%。结论 中医药治疗DKD在补益气血阴阳的同时,兼顾对瘀血、湿邪和痰饮的治疗,结合证型,可考虑使用黄芪、黄精、石斛、山茱萸、麦冬、金蝉花等药物的使用,清热燥湿药物如黄连、黄芩、黄柏可适当加入,为使邪有去处,大黄、车前子或可增添疗效。  相似文献   
In this paper, we argue that understanding and addressing the problem of poor-quality medical products requires a more interdisciplinary approach than has been evident to date. While prospective studies based on rigorous standardized methodologies are the gold standard for measuring the prevalence of poor-quality medical products and understanding their distribution nationally and internationally, they should be complemented by social science research to unpack the complex set of social, economic, and governance factors that underlie these patterns. In the following sections, we discuss specific examples of prospective quality surveys and of social science studies, highlighting the value of cross-sector partnerships in driving high-quality, policy-relevant research in this area.  相似文献   
Vaccination guidelines for dogs and cats indicate that core vaccines (for dogs, rabies, distemper, adenovirus, parvovirus; for cats, feline parvovirus, herpes virus-1, calicivirus) are essential to maintain health, and that non-core vaccines be administered according to a clinician’s assessment of a pet’s risk of exposure and susceptibility to infection. A reliance on individual risk assessment introduces the potential for between-practice inconsistencies in non-core vaccine recommendations. A study was initiated to determine non-core vaccination rates of dogs (Leptospira, Borrelia burgdorferi, Bordetella bronchiseptica, canine influenza virus) and cats (feline leukemia virus) in patients current for core vaccines in veterinary practices across the United States. Transactional data for 5,531,866 dogs (1,670 practices) and 1,914,373 cats (1,661 practices) were retrieved from practice management systems for the period November 1, 2016 through January 1, 2020, deidentified and normalized. Non-core vaccination status was evaluated in 2,798,875 dogs and 788,772 cats that were core-vaccine current. Nationally, median clinic vaccination rates for dogs were highest for leptospirosis (70.5%) and B. bronchiseptica (68.7%), and much lower for canine influenza (4.8%). In Lyme-endemic states, the median clinic borreliosis vaccination rate was 51.8%. Feline leukemia median clinic vaccination rates were low for adult cats (34.6%) and for kittens and 1-year old cats (36.8%). Individual clinic vaccination rates ranged from 0 to 100% for leptospirosis, B. bronchiseptica and feline leukemia, 0–96% for canine influenza, and 0–94% for borreliosis. Wide variation in non-core vaccination rates between clinics in similar geographies indicates that factors other than disease risk are driving the use of non-core vaccines in pet dogs and cats, highlighting a need for veterinary practices to address gaps in patient protection. Failure to implement effective non-core vaccination strategies leaves susceptible dogs and cats unprotected against vaccine-preventable diseases.  相似文献   
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