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This paper discusses findings from a small‐scale study of the impact on child protection practice following implementation of the Children (Scotland) Act 1995. The Act introduced three new measures to allow the state to intervene in families to protect a child where there is a risk of significant harm. These include the child protection order, the child assessment order and the exclusion order. The child protection order provides for the removal of a child to (or his or her retention in) a place of safety. In the first two years of the operation of the 1995 Act fewer applications were made for this order compared with similar provisions under the previous legislation. This reduction in applications appears to be related to unfamiliarity with new legislation; greater scrutiny resulting from the more formal application to the sheriff court; and the introduction of a new legal criterion for intervention, the presence or likelihood of ‘significant harm’. The introduction of the ‘no order’ principle into Scottish child care law is also likely to be a factor.  相似文献   
Environmental policymakers and regulators are often in the position of having to prioritize their actions across a diverse range of environmental pressures to secure environmental protection and improvements. Information on environmental issues to inform this type of strategic analysis can be disparate; it may be too voluminous or even absent. Data on a range of issues are rarely presented in a common format that allows easy analysis and comparison. Nevertheless, judgments are required on the significance of various environmental pressures and on the inherent uncertainties to inform strategic assessments such as “state of the environment” reports. How can decisionmakers go about this type of strategic and comparative risk analysis? In an attempt to provide practical tools for the analysis of environmental risks at a strategic level, the Environment Agency of England and Wales has conducted a program of developmental research on strategic risk assessment since 1996. The tools developed under this program use the concept of “environmental harm” as a common metric, viewed from technical, social, and economic perspectives, to analyze impacts from a range of environmental pressures. Critical to an informed debate on the relative importance of these perspectives is an understanding and analysis of the various characteristics of harm (spatial and temporal extent, reversibility, latency, etc.) and of the social response to actual or potential environmental harm from a range of hazards. Recent developments in our approach, described herein, allow a presentation of the analysis in a structured fashion so as to better inform risk‐management decisions.  相似文献   
女性因情致罪的社会学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从女性因情致罪的现状出发,在分析其对社会、家庭及个人的危害的基础上对其原因作出了社会的、心理的探讨,并粗略地提出了防范对策,旨在促进女性的身心健康,防范女性犯罪,稳定社会秩序.  相似文献   
关于治理我国商业贿赂行为的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着市场竞争的日益激烈,商业贿赂行为在我国一些行业、领域频繁发生,造成了严重的社会危害,已经成为我国社会经济生活中的一个突出问题。正确认识其社会危害,尽快完善我国反商业贿赂行为的治理措施,对于建立良好的市场竞争秩序,推动我国社会主义市场经济的健康发展,是十分必要和紧迫的。  相似文献   
外来物种入侵的生态危害   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
外来物种是指某种生物从原来的分布区域扩展到了一个新的地区,在新的区域里进行繁殖扩散并维持下去。这些外来物种会对入侵地的生态环境及生物多样性造成极其严重的威胁和破坏。  相似文献   
我国现行野生动物致害补偿的法律制度存在严重的缺陷和不足,既不利于弥补受害人的损失,也不利于对野生动物的保护。因此,必须尽快完善相关的法律制度,促进野生动物的有效保护以及人与动物的和谐相处。  相似文献   
“官本位”意识的产生与封建等级制度密切相关 ,其思想基础就是封建等级观念。“官本位”意识是官僚主义、形式主义的思想根源。要刹住官僚主义、形式主义这两股歪风 ,必须采取有力措施消除“官本位”意识  相似文献   
本文从分析吉林省高校学生具备的毒品知识水平调查结果入手,用抽样统计数据反映了当前我省大学生对毒品认识的总体状况和掌握毒品知识的总体水平。通过介绍当前高校面临的毒品入侵风险,结合新型毒品的蔓延趋势,论述了高校开设毒品知识课程的重要性、现实性、必要性,并对开展高校毒品知识教育的方式方法、手段途径等进行了探讨。  相似文献   
腐败是文明社会的毒瘤,是党和国家健康肌体的腐化剂.腐败的危害是巨大的,腐败会严重削弱党和政府的威信,直接危及政治稳定,会制约社会经济发展,扰乱社会经济秩序,阻碍社会经济改革的进程.腐败会造成社会思想混乱,造成社会整体道德水平滑坡,对社会心理稳定造成冲击等等.因此深入推进反腐倡廉工作具有重大意义.  相似文献   
市场经济中个人信用缺失的危害与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
良好的个人信用在中国传统文化中始终占有重要的地位。进入市场经济后的中国面临个人信用缺失的严重危害。信用缺失造成国家宏观调控政策失调 ;破坏正常的市场经济秩序 ;影响社会改革和发展政策的推进 ;加大银行运营风险 ;形成道德风险 ,影响社会安定。必须加强全社会的道德建设  相似文献   
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