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唐栋 《体育世界》2009,(6):15-16
维持学生终生进行体育锻炼和学习的重要动力就是体育兴趣。研究认为高校的现行教材内容、教学方法、成绩评定等因素对高校学生的体育兴趣影响明显。应从构建新的教材体系、发挥学生主体性、改革评价方式等方面来提高学生的体育学习兴趣。  相似文献   

传统的学生体育效果评价方法,是以运动项目测验的成绩给学生评分,这种方法只是描述学生的个体水平及其在群体中所处的位置,不能客观地反映学生学习前后的变化,作为体育效果评价不够合理。将学生个体在学习过程中变化程度的指标,纳人体育成绩评定内容,对学生的体育效果评价才能更准确。目标评价方法是基于此目的而提出的一种体育效果评价法。一、目标评价的内容和方法 1.目标评价的指标采用运动能力测定指标和目标等级指标。运动能力指标是运动项目按照考试评分标准所测定的成绩:目标等级指标是以考试评分标准为依  相似文献   

学生体育成绩的评定是学生学习的行为及其效果,对学生体育成绩进行评价,主要是被评价的学生在评价过程中利用反馈的各种信息,不断地总结经验,改进学习方法,提高体育锻炼的热情,保证学生养成终身体育锻炼的习惯。学校开展阳光体育背景下对学生体育成绩的评价没有一整套评价体系满足当前形势的需要,因此,通过对目前对学生体育成绩评价的本质和内涵进行剖析,构建出符合现实需要的阳光体育成绩量化标准,旨在理论和实践上对今后高校开展阳光体育提供理论指导。  相似文献   

普通高校发展性学生体育评价方法的实验与探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校学生体育课程学习评价方法的改革,是高校体育课程与教学改革的重要内容之一。实验证明:普通高校学生体育课程学习采用发展性评价并辅之于教学方法手段的改革,能有效激发学生对学习体育的主动性和积极性,使学生在学习过程中自然而然地掌握体育锻炼的方法与手段,提高运动技能和身体素质,养成终身体育的意识与习惯。  相似文献   

正确评价学生的体育成绩,不仅能正确地反映学生的学习效果,而且还有利于教与学方法的改进,从而激发学生学习体育知识与技能的积极性。运用文献资料法、实地访谈法、问卷调查法、数理统计法等方法,随机抽取大理大学公共体育的学生200人进行问卷调查,针对现行的大理大学公共体育课成绩评价体系的实施情况进行调查研究。由调查结果可知,现行的大理大学体育科学学院公共体育课成绩评价体系(考勤∶着装∶课余量跑∶体育理论知识∶心肺机能∶技术与技能=1∶1∶1∶1∶2∶4)在现阶段能够基本满足公共体育课的成绩评价。  相似文献   

传统的体育学习评价是以统一的《国家体育锻炼标准》来衡量所有学生,过于注重对结果的评价,忽视了对学生实际能力、学习态度的综合考查,仅仅是一种甄别和选拔的工具。久而久之,学生丧失了对体育的兴趣。而本文所论述的新课标下的评价方法给学生体育成绩评价注入了新的生命,使评价更具体,更科学,更能反映对学生的综合能力的考查,从而指导课堂教学来体现学生的主体地位,有利于激发学生的体育兴趣。  相似文献   

1.1教育目标与评价手段的不一致在高校体育教学,我们对于体育课的教育目标是建立长远的终身的体育学习习惯,让学生爱上体育运动,而对于体育课程成绩的考核,也是进行教学质量的检测的一个方式之一,老师可以根据考核的结果来调整体育教学的方法,探索出一个真正适合高校学生的体育教学模式.但是在教学中,考核的手段往往变成老师压迫学生取得体育好成绩为目的的体育教学。  相似文献   

体育学习评价是指对学生从事体育学习的具体情况进行的一种评价,它既包括对学生体育学习过程的评价,又包括对学生体育学习结果的评价。体育学习评价是体育教学评价的一个重要方面,能反映学生体育学习的基本情况,为改进教学提供依据,并对学生的体育学习起到诊断、激励和教育的作用。  相似文献   

本文通过查阅文献资料,在结合国内外先进的高校学生体育成绩评价理论的基础上,将《学生体质健康标准》与《国家体育锻炼标准》的评价内容、评价标准等进行对比分析,以期找出现阶段我国学校体育教学评价在教学改革的实施中还存在的问题。  相似文献   

本文通过查阅文献资料,在结合国内外先进的高校学生体育成绩评价理论的基础上,将《学生体质健康标准》与《国家体育锻炼标准》的评价内容、评价标准等进行对比分析,以期找出现阶段我国学校体育教学评价在教学改革的实施中存在的问题。  相似文献   

Students' learning style preferences have been widely adapted into teaching and learning environments. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between self-reported and assessed learning style preferences (visual, auditory, reading/writing, kinesthetic: VARK) on performance in different types of multiple-choice examinations (T1: text only format and T2: visual format) given in an introductory biomechanics class. Students who enrolled in three biomechanics classes at a state university were recruited to participate in the study. Ninety students (47 males and 43 females) completed a learning style survey and two types of examinations. Results showed that approximately half of the students were assessed and self-reported as kinesthetic for their preferred learning style. There was no significant difference in test performance between students who preferred visual and reading/writing learning styles (self-reported and assessed). These students demonstrated similar learning and comprehension of biomechanical concepts regardless of whether the test material was presented in their preferred sensory mode or not. Interestingly, female students' perceptions of their learning style preference may have a positive effect on the test results when the test is presented in their preferred format.  相似文献   

藏族大学生在大学体育足球课程的学习中有些明显的特点,主要表现有:藏族大学生的认知方式倾向于场依存型,足球运动中耐力及跑动能力较强,但同时注意力集中时间短,易懈怠,小场地比赛的足球教学模式更易激发其学习主动性。挖掘学生的身体和性格优势,提高学习效果。  相似文献   

Students' learning style preferences have been widely adapted into teaching and learning environments. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between self-reported and assessed learning style preferences (visual, auditory, reading/writing, kinesthetic: VARK) on performance in different types of multiple-choice examinations (T1: text only format and T2: visual format) given in an introductory biomechanics class. Students who enrolled in three biomechanics classes at a state university were recruited to participate in the study. Ninety students (47 males and 43 females) completed a learning style survey and two types of examinations. Results showed that approximately half of the students were assessed and self-reported as kinesthetic for their preferred learning style. There was no significant difference in test performance between students who preferred visual and reading/writing learning styles (self-reported and assessed). These students demonstrated similar learning and comprehension of biomechanical concepts regardless of whether the test material was presented in their preferred sensory mode or not. Interestingly, female students' perceptions of their learning style preference may have a positive effect on the test results when the test is presented in their preferred format.  相似文献   

我国高等院校招收优秀运动员现状的调查   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
高校高水平运动员的招生必须兼顾高校高水平运动队建设的短期效应和长远发展,一方面要针对当前的实际情况,以充分共享体育系统运动员资源为主,加快高校高水平运动队的建设,特别是要重视高校与运动队的共建,以确保教育系统承担和完成参加世界大赛的任务;另一方面要制定有利于鼓励中、小学开展学校竞技体育后备人才培养的招生政策,形成以高校为龙头,大、中、小学“一条龙”的学校竞技体育后备人才培养体系。  相似文献   

本文以山西师范大学体育学院的平时成绩评定方法为研究对象,通过问卷调查法、访谈法、文献资料法和数理统计法对现行平时成绩评定方法进行研究分析,发现其尚且存在平时成绩与自身真实水平有差距、有些学生学习的积极性下降、学习动力不足、一些教师的课堂表现成绩给定不公、完成作业态度不端正等问题,并得出一些结论。如:现行平时成绩评定方法使得平时成绩有了量化的统一标准,学生对其满意度很高,但有些学生觉得评定过程不够透明;学生为了自身发展、为了理想目标的实现学习动力很足,但有些学生动力不足;大多数学生能认真完成作业,但有些学生应付差事,出现抄袭作业现象。针对这些问题进行原因分析,并提出改进意见,从而提高学生学习的积极性、端正其学习态度、激发学习动机、提高学习成绩。  相似文献   

通过采用文献资料法、测量法、数据统计法等方法对体育教育专业大学生现在学习自我效能感和未来学习自我效能感在年级和性别上的特点进行相关研究并提出针对体育教育专业大学生学习特点的教育对策,为广大体育教育专业学生提高文化课学习兴趣提供有意的帮助。结果表明:①男大学生比女大学生对未来学习上所取得的成就更为自信,女大学生认为现在的学习状况更有助于自己学习的提高。②大三学生普遍认为自己现在在学习上的成绩较为稳定;大二的学生认为在将来学习上能有所变化。  相似文献   

This research focuses on coworker learning and knowledge sharing amongst elite footballers. The authors provide an in-depth understanding on how elite footballers learn from their peers and which channels are used to share their knowledge. The authors also analyze how peer learning impacts an elite footballer’s development and performance and to what extent elite football clubs actively support peer learning. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews with 12 elite footballers from first and second division German Bundesliga clubs. The findings demonstrate that peers are very important sources of knowledge for elite footballers. There are four main knowledge sharing channels: observing/imitating, peer exchange/peer communication, labor mobility and knowledge brokers. The findings highlight the positive impact of knowledge sharing on elite players’ development and performance and call for future (knowledge) management tactics to specifically use this untapped potential.  相似文献   

本文运用文献资料法、实验法、问卷调查法、观察法和数据统计法,进行高校健美操选项课的新成绩评定方法的实验研究.实验结果表明,新成绩评定方法得到学生的认可,该方法激起学生的学习兴趁,提高学生的学习自信心,培养学生的创新能力;培养了学生的组织协调能力、团队合作精神;帮助学生掌握健美操技术技能,提高学习成绩.  相似文献   

We investigated the attention demands associated with implicit and explicit (motor) learning and performance using a probe reaction time paradigm. Two groups of participants learned a golf putting task over eight blocks of 50 trials performed from different distances. One group (errorless learning) began putting from the shortest distance (25 cm) and moved progressively back to the furthest distance (200 cm). A second group (errorful learning) began putting from the furthest distance (200 cm) and moved progressively closer (25 cm). Retention tests were used to assess learning in the two conditions, followed by transfer tests in which participants used either an unusual putter or a very unusual putter. Transfer to the unusual putters had an equivalent effect on the performance of both errorless and errorful learners, but probe reaction times were unaffected in the errorless learners, suggesting that execution of their movements was associated with reduced attention demands. Reducing errors during initial learning trials may encourage an implicit mode of learning and lower the demand for cognitive resources in subsequent performance.  相似文献   


We investigated the attention demands associated with implicit and explicit (motor) learning and performance using a probe reaction time paradigm. Two groups of participants learned a golf putting task over eight blocks of 50 trials performed from different distances. One group (errorless learning) began putting from the shortest distance (25 cm) and moved progressively back to the furthest distance (200 cm). A second group (errorful learning) began putting from the furthest distance (200 cm) and moved progressively closer (25 cm). Retention tests were used to assess learning in the two conditions, followed by transfer tests in which participants used either an unusual putter or a very unusual putter. Transfer to the unusual putters had an equivalent effect on the performance of both errorless and errorful learners, but probe reaction times were unaffected in the errorless learners, suggesting that execution of their movements was associated with reduced attention demands. Reducing errors during initial learning trials may encourage an implicit mode of learning and lower the demand for cognitive resources in subsequent performance.  相似文献   

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