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利用多目标区域地球化学调查数据,估算了重庆西部地区表层土壤有机碳密度和储量。结果表明,重庆西部地区表层(0~20 cm)土壤有机碳储量为41 038 589 t,平均密度为2 929 t·km-2。从地貌类型看,低山(2 984 t·km-2)和中山(2 986 t·km-2)区土壤有机碳密度较高,丘陵区(2 628 t·km-2)最低,山地土壤有机碳储量最丰富。不同类型土壤中,石灰土有机碳平均密度最高(5 043 t·km-2),其次为黄壤(3 756 t·km-2),紫色土最低(2 329 t·km-2),紫色土有机碳储量最大。就土地利用方式而言,林地土壤有机碳平均密度最高(4 071 t·km-2),耕地土壤处于中等水平(2 752 t·km-2),居民及建筑用地有机碳密度最低(2 416 t·km-2),耕地土壤有机碳储量最大。与第二次土壤普查数据对比发现,该区土壤有机碳储量和密度呈降低趋势,表层土壤作为碳源向大气释放碳,尤其是江津、潼南地区土壤有机碳密度分别降低了56.7%、45.1%。  相似文献   
大湖塘石门寺钨矿床碳、氧、硫同位素研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
石门寺钨矿是大湖塘钨矿床的北矿段,位于我国下扬子成矿省之江南隆起东段成矿带西部,钦杭结合带的北侧。针对此细脉浸染型钨矿体中金属硫化物中的硫同位素和方解石中的碳、氧同位素进行了测定,结果显示细脉浸染型矿体中黄铜矿样品的δ34S值介于-2.6‰~-0.3‰之间,平均值为-1.31‰;辉钼矿样品的δ34S值介于-1.2‰~0.3‰之间,平均值为-0.53‰。矿体的硫主要来至深部岩浆或者上地幔。方解石δ13 CV-PDB值介于-11.42‰~-5.76‰之间,平均值为-7.06‰;δ18 OV-SMOW的变化范围为7.13‰~16.34‰,平均值为11.79‰,说明成矿流体中的碳主要来源于深部岩浆或者上地幔,并受到有机碳的混合。大湖塘石门寺钨矿段的成矿物质主要来源于大湖塘燕山期S型花岗岩岩浆,但不排除成矿流体在上升的过程中萃取了一部分围岩的成矿物质。  相似文献   
沉积物中有机碳同位素组成是重建古环境变化的有效指标,但陆地长序列的有机碳同位素记录目前较为罕见.本文选取兰州盆地已具古地磁测年的永登剖面(厚度为330~1310m部分,年代介于44~ 15Ma)进行了有机碳同位素分析,结果表明44Ma开始其值先逐渐偏重后变轻(平均-24.6‰),至33.2Ma突然变重后维持相对稳定的高值(平均-23.7‰),再至25.5Ma后又变轻(-24.4‰),与全球氧同位素从长期演化趋势以及事件上均呈现出较一致的对应关系,即与温度之间存在负相关.这表明兰州盆地中始新世-中中新世期间有机碳同位素变化可能受控于全球温度变化,温度的改变可能影响了陆源C3植物与湖泊内生沉水和挺水植物对有机质的相对贡献比例,确切的机制理解有待其他指标的辅助研究.  相似文献   
陆生蜗牛化石稳定同位素组成是一种良好的古环境信息载体,常被用于古环境古气候的重建。由于缺少古环境因子 对蜗牛壳体稳定同位素组成机理性的结论,因此越来越多的研究侧重于对现代蜗牛壳体的环境效应进行探讨。实验室蜗牛 饲养实验则可以通过控制环境因素来确定其对壳体碳酸盐稳定同位素组成的影响程度,从而得到较为确切的结果。该文在 前人的研究基础上,利用Achatina fulica 进行实验室饲养实验。结果表明,在相同的温、湿度下,同种食物喂养的蜗牛壳体 有非常稳定的分馏值,不同食物类型的结果有一定的差异,莴苣叶、玉米粉和饲料喂养的蜗牛壳体相对于食物的分馏值分 别为16.70‰±0.2‰,10.57‰±0.2‰和10.65‰±0.2‰;在20~30℃实验条件下,壳体δ13C并不受环境温度的影响,主要受食 物的影响,并得到两者之间的回归方程为δ13Cs=0.6665δ13Cv+6.2302(n=26);无机碳酸盐对Achatina fulica 壳体文石δ13C值影 响很少;根据端元组分分析方法的统计结果显示,食物是Achatina fulica 壳体碳同位素组成的主要影响因素,贡献值约为 80%±5%,除此以外,大气CO2的贡献值约为20%±5%。  相似文献   
对四川盆地东部50个天然气样品组分和碳、氢同位素组成分析结果显示,天然气以烃类气体为主,干燥系数高(C1/C1+=0.975~1.0),H2S含量变化较大(H2S=0.00%~16.89%)。利用烷烃气碳、氢同位素组成和判识油型气热演化程度图版,确定四川盆地东部天然气主要为原油裂解气,且热演化程度已处于油气裂解阶段。在四川盆地东部,烷烃气碳、氢同位素组成普遍存在局部倒转现象,即δ13C1δ13C2δ13C3和δD1δD2,这主要与研究区域不同硫酸盐热化学还原作用(TSR)强度有关,因为在该反应过程中不仅会产生大量的CH4,其碳同位素较重,同时,水参与了硫酸盐与烃类的化学还原反应使得水中的H+与烃类中H+发生同位素交换,从而引起TSR生成CH4的氢同位素分馏大于干酪根直接生烃过程造成的氢同位素分馏。异常δ13CCO2值与TSR反应过程中部分碳同位素较轻的CO2与硫酸盐中金属离子(Mg2+、Fe2+、Ca2+等)以碳酸盐的形式沉淀后,导致气藏中残余重碳同位素组成的CO2与酸性气体腐蚀碳酸盐岩储集层形成的CO2相混合有关。  相似文献   
Exposure of lignin-derived organic matter (OM) to hydroxyl radicals originating from Fenton type reactions generates condensed aromatic and alicyclic aliphatic compounds, as shown using ultrahigh resolution mass spectrometry. Although condensed aromatic compounds are common in soil and dissolved OM, their presence has been attributed largely to combustion. A non-pyrogenic route for the formation of condensed aromatic compounds from lignin is suggested here, specifically that hydroxyl radical-initiated oxidation of lignin is capable of producing black carbon-like condensed aromatic compounds. Alicyclic aliphatic compounds are also produced, likely as part of a concerted process involving ring opening, polymerization and/or cyclization and hydrogen abstraction. Hydroxyl radicals associated with lignin degradation are produced through photochemistry in aqueous systems and enzymatic microbial processes in soil.  相似文献   
Pyrogenic carbon (PyC), a by-product of recurrent boreal wildfires, is an important component of the global soil C pool, although precise assessment of boreal PyC stock is scarce. The overall objective of this study was to estimate total C stock and PyC stock in forest floors of Eastern Canada boreal forests. We also investigated the environmental conditions controlling the stocks and characterized the composition of the forest floor layers. Forest floor samples were collected from mesic black spruce sites recently affected by fire (3–5 yr) and analyzed using elemental analysis and solid state 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. PyC content was further estimated using a molecular mixing model. Total C stock in forest floors averaged 5.7 ± 2.9 kg C/m2 and PyC stock 0.6 ± 0.3 kg C/m2. Total stock varied with position in the landscape, with a greater accumulation of organic material on northern aspects and lower slope positions. In addition, total stock was significantly higher in spruce-dominated forest floors than stands where jack pine was present. The PyC stock was significantly related to the atomic H/C ratio (R2 0.84) of the different organic layers. 13C NMR spectroscopy revealed a large increase in aromatic carbon in the deepest forest floor layer (humified H horizon) at the organic-mineral soil interface. The majority of the PyC stock was located in this horizon and had been formed during past high severity fires rather than during the most recent fire event.  相似文献   
The aim of this study is to explore the contribution of living phytoplankton carbon to vertical fluxes in a coastal upwelling system as a key piece to understand the coupling between primary production in the photic layer and the transfer mechanisms of the organic material from the photic zone. Between April 2004 and January 2005, five campaigns were carried out in the Ría de Vigo (NW Iberian Peninsula) covering the most representative oceanographic conditions for this region. Measurements of particulate organic carbon (POC), chlorophyll-a (chl a), phaeopigments (phaeo), and identification of phytoplankton species were performed on the water column samples and on the organic material collected in sediment traps.The POC fluxes measured by the sediment traps presented no seasonal variation along the studied period ranging around a mean annual value of 1085±365 mg m−2 d−1, in the upper range of the previously reported values for other coastal systems. The fact that higher POC fluxes were registered during autumn and winter, when primary production rates were at their minimum levels points to a dominant contribution of organic carbon from resuspended sediments on the trap collected material. On the contrary, fluxes of living phytoplankton carbon (Cphyto) and chl a clearly presented a seasonal trend with maximum values during summer upwelling (546 mg m−2 d−1 and 22 mg chl m−2 d−1, respectively) and minimum values during winter (22 mg m−2 d−1 and 0.1 mg chl m−2 d−1, respectively). The contribution of Cphyto to the vertical flux of POC ranged between 2% and 49% in response to the pelagic phytoplankton community structure. Higher values of Cphyto fluxes were registered under upwelling conditions which favour the dominance of large chain-forming diatoms (Asterionellopsis glacialis and Detonula pumila) that were rapidly transferred to the sediments. By contrast, Cphyto fluxes decreased during the summer stratification associated with a pelagic phytoplankton community dominated by single-cell diatoms and flagellates. Minimal Cphyto fluxes were observed during the winter mixing conditions, when the presence of the benthic specie Paralia sulcata in the water column also points toward strong sediment resuspension.  相似文献   
This paper presents analytical solutions for steady-state, compressible two-phase flow through a wellbore under isothermal conditions using the drift flux conceptual model. Although only applicable to highly idealized systems, the analytical solutions are useful for verifying numerical simulation capabilities that can handle much more complicated systems, and can be used in their own right for gaining insight about two-phase flow processes in wells. The analytical solutions are obtained by solving the mixture momentum equation of steady-state, two-phase flow with an assumption that the two phases are immiscible. These analytical solutions describe the steady-state behavior of two-phase flow in the wellbore, including profiles of phase saturation, phase velocities, and pressure gradients, as affected by the total mass flow rate, phase mass fraction, and drift velocity (i.e., the slip between two phases). Close matching between the analytical solutions and numerical solutions for a hypothetical CO2 leakage problem as well as to field data from a CO2 production well indicates that the analytical solution is capable of capturing the major features of steady-state two-phase flow through an open wellbore, and that the related assumptions and simplifications are justified for many actual systems. In addition, we demonstrate the utility of the analytical solution to evaluate how the bottomhole pressure in a well in which CO2 is leaking upward responds to the mass flow rate of CO2-water mixture.  相似文献   
The A.M.Obukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics,Russian Academy of Sciences (IAP RAS) climate model (CM) of intermediate complexity is extended by a spatially explicit terrestrial carbon cycle module.Numerical experiments with the IAP RAS CM are performed forced by the reconstructions of anthropogenic and natural forcings for the 16th to the 20th centuries and by combined SRES (Special Report on Emission Scenarios) A2-LUH (Land Use Harmonization) anthropogenic scenarios for the 21st century.Hereby,the impact of uncertainty in land-use scenarios on results of simulations with a coupled climate-carbon cycle model is tested.The simulations of the model realistically reproduced historical changes in carbon cycle characteristics.In the IAP RAS CM,climate warming reproduced in the 20th and 21st centuries enhanced terrestrial net primary production but terrestrial carbon uptake was suppressed due to an overcompensating increase in soil respiration.Around year 2100,the simulations the model forced by different land use scenarios diverged markedly,by about 70 Pg (C) in terms of biomass and soil carbon stock but they differed only by about 10 ppmv in terms of atmospheric carbon dioxide content.  相似文献   
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