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Lv  Hailiang  Yang  Yanbo  Zhang  Dan  Du  Hongju  Zhang  Jianyu  Wang  Wenjie  He  Xingyuan 《Urban Ecosystems》2019,22(4):631-642

To maximize the ecological services of urban forests, a better understanding of the effects of urbanization on urban forest characteristics, landscape metrics, and their associations is needed for landscape-related regulations in space-limited green infrastructure of metropolitan regions. In this study, Harbin, a typical fast-growing provincial-capital city in Northeast China, is used as a case study. Based on remote sensing images, field surveys, and correlation and variation partitioning analyses, we conclude that landscape characteristics and forest attributes have large variations among different urbanization intensity (UI) regions. Forest patch density (PD), landscape shape index, woody plants species richness, and the Shannon–Wiener index (H′) increased linearly, while stem section area and tree height decreased linearly with the increasing of UIs. UI had a greater influence on tree size and forest community attributes than the forest landscape pattern. Accordingly, any landscape regulation on forest attributes should be implemented according to UIs. In addition, Euclidean nearest neighbor distance(ENN-MN), mean perimeter-area ratio (PARA-MN), fractal dimension index(FRAC-MN), and PD could probably indicate forest attributes the most, e.g., the increase of PARA-MN may be accompanied with taller trees in low and heavy UI regions, but lower woody plants species evenness in low and medium UI regions. More diversified woody plants species, and afforested areas should be advocated in a low UI region, while in a heavy UI region, the conservation of large trees should be implemented. Our results highlight that the implementation of urban forest management should vary according to different urbanization regions to maximize ecological services.

Journal of Combinatorial Optimization - This paper introduces a new environment of online scheduling in which jobs are scheduled under the non-delayed processing (NDP) constraint, where NDP means...  相似文献   
In semidefinite programming (SDP), we minimize a linear objective function subject to a linear matrix being positive semidefinite. A powerful program, SeDuMi, has been developed in MATLAB to solve SDP problems. In this article, we show in detail how to formulate A-optimal and E-optimal design problems as SDP problems and solve them by SeDuMi. This technique can be used to construct approximate A-optimal and E-optimal designs for all linear and nonlinear regression models with discrete design spaces. In addition, the results on discrete design spaces provide useful guidance for finding optimal designs on any continuous design space, and a convergence result is derived. Moreover, restrictions in the designs can be easily incorporated in the SDP problems and solved by SeDuMi. Several representative examples and one MATLAB program are given.  相似文献   
文化哲学所具有的独特性,绝不仅仅表现为一系列新颖的理论观点,方法论革新与进化也是其所追求的重要理论主旨。虽然文化哲学的样态多样,但其方法论原理清晰可辨,主要体现为"从人与文化的关系切入"、"凸显历时意识"、"追求整体取向"和"强调价值诉求"。这一方法论原理具有深刻的实践应用意义,可以作为理论框架分析多种具体对象。  相似文献   
高校是基层学习型党组织建设的一块重要阵地。高校学习型党组织的建设必须以社会主义核心价值观为指导,因为培育和践行社会主义核心价值观为高校学习型党组织建设指明了方向,同时也注入了精神动力,它不但是高校推进学习型党组织建设的重要目标,而且也锻炼了高校学习型党组织建设的实践主体。  相似文献   
混合所有制改革是激发高职院校办学活力的重要方略。高职院校混合所有制改革过程中面临着办学要素离散的困境,主要体现为目标理念不明晰、改革策略措施单一化、支持环境不健全等。破解之道是形成办学要素的生态型混合,促进混合所有制生成的内部要素与外部支持条件的系统化重建,推进高职院校混合所有制的科学建构与可持续发展。  相似文献   
游戏作为人与世界深层交往、相融共生的精神实践,它源于审美,因而本真和自由,能够创造与超越,也使"人之在"的全部意义得以澄明和确认.如果说"自由王国"作为一种理想,其实现范围是涵盖全人类,那么它必然指向马克思的未来社会,然而作为一种现实,它完全可以在每一个不被"必然"奴役的智者"游戏"创造中生成、在"游戏"的审美心灵中绽放.这正是马克思美学历久弥新,能够跨越时空阻隔依旧拯救精神危机中的当代人的根本原因.  相似文献   
随着大众传媒的迅猛发展,当代民谣对社会转型时期的各种社会现象作了文学性和舆论性的回应,校园民谣就是其中一种。校园歌谣主要指在大学、中学校园私下流传的对校园生活、社会现象进行讽刺批判甚至批评的歌谣。它通过课桌、墙壁、短信、电子邮件等方式传播,虽然蕴含了许多文化韵味,但也包含了一些负面内容,这应当引起人文教育工作者的关注和研究。  相似文献   
从1931年九一八事变到1945年8月投降,日本帝国主义在侵华战争的14年中,在中国进行了人类史上惨绝人寰的大屠杀,中国军民伤亡人数达3500万。据不完全统计,大屠杀人数在1000人以上的约有100起以上,人数在3000人以上的,除人们熟知的南京大屠杀外还有8起,即:辽宁平顶山惨案、山西朔县屠城、宁武大屠杀、血洗河南浚...  相似文献   
“十二五”福建产业升级趋势、任务及政策选择   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
"十二五"期间,福建省产业演变的基本趋势是:第一产业比重大幅下降,第二产业比重大幅提升,第三产业比重基本保持不变;重化工业化倾向开始显现,比重仍有极大上升空间;产业结构演进呈现逆高度化倾向,劳动密集型传统产业比重不断上升,而高技术产业发展不能尽如人意;服务业份额在工业比重达到峰值之前其增幅不会很大。产业转型升级的主要任务是:加大农副产品深加工,培育食品安全区域品牌;大力发展临港重化工业,加速推进工业化进程;实施品牌与营销网络双轮驱动战略,鼓励企业并购和业务重组,发挥我省轻纺工业竞争优势;大力培育战略性新兴产业;以金融、物流、旅游为重点,加大发展现代服务业。促进产业转型升级的政策选择是:实施项目带动战略,以重大高端项目带动产业转型升级;增强政、产、学、研合力,构建开放型区域创新体系;拓宽融资渠道,建立高新技术产业投入机制;加快培养高素质产业人才队伍;支持产业调整重组,提高生产要素集中度,做大做强龙头企业和产业基地;建设多层次闽台产业对接平台,积极承接台湾产业转移。  相似文献   
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