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阶地型古老滑坡体形成后,长期受各种营力影响,导致古老滑坡地貌形态破坏严重甚至消失。目前遥感技术和普通工程地质调绘很难发现这些滑坡的存在,给工程建设和后期运营造成较大安全隐患。为准确识别形态特征不明显的古老滑坡体,从阶地物质结构特征演变入手,找到阶地受剪切破坏产生的典型物质结构特征,将地层结构错断、卵砾石异常定向排列、摩擦镜面和泥包粒的眼球构造等作为滑坡准确识别依据。首先采用沿沟谷进行工程地质测绘的纵横交错追踪法确定滑坡体纵向范围和滑面形状,再结合地貌特征推测各级、块滑坡平面范围和分布,最后用点状勘探工程验证和校正推测结论。可将其总结为由"地貌异常、沿沟追踪、面上推断、点状校验"组成的阶地型滑坡识别方法,即物质结构异常推断法。结合线状工程勘察设计各阶段工作特点,提出线状工程前期工作中阶地型滑坡识别步骤,并在临渭高速公路工程建设项目中取得成功应用。  相似文献   
采用3类InSAR产品和DEM数据开展金沙江流域乌东德水电站段的潜在滑坡探测,成功识别出多处已知和未知的滑坡点,并探测出滑坡体的形态及稳定性,提供了一种高效的大范围滑坡探测技术。同时采用小基线集InSAR技术对金坪子滑坡进行监测,不仅获得该滑坡的空间分区特征,也获取重点滑坡区的时间序列结果,并且与地面监测结果比较,精度达1.8 cm。展示了不同InSAR技术在不同尺度滑坡调查与监测中的应用特点。  相似文献   
韩冬冬  门玉明  胡兆江 《岩土力学》2020,41(4):1189-1194
通过滑坡防治格构锚固大型物理模型试验,分析了土质滑坡格构锚杆体系在坡顶荷载下的变形和位移,揭示了格构锚杆的抗滑机制,探讨了锚固力与坡体位移及锚杆变形的关系,提出了极限锚固力的计算方法。结果表明:滑坡滑动时,格构梁与坡体整体发生旋转滑移,锚杆在滑面处发生了弯曲变形,处于弯曲和轴向拉伸组合变形状态;格构锚杆的抗滑作用表现为锚杆在滑面处的抗剪抗滑和锚杆格构梁的挡土阻滑;格构锚杆的极限锚固力由初始预应力、锚杆弯曲变形引起锚拉力、坡体位移引起锚拉力三部分组成,可通过公式 计算。该研究结果可为格构锚固体系的优化设计提供一定的参考。  相似文献   
位于中国和尼泊尔边境的西藏樟木口岸是国家一类陆路通商口岸,也是西藏最大的边贸中心口岸。2015年尼泊尔大地震之后,西藏樟木口岸因多次发生滑坡灾害,而导致口岸关闭。为了调查樟木口岸区域滑坡灾害的分布和变形情况及更好的服务于区域减灾防灾,利用InSAR技术对覆盖该区域的Sentinel-1A和ALOS-2两种卫星影像数据进行了处理,并通过分析视线向年均形变速率图,圈定了17处疑似滑坡,并对其中的5处典型滑坡进行时间序列形变特征分析,监测识别出的滑坡基本沿318国道所在一侧的波曲河左岸分布。InSAR调查结果表明受地震影响樟木地区的滑坡多分布在沿波曲河左岸的陡峭山体上,中尼公路迪斯岗至友谊桥段的古滑坡出现了局部复活的现象,同时樟木镇居民所在的城区也发育有扎美拉山危岩体崩塌滑坡灾害。   相似文献   
SAR影像中叠掩与阴影区域的识别 ——以湖北巴东为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
SAR影像中叠掩和阴影区域的识别是滑坡监测中的首要工作,本文针对这一工作利用雷达卫星成像时的几何模型与图像处理中形态学方法综合识别叠掩与阴影区域,以ALOS-2数据为例,对比该地区雷达强度图像,验证了本文试验方法的可靠性。  相似文献   
Strain style, magnitude and distribution within mass‐transport complexes (MTCs) are important for understanding the process evolution of submarine mass flows and for estimating their runout distances. Structural restoration and quantification of strain in gravitationally driven passive margins have been shown to approximately balance between updip extensional and downdip contractional domains; such an exercise has not yet been attempted for MTCs. We here interpret and structurally restore a shallowly buried (c. 1,500 mbsf) and well‐imaged MTC, offshore Uruguay using a high‐resolution (12.5 m vertical and 15 × 12.5 m horizontal resolution) three‐dimensional seismic‐reflection survey. This allows us to characterise and quantify vertical and lateral strain distribution within the deposit. Detailed seismic mapping and attribute analysis shows that the MTC is characterised by a complicated array of kinematic indicators, which vary spatially in style and concentration. Seismic‐attribute extractions reveal several previously undocumented fabrics preserved in the MTC, including internal shearing in the form of sub‐orthogonal shear zones, and fold‐thrust systems within the basal shear zone beneath rafted‐blocks. These features suggest multiple transport directions and phases of flow during emplacement. The MTC is characterised by a broadly tripartite strain distribution, with extensional (e.g. normal faults), translational and contractional (e.g. folds and thrusts) domains, along with a radial frontally emergent zone. We also show how strain is preferentially concentrated around intra‐MTC rafted‐blocks due to their kinematic interactions with the underlying basal shear zone. Overall, and even when volume loss within the frontally emergent zone is included, a strain difference between extension (1.6–1.9 km) and contraction (6.7–7.3 km) is calculated. We attribute this to a combination of distributed, sub‐seismic, ‘cryptic’ strain, likely related to de‐watering, grain‐scale deformation and related changes in bulk sediment volume. This work has implications for assessing MTCs strain distribution and provides a practical approach for evaluating structural interpretations within such deposits.  相似文献   
李洋溢  袁通  秦鲜卓 《科技和产业》2021,21(11):326-332
受地形地质条件、工程经济以及勘察深度等因素的制约,山岭重丘区隧道不可避免地会受到各种不良地质灾害的影响.为解决隧道穿越洞口浅埋段滑坡体的施工安全问题,以乐业至百色高速公路永乐隧道工程为研究背景,针对其地形地质条件及滑坡体情况,结合洞内变形与滑坡体变形相互作用机理,对隧道穿越洞口浅埋段滑坡体施工关键技术进行研究,并针对性地提出"洞外加固处治+洞内严格控制沉降"的综合处治方案.实践结果表明,本隧道工程穿越洞口浅层滑坡体的施工过程安全顺利,采取的施工控制措施方案实施效果良好.  相似文献   
在采用条分法计算滑坡体稳定性时,条分数对计算结果影响很大,尤其是圆弧型滑坡。在圆弧型滑坡中曲率半径直接决定了滑坡体的实际形态,影响条块的划分。条块划分越密,计算的滑面形态越接近真实滑面,计算结果越精确。为探索曲率半径对滑坡体稳定性影响的规律,采用传递系数法对不同曲率半径的滑坡进行稳定性计算。结果表明,稳定性系数随曲率半径的增大而减小并逐渐趋于平缓。进而根据现行规范,提出了曲率半径与条分数的拟合公式,建立了统一的条分原则,有效提高了稳定性的计算速度与精度。  相似文献   
In this study, a detailed database of landslides triggered by the 25 April 2015 Gorkha (Nepal)MW7.8 earthquake is constructed based on visual interpretation of pre- and post-earthquake high-resolution satellite images and field reconnaissance. Results show the earthquake triggered at least 47 200 landslides, which have a NWW direction spatial distribution, similar with the location and strike of the seismogenic fault. The landslides are of a total area about 110km2 and an oval distribution area about 35 700km2. On the basis of a scale relationship between landslide area (A)and volume (V), V=1.314 7×A1.208 5, the total volume of the coseismic landslides is estimated to be about 9.64×108m3. In the oval landslide distribution area, the landslide number density, area density, and volume density were calculated and the results are 1.32km-2, 0.31%, and 0.027m, respectively. This study provides a detailed and objective inventory of landslides triggered by the Gorkha earthquake, which provides very important and essential basic data for study of mechanics of coseismic landslides, spatial pattern, distribution law, and hazard assessment. In addition, the landslide database related to an individual earthquake also provides an important earthquake case in a subduction zone for studying landslides related to multiple earthquakes from a global perspective.  相似文献   
北京时间2017年6月24日5时39分左右,四川省茂县叠溪镇新磨村发生大型岩质滑坡.体积约4.3×106 m3的巨型岩体从山顶脱落,顺坡滑行约2.6 km后破碎沉积;碎屑物掩埋了整个新磨村,造成了巨大的人员伤亡和财产损失.本文使用来自滑坡周围的10个地震台站的宽频带观测资料的长周期信号反演了这次滑坡的受力时间函数;同时使用逐步细化的格点搜索方法得到了滑坡的位置,与其真实位置一致;根据反演的受力时间函数计算了滑坡过程中滑体的运动学参数,得到的滑体运动轨迹与实际路径吻合.综合分析地震信号、受力时间函数和运动学参数表明,本次滑坡主运动的持续时间约为79 s;脱落岩体在5∶38∶50.2启动后持续加速,在5∶39∶37.2达到速度峰值,约为52.1 m·s-1;这段时间内岩体没有明显的破碎;之后,岩体开始铲刮并裹挟古滑坡造成的碎屑沉积物,自身也开始破碎解体,总体开始减速运动,直到5∶40∶9.2主运动停止;此后,小规模的碎屑散落又持续了约10 s的时间.  相似文献   
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