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依据高精度三维地震资料与前人对金湖凹陷乃至苏北盆地构造的分析成果,在构造理论指导下应用构造解析方法,对铜城断层构造特征与成因进行研究。结果表明:铜城断层近SN延伸,断面具"丝带效应",其东、西两盘诸断层发育规模、活动性和剖面样式有所差异,铜城断层与两盘断层不具成因上的"世代关系",但具有构造分区作用;区域应力和先存构造是影响铜城断层形成与演化的主要因素;古新世—早始新世NW—SE向伸展作用时,铜城断层为具有调节作用的变换断层,并不受郯庐断裂的走滑作用影响,中始新世近SN向伸展作用下,又叠加以主动走滑性质,断层规模扩大,渐新世至早中新世近EW向挤压应力造成南段断面倒转而呈"逆断层"特征;铜城断层形成于伸展环境,在挤压环境中受到局部改造,具有走滑性质、多期活动、逐次发育特征。  相似文献   
王岩  刘少峰  付碧宏  邢树文 《地球科学》2015,40(6):953-964, 1060
龙门山是青藏高原周边山脉中地形梯度变化最大的山脉.利用数字高程模型(digital elevation models, DEM),采用三维残余面法恢复龙门山晚新生代古残余面DEM,并与现代地形面做差值运算,得到研究区域的剥蚀量地形,进而定量估算青衣江、岷江、沱江和涪江主要水系流域晚新生代的地表剥蚀量.结果表明:龙门山晚新生代地表剥蚀总量为80 500~92 800 km3;岷江流域对龙门山地区剥蚀量贡献率约33.9%~37.1%,其次为涪江(33.6%~38.4%)、青衣江(24.1%~31.9%),沱江流域贡献率为0.4%~0.6%;类似2008年“5·12”汶川地震的次生灾害引发的地表快速剥蚀,是青藏高原东缘龙门山造山带晚新生代地表剥蚀的主要原因.   相似文献   
动物群化石组合通常被用来限定地层的相对年代,但很难给出地质事件的精确时间.电子自旋共振(ESR)方法能够对化石样品本身直接测年,测年范围可以覆盖更新世和上新世.ESR化石测年的难点之一在于化石中铀放射性衰变体系的开放性.通过与铀系分析相结合,可以更精确的重建牙齿化石中铀元素的迁移过程,进而获得更可靠的年龄.本文对ESR化石测年方法进行了介绍,并展示了该方法在国内外动物群年代学研究中的一些应用.通过与生物地层学相结合,ESR化石测年方法为晚新生代地质和动物考古学年代学研究提供了一种更直接的绝对测年手段.  相似文献   
利用二维地震资料探讨南海南部北康前隆的迁移现象及其对形成油气圈闭的影响。在南沙海域,早中新世不整合(EMU)是一个区域性不整合面,EMU之上的地层可以简单归结为披覆层系和水平层系。披覆层系直接覆盖在EMU上,具有连续薄层的平行地震反射特征,向南东方向加厚,属于悬浮沉积;而水平层系同期充填在低凹处,不断上超和覆盖早期的披覆层系,厚层状,呈不连续或弱反射特征,属于浊积物与悬浮物的混合沉积。通过上超反射终止的迁移和披覆层系的加厚两个特征判断,中中新世以来北康前隆在向上隆升的同时不断向南东方向迁移,反映了南沙海域减薄的陆壳有一个强烈挠曲和均衡反弹过程。前隆的迁移留下了一系列的古潜山,披覆层系和水平层系是很好的盖层,有利于圈闭的形成。  相似文献   
《China Geology》2020,3(4):591-601
The Sichuan Basin is one of the vital basins in China, boasting abundant hydrocarbon reservoirs. To clarify the intensity of the tectonic stress field of different tectonic episodes since the Mesozoic and to identify the regional dynamic background of different tectonic movements in the Sichuan Basin and its adjacent areas, the characteristics of the acoustic emission in rocks in different strata of these areas were researched in this paper. Meanwhile, the tectonic stress magnitude in these areas since the Mesozoic was restored. The laws state that the tectonic stress varied with depth was revealed, followed by the discussion of the influence of structural stress intensity on structural patterns in different tectonic episodes. These were conducted based on the paleostress measurement by acoustic emission method and the inversion principle of the stress fields in ancient periods and the present, as well as previous research achievements. The results of this paper demonstrate that the third episode of Yanshanian Movement (Yanshanian III) had the maximum activity intensity and tremendously influenced the structural pattern in the study area. The maximum horizontal principal stress of Yanshanian III varied with depth as follows: 0.0168 x + 37.001 (MPa), R2 = 0.8891. The regional structural fractures were mainly formed in Yanshanian III in Xujiahe Formation, west Sichuan Basin, of which the maximum paleoprincipal stress ranging from 85.1 MPa to 120.1 MPa. In addition, the law stating the present maximum horizontal principal stress varies with depth was determined to be 0.0159 x+10.221 (MPa), R2=0.7868 in Wuling Mountain area. Meanwhile, it was determined to be 0.0221 x+9.4733 (MPa), R2=0.9121 in the western part of Xuefeng Mountain area and 0.0174 x+10.247 (MPa), R2=0.8064 in the whole study area. These research results will not only provide data for the simulation of stress field, the evaluation of deformation degree, and the prediction of structural fractures, but also offer absolute geological scientific bases for the elevation of favorable shale gas preservation.  相似文献   
杨贵丽 《特种油气藏》2011,18(1):40-43,136,137
在明确桥东油田构造发育特征的基础上,利用平衡剖面技术对其新生代构造演化过程进行了恢复,明确了构造演化对桥东油田油气成藏的控制作用。桥东油田处于一个由5条北西向主断层及一系列次级断层组成的复杂断裂构造带上,5条主断层表现出由北向南逐渐迁移的活动特征,控制了本区的构造与地层发育特征,对青南生烃洼陷的形成、储盖组合的发育、圈闭的形成以及油气的运聚成藏均具有重要的控制作用。  相似文献   
甫沙-克里阳地区位于西昆仑山弧形构造带的东段,是研究西昆仑山前冲断带变形特征的关键区域。在详细地面地质调查和钻井分析的基础上,利用最近完成的高分辨率地震资料,对甫沙-克里阳地区的新生代构造变形特征进行了研究。认为研究区自南向北由甫沙、柯克亚和固满-合什塔格3排构造带组成,其中甫沙构造带的结构特征在横向上有较大差异;3排构造带变形时间由南向北变新,冲断带表现为“前展式”的变形,同一排构造带的变形存在着由西向东迁移的特征;研究区新生代总缩短量为54.5km,缩短率为35.9%;新生代构造变形对研究区的油气聚集具有重要的控制作用,甫沙构造带的深层构造是下一步最有利的勘探领域。  相似文献   
从"两欠"贵州发展的实际出发,旨在揭示城乡二元结构下新生代农民工与城市居民的关系形态,并着重探讨两者之间的不和谐、不协调乃至矛盾与冲突。从新生代农民工与城市居民之间的态度评价看,呈现出彼此"肯定"的倾向,但同时又存在着明显的"对立情绪",进而造成双方的排斥性心理;从矛盾冲突看,表现为两者之间的不协调、不信任、相互排斥;从失调原因看,主要源于社会互动有限、利益冲突明显、政策歧视存在、"二元心理"突出。提出认真理顺工作思路,坚持科学决策;校正舆论导向,营造社会氛围;优化管理体系,提高服务水平;深化制度改革,消除政策排斥等方面的对策及建议。  相似文献   
Constraints on the early uplift history of the Tibetan Plateau   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
The surface uplift history of the Tibetan Plateau and Himalaya is among the most interesting topics in geosciences because of its effect on regional and global climate during Cenozoic time, its influence on monsoon intensity, and its reflection of the dynamics of continental plateaus. Models of plateau growth vary in time, from pre-India-Asia collision (e.g., approximately 100 Ma ago) to gradual uplift after the India-Asia collision (e.g., approximately 55 Ma ago) and to more recent abrupt uplift (<7 Ma ago), and vary in space, from northward stepwise growth of topography to simultaneous surface uplift across the plateau. Here, we improve that understanding by presenting geologic and geophysical data from north-central Tibet, including magnetostratigraphy, sedimentology, paleocurrent measurements, and (40)Ar/(39)Ar and fission-track studies, to show that the central plateau was elevated by 40 Ma ago. Regions south and north of the central plateau gained elevation significantly later. During Eocene time, the northern boundary of the protoplateau was in the region of the Tanggula Shan. Elevation gain started in pre-Eocene time in the Lhasa and Qiangtang terranes and expanded throughout the Neogene toward its present southern and northern margins in the Himalaya and Qilian Shan.  相似文献   
本研究先后共选取采自渤海湾盆地垦利构造带的221块样品进行系统古生物分析,其中孢粉藻类样品130块(岩屑),介形类、轮藻、腹足类样品90块(岩屑),钙质超微样品1块,揭示了不同时期沉积序列的生物演化规律及其环境指示意义.深入剖析这些生储油层位的微体古生物群组合,进而揭示了区域古环境特征,对于开展区域地层对比,指导油气勘探和生烃潜力评价等都具有重要的意义.  相似文献   
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