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This study measured the concentration of heavy metal elements in atmospheric aerosol samples collected between July 2004 and April 2006 at a remote site on Mt. Muztagata (38°17'N, 75°01'E, 4430 m), in the Eastern Pamirs. Inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy (ICP–MS) results show that the air at Muztagata contains low concentrations of As and heavy metal elements (Cr, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb, and Bi), comparable with those in the Arctic — far lower than in heavily populated or industrialized areas. Observed enrichment factor (EF) values greater than 10 for those elements suggest partly anthropogenic sources. Seasonal variations in the concentrations of Zn, Cd, Pb, Bi, and As resemble those of crustal Al, with greater concentrations during the summer but lower ones in winter. Our results reveal that the background atmosphere in remote inner Asia is only weakly affected by anthropogenic pollution, and demonstrate that high heavy metal concentrations occur during summer but with greater EF values during the winter. The air mass back-trajectory analyses suggest that pollution from West Asia, Central Asia, and South Asia are the main possible source areas that contribute to the heavy metals in aerosols at Muztagata.  相似文献   
With rapid development of microbiology on ex-treme environment, many microorganisms have been found on glacial surface and in deep glacier around the world. The extensive 16S rRNA sequence analysis of bacteria isolated from glacial samples indicates that the bacteria in ice are highly similar to those from ocean, lake, terrestrial sediment and agricultural soil on the earth[1,2]. This suggests a close relationship be-tween the microorganisms in glacial region and those in other environments s…  相似文献   
Triassic radiolarians were studied from a limestone/chert succession of the Dzhangisu and Boztere formations, Southeastern Pamirs, Republic of Tajikistan. The middle part of the Dzhangisu Formation is characterized by a Late Anisian assemblage with Eptingium nakasekoi Kozur and Mostler, Archaeospongoprunum bispinosum Kozur and Mostler, A. mesotriassicum mesotriassicum Kozur and Mostler, Paroertlispongus multispinosus Kozur and Mostler, P. rarispinosus Kozur and Mostler and Hozmadia rotunda (Nakaseko and Nishimura) that belongs either to the upper part of the Tetraspinocyrtis laevis Zone or to the Spongosilicarmiger transitus Zone (Kozur, 2003). The lowermost part of the Boztere Formation is characterized by a Late Ladinian assemblage with Muelleritortis cochleata (Nakaseko and Nishimura), M. expansa (Kozur and Mostler), Spongoserrula rarauana Dumitrica that corresponds to the M. cochleata Zone. Pamirian localities have a transitional position between the Western Tethys (Alpine–Mediterranean region) and the Eastern Tethys–Pacific junction (Southern China and Thailand). The assemblages are Tethyan in affinity.  相似文献   
中国帕米尔高原种子植物区系的特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国帕米尔高原约有种子植物963种(包括变种),隶属59科303属。其中裸子植物3科、3属、12种,被子植物56科、300属、951种。在区系科属分级水平上,寡种科、单种科占绝对优势,超过50种的大科仅有4科,分别占总属数、总种数的40.26%和46.21%,区系优势现象十分明显;单种或少种属也较多,属种比值偏高,表明区系组成上的复杂性。在区系地理成分中则是以温带成分为主的北温带成分占主导地位,其次是旧世界温带分布成分和地中海、西亚至中亚成分,而热带成分十分微弱。  相似文献   
First data on Middle Triassic foraminifers of the southeastern Pamir are considered. The lower-middle Anisian sediments are reliably recognized within uniform limestone succession of the Karatash Group in the Southeastern Pamir based on found foraminiferal species Meandrospira deformata Salaj, Meandrospira cheni (Ho), Pilamminella ex gr. semiplana (Kochansky-Devide et Pantic), and Endotheba badouxi (Zaninetti et Bronnimann). The lower-middle Anisian Meandrospira deformata Zone is defined and the Karatash Group is subdivided into the Khan (lower) and Yulla (upper) formations. The foraminifers found imply their migration between the western (Alps, Carpathians, Balkans) and eastern (South China platform, Malaysia, Japan) Tethys across the southeastern Pamir region. Characteristic species of the genus Meandrospira recorded in the southeastern Pamirs are described with specifying their taxonomic scope.  相似文献   
中国帕米尔高原种子植物组成及其资源分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
经调查中国帕米尔高原共有种子植物530种,隶属于43科201属。由于地处高寒大陆性环境,帕米尔高原种子植物已集中于有限的少数科。科与属的种类组成均反映出该地区植物区系的过渡性,多数属、种已位于其分布区的边缘。该地区野生植物资源较为丰富,有可食用植物22种,饲用植物66种,观赏植物52种,药用植物约有13种。这些极端环境条件下的植物资源具有重要的经济意义和科研价值。  相似文献   
中国帕米尔高原植物的初步研究   总被引:13,自引:4,他引:9  
新疆西南部与塔吉克斯坦、阿富汗、巴基斯坦等国交界的天山、昆仑山、喀喇昆仑山和兴都库什山交汇的大山结,高原海拔3000~7000m以上,平均高度4000m。经初步考察研究,共有高等植物531种,隶属48科204属。其中,蕨类3科3属5种,裸子植物3科3属9种,单子叶植物9科39属137种,双子叶植物33科159属380种。并对高原产特有属、种,新疆仅分布种,高原植物与分布区类型及生活型等特点进行了分析。  相似文献   
本文结合标本和实地考察,对中国帕米尔高原毛茛科植物进行了形态分类学研究,结果表明:中国帕米尔高原毛茛科植物计有13属、35种2变种,分别占新疆毛茛科属、种总数的59.1%和26.5%。其中发现新疆帕米尔新记录属1属、新纪录种15种。该地区毛茛科植物中有帕米尔特有种1种,新疆特有种3种,中国乌恰仅分布种2种,中国帕米尔仅分布种4种,中国新疆仅分布种10种,特有种与仅分布种共占57.1%,比例较高。  相似文献   
中国帕米尔高原菊科植物区系分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
菊科是中国帕米尔高原第一大科,共有36属139种及1亚种5变种,植物生活型以地面芽植物为主,高达85.6%;中国帕米尔高原菊科植物区系地理成分多样,有8个分布类型和6个变型,温带性质明显,以北温带为主,缺乏热带分布型和中国特有分布型;与其它植物区系相比,西帕米尔与中国帕米尔的相似系数最高;该区菊科植物特有现象不明显.  相似文献   
南天山及帕米尔高原现代地壳水平形变   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对南天山及帕米尔高原GPS监测网的观测,获得了该地区的现今地壳形变速率图、基线变化图、应变图及主要地质构造带的断裂位移。结果表明,南天山及帕米尔地区地壳运动幅度较大,受印度板块的推挤作用,地壳正快速缩短变形,并且该区域的地壳形变具有自西向东、自南向北减弱的特点。另外,南天山地震断裂带以每年5~10mm的速度吸收来自帕米尔高原向北推挤的运动速率。通过研究还发现,喀什以西地区是强剪应力汇集的地区,地壳活动极其复杂、强烈。  相似文献   
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