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Fang  Xiuqi  Zheng  Xue  Zhang  Xing 《地理学报(英文版)》2020,30(1):103-118
ENSO is an interannual mode which may be affected by external forcing, such as volcanic eruptions. Based on the reconstructed volcanic eruptions chronology and ENSO sequences, both 195 large volcanic eruptions(VEI≥4) and 398 ENSO(El Ni?o and La Ni?a) events were extracted from 1525 to 2000. An analysis of the correspondence between the large volcanic eruptions and ENSO events was performed by matching the large volcanic eruptions with the types and magnitudes of ENSO events present in the 0–2 years after the eruptions. The results show the following:(1) The percentages of ENSO events within the 3 years after the large eruptions had increased to 68.3% from 31.7% compared with those with no-eruptions in the previous 0–2 years. In addition, the ratio of El Ni?o to La Ni?a events turned from 2:3 to 1:1, and more El Ni?o events occurred in the 0 year after eruptions in the low-latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere and in the tropics but more La Ni?a events occurred in the 0 year after in the high-latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere and the Southern Hemisphere.(2) After the eruptions, the weak(W) El Ni?o events had increased by 8 percentage points and the very strong(VS) El Ni?o events had decreased by 10 percentage points; conversely, there was a decrease by 15 percentage points of the weak La Ni?a events and an increase by 11.4 percentage points of the very strong La Ni?a events. Specifically, the percentages of strong La Ni?a events increased to a peak at 1(+1) year after the eruptions.(3) The percentage of eruptions followed by single-year ENSO was the greatest. The percentage of ENSO events that occurred in the consecutive 2 years following an eruption was approximately equal to the percentage of events that occurred consecutively 3 years following an eruption, and both sets of ENSO magnitudes showed a decreasing trend.  相似文献   
Wen  Yanjun  Fang  Xiuqi  Liu  Yang  Li  Yikai 《中国科学:地球科学(英文版)》2019,62(11):1832-1844
Grain price volatility during historical periods is regarded as an important indicator of the impact of climate change on economic system, as well as a key link to adjust food security and social stability. The present study used the wheat prices in Baoding Prefecture, China, during 1736–1850 to explore connections between climatic transition and grain price anomalies in the North China Plain. The main findings were as follows:(1) The grain price change showed an apparent correspondence with climatic transition. The period 1781–1820 was a transition phase, with more extremes and decreased precipitations when the climate shifted from a warm phase to a cold one. Corresponding with the climatic transition, the grain price during 1781–1820 was characterized by that the mean of the original grain price series was significantly higher(lower) than the previous(later)phase, and the variance and anomaly amplitude of the detrended grain price series was the highest during 1736–1850.(2) The correspondence between grain price extremes and drought events occurred in phases. Five grain price extremes occurred following drought events during 1781–1810, while extreme droughts were the direct cause of the grain price spike during 1811–1820.(3) Social stability affected by climate change also played an important role in the grain price spike between 1811 and 1820. Paralleling the pathway of "precipitation-grain production-grain price", climate change could have an impact on grain price via the pathway of "precipitation-grain production-grain price-famine-uprising-grain price", as shown during the Tianli Uprising in 1813. These findings could contribute to an improved understanding of the interaction between climate change and human society during the historical period.  相似文献   
目前中国的碳转移排放测算方法有很多,虽然方法不尽相同,但总的结论和计算出的变化趋势类似。造成碳转移量测算结果产生较大差异的原因主要有两方面,一是碳排放强度的测算模型不同,二是对于中国加工贸易转移碳排放的认识不同。测算避免转移排放量时,如果不考虑加工贸易的影响,在某些年份(如2002年)甚至会得到"中国是碳转移的净进口国...  相似文献   
The social impact of global climate change is one of the hotspots in the current research. To deal with the challenges from climate change, it could be learned from the adapting experiences and lessons to climate change in the history. The main achievements of cognition on the historical impacts of climatic change in China and on coping with the climate changes in the future based the published papers in recent years is summarized. The followings are the main conclusions. ①The general characteristics of the impacts of climatic change in the history was negative in the cold periods and positive in the warm periods, but there were regional differences in the impact and responses. ②The cooling trend on centurial scale and the social economic decline run concurrently. The rapid development supported by better resources and environment in the warm period could lead to the increase of the social vulnerability when the climate turned to the cold period. ③Strategies and policies to cope with the climate change in the history were adopted according to the temporal and spatial circumstances and the subjects. Initiative adaptation promoted by governments was an effective way.  相似文献   
过去2000年气候变化对中国经济与社会发展影响研究综述   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
It is one of the important focuses of the Past Global Changes (PAGES) to investigate the long-term impacts of climate change on regional social and economic development over the past two millenniums. The past decades in China have witnessed great progresses in the study of past climatic influence on human society. In this paper, reviews have been made on the latest proceedings related with researches about the past 2000-year climatic impacts on Chinese history in terms of the following three aspects: economic fluctuations, social stability, and the rise and fall of dynasties in China. It is concluded that climate change and socio-economic fluctuation in historical China really temporarily demonstrated a good coincidence, which indicates a potential driving-response mechanism was likely embedded in the complicated relationship between climate change and human society. A warm climate provided relatively stable conditions of agricultural production and thus generally played a positive role in the healthy development of the economy and society. On the contrary, socio-economic adverseness triggered by a colder climate was preconditioned with social problems such as the intensification of the contradiction between people and land, as well as the gradual accumulation of social rigidity. These social problems accompanying with social development contributed higher vulnerability of society in the face of changing climate, which to some extent might amplify the effects of climatic deterioration. The authors emphasize that the future studies of the relationship between past climate change and human history in China should attach more attention to the following key problems: making deeper exploitation of the potential of Chinese historical documents, exploring the mechanism of climate-society interaction, and studying the differences of climatic effects on socio-economic development at the regional scale. This study from a historical perspective might enhance the understanding of human-environment relationship under a situation of global warming, and also provide the scientific basis for the sustainable social development in China.  相似文献   
历史物候记录对过去气候变化研究弥足珍贵。诗歌作为历史文献的重要体裁之一,其中的历史物候记录已得到了一定程度的整编和利用。但对诗歌物候记录的特征和处理方法仍缺乏系统的梳理和探讨。本文首先介绍了诗歌中物候记录的内容、特征及其在季节指示和反映农时中的应用,发现诗歌中的物候记录主要包括动物物候、植物物候和周期性气象、水文现象等3种,并呈现出距今越近,经济、社会越发达,记录越多的时空特点。然后,从物候记录筛选、物种鉴别、物候事件发生时间识别、物候期确定等方面总结了历史气候研究中诗歌物候记录的处理方法:①从诗歌的创作背景、文学成分、地理环境分异规律和人为影响等几个方面进行筛选,以保证其中物候记录的有效性;②区分古今动、植物名差异,并将物种鉴定到种;③针对年、月、日缺记的不同情况,依据物候规律和背景资料确定物候事件的发生时间;④根据现代物候观测标准,对诗歌中的文字描述进行归类定级,确定所包含的物候期。以期为诗歌物候记录的提取及其在历史气候研究中的应用提供理论和方法上的借鉴。  相似文献   
依据清代《翁同龢日记》(以下简称《日记》)中逐日的冷暖感知记录和同时期的器测月均温资料,采用相关分析和线性回归分析等统计方法,以月为基本统计单元,对《日记》中冷暖感知记录反演气候变化的能力进行了分析。结果说明,《日记》中的冷暖感知记录可以用于气候变化研究,但是最佳代用指标因气候变化的时间尺度和季节而异。总体而言,极热、偏热、偏凉、极冷日数对年内月到季时间尺度气候变化的代表性较好,其中尤以偏凉和极冷日数最佳。 对于年际尺度上的气候波动,从季节对比来看,冷暖感知日数反演夏季(6-8月份)月均温的能力最差;从冷暖感知类型对比来看,极冷日数是多个月份月均温的最佳代用指标,1、3、5、9和12月份的最佳代用指标均是极冷日数。并且,还可以依据极冷日数的多寡识别极端冷、极端热年。由此可见,古代私人日记中的冷暖感知记录可以用于反演历史时期气候的冷暖变化。  相似文献   
《湘绮楼日记》记录的湖南长沙1877-1878年寒冬   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:5  
在对清代王运所著的《湘绮楼日记》中长达40余年(1869—1916)的冬季(12月—2月)天气记录进行整理之后,从王运在湖南长沙、衡阳一带记录的30多个完整冬季之中,提取了一个特殊的寒冬——1877—1878年冬天(记录于长沙境内)。将这年的天气记录与日记中其他年份进行比较,其寒冷程度可以明显地体现在以下几个方面(1)降雪——降雪日数14天,为最多的年份之一,且降雪次数最多;(2)积雪——积雪日数在27天以上,为历年之最;(3)冰冻——根据该年日记记录,冰冻的严重程度和持续时间均超过其他年份;(4)《日记》作者感受——王运留下了大量对“寒”、“暖”的感应记录,这一年有历年最多的“寒”记录(15条)和最少的“暖”记录(0)。由此可以得出结论1877—1878年冬天是《湘绮楼日记》中所仅见的、异常寒冷的严冬。文中对这年当地冬季严寒的天气过程和气候特点进行了初步分析。  相似文献   
新疆伽师强震群区基底界面结构特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
用射线分布分析法对伽师强震群区的高分辨折射地震剖面资料进行了更进一步的分析处理, 得到了伽师强震群区更完整的基底界面结构特征. 结果表明,在伽师强震群区地壳上部存在两个明显的结构界面:第一个界面的结构连续、完整,其埋深变化不大, 在2.6~3.3 km之间,为一向天山方向逐渐抬升、 近平直的倾斜界面;第二个界面的埋深变化较大, 在8.5~11.8 km之间,为古老的塔里木盆地结晶基底. 在约37 km桩号附近结晶基底有近2.5 km的深度突变, 推断可能是伽师强震群区超基底断裂所致. 以该断裂为界,结晶基底分为西南、东北两段. 每段内界面的埋深变化不大, 西南段的埋深约11.5 km, 东北段的埋深约为8.5~9.0 km,该段在从西南向东北整体抬升的背景上略有上隆,反映出在塔里木地块西北缘特殊的构造环境下上部地壳的变形特征.   相似文献   
21世纪中国主要粮食产区的空间格局特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Grain production is an important issue for the national economy and the livelihood of the Chinese people. It serves as the foundation of national development and social stability. China is a major grain producer as well as a major grain consumer. The grai…  相似文献   
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