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如何在相对稳定的基岩区开展断裂活动性调查与发震构造判定是一项具有挑战性的研究工作。江西中北部瑞昌-铜鼓断裂和宜丰-景德镇断裂主要发育在前新生代基岩区,但存在第四纪有过活动的地质和年代学证据,是2条重要的中强地震构造带。在这2条断裂露头剖面上均发育断层泥条带,断层泥显微构造图像揭示了丰富的构造变形现象,构造成因机制明确。在变形方式上,断层泥显微构造中既发育Y剪切、R剪切以及棱角状、次棱角状碎斑等等局部化脆性变形特征,又有P叶理和碎屑颗粒拖尾构造等韧性变形特征。在中强地震发生过程中,沿着发震构造的近地表滑动面很可能存在微观尺度的构造变形。在缺少第四纪活动证据的湖口-新干断裂南段露头剖面上采集的松软物质的显微构造研究结果,反映了断裂构造带上泥状松软物质也可以是后期雨水淋滤充填或风化的产物。在野外现场观察中,断裂滑动面上构造成因与非构造成因的泥状松软物质有时很难进行区分;而在室内磨制的薄片显微构造观察中,两者之间的显微构造差异明显。华南相对稳定的基岩区常常是中国重大工程(如核电厂)选址中优先考虑的地区,同时也是中国经济发达、人口密集的城市群主要分布区;在这些地区的地震构造环境评价中,断层泥显微构造研究为鉴定断裂活动性、判定中强地震发震构造提供了可以借鉴的技术途径。  相似文献   
柯坪塔格断裂西段古地震初步研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
柯坪塔格断裂位于西南天山柯坪塔格推覆构造的最前缘,以皮羌断裂为界分成东西两段。在柯坪塔格断裂西段开挖了6个规模较大的探槽,6个探槽都揭露出断层,但其中3个探槽的古地震事件不清晰,另外3个探槽有古地震遗迹。通过分析研究,共确定了全新世以来的4次古地震事件:第1次古地震事件发生于距今约12ka,第2次事件发生于距今约8·6ka,第3次事件大致发生于距今约5ka,第4次事件发生于距今(1·73±0.15)ka以来,很可能是1961年西克尔6·8级地震。这4次古地震事件具有约3~5ka的准周期重复特征。天山南麓有5~6排推覆体,每排推覆体的前缘都发育活动逆断裂,它们向下收敛于寒武系底部的滑脱面,因此,天山南麓的地震破裂非常复杂,这4次古地震事件的震级、发震构造等问题都有待于今后的深入研究  相似文献   
红河断裂带后期大型右旋走滑运动在地质上表现为: 北段-滇西北的正断裂陷南东向伸展变形和中南段的右旋剪切断错. 通过对剑川、弥渡东南、元江、元阳等典型断裂段中新世以来地层变形与断裂活动关系的研究, 认为红河断裂带于中新世以来有过2期正断剪切为主的断裂右旋活动. 对采自上述典型断裂段内与断裂右旋剪切活动相关的样品进行了磷灰石裂变径迹测年(简称FT测年, 下同), 同时以所测单颗粒年龄及围限径迹长度, 选择Laslet退火模式完成样品所经热历史的反演计算得出: 断裂带在(5.5±1.5)和(2.1±0.8) MaBP, 有过2次明显的断层剪切错动. 断裂中南段元江-元阳—带在3.6~3.8 MaBP及1.6~2.3 MaBP发育2期山体快速隆升, 这与红河断裂中新世末以来存在上述二次右旋正断位错事件相对应.  相似文献   
Through study on trenches, analysis of recurrence characteristics and recurrence interval cluster/gap of strong earthquakes along the major active faults on the northern border of Ordos block, we found 62 paleoearthquakes that occurred in the late Quaternary, including 33 earthquakes occurring in the Holocene. The recurrence characteristics of the paleoearthquakes are different at three levels, segments, faults, and fault zones. The strong seismic sequence on the independent segments is mostly characterized by long- and short-interval recurrences, while that on the faults and in fault zone is characterized clearly by random and cluster recurrences. Results of the moving window test indicate that the probabilities of "temporal cluster or gap", caused by random coincidence as opposed to intersegment contagion, are 64% and 70% for the Serteng piedmont fault and for the south-border fault of Wula Mountains, respectively, no clear interaction among the segments of each fault; while the probability is 26.8% for the whole fault zone, suggesting a clear interaction among the faults of this fault zone. These recurrence characteristics may imply an effect of the entire block motion on the recurrence of strong earthquakes. Moreover, the elapsed time for the Wujumeng Pass-Dongfeng Village segment of Serteng piedmont fault and the Tuzuo Banner-Wusutu and the Hohhot segments of Daqingshan piedmont fault has exceeded the average recurrence interval, hence these three segments may be the possible places for future strong earthquakes.  相似文献   
华北地区活动地块与强震活动   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
在华北活动地块的鄂尔多斯、华北平原和鲁东-黄海等3个二级活动地块中, 华北平原活动地块内部存在安阳-菏泽-临沂、唐山-河间-磁县两条活动构造带, 把该活动地块分割成太行山、冀鲁、豫淮等3个三级活动地块. 这些三级活动地块具有整体运动特征, 在新生代构造和深部构造上也有明显差异. 构成三级活动地块边界的活动构造带无论在活动强度、规模和地震活动水平上, 都小于一、二级活动地块的边界带. 华北地区活动地块边界带上M≥6级的地震密度比地块内部高出9 ~ 22倍, 平均而言, 在1个数量级以上. M≥7级的大震基本上都发生在活动地块边界带上. 这些差异不是偶然的, 而是反映了板内构造运动和强震活动特点, 是对活动地块假说非常有力的佐证.  相似文献   
Lijiang-Daju fault, the seismogenic fault of the 1996 Lijiang M=7.0 earthquake, can be divided into Lijiang-Yuhu segment in the south and Yuhu-Daju segment in the north. The two segments show clear difference in geological tectonics, but have the similar dynamic features. Both normal dip-slip and sinistral strike-slip coexist on the fault plane. This kind of movement started at the beginning of the Quaternary (2.4~2.5 Ma B.P.). As to the tectonic types, the detachment fault with low angle was developed in the Early Pleistocene and the normal fault with high angle only after the Mid-Pleistocene (0.8 Ma B.P.). Based on the horizontal displacements of gullies and the vertical variance of planation surfaces cross the Lijiang-Daju fault at east piedmont of Yulong-Haba range, the average horizontal and vertical slip rates are calculated. They are 0.84 mm/a and 0.70 mm/a since the Quaternary and 1.56 mm/a and 1.69 mm/a since the Mid-Pleistocene. The movements of the nearly N-S-trending Lijiang-Daju fault are controlled not only by the regional stress field, but also by the variant movement between the Yulong-Haba range and Lijiang basin. The two kinds of dynamic processes form the characteristics of seismotectonic environment of occurring the 1996 Lijiang earthquake.  相似文献   
Introduction The surface rupture and aftershocks of the February 3, 1996 Lijiang earthquake are basically distributed along the N-S-trending Lijiang-Daju fault, which is boundary fault between Lijiang Quaternary, fault controlled basin and Yulong-Haba range (ZHANG, et al, 1997). Corresponding to the surface geological features, the focal rupture of the Lijiang earthquake also shows large component of dip-slip. It is of great difference from that of other earthquakes in west Yunnan, in w…  相似文献   
伊兹米特地震发生的构造环境分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
土耳其地震构造具有新生性。东安纳托利亚地震带和北安纳托亚地震带的活动断裂都是晚第三纪以来开始出现、演化和发展的,而土耳其西部地震区的张性断陷盆地出现的时代更晚。土耳其活动构造类型丰富:东部发育压性或压扭性构造;北部为走滑型断裂;西部则是拉张型正断裂;中部为一个构造相对稳定的块体,即安纳托利亚块体。土耳其是研究块体与周缘断裂构造相互关系以及断裂力学相互转换的一个理想场所。北安纳托利亚断裂带是一条典型  相似文献   
伊兹米特地震地表破裂带和发震构造特点   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
1999年伊慈米特7.4级地震地表破裂带表现清楚。在几何学特点上,它基本上由4个破裂段斜裂组合而成,沿破裂段可见不同的构造组相样式。在破裂段的阶区,主要发育张性构造。破裂段的最在工为51m,在运动学上,以右旋走滑运动为主,最大位错3.8m‘走滑段最大垂直位错0.6m。向观震中与地表最大位理合,基本上处于破裂带中间地段。地城寺表破裂带的动力学和几何学特征与震源机制解反映出来的结果相一致。  相似文献   
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